March 12, 1998 Nevada Center for the Book Approved

Press Contact: Craig DOoge (202) 707-9189

The Library of Congress has approved a proposal for a Nevada Center for the Book that will be affiliated with the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. It will be located at the Nevada State Library & Archives in Carson City. The coordinator will be Martha Gould, Vice Chair of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and former director of the Washoe County Library. Bonnie J. Buckley, Head of Planning and Development, will be the principal liaison for the Nevada State Library & Archives.

"We're delighted to welcome Nevada to our growing network of affiliated state centers," said John Y. Cole, Director of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. "The Nevada Center for the Book is the result of three years of discussion and planning, and we are eager to begin promoting the importance of books and reading throughout Nevada."

"An important purpose of the Nevada Center for the Book is to promote Nevada's unique literary heritage," said Joan G. Kerschner, Director of the Department of Museums, Library & Arts. "The center's projects will complement existing programs and help unify Nevada's book community."

Programs being developed for the Nevada center's first year include participation in the annual Nevada Day celebration, in partnership with the Nevada Women's History Project; the development and publication of two literary maps; and, with the Nevada Humanities Council, sponsorship of the annual Great Basin Book Festival.

For information about the Nevada Center for the Book, contact Martha Gould, 1690 W. Sixth Street, Reno, NV 89503, telephone/fax (702) 747-0777.

The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress was established in 1977 to stimulate public interest in books, reading, libraries, and literacy. Its projects, supported mostly by private funds, reach into every region of the country through its networks of more than 30 affiliated state centers and 50 national, civic, and educational organizations. For information, visit the center's Web site at:


PR 98-042
ISSN 0731-3527