Periodical U.S. Reports: California v. Southern Pacific Co., 157 U.S. 229 (1895).
About this Item
- U.S. Reports: California v. Southern Pacific Co., 157 U.S. 229 (1895).
- Fuller, Melville Weston (Judge)
- Supreme Court of the United States (Author)
Created / Published
- 1894
- - Real Estate
- - Law
- - Law Library
- - Supreme Court
- - United States
- - Government Documents
- - Judicial review and appeals
- - Property
- - Infrastructure development
- - Harbors
- - Jurisdiction and venue
- - Specialized courts
- - Boundaries
- - Commerce
- - Navigation
- - Building construction
- - Ownership
- - U.S. Reports
- - Common law
- - Court opinions
- - Judicial decisions
- - Court cases
- - Court decisions
- - Property rights
- - Equity
- - Domicile
- - Timing
- - Expenses
- - Joinder of parties
- - Commerce Clause
- - Statehood
- - Oakland--California
- - San Francisco Bay
- - San Antonio Creek
- - Alameda--California
- - Periodical
- Periodical
- - Description: U.S. Reports Volume 157; October Term, 1894; California v. Southern Pacific Company
Call Number/Physical Location
- Call Number: KF101
- Series: Property Law
- Series: Volume 157
Source Collection
- U.S. Reports
Online Format
- image
Part of
- Alameda
- Boundaries
- Building Construction
- California
- Commerce
- Commerce Clause
- Common Law
- Court Cases
- Court Decisions
- Court Opinions
- Domicile
- Equity
- Expenses
- Government Documents
- Harbors
- Infrastructure Development
- Joinder of Parties
- Judicial Decisions
- Judicial Review and Appeals
- Jurisdiction and Venue
- Law
- Law Library
- Navigation
- Oakland
- Ownership
- Periodical
- Property
- Property Law
- Property Rights
- Real Estate
- San Antonio Creek
- San Francisco Bay
- Specialized Courts
- Statehood
- Supreme Court
- Timing
- U.S. Reports
- United States