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  • Map
    Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania.
    Walachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
    Gerard Mercator (1512--94) was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders (Belgium). His given name was Gerard de Kremer or Cremer. "Mercator," meaning "merchant," is a Latinized version of his Flemish last name. He studied philosophy and theology at the University of Leuven, and developed an interest in astronomy and mathematics. He produced his first map, of Palestine, in 1537. He went on to create numerous…
    • Contributor: Mercator, Gerhard
    • Date: 1589-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Bulgaria. Relief shown by shading. Includes note. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. "Base 801138 (A01105) 7-88".
    • Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
    • Date: 1988-01-01
  • Map
    Bulgaria. "Base 802231 (R01234) 6-94". Also issued with shaded relief. Includes note. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
    • Date: 1994-01-01
  • Map
    Bulgaria. Relief shown by shading. "Base 802232 (R01234) 6-94". Also issued without shaded relief. Includes note. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
    • Date: 1994-01-01
  • Map
    Bulgaria, terrain and transportation. Scale ca. 1:1,125,000. "26324 7-58." Relief shown by shading and spot heights. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. AACR2
    • Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
    • Date: 1958-01-01
  • Map
    The Macedonian Landscape.
    Die Landschaft Macedonien
    Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly (1766-1820) was an Austrian writer and poet, geographer, bookseller, and art dealer. His cartographic works included a world atlas, published in 1794-96, an atlas of Germany (1803), and his Allgemeiner Postatlas (General postal atlas), a work of 1799 with 40 maps showing postal routes, the first such atlas published anywhere in the world. Shown here is von Reilly's map…
    • Contributor: Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph Von
    • Date: 1791-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Bessarabia, the Ethnographical Map. In the spring of 1919 Captain John Kaba of the United States Army completed a two-month survey of political and economic conditions in Bessarabia (present-day Moldova) on behalf of the American Relief Administration, the organization established by the United States Congress to provide humanitarian assistance and combat mass starvation in Europe in the immediate aftermath of World War I. Kaba published his findings in…
    • Contributor: Kaba, John - American Relief Administration
    • Date: 1919-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Turkey in Europe: According to New Observations by the Gentlemen at the Royal Science Academy.
    Turquie en Europe : Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
    Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733) was a Dutch publisher and bookseller, based in Leiden, who specialized in reissuing maps acquired from earlier mapmakers. Van der Aa's major work was the elaborate Galerie Agréable du Monde (The pleasurable gallery of the world), a compendium of some 3,000 maps in 66 parts, bound in 27 volumes, and completed in 1729. Presented here is van der Aa's…
    • Contributor: Aa, Pieter Van Der
    • Date: 1729-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    European Turkey and Part of Asian Turkey, Divided into Large Provinces and Governorships.
    Turquie d'Europe et partie de celle d'Asie divisée par grandes Provinces et Gouvernemts
    This mid-18th century French map shows the Balkan Peninsula, most of Anatolia (present-day Turkey), and the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Crete. The map bears the inscription "Sr. Janvier" ("Le Sieur Janvier"), a designation that refers to a cartographer active in Paris between 1746 and 1776 whose name was either Jean or Robert Janvier. The map offers a striking view of the European territories…
    • Contributor: Janvier, Jean, Flourished
    • Date: 1750-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Geographical Map of Modern Northern Greece.
    Mappa Geographica Graeciae Septentrionalis Hodiernae sive Provinciarum Macedoniae, Thessaliae et Albaniae in qua ultima Provincia Habitationes sitae Gentis Montenegrianae in Comitatu Zentanensi expressae sunt, unacum finitimis Regionibus atque Insulis
    The long subtitle of this Latin map of northern Greece explains that it depicts "the provinces of Macedonia, Thessaly, and Albania, in the last one of which the dwellings of the Montenegrin people located in the county of Zenta are indicated, together with the neighboring regions and islands, drawn by very recent and new auxiliary troops according to the rule of correct projections in…
    • Contributor: Homann Erben (Firm)
    • Date: 1770-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    The Kingdom of Serbia, Otherwise Called Rascia.
    Il Regno della Servia detta alterimenti Rascia
    The note in Italian in the cartouche in the lower left-hand corner of this map states that it was "described on the basis of the most exact maps and with the direction of the most recent news by Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola, subject and geographer of the Most Serene Master the Duke of Modena and published by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi in his printing…
    • Contributor: Cantelli Da Vignola, Giacomo
    • Date: 1689-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Tabula geographica qua pars Rusiae Magnae : Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor cum finitimis Bulgariae Romaniae et Natoliae Provinciis Relief shown pictorially. Watermark. Minimal level cataloging record. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
    • Contributor: Homann, Johann Baptist
    • Date: 1720-01-01
  • Map
    Military sketch of the country between the Danube and Constantinople
    Theatre of war in Turkey
    Physical relief map of the western littoral region of the Black Sea between the Danube Delta (Romania) and the Bosporus (Turkey)--part of the Ottoman Empire. Relief shown by hachures. Issued at the time of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829. Hand colored to emphasize coastlines and the delta. When affixed to the cloth backing the map sheet was sectioned to 21 panels to enable folding.…
    • Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - Wyld, James - Prussia (Kingdom). Armee. Grosser Generalstab
    • Date: 1828-01-01
  • Map
    European Turkey as the Theater of War between the Turks and the Russians.
    Turquie d'Europe pour Servir au théâtre de la guerre des Turcs et des Russes
    This map shows southeastern Europe during the Crimean War (1853-56) that pitted Russia against the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and its allies Britain, France, and Sardinia. The western European powers backed the Turks in order to block Russia's expansion into the Black Sea region, which they believed threatened their positions in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Many of the war's major battles were fought…
    • Contributor: Dufour, A.H. (Auguste Henri)
    • Date: 1855-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    General Map of European Turkey, Greece and the Ionian Islands.
    Carte générale de la Turquie d'Europe, de la Grèce et des Iles Ioniennes
    Adrien-Hubert Brué (1786-1832) was a French geographer and cartographer who as a young man accompanied the explorer Nicolas Baudin on his 1800-1803 voyage to New Holland (Australia). Brué returned to France to become an important geographer, associated with the Institut Geographique de Paris and geographer to the king. His Grand atlas universel (Large universal atlas) was first published in 1816 and issued in revised…
    • Contributor: Brué, Adrien Hubert
    • Date: 1816-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Representation of the Turkish Empire.
    Turcici Imperii Descriptio
    The Flemish geographer and scholar Abraham Ortelius (1527-98) published the first edition of his Theatrum orbis terrarum (Theater of the world) in 1570. It contained 53 maps, each with a detailed commentary. It was the first true atlas in the modern sense: a bound book of map plates and accompanying text specifically produced to give a uniform, complete presentation. More than 7,300 copies of…
    • Contributor: Ortelius, Abraham - Gastaldi, Giacomo
    • Date: 1579-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    The Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf.
    Il Bacino orientale del mediterraneo il mar rosso ed il golfo persico
    This undated Italian map of the Middle East was published by the firm G.B. Paravia of Turin, Italy. It is a political map marking the boundaries of states and empires at the date of printing, probably at the very end of the 19th century. A clue to dating is the designation of Somalia Italiana (Italian Somalia). A series of Italian protectorates was established in…
    • Contributor: Paravia (Firm) - Salussolia
    • Date: 1890-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Lands of the Emperor of the Turks or the Ottoman Sultan in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
    Estats de l'empire du Grand Seigneur des Turqs ou Sultan des Ottomans en Asie, en Afrique, et en Europe
    This map shows the Ottoman Empire as it was conceived in Europe in the last quarter of the 17th century. It is a reprint, dated 1679, of an earlier edition possibly included in a series of world atlases published by Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) in the middle of the century. The map shows geological features, such as rivers, deserts, and mountain ranges. Cities and towns…
    • Contributor: Sanson, Nicolas
    • Date: 1679-01-01
    • Resource: - 1 page
  • Map
    Turkish Empire.
    Tvrcicvm imperivm
    This detailed map of the Turkish Empire at the height of its powers was produced in Amsterdam by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638) in about 1635, when the Ottoman territories included the Balkans, Anatolia, the Levant, and parts of Hungary, Ukraine, North Africa and Arabia. The map centers on the eastern Mediterranean (marked Mare Syriacum, or Syrian Sea) and northern Arabia, and it extends from…
    • Contributor: Blaeu, Joan - Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
    • Date: 1635-01-01
    • Resource: - 2 pages

    View with Search Result: View 2 Images

  • Map
    Periplus; an essay on the early history of charts and sailing-directions At head of title: A. E. Nordenskiöld. "The Periplus may be regarded as a second volume to the [author's] Facsimile-atlas [to the early history of cartography]"--Pref. "Sailing directions for the northern seas. By E. W. Dahlgren": p. 101-110. Phillips, 658 LAC knj 2019-07-02 update (1 card)
    • Contributor: Nordenskiöld, A. E. (Adolf Erik) - Bather, Francis Arthur - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1897

    View with Search Result: View 1 Image
    Resource: View All Image | Images with Text | PDF

  • Map
    Map of the Turkish Empire.
    Turcici Imperii Imago
    This map shows the Ottoman Empire as it appeared in the early 17th century. It details Ottoman territories in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and includes Persia, Transcaucasia, Ethiopia, and other surrounding lands. Topographic features, place-names, and populations are definitively marked, although the nomenclature of the time differs markedly from that used today. The Red Sea is termed the Sea of Mecca, for example, and…
    • Contributor: Mercator, Gerhard - Hondius, Jodocus
    • Date: 1600-01-01
    • Resource: - 2 pages

    View with Search Result: View 2 Images

  • Collection
    War map : pictorial and propaganda map collection 1900-1950. A collection of 180 pictorial and propaganda maps that illustrate events related to World War I, the interwar years, World War II, the formation of the United Nations, and the Cold War. While many of the pieces were created as governmental propaganda, others appeared in commercial publications, including the Star Weekly, Fortune Magazine, the Daily Mail, and the Los Angeles Examiner. Some of the…
    • Contributor: Manning, F. E. - Harrison, Richard Edes - Rose, Fred. W. (Frederick W.) - Clegg, Ernest - Stiles, Ezra C. - Chase, Ernest Dudley - Kampf, Arthur
    • Date: 1900-01-01
  • Map
    Charles B. Peterson III road map collection, 1911-2007 The Charles B. Peterson III road map collection contains maps collected by Charles B. Peterson III dating from 1911 to 2007. The maps cover locations in the United States, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Peterson, as a child, began collecting maps from gas service stations and later wrote letters to publishers, in which he requested maps. Peterson described each map…
    • Contributor: Peterson, Charles B. III (Charles Buckley)
    • Date: 1911
  • Map
    War map : pictorial and propaganda map collection 1900-1950 A collection of 180 pictorial and propaganda maps that illustrate events related to World War I, the interwar years, World War II, the formation of the United Nations, and the Cold War. While many of the pieces were created as governmental propaganda, others appeared in commercial publications, including the Star Weekly, Fortune Magazine, the Daily Mail, and the Los Angeles Examiner. Some of the…
    • Contributor: Manning, F. E. - Harrison, Richard Edes - Rose, Fred. W. (Frederick W.) - Clegg, Ernest - Stiles, Ezra C. - Chase, Ernest Dudley - Kampf, Arthur
    • Date: 1900
  • Map
    Maps of Austria-Hungary. Issued in portfolio. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Review when scan or object available.
    • Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Great Britain. War Office. General Staff
    • Date: 1919-01-01