June 10, 2001 Alabama Center for the Book Approved
Press Contact: Craig D'Ooge (202) 707-9189
Public Contact: (202) 707-5221
The Library of Congress has approved a proposal from the Auburn University Center for the Arts & Humanities for the creation of an Alabama Center for the Book that will be affiliated with the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.
"This new partnership is a welcome development," said Center for the Book Director John Y. Cole. "Alabama is our 42nd state center affiliate in a network that also includes the District of Columbia. The sixth state center located in a humanities organization, it also will be closely allied with the Alabama Public Library Service."
"The establishment of our center represents a committed, concerted effort to promote books and reading throughout Alabama - a state with a lively literary community," said Allen Cronenberg, director of the Auburn center. Lamar Veatch, director of the Alabama Public Library Service, commented: "The state library is proud to be part of this consortium of partners through which many organizations can come together to foster a nurturing, enriching environment for promoting books, reading, writing, and public programming in every corner of the state."
Initially the Alabama Center for the Book will focus on disseminating information about the programs of its partner organizations and cosponsoring and promoting existing projects. In addition to the Alabama Public Library Service and the Auburn University Center for the Arts & Humanities, partners will include the Alabama Humanities Foundation, the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Alabama Writers' Forum, other universities and colleges, and humanities, literacy, book arts, creative writing, and literary groups throughout the state. Educators, publishers, book sellers, and Lori Seigelman, Alabama's first lady, also will be involved in the center's activities.
For information about the Alabama Center for the Book, contact Jay Lamar, coordinator, Alabama Center for the Book, Auburn University Center for the Arts and Humanities, Pebble Hill, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36843; telephone: (334) 844-4947; fax: (334) 844-4949; e-mail: lamarja@auburn.edu.
The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress was established in 1977 to stimulate public interest in books, reading, literacy, and libraries. For information about its programs, publications, and the activities of its affiliated centers for the book in 42 states and the District of Columbia, visit its Web site at www.loc.gov/cfbook.
PR 01-085
ISSN 0731-3527