Search Maps
Map[Map of Mosby's route through Virginia and North Carolina]. This printed map of Virginia and North Carolina includes annotations by Sneden showing the route taken by Mosby's troops and their prisoners (Sneden among them) from Culpeper, Va., to Charlotte, N.C.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-01-01
MapThe 2nd Battle of Bull Run, Va., August 1862. Map showing position of the Union and … Below title: "Copy of Official Map Headquarters 3rd Corps. Drawn by R.K. Sneden, 40th N.Y. Vols. & Topog. Engineer. 3rd Army Corps." NOTE: Researchers will be served a color photocopy of this…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-08-26
MapPlan of the Second Battle of Bull Run, Va. Showing position of both armies at 6 … Below map: "Copy of map made for Maj. Genl. S.P. Heintzelman, 3rd Army Corps, AP, by R.K. Sneden, Topo. Engr." Lower left corner: "Copy of official map by U.S. Engineers of Genl.…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-08-29
MapBattle at Dranesville, Va. Decr. 20th, 1861. NOTE: Researchers will be served a color photocopy of this scrapbook image. Original scrapbook housed in the Museum Department of the Virginia Historical Society (1994.80.4-525) with restricted access. This item is from…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1861-12-20
MapBlockade of the Potomac. Map showing Union and Rebel batteries January 1862. The Rebels evacuated all … "The Rebel troops and batteries were commanded by Genl. Holmes, C.S.A. during the blockade which lasted from Decr 1861 to 9th March 1862." -- Page caption. Color coding shows location of Union…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapMap shewing [sic] retreat of Union Army from Savage's Station to White Oak Swamp, Va. : … Bottom margin: "The swamp was 8 miles long and 3 miles wide." Key across the bottom margin indicates the symbols for positions of the Union and Confederate armies, including infantry, cavalry, and…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-06-30
MapMap showing route taken by Mosby with his prisoners, Nov. 27th-29th, 1863. In this detail from an unidentified printed map, Sneden has traced the circuitous route he and other prisoners captured by Mosby's Guerillas during the Mine Run Campaign followed from near Rappahannock Station,…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-11-27
MapPlan showing positions of Union and Rebel armies 8th and 9th April 1865, to the surrender … This detail of an unidentified printed map has annotations by Sneden showing the locations of troops surrounding Appomattox Courthouse, April 9th, 1865. Union forces identified include Sheridan's 9th Corps, Humphrey's 2nd Corps,…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapMap shewing [sic] vicinity of Winchester, Virginia, Potomac, etc. Shows portions of southern Maryland and northern Virginia emphasizing Winchester, Va. Sneden notes on the map that Winchester was a city that changed hands 46 times during the war. He lists three…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
Map"Camp Lawton" at Millen, Georgia : about 8,600 prisoners confined here 14th November 1864. Concerns a Confederate prison camp for Northern soldiers that was brand new in October 1864 when Sneden was transferred from Savannah, Ga., back inland to Camp Lawton at Millen, Ga. Sneden shows…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1864-11-14
Map[Ge]ographical sketch of the city of Richmond, Virginia, with surrounding encampments, 1862. Shows Confederate encampements and prisons in Richmond and south of the James River in Manchester and Spring Hill. Sneden has added an index listing the governenment buildings and the houses of important…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-01-01
MapTopographical map of Washington, D.C., and vicinity. Showing the Union forts and defences built 1861-3. Detail from a printed map of the Potomac River region of Maryland and Virginia, and including Washington, D.C., which Sneden has annotated to show the locations of Union forts and picket lines.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
Map[Map of the First Battle of Bull Run] Shows the movement of the Union and Confederate forces as their positions changed over the course of July 21, 1861, during the First Battle of Bull Run. Sneden illustrates the battle over…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1861-01-01
MapMap of country between Yorktown and Williamsbu[rg] in Virginia. Shows a portion of the peninsula outlined by the York River to the north and the James River to the south. Sneden marked the Union line of march, wagon trains, and Confederate…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapPlan of attack on Marie's Heights, Fredericksburg, Va. or 2nd Battle of Fredericksburg. By Maj. Genl. … Illustrates the placement of Union and Confederate forces during the Chancellorsville Campaign of April-May, 1863, culminating in the battle of Chancellorsville fought May 1-4, 1863. This map focuses on the Sunday, May…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-05-03
MapMap showing from Richmond to Fredericksburg, Va. Printed map with annotations by Sneden highlighting the defenses of Richmond, Va., and locations associated with the Battle of the Wilderness, 5-7 May 1864.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox - Schott, Charles A. (Charles Anthony)
- Date: 1862-01-01
MapPlan of the Battle of Kelly's Ford, Virginia : fought 7th Nov. 1863 by 3rd Army … In this detailed view of Kellysville and Kelly's Ford on the Rappahannock River, Sneden shows the placement of Union regiments in a semicircle to the east of town, and the opposing Confederate…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-11-07
MapRevised plan of battle of Malvern Hill, July 1st, 1862 (official). Details the action of July 1, 1862, with most of the major Confederate forces under the command of Stonewall Jackson, D. H. Hill, and Magruder, identified in their location north of Malvern…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-07-01
MapVicinity of Winchester and Harper's Ferry, Va. Detail of a printed map of Winchester, Va., and environs, with annotations and additions by Sneden. Additions include inclusion of roads, notes about and dates of battles and skirmishes, location of the…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1861-01-01
MapThe Pursuit of the rebel army, April 6th-8th, 1865, and Battle of Sailor's Creek, Va. In this detail from an unidentified printed map, Sneden depicts the area between Rice's Depot and Jetersville, Va. Named after Sailor's Creek that runs through Prince Edward, Amelia and Nottoway Counties, this…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapPlan of the Battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. : fought 7th November 1863. Focuses on a small portion of the Rappahannock River close to the line dividing Culpeper and Fauquier counties, Va., and about 8 miles (as indentified by Sneden) from Brandy Station where the…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-11-07
MapFredericksburg to Petersburg, Va. The purpose of this map is uncertain; it may have been to identify the rail lines within the corridor between Fredericksburg and Petersburg. Included (as phrased by Sneden) are the Richmond and…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
Map[Map of the lower Potomac River showing picket lines, January 1862] Concerns Union and Confederate pickets positioned north and south around Pohick Church and Accotink in Fairfax County, Va., in January 1862. Includes a balloon pictured near Pohick Church and labelled as "Decr.…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1861-01-01
MapMap of 1st and 2nd Bull Run battles. Official map from the Topographical Bureau, Washington, D.C. In this detail of a printed map, Sneden has juxtaposed troop locations during First Bull Run (21 July 1861) and Second Bull Run (29-30 August 1862). He has also noted the location…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-01-01
MapMap of operations at Bermuda Hundred and Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, 10th May 1864. In this map Sneden attempts to show several engagements that took place between Butler's Army of the James and Beauregard's Confederates, May 6th through May 13th, 1864. He includes Port Walthall Junction,…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapPlan of the battle of Chancellorsville. Virginia position, 5 p.m., 2nd May 1863. Sneden uses his usual eye for detail in showing the nature of the terrain with crop fields, woods, areas of felled trees, roads, and waterways in the vicinity of the Battle of…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-05-02
MapMap shewing [sic] vicinity of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and the upper Potomac River. Concerns an area of Maryland and Virginia between the towns of Cumberland, Md., on the west and Harpers Ferry, Va. [now W.Va.], on the eastern side of the map. Sneden details the…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapPlan of the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Fought June 30th and July 1st, 1862. "The position of Union forces at Malvern Hill was on the West. Overlooking Warren were 36 guns having full sweep of the Valley and over the River Road. These batteries were [Stephen…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapSecond battle field at Bull Run Shows the Union forces under Gen. John Pope and the Confederates under Gen. Robert E. Lee on the 29th, 30th, and 31st of August 1862 in an area of Virginia defined by…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapMap shewing [sic] advance of 6th Army Corps (Genl. John Sedgwick U.S.A.) to assist Gen. Hooker … In January of 1863 Joseph Hooker replaced Ambrose Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac. His first order of business was to dislodge R. E. Lee from his position outside…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-01-01
MapPosition of Union and Rebel armies near Chancellorsville May 4th 1863 Map shows the location of troops in the area surrounding Chancellorsville, Va. The main focus of the map is the troops under Union General Hooker located to the north along the Rapidan…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-05-04
MapThe line of the Rappahannock, 30th April 1863 Showing position of Union and Rebel armies at … This map shows the location of the two armies on the eve of the Chancellorsville Campaign. Union Gen. Hooker has moved his forces via Kelly's Ford into position south of the Rappahannock…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-04-30
MapMap of the field of operations in Virginia and Battle of Mine Run, during November 1863. Includes areas of Orange and Culpeper counties, Va., where Meade approached the Rapidan River and the Mine Run Valley to try and push Lee's forces unsuccessfully back towards Richmond in the Mine…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapMap showing position of Union and Rebel armies and Jackson's flank march during 2nd Battle of … Fortunately, Pope's forces retained control of Henry House Hill, thereby allowing the bulk of his army to retreat safely across Bull Run toward Centreville. As part of Lee's plan to interrupt Pope's…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
MapThe Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., including operations from April 29th to May 5th, 1863 Map depicts Hooker's attempt to flank Lee's position at Fredericksburg via Kelly's Ford and Chancellorsville, which backfired when Lee discovered it. Dividing his forces, Lee turned half to meet Hooker's Federals head…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox - Paine, William H.
MapPlan of Fortress Monroe, Virginia, March 6, 1862. Shows in close view the area surrounding Fort Monroe.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-03-06
MapPlan of Fortress Munroe [sic], Va., 1862. Shows the area surrounding Fort Monroe, including the Chesapeake Bay, Old Point Comfort, and Camp Hamilton to the north.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-01-01
MapMap of the Peninsula of Virginia : showing route of McClellan's Army toward Richmond [illegible]. On what appears to be a portion of a published travel map showing steamship and railroad routes out of Baltimore, Md., Sheden has indicated the route of the Union Army as it…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1862-01-01
Map[Map of Alexandria, Virginia] Illustrates Alexandria's central position in the defense of Washington, where at least 12 outlying forts surrounded the city. Military camps of various Union officers such as Samuel Peter Heintzelman are indicated on…
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1861-01-01
MapMap of Richmond, Virginia...1863. Identifies Confederate prisons, forts, and hospitals in Richmond, Va.
- Contributor: Sneden, Robert Knox
- Date: 1863-01-01