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MapJapanese pre-war colonization Cover title. English and Japanese, with ms. Spanish translations of Japanese captions. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. 南洋二於ケル邦人拓殖事業状況圖 --Japanese Enterprises in the South Seas and the Distribution of Japanese Nationals -- Distribution of Products in the South Seas Area -- 邦人世界分布圖 -- Japanese Nationals Living Abroad -- Distribution of Japanese Nationals [Asia, Oceania] -- Distribution of…
- Contributor: United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Date: 1935
Resource: View All Images
MapGeological atlas of Chosen
Geological atlas of Chosen | Chōsen chishitsuzu | Geological atlas of Tyôsen Relief shown by contours and spot heights. No. 19 has title "Geological atlas of Tyôsen." Available through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Electronic reproduction. Washington, D.C. : Geography & Maps Division, Library of Congress, 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Reproduction made from a copy owned by: U.S. Geological Survey Library. LC copy: Property stamp "U.S. Geological Survey…- Contributor: Chōsen Sōtokufu Chishitsu Chōsajo
- Date: 1933
Resource: View All Images
MapExplanatory text to the Geological atlas of Chosen. no. 2, Ennichi-Kyuryuho and Choyo sheets (resume)
Kyuryuho and Choyo sheets (resume) Available through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Electronic reproduction. Washington, D.C. : Geography & Maps Division, Library of Congress, 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Reproduction made from a copy owned by: U.S. Geological Survey Library. LC copy: Property stamp "U.S. Geological Survey Library."- Contributor: Chōsen Sōtokufu Chishitsu Chōsajo
- Date: 1924
Resource: View All Images
MapExplanatory text to the Geological atlas of Chosen. No. 1, Yusen and Mitsuyo sheets Available through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Electronic reproduction. Washington, D.C. : Geography & Maps Division, Library of Congress, 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Reproduction made from a copy owned by: U.S. Geological Survey Library. LC copy: Property stamp "U.S. Geological Survey Library."
- Contributor: Chōsen Sōtokufu Chishitsu Chōsajo
- Date: 1924
Resource: View All Images
MapGeological atlas of Chosen
Geological atlas of Chosen | Chōsen chishitsuzu Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Available through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Electronic reproduction. Washington, D.C. : Geography & Maps Division, Library of Congress, 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Reproduction made from a copy owned by: U.S. Geological Survey Library. LC copy: Property stamp "U.S. Geological Survey Library." 第八輯. 兼二浦沙里院及載寧圖幅 = No-8. Kenjiho Shariin Sainei…- Contributor: Chōsen Sōtokufu Chishitsu Chōsajo
- Date: 1929
Resource: View All Images
MapGeological atlas of Chosen
Geological atlas of Chosen | Chōsen chishitsuzu Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Available through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Electronic reproduction. Washington, D.C. : Geography & Maps Division, Library of Congress, 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Reproduction made from a copy owned by: U.S. Geological Survey Library. LC copy: Accompanied by explanatory text to the geological atlas of Chosen no. 1. Property…- Contributor: Chōsen Sōtokufu Chishitsu Chōsajo
- Date: 1924
Resource: View All Images
MapChiba-ken Chōshi-shi, Toyosato, Shiishiba chiku tochi hōten : chiban chiseki chimoku irizu
千葉県銚子市・豊里・椎柴土地宝典 : 地番地積地目入図 / | Toyosato Shiishiba chiku tochi hōten, chiban chiseki chimoku irizu | Tochi hōten Shows lot numbers, boundaries and address. Title from cover. Includes map "Chōshi-shi zenzu (1:30,000)."- Contributor: Sugiyama, Shigeru - Teikoku Shichōson Chizu Kankō Kyōkai
- Date: 1961
- Resource: Chiba-ken Chōshi-shi, Toyosato, Shiishiba chiku tochi hōten - 22 pages
MapYamanashi-ken Higashiyatsushiro-gun, Toyotomi-mura tochi hōten : chiban chiseki chimoku irizu
山梨県東八代郡・豊富村土地宝典 : 地番地積地目入図 / | Toyotomi-mura tochi hōten, chiban chiseki chimoku irizu | Tochi hōten Shows lot numbers, boundaries and address. Title from cover.- Contributor: Shima, Masayoshi
- Date: 1961
- Resource: Yamanashi-ken Higashiyatsushiro-gun, Toyotomi-mura tochi hōten - 13 pages
MapYamanashi-ken Higashiyatsushiro-gun Yatsushiro-chō tochi hōten : chiban chiseki chimoku irizu
山梨県東八代郡八代町土地宝典 : 地番地積地目入図 / | Higashiyatsushiro-gun Yatsushiro-chō tochi hōten | Tochi hōten Shows lot numbers, boundaries and address. Title from cover. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.- Contributor: Shima, Masayoshi
- Date: 1960
- Resource: Yamanashi-ken Higashiyatsushiro-gun Yatsushiro-chō tochi hōten - 17 pages
MapAichi-ken (Gakuden chiku) Inuyama-shi tochi hōten : chiban chiseki chimoku irizu
愛知県 (楽田地区) 犬山市土地宝典 : 地番地積地目入図 / | Inuyama-shi tochi hōten tochi hōten, chiban chiseki chimoku irizu | Tochi hōten Shows lot numbers, boundaries and address. Title from cover.- Contributor: Itō, Matsunosuke - Teikoku Shichōson Chizu Kankō Kyōkai
- Date: 1960
- Resource: Aichi-ken (Gakuden chiku) Inuyama-shi tochi hōten - 16 pages
MapNansenbushū bankoku shōka no zu
南瞻部洲萬國掌菓之圖 / | Bankoku shōka no zu Shows the world, based on knowledge from numerous famous Chinese and Japanese classics and Buddhism. Depths shown pictorially. Wood block print. Map and author, Hōtan, listed in Imago Mundi's Review of early cartography, v. 10, 1954. "... prototype of Buddhist world maps." Bibliography. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Acquisitions control no. 94-37- Contributor: Sōshun
- Date: 1710-01-01
MapSankai yochi zenzu.
山海輿地全圖 Scale ca. 1:27,000,000 at the equator. Wood block print, hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Shows continents and oceans of the world at about 1600. Based on Matteo Ricci's World map which was published in China in 1602. Includes text. At head of text: Chikyū bankoku sankai yochi zenzu setsu. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Vault AACR2- Contributor: Nagakubo, Sekisui - Ricci, Matteo
- Date: 1785-01-01
MapChikyū zenzu
地球全圖 / | Chikyūzu Relief shown pictorially. Hand drawn copy of first map on copperplate in Japan. The paper has been authenticated by the Metropolitan Museum as 18th century Japanese paper. Originally published Tōto Shibamon, [Japan] : K. Shiba, 1792. Includes 8 ancillary maps, note, and col. ill. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Acquisitions control no. 31-82 Vault "寬政壬子春二月日本銅板創製東都芝門司馬江漢峻寫并刻."- Contributor: Shiba, Kōkan
- Date: 1792-01-01
MapSekai daisō no zu.
世界大相圖 Wood block print. Relief shown pictorially. Single set of characters readable as either Japanese or Chinese. Box title. LC copy annotated with brush and ink on verso of maps: Dai 24-gō. On verso of map [1]: Shumi Nan'enbudai. On verso of box cover: Bunsei 13 [1830]. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. [1] 閻浮提図附日宮図. 文化 5 [1808]…- Contributor: Zontō
MapSekai bankoku Nihon yori kaijō risū kunijirushi ōjō jinbutsuzu.
世界萬國日本ヨリ海上里數国印王城人物圖 | Sekaizu ichiran Shows countries of the world, their people, and distances from Japan. Also shows the continents (Asia, Europe, Libya [i.e. Africa], North and South America), the oceans, some capitals, the equator, and the tropics. Pictorial map. Relief shown pictorially. Japanese. Cover and cover title added of a later date. Wood block print. Includes explanatory notes. LC copy: Hand-drawn and colored anatomical drawings on verso of…- Date: 1800-01-01
MapKankai kōro shinzu
環海航路新圖 / Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Kotenseki sōgō mokuroku, 2013-09-11 (環海航路新図 (かんかいこうろしんず), 地図 1枚; 著者: 広瀬包章; 出版事項: 須原屋茂兵衛 <江> 他 3, 文久 2). LC copy has "廣瀬氏藏板" stamped. DLC- Contributor: Hirose, Aishin - Hirose, Hoan - Hirose, Ikkō - Japanese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1862-01-01
CollectionWar map : pictorial and propaganda map collection 1900-1950. A collection of 180 pictorial and propaganda maps that illustrate events related to World War I, the interwar years, World War II, the formation of the United Nations, and the Cold War. While many of the pieces were created as governmental propaganda, others appeared in commercial publications, including the Star Weekly, Fortune Magazine, the Daily Mail, and the Los Angeles Examiner. Some of the…
- Contributor: Chase, Ernest Dudley - Manning, F. E. - Harrison, Richard Edes - Clegg, Ernest - Stiles, Ezra C. - Rose, Fred. W. (Frederick W.) - Kampf, Arthur
- Date: 1900-01-01
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Map[Wa-shin-ton] DC. Covers Washington central business district. Selected buildings shown pictorially. Panel title. "*GPO: 1984--421-609/470, Reprint 1984, Japanese." Includes tourist information and col. ill. Tourist information, map of Washington region, and col. ill. on verso. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. DCP
- Contributor: United States. National Park Service
- Date: 1984-01-01
Map[Wa-shin-ton] DC. "*GPO: 1989--242-342/80035. Reprint 1989, Japanese." Covers Washington central business district. Selected buildings shown pictorially. Japanese and English. Panel title. Includes description and col. ill. of places of interest. Tourist information, map of Washington region, col. ill. on verso. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. DCP
- Contributor: United States. National Park Service
- Date: 1989-01-01
MapKaʾngei Washinton-shi. Shows central business section. Selected building shown pictorially. Panel title. Alternate title: Washinton D.C. no midoʾkoro. "Map reproduction with permission from the National Park Service. Translation by staff at All Nippon Airways & USTTA, Tokyo, Japan." Reproduced and translated for the Washington D.C. Convention and Visitors Association. Includes col. ill. and list of places of interest. Tourist information and ill. on verso. Available also…
- Contributor: Zen Nihon Kūyu Kabushiki Kaisha - United States Travel and Tourism Administration - International Visitors Information Service - United States. National Park Service
- Date: 1990-01-01
MapKokuritsu Bijutsukan, mappu to gairyaku annai.
Gyararī ichigaikan Maps of 7 floorplans of the 2 museum buildings. Japanese. Panel title. Includes text, color-key to museum collections, and building cross-section. Text, "Area map," and ill. (some col.) on verso. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.- Contributor: National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
- Date: 1996-01-01
MapHawai Kaisen tai suijō kansen senkazu, Shōwa 16-nen 12-gatsu 8-nichi = Estimated damage report against surface ships on the air attack of Pearl Harbor, December 8th, 1941
布哇海戦対水上艦船戦果圖・昭和十六年十二月八日 = Estimated damage report against surface ships on the air attack of Pearl Harbor, December 8th, 1941 | Hawai Kaisen tai suijō kansen senkazu, Shōwa jūrokunen jūnigatsu yōka | Estimated damage report against surface ships on the air attack of Pearl Harbor, December 8th, 1941 Title, legend and caption in Japanese and English handwritten by Fuchida. Pen-and-ink and watercolors. Post-battle damage assessment map of Pearl Harbor. Cartographer's name inferred from Website of Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, Nov. 3, 2018, "Commander Mitsuo Fuchida." According to Fuchida's autobiography; the map was used for Fuchida's briefing of the Emperor on December 26, 1941. Shows details of the attack, including…- Contributor: Fuchida, Mitsuo
- Date: 1941
MapKanpan Jissoku Nihon chizu. Kita Ezo.
官板實測日本地圖 | Jissoku Nihon chizu | Kita Ezo Relief shown pictorially and by hachures. Title from cover pasted on verso. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.- Date: 1880-01-01
MapIran oyobi Afuganisutan : sanbyakuman-bun no ichi zu.
イラン及アフガニスタン : 三百万分一圖 Relief shown by shading, gradient tints, and spot heights. Based on: "Iran i Afganistan" by Soviet Union, Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii, 1940. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Website. LC copy has "WDC 240304" written. LC copy has "南滿洲鐵道株式會社東京支社圖書印" stamped. DLC- Contributor: Japan. Rikuchi Sokuryōbu - Soviet Union. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii I Kartografii
- Date: 1941-01-01
MapIran oyobi Afuganisutan : sanbyakuman-bun no ichi zu.
イラン及アフガニスタン : 三百万分一圖 Relief shown by shading and spot heights. Based on: "Iran i Afganistan" by Soviet Union, Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii, 1940. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. "本圖ハ 千九百四十年 蘇聯内務人民委員部附属測量總局出版圖ヲ飜譯透寫製版セルモノナリ"--Right bottom corner of the map.- Contributor: Japan. Rikuchi Sokuryōbu - Soviet Union. Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii I Kartografii
- Date: 1941-01-01