Periodical U.S. Reports: Seven Cases v. United States, 239 U.S. 510 (1916).
About this Item
- U.S. Reports: Seven Cases v. United States, 239 U.S. 510 (1916).
- Hughes, Charles Evans (Judge)
- Supreme Court of the United States (Author)
Created / Published
- 1915
- - Law
- - Tuberculosis
- - Law Library
- - Supreme Court
- - United States
- - Government Documents
- - Judicial review and appeals
- - Congress
- - Fraud and financial crimes
- - Due process
- - Constitutional law
- - Drugs and narcotics
- - Public health
- - Interstate commerce
- - Administrative law and regulatory procedure
- - Prescription drugs
- - U.S. Reports
- - Common law
- - Court opinions
- - Judicial decisions
- - Court cases
- - Court decisions
- - Libel
- - Police powers
- - Fourteenth Amendment
- - U.S. Constitution
- - Deception
- - Food and Drugs Act of 1906
- - Pneumonia
- - Legislative authority
- - Misbranding
- - Sherley amendment
- - Periodical
- Periodical
- - Description: U.S. Reports Volume 239; October Term, 1915; Seven Cases of Eckman's Alternative v. United States of America - Six Cases of Eckman's Alternative v. United States of America
Call Number/Physical Location
- Call Number: KF101
- Series: Administrative Law
- Series: Volume 239
Source Collection
- U.S. Reports
Online Format
- image
Part of
- Administrative Law
- Administrative Law and Regulatory Procedure
- Common Law
- Congress
- Constitutional Law
- Court Cases
- Court Decisions
- Court Opinions
- Deception
- Drugs and Narcotics
- Due Process
- Food and Drugs Act of 1906
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Fraud and Financial Crimes
- Government Documents
- Interstate Commerce
- Judicial Decisions
- Judicial Review and Appeals
- Law
- Law Library
- Legislative Authority
- Libel
- Misbranding
- Periodical
- Pneumonia
- Police Powers
- Prescription Drugs
- Public Health
- Sherley Amendment
- Supreme Court
- Tuberculosis
- U.S. Constitution
- U.S. Reports
- United States