June 2, 2009 (REVISED September 11, 2009) Library of Congress Appoints 47 Junior Fellows to Summer Internship Program

Press Contact: Audrey Fischer (202) 707-0022

For the fifth year, college students from across the country will participate in the Library’s Junior Fellows Summer Internship. Working under the direction of Library specialists in various divisions, they will explore and increase access to the institution’s unparalleled collections and resources.

A panel of Library curators and specialists selected 47 students from nearly 500 applicants. During the 10-week paid internship program (June 1-Aug. 7), students will be exposed to a broad spectrum of library work: preservation, reference, access standards, information management and the U.S. copyright system. Core work will include locating, itemizing, and providing bibliographic descriptions for uncataloged, special materials submitted to the Library through the copyright registration process or received as gifts.

In the past, summer interns have identified hundreds of historical, literary, artistic, cinematic and musical gems representing a rich cultural, creative and intellectual heritage. This year the interns will work on special projects and collections to make a range of the Library’s resources accessible to scholars, students, teachers and the general public. Projects include diverse American and international materials including books, manuscripts, music, films, photographs and maps.

The summer internship program is made possible through the generosity of the late Mrs. Jefferson Patterson and the James Madison Council, a private-sector advisory group.

Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution. The Library seeks to spark imagination and creativity and to further human understanding and wisdom by providing access to knowledge through its magnificent collections, programs and exhibitions. Many of the Library’s rich resources can be accessed through its website at www.loc.gov and via interactive exhibitions on a new, personalized website at myLOC.gov. For more information about internships and employment at the Library, go to www.loc.gov/hr/employment/.

2009 Class of Junior Fellows Summer Interns

  • Dalia Mohammad Abuadas, North Carolina, University of North Carolina at Asheville, African and Middle Eastern Division
  • Carol D. Acevedo, Utah, Utah Valley University, Prints and Photographs Division
  • Shireen Al-Zahawi, Utah, University of Utah, Asian Division
  • Kristen Armstrong, Virginia, Catholic University, Music Division
  • Heather F.Ball, New York, Queens College, Manuscript Division
  • Catherine Blair, Massachusetts, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, European Division
  • Mark J. Bremel, Minnesota, St. Cloud State University, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
  • Susan Elizabeth Brennan, California, San Jose State University, Center for the Book
  • Mia Justine Thandiwe Conner, Illinois, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
  • Tina Dalton, Alabama, Drexel University, Asian Division
  • Jaime Danylle Dicks, South Carolina, South Carolina State University, Veterans History Project
  • Kaitlyn Jill Dodds, Iowa, University of Iowa, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
  • Rosanna Janette Ensley, North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Rare Book and Special Collections
  • Elizabeth Everson, Wisconsin, Macalester College, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
  • Margaret Fraser, Wisconsin, Bryn Mawr College, Prints and Photographs Division
  • Frank W. Garmon Jr., Virginia, University of Virginia, Science, Technology and Business Division
  • Hannah German, Pennsylvania, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Copyright Office
  • Karen Glenn, California, Brigham Young University, Manuscript Division
  • Shanea Goldizen, Virginia, University of Mary Washington, Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
  • Jennifer Green, Kentucky, University of Kentucky, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
  • Sarah E. Hallett, Nevada, Southern Utah University, Science, Technology and Business Division
  • Chelsea Jacks, Florida, University of Miami, Manuscript Division
  • Erica Jackson, Maryland, Marymount Manhattan College, Manuscript Division
  • Amy Jankowski, Illinois, Indiana University, American Folklife Center
  • Veronica Kiss, Connecticut, University of Cambridge, UK, Music Division
  • Ruth Lincoln, Michigan, University of Michigan, Science, Technology and Business Division
  • Rene Maes, Minnesota, University of Minnesota, Prints and Photographs Division
  • Maria McGrann, Washington, D.C., Colorado College, Hispanic Division
  • Brooke Morrissey, Massachusetts, Georgetown University, Serial and Government Publications Division
  • Alexandra Newman, Ohio, Miami University, Prints and Photographs Division
  • Brian Norberg, Illinois, Indiana University, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
  • Erin Nuckols, Texas, Texas A&M University, Veterans History Project
  • Lauren O’Connor, Alabama, University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
  • John O’Hara, Virginia, University of Virginia, Asian Division
  • Jacob Roberts, Maryland, Wesleyan University, Serial and Government Publications Division
  • James Sandberg, Washington, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Music Division
  • Maya Shwayder, Michigan, Harvard, African and Middle Eastern Division
  • Seth Silbiger, Maryland, Montgomery College, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access/African and Middle Eastern Division
  • Gregory Surber, Ohio, Ohio University, Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
  • Leslie Tabor, Oklahoma, Syracuse University, Copyright Office
  • Alison Trulock, Missouri, University of Michigan, Veterans History Project
  • Mary Tucker, Alabama, University of Alabama, Prints and Photographs Division
  • Richard A. Walker, Missouri, Arizona State University, Geography and Map Division
  • Francis Watlington-Moreno, Puerto Rico, University of Texas at Austin, Hispanic Division
  • Melody Whitehead, Maryland, University of Michigan, Music Division
  • Pang Houa Xiong, Wisconsin, University of Illinois, Geography and Map Division
  • Abigail Yerxa, California, University of California at San Diego, Manuscript Division


PR 09-112
ISSN 0731-3527