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MapKuwait. "Base 803212AI (G00423) 4-06." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 2006-01-01
MapKuwait. Relief shown by shading. "Base 803213AI (G00423) 4-06." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 2006-01-01
MapKuwait. "Base 801724 (E00373) 4-91." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Includes list of first order administrative divisions.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 1991-01-01
MapKuwait administrative divisions. "Base 803214AI (G00423) 4-06." Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 2006-01-01
MapKuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia border areas. Map in 2 parts. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency
- Date: 2003-01-01
Map[Map showing neutral zones between Saudi Arabia and Iraq and between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait]. "721438 (B01188) 3-91." Depths shown by gradient tints. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. DRM
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 1991-01-01
MapFranklin's CIA maps of the Middle East : Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq Relief shown by spot heights. Panel title. Includes notes, coverage map, bar code, and blank areas. At foot of Iraq map: 503930 11-78 (544174). Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency - Franklin Maps (Firm)
- Date: 1991-01-01
MapWashington Post Persian Gulf War map collection Collection of 40 newspaper clippings that contain maps drawn by David Cook and others for the Washington Post in 1991 that illustrate the Persian Gulf War.
- Contributor: Cook, David W.
- Date: 1991
MapMap of the Coast of Arabia, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de Perse This 1740 map is by the French cartographer and hydrographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72). It was published by order of Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count de Maurepas (1701-81), secretary of state under King Louis XV. The map focuses exclusively on the coastlines, and provides no detail about the interior of the Arabian Peninsula. It shows pearl banks along the coast from Bahrain to Julfar. Qatar is noted…- Contributor: Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas - Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux
- Date: 1740-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapArabia. This map of 1616, with Latin place names, is a reprint of a work by Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), a Flemish cartographer and engraver who settled in Amsterdam in about 1593 and established a business that produced globes and the first large maps of the world. The place names on the map are unclear. "Coromanis" is shown on many older maps as located in present-day…
- Contributor: Hondius, Jodocus
- Date: 1616-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of Ancient Arabia.
Arabiae Veteris Typus This map of the Arabian Peninsula, published in 1720, shows Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Petraea. Other regions included are Palestine, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Persia, Aegyptus, and Aethiopia. A large number of towns are shown. The title cartouche includes nine vignette coins. The tribal and town names on the map are those used by Ptolemy. Some are used more than once, with variations. Thus…- Contributor: Weigel, Christoph
- Date: 1720-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapA Current and Correct Depiction of Arabia Felix, Arabia Petraea, and Arabia Deserta.
Arabie Felicis, Petraeae et Desertae nova et accurata delineatio This map from 1658 was published by Johannes Janssonius (1588-1664), or Jan Jansson. Jansson was born in Arnhem, the son of Jan Jansson the Elder, a publisher and bookseller. Jansson's maps are similar to those of Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), the founder of the Blaeu cartographic firm, and Jansson is sometimes accused of copying from his rival, but many of his maps predate those…- Contributor: Jansson, Jan
- Date: 1658-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapA Chart of the Coast of Arabia, the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, Drawn from the Chart of the Eastern Ocean. This English map is a reprinting, with slight changes, of an earlier French map published in 1740 by order of Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count de Maurepas (1701-81), secretary of state under King Louis XV. The map was drawn from an earlier chart of the Eastern Ocean, "improv'd from particular surveys and regulated by astronomical observations." This English edition of the de Maurepas map has a…
- Contributor: Child, G.
- Date: 1740-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapThe Coast of Arabia the Red Sea, and Persian Sea of Bassora Past the Straits of Hormuz to India, Gujarat and Cape Comorin.
De Kusten van Arabie het Roode Meer,en Persie Zee van Bassora voor by 't Nau van Ormus Tot aan den Indus, Guzaratte en Kaap Comorin This 1707 map of the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent regions is the work of Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733), a Dutch publisher and bookseller based in Leiden who specialized in reissuing maps acquired from earlier mapmakers. The map appears to be based on an earlier Portuguese work, and uses a mix of Dutch, Latin, and Portuguese for titles and place names. The map covers…- Contributor: Aa, Pieter Van Der
- Date: 1707-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea; Including Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia.
Carte de l'Arabie, du Golfe Persique, et de la Mer Rouge, avec l'Egypte, la Nubie et l'Abissinie This map of the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding areas was most likely created by the French cartographer and hydrologist Rigobert Bonne (1727-94). It is probably a proof copy of the map of the same title published in his Atlas des toutes les parties connues du globe terrestre (Atlas of all known land surfaces of the globe). The Arabian Peninsula is the main focus of…- Contributor: Bonne, Rigobert
- Date: 1780-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapArabia. This 1616 map is a reprint of a map originally published in 1598 by Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), a Flemish cartographer and engraver who settled in Amsterdam in about 1593 and established a business that produced globes and the first large maps of the world. The map covers the territory from west of the Gulf of Suez to the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula,…
- Contributor: Hondius, Jodocus
- Date: 1598-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapArabia. This 1662 Latin map of Arabia is a copy of an earlier map by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), the founder of the Blaeu cartographic firm. It is one of the first maps to show internal features of the Arabian Peninsula. Mountains are depicted, oases denoted by trees, and points used to indicate pearl deposits in the Arabian Gulf. The map uses dotted lines to…
- Contributor: Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
- Date: 1622-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapSixth Map of Asia: Which Includes Arabia Felix, Carmania, and the Persian Gulf.
Asiae Tabula VI: Arabiam Felicem, Carmaniam Ac Sinum Persicum This map from Ptolemy's Geographia was published in 1578 and reprinted on many occasions between 1584 and 1704. It is much more finely engraved than maps in previous Ptolemy editions. The map mentions several places in present-day Qatar (Abucei, Leaniti, Themi, Asateni, and Aegei). Names added to this edition of the map include Mesmites Sinus, Idicar, and a second Idicar, located in present-day Kuwait.…- Contributor: Ptolemy, 2nd Century
- Date: 1578-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of the Arabian Gulf from Basra to Cape Raʼs al-Hadd.
Carte du Golfe Persique: depuis Bassora jusqu'au Cap Rasalgate This French chart of the Arabian Gulf dating from 1775 shows the coasts of the present-day countries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and the coast of northern Oman, and in the northwest, coastal parts of Kuwait, Iran, and Iraq. An inset chart shows the islands of Karak and Korgo and Bundereek Bay (present-day Kharg, Kharku, and Bandar-e Rig). The map has…- Contributor: Delahaye, Guillaume-Nicolas - Après De Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis D
- Date: 1775-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of the Arabian Peninsula. This map is from a collection of 65 projectable lantern slides relating to the Arab Revolt of 1916-18, an important theater of operations during World War I. By supporting the revolt against Ottoman Rule, the British sought to weaken the Ottoman Empire, which was aligned with Germany and Austria-Hungary. For their part, the Arabs hoped to secure independence and create a unified empire embracing…
- Date: 1915-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Map[Middle East]. "721438 (B01188) 3-91." Shows countries west of Persian Gulf, Kuwait and its surrounding countries, portions of Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Also shows de facto boundaries. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- Contributor: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
- Date: 1991-01-01
MapNew Map of the Arabia Felix (South-Eastern Arabian Peninsula).
Arabia Felice nvova tavola This map of Arabia Felix is a copper-plate engraving dating from 1561, after Giacomo Gastaldi's map of 1548. It shows the Arabian Peninsula, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Strait of Hormuz, and part of the Indian Ocean. The Qatar Peninsula southeast of Baharam (present-day Bahrain) can be clearly distinguished. This edition is by Girolamo Ruscelli (died 1566), a Venetian cartographer, polymath, and humanist. One of…- Contributor: Gastaldi, Giacomo - Ruscelli, Girolamo, Died Approximately 1565
- Date: 1561-01-01
- Resource: - 2 pages
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MapSixth Map of Asia.
Sexta Asiae tabula Several editions of Ptolemy's Geographia (Geography), translated into Latin from the original Greek, were published in Europe in the 15th century. This map is from the 1478 edition, which was published in Rome. Ptolemaic atlases included 12 maps of Asia. The "Sixth Map of Asia" covered the Arabian Peninsula. The outlines of this map are crude, but many geographic features, including the Red Sea,…- Contributor: Ptolemy, 2nd Century
- Date: 1478-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapPersia, or the Safavid Kingdom.
Persia sive Sophorum Regnum This decorative and detailed map of Persia is by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), a Dutch cartographer, globe maker, and publisher. Blaeu trained with the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe and began producing maps and charts in the early years of the 17th century. In 1633 he became the official cartographer for the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC--Dutch East India Company). Blaeu is best known for his…- Contributor: Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
- Date: 1635-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
MapMap of the Persian Gulf.
Carte Du Golphe Persique This map of the Persian Gulf is by the French cartographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72). Qatar is shown as Catura. Cities on both the Arabian and Persian sides of the gulf are indicated, and the map shows a river emptying into the gulf at the port of Julfar (present-day Ra's al-Khaymah, United Arab Emirates). The scale is in common leagues, and there are no latitudinal…- Contributor: Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas
- Date: 1763-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page