Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Matthew Fontaine Maury Papers: Miscellany, -1953; Writings by Maury; Report of Lieut. Matthew F. Maury, United States Navy, on the Loss of the United States Mail Steamer "Central America," under the Command of Commander William Lewis Herndon, United States Navy 1857, inscribed by President Che. 1885. Manuscript/Mixed Material.
APA citation style:
Maury, M. F. (1885) Matthew Fontaine Maury Papers: Miscellany, -1953; Writings by Maury; Report of Lieut. Matthew F. Maury, United States Navy, on the Loss of the United States Mail Steamer "Central America," under the Command of Commander William Lewis Herndon, United States Navy 1857, inscribed by President Che. [Manuscript/Mixed Material] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Matthew Fontaine Maury Papers: Miscellany, -1953; Writings by Maury; Report of Lieut. Matthew F. Maury, United States Navy, on the Loss of the United States Mail Steamer "Central America," under the Command of Commander William Lewis Herndon, United States Navy 1857, inscribed by President Che. 1885. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.