March 12, 1998 Morley Winograd to Speak at FLICC Forum on Federal Information Policies
Press Contact: John Sayers, Public Affairs (202) 707-9216 | Anna Bohlin, FLICC Public Events Specialist (202) 707-4822
Morley A. Winograd, senior policy advisor to Vice President Al Gore Jr. and director of the National Partnership for Reinventing Government, will give the keynote address to the 15th Annual FLICC Forum on "Adapting to Reinvention: Getting Results in Government Publishing."
The Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) of the Library of Congress will hold the forum on March 19, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., in the Mumford Room, sixth floor of the Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E.
As the FLICC Forum's principal speaker, Mr. Winograd will review and assess the progress toward the original goals for reinvented government and discuss how these rules are already shaping the future.
Following Mr. Winograd, Christopher Mihm of the Government Accounting Office and Nancy Rhett of the Department of Education will present a brief primer on applying the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) to operations. Moving from theory to practice, the final morning panel of Virginia Thomas, the committee liaison to the House Majority Leader's Office; Angela Antonelli, deputy director of the Heritage Foundation's Roe Institute for Economic Studies; and Harry Hatry, the director of the Urban Institute's Public Management Program, will discuss how well GPRA is working.
The first afternoon session will highlight reshaping the government's information dissemination programs, beginning with Eric Peterson, staff director of the Joint Committee on Printing, who will address decentralization of electronic publishing and formal reform of government printing. Mary Alice Baish, assistant Washington affairs representative of the American Association of Law Libraries, will offer the library community's perspective. The second session will address how national libraries are ensuring access to government information through a variety of initiatives, including electronic documents, interactive databases and public-private partnerships.
The final session will feature Francis Buckley, Superintendent of Documents; Alvin Pesachowitz, chief information officer for the EPA; and Kennie Gill, minority staff director and chief counsel for the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, as they address performance responsibilities of government agencies that do their own printing.
FLICC is an interagency committee established in 1965 to facilitate interagency coordination among federal libraries and information centers in their provision of information and services.
For more information or to register for the FLICC Forum, contact Anna Bohlin, FLICC public events specialist, at (202) 707-4822.
PR 98-039
ISSN 0731-3527