Wyoming Day

On December 10, 1869, John Campbell, governor of the Wyoming Territory, approved the first law in U.S. history explicitly granting women the right to vote. Commemorated in later years as Wyoming Day, the event was one of many firsts for women achieved in the Equality State.

Woman suffrage in Wyoming Territory.–Scene at the polls in Cheyenne. Photo by Kirkland. Illus. in: Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper, 1888 Nov. 24, p. 229. Prints & Photographs Division

Twenty years later, on November 5, 1889, Wyoming voters approved the first constitution in the world granting full voting rights to women. Wyoming voters again made history in 1924 when they elected Nellie Tayloe Ross the first woman governor in the United States.

The events leading to the introduction and passage of the 1869 suffrage law remain unclear. One story, long embedded in the history of suffrage in Wyoming, credits Esther Hobart Morris who had arrived in South Pass, Wyoming, shortly before the 1869 elections. The story alleges that Mrs. Morris decided to have a tea party in order to present her support of woman suffrage to candidates for the legislature. Although many historians have not found contemporary records to document this event, the story is recounted in many volumes including Carrie Chapman Catt’s Woman Suffrage and Politics; the inner story of the suffrage movement:

At this point, twenty of the most influential men in the community, including all the candidates of both parties, were invited to dinner at the ‘shack of Mrs. Esther Morris’…To her guests she now presented the woman’s case with such clarity and persuasion that each candidate gave her his solemn pledge that if elected he would introduce and support a woman suffrage bill.

Woman Suffrage and Politics, the Inner Story of the Suffrage Movement. By Carrie Lane Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Schuler; New York: C. Scribner Sons, 1926. p.75. National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection. Rare Book & Special Collections Division

One indisputable fact is the appointment of Esther Hobart Morris as the first woman to serve as a justice of the peace. She served for eight and a half months and heard 27 cases.

Democrat William H. Bright, who supposedly had been present as a dinner guest at Morris’ home, won a seat in the legislature and introduced a bill granting women the right to vote. Although the legislators are said to have treated the legislation as a joke, they approved it nonetheless. To their surprise, Governor Campbell signed it into law. The summoning, three months later, of the first women jurors to duty in Laramie, attracted international attention.

Teton Range, Wyo. G.E. Barber, photographer; Ferris-Maghee Drug Co, c1902. Panoramic Photographs. Prints & Photographs Division

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Walter Johnson Dies

On December 10, 1946, baseball great Walter Johnson died at the age of fifty-nine. Nicknamed “The Big Train”, Johnson pitched his way to fame during twenty-one seasons with the Washington Senators. His fastball is considered to be among the best in baseball history.

Walter Johnson, Washington Nationals, baseball card portrait. Issued by American Tobacco Company, 1909-1911. Baseball Cards. Prints & Photographs Division

He’s got a gun concealed about his person. You can’t tell me he throws them balls with his arm.

“Horseshoes”External. By Ring W. Lardner [comment on Walter Johnson]. Saturday Evening Post, August 15, 1914. pp. 8-10 & 44-46

Johnson joined the Senators in 1907. After a tentative first season, the former high school star found his ground eventually scoring more shutout victories (110) than any other major league pitcher. Johnson’s 1913 record for pitching fifty-six consecutive scoreless innings stood for more than fifty years until Don Drysdale bested it in 1968. His strikeout record (3,508) held until 1983. In all-time wins, Johnson is second only to Cy Young.

Johnson was named the American League’s Most Valuable Player in 1913 and again in 1924. During spring training in 1927, Johnson was struck by a line drive which broke his leg. He pitched the season, but not as well as before, and he retired from play when the season ended. In 1928, Johnson was a manager in the International League; he managed the Senators from 1929-1932 and the Cleveland Indians from 1933-35.

In 1936, Johnson was elected to the National Baseball Hall of FameExternal, along with Ty Cobb, Christy Mathewson, Babe Ruth, and Honus Wagner. These five were the first players chosen for this honor; the Sporting News called them “the immortals”. Johnson retired from baseball to farming and politics in Montgomery County, Maryland, where today, a high schoolExternal bears his name.

Coolidge Presents Walter Johnson with 1924 American League Diploma, 6/18/25. National Photo Company, 1925. National Photo Company Collection. Prints & Photographs Division

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