Skylab sensor coverage index map, Europe-Africa : S-190A multispectral camera photographs, S-190B earth terrain camera photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Europe south of Berlin, Africa north of Zaire, and adjacent portions of the Middle East. Shows the frame coverage outlines and magazine-frame numbers for selected photographs. Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC coverage imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso. Includes text, statistical tables, and diagrams of frame coverage outlines for the 2 cameras.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Skylab sensor coverage index map, Eastern United States : S-190A multispectral camera photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Eastern U.S., southeastern Canada, Central America, and adjacent Caribbean regions. Shows the frame coverage outlines and magazine-frame numbers for selected photographs. Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC copy imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso. Includes text, notes, and statistical table of "S-190A magazine/frame correlation".
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. Air Force
Nellis AFB range chart
Nellis Air Force Base range chart
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours, shading, and spot heights. "Compiled 1982 from current 1501 AIR charts NJ 11-5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 NJ 12-4, 7, 10." "Lithographed by DMAAC 1-84." Includes notes, chart of elevation in feet, and location diagram.
Aerospace Center (U.S.)
Northern Europe
Catalog Record Only
Covers northern Europe and the Arctic in the region of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, and Novaya Zemlya. "Lithographed by DMAAC 4-81." Includes note.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Skylab sensor coverage index map, Eastern United States : S-190B earth terrain camera photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Eastern U.S., southeastern Canada, Central America, and adjacent Caribbean regions. Shows the frame coverage outlines and magazine-frame numbers for selected photographs. Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC copy imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso. Includes text, notes, and statistical table of "S-190B magazine/frame correlation".
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Space shuttle hand-held earth observations photography composite coverage map STS-1 through 61-C : April 12, 1981 through January 18, 1986
Catalog Record Only
"The purpose of this composite map is to show the density and distribution of hand-held photographic coverage of the world during Missions STS-1 through 61-C. It is designed to serve as a general guide to available photography and as an aid in planning hand-held Earth Observations photographic coverage for future Space Shuttle missions. However, in order to identify and select photography that may be…
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
STS 39 mission chart : [world]
Catalog Record Only
"Lithographed ... 1-91." Relief shown by shading. Includes table of "Mission elapsed time" and graph of "Orbit period-90 minutes inclination 57.1⁰."
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Haiti 1:50,000. Corail. [E732 54714].
Corail | Corail, Haiti | Corail, Haïti, Département du Sud, Arrondissement Grande Anse | Series E732
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings on earlier sheet. Three editions. Editions 1 and 2 prepared by Army Map Service; edition 3 prepared by Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center. Includes index to adjoining sheets. Some sheets include coverage diagram, boundary diagram, and elevation guide diagram.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency - United States. Army Map Service
Haiti 1:50,000. Jacmel. [E732 56701].
Jacmel | Jacmel, Haiti | Jacmel, Haïti, Département de l'Ouest | Series E732 | Série E732
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings. English and French. Three editions. Editions 1 and 2 prepared by Army Map Service; edition 4 prepared by Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center. Includes index to adjoining sheets. Some sheets include indexed boundary diagram, coverage diagram, and elevation guide diagram.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency - United States. Army Map Service
Skylab sensor coverage index map, Europe-Africa : Targets of Opportunity color 70mm photographs
Targets of Opportunity color 70mm photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Europe south of Berlin, Africa north of Zaire, and adjacent portions of the Middle East. "This index [map] contains the appropriate frame coverage limits (footprints) and magazine-frame numbers for selected Skylab Targets of Opportunity photographs (low oblique and near vertical)." Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC copy imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso. Includes notes.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lunar shaded relief, scale 1:1,000,000
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by shading. "The shaded relief shown on this map is interpreted from Apollo and Lunar Orbiter photographs. ..." Includes index map. Sheets numbered.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) photo index map, Eastern United States : hand-held camera photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Eastern U.S., southeastern Canada, Central America, and adjacent Caribbean regions. Shows the frame coverage outlines and magazine-frame numbers for selected photographs. Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC copy imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso, torn, taped. Includes notes.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ARC digitized raster graphics coverage of ...
Catalog Record Only
System requirements: The ADRGs can be read on a IBM PC compatible; CD-ROM drive. Title from jewel case. "This disc is not maintained by notice to mariners or other publications and should not be used for any type of navigation or accurate positioning." Title on spine of jewel case varies. Includes various editions of some CDs. Location map on verso of jewel case. Each…
Aerospace Center (U.S.)
Catalog Record Only
Covers central Europe. "January 1981." "Lithographed by DMAAC 5-81."
Haiti 1:50,000. Terre Neuve. [E732 56744].
Terre Neuve | Source Chaude | Terre Neuve, Haiti | Source Chaude, Haïti | Series E732
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Three editions. Editions 1 and 2 prepared by Army Map Service; edition 3 prepared by Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center. Includes index to adjoining sheets. Some sheets include indexed boundary diagram, coverage diagram, and elevation guide diagram.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency - United States. Army Map Service
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) photo index map, Europe and North Africa : mapping camera photographs
Catalog Record Only
Wall map covering Europe south of Berlin, Africa north of Zaire, and adjacent portions of the Middle East. Shows the frame coverage outlines and magazine-frame numbers for "Hand-held camera photographs". Relief shown by spot heights. Does not show actual photographic images. LC coverage imperfect: Rubber-stamped on verso. Includes text and notes.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Central America
Catalog Record Only
Covers Central America, West Indies, northern South America, eastern Mexico, and southern United States. "July 1980." "Lithographed by DMAAC 3-81."
Aerospace Center (U.S.)
ARC digitized raster graphics coverage of
Catalog Record Only
System requirements: The ADRGs can be read on a IBM PC compatible; CD-ROM drive. Title from jewel case. "The reprensentation of boundaries is not necessarily authoritative." Title on spine of jewel case varies. Includes various editions of some CDs. Location map on verso of jewel case. Each CD has different stock no.
Aerospace Center (U.S.)
Haiti 1:50,000. Phaéton. [E732 58753].
Phaéton | Fort-Liberté | Phaëton | Phaéton, Haiti | Fort-Liberté, Haïti | Phaëton, Haïti | Series E732
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings. English and French. Three editions. Editions 1 and 2 prepared by Army Map Service; edition 3 prepared by Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center. Includes indexed boundary diagram and index to adjoining sheets. Some sheets include coverage diagram and elevation guide diagram.
Aerospace Center (U.S.) - United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency - United States. Army Map Service
Utah test and training range chart
Catalog Record Only
"... Produced in November 1981 from TPC F-16C and G-18B repromat." "Lithographed by DMAAC-3-82." "Relief shown by contours and spot heights." "UTR-1."
Aerospace Center (U.S.)
South America
Catalog Record Only
Scale 1:10,181,873. "Mercator projection true scale at 30⁰12ʹS ..." AACR2