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Photo, Print, Drawing [Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted in New Jersey on their way to Washington to present a petition to Congress Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted containing more than 500,000 signatures.]

About this Item


  • [Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted in New Jersey on their way to Washington to present a petition to Congress Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted containing more than 500,000 signatures.]

Created / Published

  • [1915 Nov.-Dec.]


  • -  Suffragists--United States--1910-1920
  • -  Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (U.S.)
  • -  Women--Suffrage--New Jersey
  • -  Photographs
  • -  United States -- New Jersey


  • Photographs


  • -  Title derived by Library of Congress staff.
  • -  Summary: Photograph of group of smiling women and two children standing with banners on sidewalk. Banner on left: "We demand an amendment to the United States Constitution enfranchising women." Banner on right: "Welcome Suffrage Envoys."


  • 1 photograph: print; 7.25 x 9.5 in.

Call Number/Physical Location

  • Location: National Woman's Party Records, Group I, Container I:159, Folder: Envoys from San Francisco

Source Collection

  • Records of the National Woman's Party


  • Manuscript Division

Digital Id

Online Format

  • image

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Researchers wishing to quote from or refer to special presentation features and pdfs included in this digital site should cite the title of the feature and the following digital collection information: Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Please include the URL of the web page being cited and the date of access. Citations to the individual photographs from the collection should include the photograph title and date, Records of the National Woman's Party, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Please see the bibliographic records for the individual photographs for further detail.


The Library of Congress has researched the contents of this collection to ascertain any possible legal rights embodied in the materials. Items included in this collection with the permission of right holders are listed below. For further use of reproduction of those items, please contact the rights holders listed.

Two photographs, "Muriel Lynch (and daughter?)," and "Dorothy Thompson, Journalist," made available here with permission from Bachrach Studio. 321 S. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

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Cite This Item

Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted in New Jersey on their way to Washington to present a petition to Congress Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted containing more than 500,000 signatures. New Jersey United States, 1915. [Nov.-Dec] Photograph.

APA citation style:

(1915) Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted in New Jersey on their way to Washington to present a petition to Congress Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted containing more than 500,000 signatures. New Jersey United States, 1915. [Nov.-Dec] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted in New Jersey on their way to Washington to present a petition to Congress Suffrage envoys from San Francisco greeted containing more than 500,000 signatures. [Nov.-Dec] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.