Search Manuscripts/Mixed Material

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Ajwibat ibn Hishām ʻan masāʼil naḥwīyah min al-Qurʼān
    أجوبة ابن هشام عن مسائل نحوية من القرآن Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Ibn Hishām's answers to a number of questions on grammatical difficulties found in the Qurʼān.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ibn Hishām, ʻabd Allāh Ibn Yūsuf - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhihi risālah fī faḍāʼil Ramaḍān lil-ustādh al-shaykh Ibrāhīm al-Birmāwī ʻummat barakāhih
    هذه رسالة في فضايل رمضان للاستاذ الشيخ ابراهيم البرماوي عمت بركاته | LC card file: Tafsīr āyat al-ṣiyām | Majlis fī tafsīr qawlihi Taʻālá Yā ayyuhā alladhīn āmanū kataba ʻalaykum al-ṣiyām al-āyāt li-Ibrāhīm al-Birmāwī Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Treatise on fasting.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Birmāwī, Ibrāhīm Ibn Muḥammad
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Wasīlat al-mubtadiʼīn li-ʻilm ghurrat al-shuhūr wa-al-sinīn
    وسيلة المبتدئين لعلم غرة الشهور و السنين
    The first four pages are Aḥmad ibn Qāsim al-Miṣrī's poem, Wasīlat al-mubtadiʼīn, a poem on astronomy and astrology. It covers the sun, the moon, the planets, the constellations, the signs of the Zodiac and the astrological characteristics of each day of the week. On fol. 3a, the author says that he completed this poem on 18 Rabīʻ al-awwal 1298 (17 February 1881). The author's...
    • Contributor: Miṣrī, Aḥmad Ibn Qāsim - Yūnus, Aḥmad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Ṭanasī, Muṣṭafá Ibn Aḥmad
    • Date: 1883
    • Resource: - 63 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Sharḥ ʻUthmān ibn Aḥmad al-Najdī ʻAlī al-Ḥanbalī ʻalá naẓm al-Ujhūrī fī iʻrāb al-basmalah
    شرح عثمان بن احمد النجدي علي الحنبلي على نظم الأجهوري في إعراب البسملة Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Commentary on al-Ujhūrī's poem on the Basmalah.
    • Contributor: Najdī, ʻuthmān Aḥmad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Khazāʼin al-jawāhir wa-makhāzin al-zawāhir
    خزائن الجواهير ومخازن الزواهر | Risālah fī al-basmalah li-Abī Saʻīd Muḥammad al-Khādimī | Risālat al-basmalah Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Sufi treatise on the basmalah.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Khādimī, Muḥammad Ibn Muṣṭafá - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Sharḥ Mawāqif
    شرح مواقف Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    al-Jurjānī's commentary on al-Ījī's Mawāqif on Islamic theology and philosophy.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Jurjānī, ʻalī Ibn Muḥammad
    • Date: 1482
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Kitāb Jawāhir al-kalām
    كتاب جواهر الكلام Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    al-Ījī's epitome of his Mawāqif fī ʻilm al-kalām on Islamic theology.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ījī, ʻaḍud Al-Dīn ʻabd Al-Raḥmān Ibn Aḥmad - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
    • Date: 1909
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Ḥāshiyah ʻalá ḥāshiyat al-Dawwānī ʻalá al-umūr al-ʻāmmah min sharḥ al-Tajrīd
    حاشية على حاشية الدواني على الأمور العامة من شرح التجريد Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Anonymous commentary on al-Dawwānī's commentary on al-Qūshjī's commentary on al-Ṭūsī's Tajrīd.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Manẓūmah fī al-tawḥīd li-Ibn al-Ghars. Sharḥ al-ḥikam al-mansūbah lil-Imām ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib / Muḥammad al-ʻAjamī al-Shāfiʻī
    منظومة في التوحيد لابن الغرس. شرح الحكم المنسوبة للامام علي بن ابي طالب / محمد العجمي الشافعي Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Muḥammad Khalīli's poem on divine attributes and al-ʻAjamī's commentary on the sayings of Alī ibn Abī Ṭalib.
    • Contributor: ʻajamī Al-Shāfiʻī, Muḥammad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Khalīlī, Muḥammad Ghars Al-Dīn Ibn Ghars Al-Dīn - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhihi Risālah fī sharḥ al-maqūlāt al-ʻashar
    رسالة في شرح المقولات العشر / | Risālah fī sharḥ al-maqūlāt al-ʻashar li-Shaykh Sinān Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Manuscript. Arabic. Title from fol. 1a. Scribe not identified. Purchase of Mahmud al-Mansuri collection, 1945. Place of writing not determined. Paper; thick, very lightly polished dark cream color laid paper with horizontal chain lines and several watermarks including a crescent moon with a human face in a circle and three crescent moons in a row in descending order of size; black ink with rubrication;...
    • Contributor: Sinan Efendi - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Tabyīn al-maḥārim
    تبيين المحارم / Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Treatise on sinful and prohibited acts in Islamic law.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Amāsī, Yūsuf Ibn ʻabd Allāh
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Kitāb qurrat al-ʻayn fī tasyīr al-nayyirayn
    كتاب قرة العين في تسيير النيرين / | Title from fol. 1b: Qurrat al-ʻayn bi-tasyīr al-nayyirayn
    Little is known about the astronomer Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Khalīlī al-Jaʻbarī, who wrote the treatise Kitāb qurrat al-'ayn and prepared the accompanying astronomical tables preserved in this copy. Some information about the original work can be inferred from information provided on the last page of this manuscript, where the colophon specifies that the copy was produced in the year 932 AH (1525), based...
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ibn Al-Shāṭir, ʻalī Ibn Ibrāhīm - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Jaʻbarī, Muḥammad Ibn ʻabd Al-Qādir
    • Date: 1525
    • Resource: - 63 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Ḥāshīyat al-Ḥifnī ʻalá al-Yāsamīnīyah
    حأشية الحفني على اليأسمينية
    Commentary on Lumʻah al-Māridīnīyah fī sharḥ al-Yāsamīnīyah by Badr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Sibṭ al-Māridīni, which itself is an exposition of al-Yāsamīnīyah by ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ḥajjāj Ibn al-Yāsamīn. The colophon (fol. 14b) says that the author finished composing the work on 14 Shaʻbān 1167 H [6 June 1754]. The mathematical tradition that developed in North Africa during the Middle Ages continued to attract...
    • Contributor: Sibṭ Al-Māridīnī, Badr Al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad - Fayyūmī, Muḥammad Aḥmad ʻabd Al-Raḥīm Al-Azhārī - Ḥifnī, Muḥammad Ibn Sālim - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ibn Al-Yāsamīn, ʻabd Allāh Ibn Ḥajjāj - Maḥallī, ʻuthmān Ibn Yūsuf Ibn Yūsuf ʻuthmān Al-Ṣayyād - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
    • Date: 17??
    • Resource: - 31 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhihi Ḥāshīyat al-Shaykh al-Imām al-ʻĀlim al-ʻAllāmah Aḥmad al-Shāfiʻī al-Janājī al-Mālikī ʻalá Sharḥ Shaykh al-Islām Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī ʻalá al-Muqniʻ li-ibn al-Hāʼim fī ʻilm al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
    هذه حاشية الشيخ الإمام العالم العلامة أحمد الشافعي الجناجي المالكي على شرح شيخ الإسلام زكريا الأنصاري على المقنع لإبن الهائم في علم الجبر والمقابلة
    Text is a commentary on Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī's commentary on the mathematical assumptions addressed by Ibn al-Hāʼim in al-Muqniʻ on the algebraic equality and inequality of functions. The Arabic mathematical tradition, which flourished during the Middle Ages, transmitted and enriched the knowledge derived from Greek and Indian sources. Arabic mathematicians further developed these studies, seeking to answer theoretical as well as practical problems. Medieval Arabic...
    • Contributor: Ibn Al-Hāʼim, Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad - Yūsuf, Ṭāhā - Janājī, Aḥmad Muḥammad - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Anṣārī, Zakarīyā Ibn Muḥammad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1888
    • Resource: - 177 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhihi Manẓūmah fī ʻilm al-tawḥīd
    هذه منظومة في علم التوحيد / | Manẓūmah fī ʻilm al-tawḥīd Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Poem on the unity of God.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Ibn Al-Najjār Al-Baghdādī
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Manẓūmat al-Maqqarī fī al-tawḥīd
    منظومة المقري في التوحيد | On frontispiece in pencil: Aḥmad al-Maqqarī al-Maghribī al-Mālikī al-Ashʻarī fī al-tawḥīd wa-uṣūl al-dīn Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Poem on the unity of God and Islamic doctrine.
    • Contributor: Maqqarī, Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - ʻaṭīyah, Abū Al-ʻaynayn
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhā kitāb al-Tibyān fī ādāb tilāwat al-Qurʼān
    التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Treatise on the study and teaching of the Qurʼān and its recitation.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Nawawī
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhā Bughyat al-ṭullāb ʻalá Munyat al-ḥussāb
    هذا بغية الطلاب على منية الحساب / | Also known as: Bughyat al-ṭullāb fī sharḥ Munyat al-ḥussāb
    Poem written in rajaz meter. Marginal notes indicate that the manuscript was compared with another copy of the same text. This manuscript offers a clear example of the liveliness of the North African mathematical tradition under the Muslim-Berber dynasties that ruled over the Islamic West from the 12th century to the first half of the 17th century. They were the Almohads (12th-13th centuries), the...
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ibn Ghāzī, Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Shandawīlī, Harīdī Aḥmad
    • Date: 17??
    • Resource: - 231 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Ḥāshiyat al-Sayyid al-Sharīf ʻalá sharḥ al-Iṣfahānī ʻalá Tajrīd al-Ṭūsī
    حاشية السيد الشريف على شرح الإصفهاني على تجريد الطوسي Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Commentary on the commentary by Maḥmūd ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Iṣfahānī on the Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid by Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Jurjānī, ʻalī Ibn Muḥammad
    • Date: 1875
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Hādhihi Ḥāshiyah ʻalá matn al-Sanūsīyah al-ṣughrā al-musammāh Umm al-barāhīn li-baʻḍ al-fuḍalāʼ ibn jalā, wa-huwa ʻAbd Alllāh Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Tilimsānī
    هذه حاشية على متن السنوسية الصغرا المسماة بأم البراهين لبعض الفضلا ابن جلا وهو عبد الله محمد بن عمر التلمساني | Ḥāshiyah ʻalá matn al-Sanūsīyah al-ṣughrā al-musammāh Umm al-barāhīn Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Commentary on al-Sanūsī's Umm al-barāhīn.
    • Contributor: Mallālī, Muḥammad - Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Ḥāshiyat al-Khayālī ʻalá Sharḥ al-ʻAqāʼid al-Nasafī
    حاشية الخيالي على شرح العقائد النسفي Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Glosses on al-Taftāzānī's commentary on al-Nasafī's ʻAqāʼid.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ibn Al-Ḥanbalī, Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Khayālī, Aḥmad Ibn Mūsá
    • Date: 1600
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    al-Nujūm al-shāriqāt fī dhikr baʻḍ al-ṣanāīʻ al-muḥtāj ilayhā fī ʻilm al-mīqāt
    النجوم الشارقات في ذكر بعض الصنايع المحتاج إليها في علم الميقات
    Text is divided into 25 chapters. The colophon of the present manuscript--on the recto of the second folio--offers a potentially misleading view of the subject of this 16th-century treatise by Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Ḫayr al-Ḥasanī. Al-Nujūm al-Šāriqāt fī dikr baʻḍ al-ṣanā'īʻ al-Muḥtāj ilayhā fī ʻIlm al-Mīqāt (The rising stars in the mention of some of the arts required in the science of timekeeping) does...
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Ḥasanī, Muḥammad Ibn Abī Al-Khayr
    • Date: 18??
    • Resource: - 84 pages

  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Risālah fī al-ḥamd
    رسالة في الحمد / | Title on fol. 1a: Maʻná al-ḥamd Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Treatise on the phrase "al-Ḥamdu li-llāh".
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām - Ṣafawī, ʻīsá Ibn Muḥammad
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Sharḥ ʻalá Tajrīd al-kalām li-al-Ṭūsī
    شرح على تجريد الكلام لالطوسي Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Incomplete manuscript of Lāhijī's Shawāriq al-ilhām fī sharḥ Tajrīd al-kalām, a commentary on Ṭūsī's Tajrīd al-iʻtiqād.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Lāhījī, ʻabd Al-Razzāq - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
  • Manuscript/Mixed Material
    Bughyat al-murīd sharḥ Risālat al-Bājūrī fī al-tawḥīd
    بغية المريد شرح رسالة الباجوري في التوحيد / Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    al-Ṭanṭāwī's commentary on al-Bājūrī's treatise on tawḥīd.
    • Contributor: Mansuri Collection (Library of Congress) - Ṭanṭāwī, Muḥammad ʻayyād - Manṣūrī, Maḥmūd Al-Imām
    • Date: 1840