Search Maps

  • Map
    Map of the Alaskan gold fields. Text in pocket. Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: Lee, T. S.
    • Date: 1897-01-01
  • Map
    Alaska 1:25,000
    Series Q801 | Attu C-6 NE, Alaska, Aleutian Islands
    Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings. "Compiled in 1954 from Alaska, 1:25.000 ... and from U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey charts T.7007 ... ." Various editions of some sheets. Includes source-materials note, sheet number, and diagrams. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: United States. Army Map Service - U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
    • Date: 1950-01-01
    • Resource: - 323 pages

  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--regions Pavlof-Revillagigedo]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 42 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--regions Pavlof-Revillagigedo
    This record covers single maps of Alaska covering regions of Alaska, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information, contact…
    • Date: 1890-01-01
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--cities and towns Angoon-Eska]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 48 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--cities and towns Angoon-Eska
    This record covers single maps of Alaska cities and towns, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and blueline prints and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. These maps may also show various subjects, such…
    • Date: 1867-01-01
  • Map
    Map of Russian America or Alaska Territory. Compiled from Russian Charts and surveys by J. F. Lewis. This four-part American map, preserved in the collections of the Russian State Library in Moscow, was produced in 1867 at the time of the Alaska Purchase, when the United States acquired Russia's colonial possessions in North America. The map was mostly compiled from charts and surveys utilized by the Western Union Telegraph Company in its effort to build a telegraph line from North America…
    • Contributor: Western Union Telegraph Company - Bulkley, Charles S. - Lewis, J. F.
    • Date: 1867-01-01

    Resource: View All Images

  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--various subjects Mining & Minerals (Gold-Rampart Placer Reg.)]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 23 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--various subjects Mining & Minerals (Gold-Rampart Placer Reg.)
    This record covers single maps of Alaska as a whole covering various subjects, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information,…
    • Date: 1898-01-01
  • Map
    Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Circle City, Upper Yukon Census Division, Alaska. Oct 1908. 1 sheet(s). 501 Surveyed by Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. Other places as they appear on original: Eagle, Manley's Hot Springs.
    • Date: 1908-10
  • Map
    Map of Alaska At head of title: U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith, Director. In lower right margin: Alaska, map A. Includes inset of Aleutian Islands. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. 2 copies
    • Contributor: Brooks, Alfred H. (Alfred Hulse) - Geological Survey (U.S.) - U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
    • Date: 1909-01-01
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska, 1908-1915]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 6 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--general 1908-1915
    This record covers single general maps of Alaska, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information, contact a reference librarian…
    • Date: 1908-01-01
  • Map
    Gavan' Trekh Svi︠a︡titeleĭ.
    Гавань Трех Святителей.
    [8] Iz izdanii︠a︡: Sobranie kart i risunkov, prinadlezhashchikh k puteshestvii︠u︡ flota kapitana 1-go ranga i Kavalera I︠U︡rii︠a︡ Lisi︠a︡nskogo na korable Neve. Shirota 57° 5' 59'' N, dolgota 153° 14' 30'' W. Pokazano: naselennyĭ punkt; otmetki glubin, kharakter dna, podvodnye kamni, mel', rastitel'nost', rel'ef shtrikhami. Original map at: National Library of Russia From the atlas "Собрание карт и рисунков, принадлежащих к Путешествию флота капитана 1-го…
    • Contributor: Lisi︠a︡nskiĭ, I︠u︡ri
    • Date: 1812-01-01
  • Map
    Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Valdez, Valdes-chitina-whittier, Alaska. May 1910 - Aug 1927. 2 sheet(s). 501.
    • Date: 1927-05

    Resource: View All Images

  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--various subjects Forests & Forestry-Forests & Forestry (Chugach National Forest)]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 15 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--various subjects Forests & Forestry-Forests & Forestry (Chugach National Forest)
    This record covers single maps of Alaska as a whole covering various subjects, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information,…
    • Date: 1907-01-01
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--regions Kodiak Island 1849-1970--Mineral Creek]
    Alternate supplied title: drawer 40 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--regions Kodiak Island 1849-1970--Mineral Creek
    This record covers single maps of Alaska covering regions of Alaska, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information, contact…
    • Date: 1849-01-01
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--various subjects Education-Fish & Fisheries]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 14 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--various subjects Education-Fish & Fisheries
    This record covers single maps of Alaska as a whole covering various subjects, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information,…
    • Date: 1875-01-01
  • Map
    The Call of the wild by Jack London Covers Alaska and western Yukon Territory. Pictorial map. Includes notes. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. LMP
    • Contributor: Riba, Paul
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--cities and towns Fairbanks-Hyde]
    Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--drawer 49 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--cities and towns Fairbanks-Hyder
    This record covers single maps of Alaska cities and towns, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and blueline prints and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. These maps may also show various subjects, such…
    • Date: 1867-01-01
  • Map
    Chart shewing the North West Passage discovered by H.M. Ship Investigator : also the coast explored in search of Sir J. Franklin by Sir Jas. Ross, 1848 & 49 ... [et al.] Relief shown by hachures. At head of title: C. 6. Includes notes. Pen-and-ink, pencil, and watercolor. In pencil in upper left corner: 114/160. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Acquisitions control no. 99-87
    • Contributor: Inglefield, E. A. (Edward Augustus) - Great Britain. Hydrographic Office
    • Date: 1853
  • Collection
    [Maps of Alaska--regions Saint Elias-Semisopochnoi Island]
    Alternate supplied title: drawer 43 | Alternate supplied title: Alaska title collection--regions Saint Elias-Semisopochnoi Island
    This record covers single maps of Alaska covering regions of Alaska, which are not represented in the LC database by separate catalog records. This collection includes single printed maps and photocopies of printed or manuscript single maps and may also include some multi-sheet single maps, plates from atlases, books or periodicals, and printed facsimiles. To request a specific map or for more information, contact…
    • Date: 1849-01-01
  • Map
    Peshekhodnai︠a︡ opisʹ chasti russkikh vladi︠e︡nīĭ v Ameriki︠e︡. Romanized. Also available in digital form. LAC ecr 2019-06-12 no edits (1 card)
    • Contributor: Zagoskin, Lavr. Al. (Lavrentiĭ Alekseevich)
    • Date: 1847

    Resource: View All Images | Images with Text | PDF

  • Map
    Map of Koyukuk River, Alaska Relief shown by hachures. Oriented with north toward the upper left. Blueprint. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes note.
    • Contributor: Wonson, G. H. - Anderson Map Company
    • Date: 1899-01-01
  • Map
    Alaska 1:50,000 Later sheets published by Defense Mapping Agency. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: United States. Army Map Service
    • Date: 1954
  • Map
    Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Haines, Haines Census Division, Alaska. Oct 1914 - Oct 1948. 3 sheet(s). Other places as they appear on original: Port Chilkoot..
    • Date: 1948-10

    Resource: View All Images

  • Map
    Generalʹnai︠a︡ Karta Rossiĭskoĭ Imperii i prisoedinennykhʺ kʺ onoĭ T︠S︡arstva Polʹskago i Velikago Kni︠a︡zhestva Finli︠a︡ndskago. sʺ oznacheniemʺ razstoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ verstʺ po pochtovymʺ dorogamʺ mezhdu gubernskimi gorodami; a v pogranichnykhʺ gubernii︠a︡kh otʺ gubernskago goroda do …
    Генеральная Карта Россiйской Имперiи и присоединенныхъ къ оной Царства Польскаго и Великаго Княжества Финляндскаго. съ означенiемъ разстоянiя верстъ по почтовымъ дорогамъ между губернскими городами; а в пограничныхъ губернiях отъ губернскаго города до дальнѣйшихъ уѣздныхъ городовъ и до иностранныхъ границъ; съ таблицею круговаго разстоянiя верстъ между знатнѣйшими 73-мя городами.
    This 1827 map of the Russian Empire is from a larger work,Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo (Geographical atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland), containing 60 maps of the Russian Empire. Compiled and engraved by Colonel V.P. Piadyshev, it reflects the detailed mapping carried out by Russian military cartographers in the…
    • Contributor: Ieremin - Pi︠a︡dyshev, Vasiliĭ Petrovich - Russia. General Staff. Military Topographical Depot
    • Date: 1827-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page