Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Coolidge, Calvin. Coolidge Speech: Address . . before the American Legion Convention at Omaha, Nebraska, October 6, . From Hand Copies: Speeches of President Coolidge, Preserved by Everett Sanders. In the Everett Sanders Papers. Government Printing Office, United States: District of Columbia: Washington, /10/06, 1925. Manuscript/Mixed Material.
APA citation style:
Coolidge, C. (1925) Coolidge Speech: Address . . before the American Legion Convention at Omaha, Nebraska, October 6, . From Hand Copies: Speeches of President Coolidge, Preserved by Everett Sanders. In the Everett Sanders Papers. Government Printing Office, United States: District of Columbia: Washington, /10/06. [Manuscript/Mixed Material] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Coolidge, Calvin. Coolidge Speech: Address . . before the American Legion Convention at Omaha, Nebraska, October 6, . From Hand Copies: Speeches of President Coolidge, Preserved by Everett Sanders. In the Everett Sanders Papers. Government Printing Office, United States: District of Columbia: Washington, /10/06, 1925. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.