Film, Video Conversation with Gundrun Walther and Jürgen Treyz of Deitsch
About this Item
- Conversation with Gundrun Walther and Jürgen Treyz of Deitsch
- Gudrun Walther (voice, violin, viola, diatonic accordion) and Jürgen Treyz (guitar, mandolin, mandola, voice) had built up years of experience with award-winning bands and projects before founding Deitsch as a duo in the mid 2000s. Their duo recordings won many awards, including the German Record Critics' Quarterly Prize in 2009. They have since added Barbara Hintermeier (violin, viola, voice) and Steffen Gabriel (flute, bagpipes, voice) to the lineup. All four are master musicians. Walther is also an accomplished singer, bringing old songs to life in a clear, memorable voice, and the other members complement her singing with four-part harmonies.
Event Date
- August 23, 2023
Running Time
- 49 minutes 31 seconds
Online Format
- video
- image
- online text