February 7, 1997 Jefferson Building Centennial Calendar Published

Contact: Craig D'Ooge (202) 707-9189

In cooperation with the Library of Congress, Fulcrum Publishing has produced a full-color 1997 calendar that depicts the art and architecture of the recently restored Thomas Jefferson Building. The calendar also celebrates the centennial of the Jefferson Building, which was known for many years as the Library of Congress Building and opened its doors to the public on Nov. 1, 1897. Captions and historical vignettes by Margaret Wagner of the Library's Publishing Office describe each of the photographs as well as events in the Library's history "One Hundred Years Ago" that led to the building's opening.

The calendar includes a brief historical afterword about the Library and its Jefferson Building by John Y. Cole, director of the Center for the Book. The 11 1/2-by-11 1/2-inch calendar is available in the Library of Congress Sales Shop for $11.95. For additional information, call the shop at (202) 707-0204, or Fulcrum Publishing at (303) 277-1623 or (800) 992-2908.


PR 97-022
ISSN 0731-3527