May 19, 2005 Deputy Librarian of Congress To Deliver Memorial Day Speech

Gen. Donald L. Scott, Vietnam War Veteran, Calls Veterans in Missouri to Participate in the Veterans History Project

Contact: Helen Dalrymple (202) 707-1940
Contact: Anneliesa Clump Behrend (202) 707-9822;

WHAT: Memorial Day celebration to commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives to protect our nation, to honor local veterans of all wars and conflicts, and to feature the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, a nationwide volunteer effort to collect and preserve the stories of veterans and civilians from 20th century wars.

WHO: Gen. Donald L. Scott (retired from the U.S. Army), deputy librarian of Congress and veteran of the Vietnam War, will deliver the keynote Memorial Day address at Boots-Dickinson American Legion Post # 74. The program is free and open to the public.

WHEN: 10 a.m. on Monday, May 30

WHERE: Boots-Dickinson American Legion Post # 74, Greenwood Cemetery, Palmyra, Mo.

Donald L. Scott was born in Hunnewell, Mo., attended the former all African American Douglass High School in Hannibal and graduated from Monroe City High School in 1956. Scott has served as the deputy librarian of Congress and chief operating officer for the Library of Congress since 1996.

The Veterans History Project has several official partners in Missouri including Americans Remembered, Branson Veterans Task Force, Cass County Historical Society, Center for the Study of the Korean War and Drury University. The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center is a nationwide volunteer effort to collect and preserve oral histories from America's war veterans. The collection is housed at the Library of Congress. To date, the archive has received nearly 35,000 individual submissions. Those who are interested in participating are encouraged to e-mail the Veterans History Project at or to call toll-free (888) 371-5848 to request a free project kit. For more information about the Veterans History Project, visit


PR 05-128
ISSN 0731-3527