Film, Video The Omar Ibn Said Collection at the Library of Congress (Online Office Hours)
About this Item
- The Omar Ibn Said Collection at the Library of Congress (Online Office Hours)
- In this session, we'll explore the Omar Ibn Said collection, which, among 42 items, includes the rare autobiography of Omar Ibn Said, a Muslim scholar who was captured in West Africa, sold into slavery in South Carolina, and ultimately, wrote his autobiography in Arabic in 1831, while enslaved. Laverne Page, an African Studies specialist in the Library's African and Middle Eastern Division, will discuss the significance of the collection and will offer some insight and context about West Africa during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. We will also suggest search strategies, ideas for how the collection might be used, and resources for further research.
Event Date
- June 30, 2020
Related Resources
- Library of Congress Teachers Page:
- Omar Ibn Said Collection:
Running Time
- 45 minutes 29 seconds
Online Format
- video
- image
- online text