Visit Tripoli : Tripoli, Libya
Tripoli, Libya | Plan of Tripoli
Catalog Record Only
English. Text also in Arabic, German, and Italian. Includes text, indexes to tourist attractions/services and tourist information centers. Illustrations and advertisements on verso.
Catalog Record Only
Shows physical features, boundary, administrative divisions, populated places, roads and desert trails. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Incisores: Pinkau, Reichenbecher." The map appears to be copied from Stielers Hand-Atlas, 10e druk [10th edition], published by Justus Perthes between 1925 and 1945. In Italian, German, French, and English.
Barich, C. - Justus Perthes (Firm : Gotha, Germany)
Carta dimostrativa della zona di Derna.
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by hachures. Italian. Glossary and phrases also in romanized Arabic. Includes glossary and phrases. LC copy mounted on cloth.
Catalog Record Only
"Stieler Ed. Intern. ; 79." Shows topographic features, international and colonial boundaries, administrative divisions, populated places, roads and desert trails. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian: Paris. "Incisores: Pinkau, Reichenbecher." [From: Stieler's Atlas of Modern Geography, 10th edition, International edition, published by Justus Perthers, 1934] In Italian, German, French, and English.
Barich, C. - Stieler, Adolf - Justus Perthes (Firm : Gotha, Germany)
Libia e regioni circostanti
Catalog Record Only
Shows physical features, boundaries, populated places, tribal community, major roads, and desert trails. Relief shown by spot heights. "(Edizione provvisoria) N. 611 - 1921 ." "Direttore dell' Ufficio: M. Checchi ; Tipolitografia del Ministero delle colonie." "Proprietà riservata." LC copy imperfect: Torn, missing small edge sections, taped on recto.
Dardano, A. (Achille) - Checchi, M. - Italy. Ministero Delle Colonie. Ufficio Topografico
Esso Standard Libya - George Philip & Son
Afrika 1:2,000,000. Verkehrskarte von Nord-Libyen
Verkehrskarte von Nord-Libyen
Catalog Record Only
Shows boundaries, administrative divisions, populated places, railways, road network, and communications. Relief shown by shading. "Grundkarte: Carta automobilistica della Libia 1:2,000,000 ; (Kgl. Automob.CI von Italien)." Originally issued as "Nur für den Dienstgebrauch." Includes 6 insets covering road network in northern Libya to Alexandria, Egypt. "II - 41"--On lower right margin. LC copy imperfect: Torn in the middle, extensively taped.
Germany. Heer. Generalstab. Chef Des Kriegskarten- Und Vermessungswesens - Germany. Heer. Heeresplankammer
Carta della Tripolitania e Cirenaica
Catalog Record Only
Shows physical features, populated places, tribal communities, major roads, desert trails, and sailig distance between selected places in Italy and Libya. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Proprietà Artistico-Letteraria." Ancillary maps: Tripolitania settentrionale -- Cirenaica.
Dardano, A. (Achille) - Istituto Geografico De Agostini
Cufra (El-Càfra) : rilievo speditivo del 1933 - Anno XI
Catalog Record Only
Shows cultivated land, water sources, marshland, populated settlements, major roads, and desert tracks. "Curve dimostrative - Quote ricavate con l'ipsometro." "Toponomastica riveduta a cura dell'Ufficio del Governo della Tripolitania." "Istituto geografico militare - Rilievo speditivo del 1933 - AXI."
Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy)
Carta dimostrativa della Tripolitania e Cirenaica.
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by shading. Shows physical features, boundaries, administrative divisions, populated places, tribal communities, desert trails, and major roads. "Reproduction prohibited (Law No. 1012, 19 Sept. 1882)." Includes conventional symbols, abbreviations, and principal names.
Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy)
Pianta di Tripoli
Catalog Record Only
"N. 153 - 1914." " C. Salussolia, Lit. " Plan of the Tripoli city under the Italian Protectorate. Shows in details the harbor, seaport facilities, residential and business districts, historical city gates, major and secondary roads, important buildings, railroads, and public places. Relief shown by hachures.
Italy. Ministero Delle Colonie. Ufficio Topografico
[Topography of Libya north coast and adjacent area]
Catalog Record Only
Title devised by cataloger. LC copy: positive photocopy. Sheets are individually titled. Relief shown by contours, hachures, and spot heights. Shows physical and topographic features of Libyan north coast, populated places, oases and cultivated land, roads, water wells, and desert tracks.
Italy. Ministero Delle Colonie. Ufficio Topografico
Piano di ampliamento della città di Bengasi, (Scala 1 a 2000)
Catalog Record Only
Shows expansion plan of the city of Banghazi, including the seaport, residential quarters, industrial district, colonial railway line, and express roads. Relief shown by hachures. "Ufficio Cartografico No. 142 - 1914." "Bengasi li 1 Gennaio 1914 ; L'Ispettore Superiore fo. R. Simonetti."
Italy. Ministero Delle Colonie. Ufficio Topografico
Oasi di Augila e Gialo : rilievo speditivo
Catalog Record Only
Shows cultivated land, water sources, marshland, populated settlements, major roads, and desert tracks. "Luglio 1928 - N. 161." "Istituto geografico militare - (Stampa 1941-XIX) ; Diseg. Ten. DeMeo." Relief shown by spot heights. "Governo della Cirenaica - Ufficio studi."
Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy)
[Cirenaica 1:50,000].
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Various issues of some sheets.
Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy)
Carta della Tripolitania e Cirenaica
Nuova carta della Tripolitania e Cirenaica
Catalog Record Only
Shows partial demarcation of the borders (with Egypt and Tunisia), populated places, tribes, major roads, desert trails, cable lines, marine lines, and travel distance between selected places in Italy and Libya. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Proprietà Artistico-Letteraria." Includes map "Dintorini di Tripoli, scale 1:35,000," publisher's map list, and advertisement on cover. Ancillary maps, scale 1:2,000,000: Tripolitania settentrionale -- Cirenaica.
Dardano, A. (Achille) - Istituto Geografico De Agostini
Carta della Libia.
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by form lines and spot heights.
Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy)
Schizzo altimetrico dei dintorni di Giado-Fassato
Catalog Record Only
Shows terrain elevations of Libya's Western Mountains (al-Jabal al-Gharbi, or Nafusa Mountains), populated places Giado (Jādū), Fassato (Fassāṭū) and other settlements, land, and access roads and tracks. Relief shown by contours, hachures, and spot heights. A head of the title: "Governo della Tripolitania." "L'operatore Cap. De-Maria Paolo, Febbraio 1914 ; Cliché E. Calzone." " N. 156 - 1914."
Italy. Ministero Delle Colonie. Ufficio Topografico
Libia : Carta dimostrativa fisico-politica
Title from title sheet: Libia e regioni limitrofe
Catalog Record Only
Shows political and administrative boundaries, populated places, major roads, and desert trails. Relief shown by gradient tints, form lines, and spot heights. Depths shown by gradient tints. "N. 754 - 1941-XIX. ; 2a Edizione aggiornata al 1° aprile 1941-XIX."" "Ministero dell' Africa Italiana, Ufficio Studi, Servizio Cartografico." "Proprietà riservata." Accompanied by title sheet (33 x 25 cm) showing the alternative title as "Libia e…
Dardano, A. (Achille) - Italy. Ministero Dell'africa Italiana. Ufficio Studi
Cirenaica, Libia
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by hachures. Some sheets have Geomap logo. In right lower corner of some sheets: Dis. Cima Veselli. Includes 2 index maps.
La sponda Libica : Tripolitania, Cirenaica
Tripolitania, Cirenaica
Catalog Record Only
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Antonio Vallardi, Editore - Milano ; Stabilimento dell' Editore A. Vallardi - Milano." "Diritti riservati."