This is AFC staff folklorist Nancy Groce and this America Works episode features excerpts from a longer interview with grocery store cashier Luann Miller, who over the past three decades has worked just about every job there is in the grocery business – from shelf re-stocker, to cashier to bagger. When interviewed by folklorist Deborah Fant for the Washington State Workers project, Miller was working at Thriftway, a locally-owned unionized grocery store in West Seattle, Washington.
Audio Recording Luann Miller, Grocery Store Cashier. Seattle, Washington.
Luann Miller, Grocery Store Cashier. Seattle, Washington.
About this Item
- Luann Miller, Grocery Store Cashier. Seattle, Washington.
Running Time
- 4:40
- Luann Miller
- Deborah Fant
- Nancy Groce
Online Format
- web page
- audio
Podcast Series
- America Works