Periodical American and Commercial Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 22th, 1865
About this Item
- American and Commercial Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 22th, 1865
Created / Published
- American and Commercial Advertiser, April 22, 1865
- - Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- - Lincoln's funeral
- - Lee, Robert Edward (1807-1870)
- - African American
- - Lincoln's assassination
- - Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson) 1822-1885
- - Halleck, Henry Wager (1815-1872)
- - Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875)
- - Army of the Potomac
- - Libby Prison
- - Booth, John Wilkes (1838-1865)
- - Meade, George Gordon (1815-1872)
- - international relations
- - railroad
- - Seward, William Henry (1801-1872)
- - Stanton, Edwin (1814-1869)
- - German American
- - Navy
- - observance of Lincoln's death
- - funeral procession
- - Foster, Lafayette Sabine (1806-1880)
- - Ford's Theatre
- - Seward, Frederick William (1830-1915)
- - Atzerodt, George Andreas (1835-1865)
- - Booth, Edwin Thomas (1833-1893)
- - Gillmore, Quincy (1825-1888)
- - Fort Monroe
- - Canby, General Edward Richard Sprigg (1817-1873)
- - Granger, General Gordon (1822-1876)
- - Booth, Junius Brutus (1796-1852)
- - McDowell, Irvin (1818-1885)
- - Booth, Junius Brutus, Jr. (1821-1883)
- - Fort Spanish
- - Ord, Edward Otho Cresap (1818-1883)
- - Thatcher, Henry Knox (1806-1880)
- - Taylor, Richard (Dick) (1826-1879)
- - Fort Alexis
- - Booth, Mary Ann Holmes
- - Booth, Rosalie (1823-1889)
- - Booth, Joseph
- - Periodicals
- - Newspaper
- - Advertisements
- - United States -- Virginia -- Richmond
- - United States -- Maryland -- Baltimore
- - United States -- Virginia -- Petersburg
- - United States -- District of Columbia -- Washington
- - France -- Paris
- - United States -- Pennsylvania -- Adams -- Gettysburg
- - United States -- Kentucky -- Jefferson -- Louisville
- - United States -- California -- San Francisco -- San Francisco
- - United States -- Alabama -- Mobile -- Mobile
- - United States -- Pennsylvania -- Dauphin -- Harrisburg
- - Canada
- - United States -- Alabama -- Barbour -- Eufaula
- - United States -- Maryland -- Montgomery
- - United States -- Georgia -- Muscogee -- Columbus
- - United States -- Maryland -- Frederick -- Monocacy
- - United States -- Maryland -- Montgomery -- Rockville
- - United States -- Virginia -- Orange -- Gordonsville
- Periodicals
- Newspaper
- Advertisements
- 52 x 74 cm.
Call Number/Physical Location
- Portfolio 6, no. 20
Source Collection
- The Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana
- Rare Book And Special Collections Division
Digital Id
Online Format
- online text
- image
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Adams
- Alabama
- Baltimore
- Barbour
- California
- Canada
- Columbus
- Dauphin
- Eufaula
- France
- Frederick
- Georgia
- Gettysburg
- Gordonsville
- Harrisburg
- Jefferson
- Kentucky
- Louisville
- Maryland
- Mobile
- Monocacy
- Montgomery
- Muscogee
- Orange
- Paris
- Pennsylvania
- Petersburg
- Richmond
- Rockville
- San Francisco
- United States
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Advertisements
- African American
- Army of the Potomac
- Atzerodt, George Andreas
- Booth, Edwin Thomas
- Booth, John Wilkes
- Booth, Joseph
- Booth, Junius Brutus
- Booth, Junius Brutus, Jr
- Booth, Mary Ann Holmes
- Booth, Rosalie
- Canby, General Edward Richard Sprigg
- Ford's Theatre
- Fort Alexis
- Fort Monroe
- Fort Spanish
- Foster, Lafayette Sabine
- Funeral Procession
- German American
- Gillmore, Quincy
- Granger, General Gordon
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
- Halleck, Henry Wager
- International Relations
- Johnson, Andrew
- Lee, Robert Edward
- Libby Prison
- Lincoln's Assassination
- Lincoln's Funeral
- Lincoln, Abraham
- McDowell, Irvin
- Meade, George Gordon
- Navy
- Newspaper
- Observance of Lincoln's Death
- Ord, Edward Otho Cresap
- Periodicals
- Railroad
- Seward, Frederick William
- Seward, William Henry
- Stanton, Edwin
- Taylor, Richard (Dick)
- Thatcher, Henry Knox