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Biography Timothy Steele

Timothy Steele was born in Burlington, Vermont in 1948. His five books of poetry include Uncertainties and Rest (1979), The Color Wheel (1994), and Toward the Winter Solstice (2006). He is also the author of three books of non-fiction, including Missing Measures: Modern Poetry and the Revolt against Meter (1990), and is the editor of The Music of His History (1990), a collection of poems for the poet Charles Gullans, and The Poems of J.V. Cunningham (1997). Steele’s honors include the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Los Angeles PEN Center’s Literary Award for Poetry, the Elizabeth Matchett Stover Award, and the Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award. He is an emeritus professor at California State University, Los Angeles, where he taught from 1987 until 2012.

Audio Recordings with Timothy Steele

Selected Works at the Library of Congress