Photo, Print, Drawing U.S. Steel Duquesne Works, West bank of Monongahela River along State Route 837, Duquesne, Allegheny County, PA Duquesne Steel Company
About this Item
- U.S. Steel Duquesne Works, West bank of Monongahela River along State Route 837, Duquesne, Allegheny County, PA
Other Title
- Duquesne Steel Company
- Historic American Engineering Record, creator
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carnegie Steel Company
- Allegheny Bessemer Steel Company
- Duquesne Steel Company
- U.S. Steel Corporation
- USX Corporation
- Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania
- Neeland, Marvin A
- Arthur G. McKee Company
- Amsler, Carl
- Mackintosh, Hemphill & Company
- Uehling, Edward A
- Schwab, Charles
- Diehl, Ambrose N
- Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Air Division
- Keystone Bridge Company
- Ingersoll-Rand
- American Bridge Company
- American Air Filter Company
- Chemical Construction Corporation
- Wemco Company
- Perkins Dryer Company
- Fuller Company
- Morris Pump Inc.
- Eimco Company
- Dorr-Oliver Company
- Pennwalt Corporation
- Robbins and Myers, Inc.
- U.S. Electrical Company
- Milton Roy Company
- Brassert-Vincent Company
- Zimmerman and Jansen Company
- U.S. Rubber Company
- Link Belt Company
- Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company
- Heyl and Patterson Company
- The C.O. Barlett and Snow Company
- Atlas Car Manufacturing Company
- Fitzsimons, Gray, project manager
- Steel Industry Heritage Task Force, sponsor
- Steel Industry Heritage Corporation, sponsor
- Herrin, Dean A., transmitter
- Bennett, Michael G., transmitter
- Davidson, Lisa Pfueller, transmitter
- Severance, Matthew B., delineator
- Winarska, Joanna, delineator
- Sabadasz, Joel, historian
- Marston, Christopher H., field team supervisor
- Stupich, Martin, photographer
- Lowe, Jet, photographer
Created / Published
- Documentation compiled after 1968
- - steel mills
- - office buildings
- - steel industry
- - automated materials handling
- - direct rolling
- - Social Darwinism
- - labor unions
- - immigrants
- - displacement
- - pollution
- - vacuum casting
- - energy conservation
- - testing
- - rolling mills
- - blowing engines
- - brick buildings
- - turbines
- - valves (hardware)
- - blowers
- - condensers
- - compressors
- - blast furnaces
- - cooling towers
- - pump houses
- - water pumps
- - control rooms
- - motors
- - hoppers
- - belt conveyors
- - trestles
- - tracks
- - ore yards
- - Warren trusses
- - steel truss bridges
- - Fink roof trusses
- - motor generator sets
- - traveling cranes
- - steel structural frames
- - coke bins
- - ore bins
- - concrete block buildings
- - motor rooms
- - Pennsylvania--Allegheny County--Duquesne
Latitude / Longitude
- 40.36942,-79.84018
- - Significance: The construction of the Duquesne Steel Works marked an important event in the movement toward integrated steel producing ventures in the Monongahela Valley of western Pennsylvania. Constructed after the Edgar Thomson Works (1875), and the Homestead Works (1884), the Duquesne Works was the site of numerous technological innovations significant in the history of the American steel industry. The mill was the first to employ the "direct process" by which ingots were rolled directly from the soaking pits without being reheated. Under Carnegie Steel a new blast furnace plant was constructed with the industry's first fully mechanized material handling system, an innovation which came to be called the "Duquesne Revolution." For most of its history, Duquesne was a primary producer of semi-finished steel products. In the midst of a declining regional industrial system in the 1960s and 1970s, the mill was shut-down in 1984.
- - Survey number: HAER PA-115
- - Building/structure dates: 1886- 1888 Initial Construction
- - Building/structure dates: 1888- 1890 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1890- 1901 Subsequent Work
- - Building/structure dates: 1901- 1984 Subsequent Work
- Measured Drawing(s): 10
- Data Page(s): 256
Call Number/Physical Location
Source Collection
- Historic American Engineering Record (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Control Number
- pa1778
Rights Advisory
- No known restrictions on images made by the U.S. Government; images copied from other sources may be restricted.
Online Format
- image
Part of
- Allegheny Bessemer Steel Company
- American Air Filter Company
- American Bridge Company
- Amsler, Carl
- Arthur G. McKee Company
- Atlas Car Manufacturing Company
- Bennett, Michael G.
- Brassert-Vincent Company
- Carnegie Steel Company
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Chemical Construction Corporation
- Davidson, Lisa Pfueller
- Diehl, Ambrose N
- Dorr-Oliver Company
- Duquesne Steel Company
- Eimco Company
- Fitzsimons, Gray
- Fuller Company
- Herrin, Dean A.
- Heyl and Patterson Company
- Historic American Engineering Record
- Ingersoll-Rand
- Keystone Bridge Company
- Link Belt Company
- Lowe, Jet
- Mackintosh, Hemphill & Company
- Marston, Christopher H.
- Milton Roy Company
- Morris Pump Inc
- Neeland, Marvin a
- Pennwalt Corporation
- Perkins Dryer Company
- Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania
- Robbins and Myers, Inc
- Sabadasz, Joel
- Schwab, Charles
- Severance, Matthew B.
- Steel Industry Heritage Corporation
- Steel Industry Heritage Task Force
- Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company
- Stupich, Martin
- The C.O. Barlett and Snow Company
- U.S. Electrical Company
- U.S. Rubber Company
- U.S. Steel Corporation
- Uehling, Edward a
- Union Carbide Corporation, Linde Air Division
- Usx Corporation
- Wemco Company
- Winarska, Joanna
- Zimmerman and Jansen Company
- Automated Materials Handling
- Belt Conveyors
- Blast Furnaces
- Blowers
- Blowing Engines
- Brick Buildings
- Coke Bins
- Compressors
- Concrete Block Buildings
- Condensers
- Control Rooms
- Cooling Towers
- Direct Rolling
- Displacement
- Energy Conservation
- Fink Roof Trusses
- Hoppers
- Immigrants
- Labor Unions
- Motor Generator Sets
- Motor Rooms
- Motors
- Office Buildings
- Ore Bins
- Ore Yards
- Pollution
- Pump Houses
- Rolling Mills
- Social Darwinism
- Steel Industry
- Steel Mills
- Steel Structural Frames
- Steel Truss Bridges
- Testing
- Tracks
- Traveling Cranes
- Trestles
- Turbines
- Vacuum Casting
- Valves (Hardware)
- Warren Trusses
- Water Pumps