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Manuscript/Mixed Material Hans Peter Kraus Collection: Royal cedula to [Juan de Zumárraga], bishop of Mexico

About this Item


  • Hans Peter Kraus Collection: Royal cedula to [Juan de Zumárraga], bishop of Mexico


  • The Queen [Isabel, wife of Charles I of Spain]

Created / Published

  • Medina del Campo, January 10, 1532


  • -  Latin America--History
  • -  New Spain--Politics and government
  • -  Crusade Bulls
  • -  Indulgences
  • -  Manuscripts


  • Manuscripts


  • -  The Queen informs the bishop that the Pope has granted the bull of the Cruzada with the indulgences and favors contained in it, and the bishop of Zamora, commissary general of the Cruzada, has commanded that it be preached like previous bulls, and he has appointed Cristóbal de Haro and Juan López de Calatayud, freeholders of Burgos, as treasurers for the Spanish Indies. She commands that the bull be received with reverence and that the treasurers or their representatives be given every assistance, since the income is to be used to support the army which is in Africa.


  • 1 leaf

Source Collection

  • Hans Peter Kraus collection of Spanish American documents, 1433-1877


  • Manuscript Division

Digital Id

Online Format

  • pdf
  • image

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The materials in Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier are in the public domain and are free to use and reuse.

Credit Line: Library of Congress, Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier.

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

The Queen Isabel, Wife Of Charles I Of Spain. Hans Peter Kraus Collection: Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga, bishop of Mexico. Medina del Campo, 1532. Manuscript/Mixed Material.

APA citation style:

The Queen Isabel, W. O. C. I. O. S. (1532) Hans Peter Kraus Collection: Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga, bishop of Mexico. Medina del Campo. [Manuscript/Mixed Material] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

The Queen Isabel, Wife Of Charles I Of Spain. Hans Peter Kraus Collection: Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga, bishop of Mexico. Medina del Campo, 1532. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.