Newspaper The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, Calif.) 1902-Current Joint issued published Apr. 19, 1906 as: Call-chronicle-examiner / Published Sept. 13-Dec. 31, 1965 as: San Francisco examiner and news call bulletin / Published on Sundays Sept. 19, 1965- as: San Francisco Sunday examiner & chronicle / S.F. examiner / S.F. Sunday examiner & chronicle / S.F. Sunday examiner and chronicle
About this Newspaper
- The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, Calif.) 1902-Current
Other Title
- Joint issued published Apr. 19, 1906 as: Call-chronicle-examiner
- Published Sept. 13-Dec. 31, 1965 as: San Francisco examiner and news call bulletin
- Published on Sundays Sept. 19, 1965- as: San Francisco Sunday examiner & chronicle
- S.F. examiner
- S.F. Sunday examiner & chronicle
- S.F. Sunday examiner and chronicle
- Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951, publisher
Dates of Publication
- 1902-current
Created / Published
- San Francisco, Calif. : [San Francisco Newspaper Print Co.], 1902-
- - San Francisco (Calif.)--Newspapers
- - San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)--Newspapers
- - California--San Francisco.-- External
- - California--San Francisco Bay Area
- - United States--California--San Francisco--San Francisco
- Newspapers
- - Daily (except Saturday), <2001>
- - Vol. 76, no. 87 (Mar. 28, 1902)-
- - Publisher: William Randolph Hearst, 1902- ; Ted Fang, Nov. 22, 2000-
- - Also issued on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning.
- - Selected articles available in online version: San Francisco Examiner [electronic resource].
- - Issued with a joint ed. of the San Francisco call and the San Francisco chronicle on the day after the San Francisco earthquake, Apr. 19, 1906.
- - Latest issue consulted: Vol. 138, no. 318 (June 15, 2001).
- volumes
Call Number/Physical Location
- Newspaper
Library of Congress Control Number
- sn82006825
OCLC Number
- 1764973
ISSN Number
- 2574-593x
Preceding Titles
- The Examiner (San Francisco, Calif.) 1889 to 1902
- News-Call Bulletin ([San Francisco, Calif.]) 1962 to 1965
Related Titles
LCCN Permalink
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