Film, Video Foreign and Comparative Law: The French Civil Code
About this Item
- Foreign and Comparative Law: The French Civil Code
- Foreign Legal Specialist Nicolas Boring discusses the Napoleonic Code's history, evolution, and legacy. This presentation touches not only on French law, but also the Civil Code's impact on other countries around the world, from Belgium to Haiti.
Event Date
- January 28, 2021
- - Nicolas Boring is the Law Library's foreign law specialist for French-speaking jurisdictions. He has a Licence en Droit (law degree) from the Université Paris Nanterre, France, a Master's in International Politics from Aberystwyth University, in Wales, and a Juris Doctor from the College of William & Mary School of Law, in Virginia. He is admitted to the bar in Virginia and the District of Columbia. He has been a Foreign Law Specialist since 2013, and has authored numerous reports, Global Legal Monitor articles, and blog posts on the laws of France and other French-speaking countries. His most recent blog post contributions include The Constitutional Council and Judicial Review in France, and "Bastille Day" Is About More Than the Bastille.
Running Time
- 1 hours 1 minutes 13 seconds
Online Format
- video
- image
- online text