Newspaper Business Index (Wilmington, Del.) 1876-18??
About Business Index (Wilmington, Del.) 1876-18??
Delaware’s Business Index was first published on May 24, 1876, and was a weekly publication that circulated freely. Owned and published by James Brown in Wilmington, the newspaper sought to “be a reflex of the manufacturing and commercial status of the city.” In addition to the newspaper, Brown also operated a book and job printing office. The Business Index published poetry, fiction, and national news briefs including several reports of Indian attacks on miners in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The July 22, 1876 issue included a false confirmation from Bismarck, North Dakota, of the death of Sitting Bull at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
Many articles in the Business Index were related to Centennial celebrations taking place throughout the country as well as celebratory preparations and activities in Wilmington. The newspaper also included a column called “The Farm” that addressed agricultural issues, as well as one entitled “Locals” that related news of local citizens.
Because the goal of the Business Index was to promote industry in Wilmington, the newspaper included many articles related to the city’s industrial growth. Brown published an editorial in the June 10, 1876 issue addressing the lack of progress in manufacturing, most likely due to the Panic of 1873, and expressed his hope that the city’s economic situation would soon improve. The following issue on June 17, 1876, however, sounded a more pessimistic note: “At the present writing, we can see nothing indicating a return to those prosperous times when money was almost a drug in the market.”
It is unclear when the Business Index ceased publication, but the short-lived paper apparently did not make to the end of 1876. It is not listed in Rowell’s 1877 newspaper directory.
Provided By: University of Delaware Library, Newark, DEAbout this Newspaper
- Business Index (Wilmington, Del.) 1876-18??
Dates of Publication
- 1876-18??
Created / Published
- Wilmington, Del. : James Brown, 1876-
- - Wilmington (Del.)--Newspapers
- - Delaware--Wilmington
- - United States--Delaware--New Castle--Wilmington
- Newspapers
- - Weekly
- - Vol. 1 no. 1 (May 24, 1876)-
- - Archived issues are available in digital format from the Library of Congress Chronicling America online collection.
- v.
Call Number/Physical Location
- Newspaper
Library of Congress Control Number
- sn88053076
OCLC Number
- 18297894
ISSN Number
- 2637-8418
LCCN Permalink
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