Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 (Nonprojected Graphic)

007 - Nonprojected Graphic (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2009

Indicators and Subfield Codes
Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.

Character Positions
00 - Category of material
k - Nonprojected graphic

01 - Specific material designation
a - Activity card
c - Collage
d - Drawing
e - Painting
f - Photomechanical print
g - Photonegative
h - Photoprint
i - Picture
j - Print
k - Poster
l - Technical drawing
n - Chart
o - Flash card
p - Postcard
q - Icon
r - Radiograph
s - Study print
u - Unspecified
v - Photograph, type unspecified
z - Other
| - No attempt to code

02 - Undefined
# - Undefined

03 - Color
a - One color
b - Black-and-white
c - Multicolored
h - Hand colored
m - Mixed
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
04 - Primary support material
a - Canvas
b - Bristol board
c - Cardboard/illustration board
d - Glass
e - Synthetic
f - Skin
g - Textile
h - Metal
i - Plastic
l - Vinyl
m - Mixed collection
n - Vellum
o - Paper
p - Plaster
q - Hardboard
r - Porcelain
s - Stone
t - Wood
u - Unknown
v - Leather
w - Parchment
z - Other
| - No attempt to code

05 - Secondary support material
# - No secondary support
a - Canvas
b - Bristol board
c - Cardboard/illustration board
d - Glass
e - Synthetic
f - Skin
g - Textile
h - Metal
i - Plastic
l - Vinyl
m - Mixed collection
n - Vellum
o - Paper
p - Plaster
q - Hardboard
r - Porcelain
s - Stone
t - Wood
u - Unknown
v - Leather
w - Parchment
z - Other
| - No attempt to code


When field 007/00 contains code k, it contains special coded information about the physical characteristics of nonprojected graphic material.



00 - Category of material
k - Nonprojected graphic
One-character alphabetic code indicates that the category of material to which the item belongs is nonprojected graphic which is generally a two-dimensional pictorial representation, often opaque (e.g., print, photoprint, drawing) or transparent, and not intended to be projected for viewing (e.g., a photographic negative). A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position.

01 - Specific material designation
Special class of nonprojected graphic to which the item belongs, (e.g., a picture).
a - Activity card
A card printed with words, numerals, and/or pictures to be used by an individual or a group as a basis for performing a specific activity.
c - Collage
Original work created by affixing various materials (paper, wood, newspaper, cloth, etc.) to a surface.
d - Drawing
Original visual representation (other than a print or painting) made with pencil, pen, chalk, or other writing instrument usually on paper or similar nonrigid support.
e - Painting
Original visual representation produced by applying paint to a surface.
f - Photomechanical print
Any picture produced in imitation of another picture through the use of photographic process to transfer the image to a printing surface. Hence, a snapshot made to document a painting or a Xerox copy of a print are considered photomechanical reproductions. Art reproductions are included here.
g - Photonegative
Piece of film, a glass plate, or pattern on which a negative image appears, i.e., directly opposite to a positive image (photoprint), slide, or transparency, used to produce a positive print. Photonegatives do not include negative photoprints, photoprints that are a combination of negative and positive images, or photograms or solarized prints, all of which are considered to be techniques used when making photoprints.
h - Photoprint
Photoprints have a positive image made either directly or indirectly on a sensitized surface by the action of light or other radiant energy. The term photoprint rather than photograph is used here as a more precise term than photograph, which technically can cover both the print and the negative. Opaque stereographs are included here.
i - Picture
Two-dimensional visual representation accessible to the naked eye and generally on an opaque backing.
Used when a more specific designation is unknown or not desired.
j - Print
Design or picture transferred from an engraved plate, wood block, lithographic stone, or other medium. Generally there are four types: planographic print, relief print, intaglio print, and stencil print.
k - Poster
l - Technical drawing
Cross section, detail, diagram, elevation, perspective, plan, working plan, etc., made for use in an engineering or other technical context.
n - Chart
Opaque sheet that exhibits data in graphic or tabular form, e.g., a wall chart.
o - Flash card
Card or other opaque material printed with words, numerals, or pictures and designed for rapid display.
p - Postcard
q - Icon
r - Radiograph
A photograph produced by the passage of radiation, such as X rays, gamma rays, or neutrons, through an opaque object.
s - Study print
u - Unspecified
Special material designation for the nonprojected graphic is not specified.
v - Photograph, type unspecified
z - Other
None of the other codes is appropriate.
Includes mixed media productions made by a combination of free hand and printing techniques when one or the other does not predominate.
| - No attempt to code

02 - Undefined
Contains blank (#) or a fill character (|).

03 - Color
Color characteristics of the nonprojected graphic.
a - One color
Printed or executed in a single color. Used for monochrome art works. It is not used with photographic materials.
Does not include black.
b - Black-and-white
Printed or executed in black-and-white. Refers to monochrome photographic materials executed in black-and-white.
c - Multicolored
Printed or executed in more than one color. Used for color photographic processes.
h - Hand colored
Image, produced by a printing or photographic process, is hand colored. Rarely used with commercial visual materials since these are not typically issued with hand coloring.
m - Mixed
Work or collection is a combination of one color, black-and-white, multicolored, hand colored, and/or other images.
u - Unknown
Color characteristics of the item are not known.
z - Other
None of the other codes is appropriate.
Includes stained, tinted, or toned items(e.g., sepia toned photographic items).
| - No attempt to code

04 - Primary support material
Type of material used for the support or base on which an image is printed or executed.
Intended for use in handling and storage of material.
a - Canvas
b - Bristol board
Fine, smooth pasteboard used by artists and painters.
c - Cardboard/illustration board
d - Glass
e - Synthetic
Man-made substances other than textiles, plastic, and vinyl.
f - Skin
Excludes leather, parchment, and vellum.
Synthetic materials that are made to resemble animal skin are coded as synthetic.
g - Textile
Includes all natural or synthetic fibre fabrics except canvas.
Synthetic materials formed to resemble a fabric are considered textiles.
h - Metal
i - Plastic
l - Vinyl
m - Mixed collection
Primary support material varies for different items in a collection.
Typically this would be used for groups of nonprojected graphics on various bases.
n - Vellum
Fine-grained unsplit lambskin, kidskin, or calfskin prepared especially for writing or drawing on.
o - Paper
Any kind of cellulose-based paper.
p - Plaster
Includes mixtures of ground solids and plaster.
q - Hardboard
r - Porcelain
Used only for clay-based porcelain.
Porcelain-like synthetic materials are coded e.
s - Stone
t - Wood
Material that is based on wood particles or fibers may or may not be considered wood. Consider particle board wood.
u - Unknown
Primary support material is not known.
v - Leather
Animal skin dressed for use.
w - Parchment
Skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on.
z - Other
None of the other codes is appropriate.
| - No attempt to code

05 - Secondary support material
Type of material (other than normal museum matting) to which the primary support (007/04) is attached.
Used only when the mount or mat is of historical, informational, aesthetic, or archival importance.
# - No secondary support
a - Canvas
b - Bristol board
Fine, smooth pasteboard used by artists and painters.
c - Cardboard/illustration board
d - Glass
e - Synthetic
Man-made substances other than textiles, plastic, and vinyl.
f - Skin
Excludes leather, parchment, and vellum.
Synthetic materials that are made to resemble animal skin are coded as synthetic.
g - Textile
Includes all natural or synthetic fibre fabrics except canvas.
h - Metal
i - Plastic
l - Vinyl
m - Mixed collection
Secondary support material varies for different items in a collection.
Typically this would be used for groups of nonprojected graphics on various bases.
n - Vellum
Fine-grained unsplit lambskin, kidskin, or calfskin prepared especially for writing or drawing on.
o - Paper
Any kind of cellulose-based paper.
p - Plaster
Includes mixtures of ground solids and plaster.
q - Hardboard
r - Porcelain
Used only for clay-based porcelain.
Porcelain-like synthetic materials are coded e.
s - Stone
t - Wood
Material that is based on wood particles or fibers may or may not be considered wood. Consider particle board wood.
u - Unknown
Secondary support material is not known.
v - Leather
Animal skin dressed for use.
w - Parchment
Skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on.
z - Other
None of the other codes is appropriate.
| - No attempt to code


007/00-05 kh#coo
[The item is a nonprojected graphic (007/00); photoprint (01) in color (03); is on paper base (04) and mounted on paper (05).]
007/00-05 kl#ao#
[Item is a nonprojected graphic (007/00); a technical drawing (01); in a single color (03); is on paper (04); has no secondary support material (05).]


Field length - Field 007 for the category of material nonprojected graphic currently has six character positions defined for it.


007/01 - Specific material designation
a - Activity card [NEW, 2009]
k - Poster [NEW, 2009]
p - Postcard [NEW, 2009]
q - Icon [NEW, 2009]
r - Radiograph [NEW, 2009]
s - Study print [NEW, 2009]
v - Photograph, type unspecified [NEW, 2009]

007/02 - Original versus reproduction aspect [OBSOLETE, 1997] [USMARC only]
Defined codes were: f (Facsimile), o (Original), r (Reproduction), and u (Unknown).

007/04 - Primary support material
i - Plastic [NEW, 2009]
l - Vinyl [NEW, 2009]
n - Vellum [NEW, 2009]
v - Leather [NEW, 2009]
w - Parchment [NEW, 2009]

007/05 - Secondary support material
i - Plastic [NEW, 2009]
l - Vinyl [NEW, 2009]
n - Vellum [NEW, 2009]
v - Leather [NEW, 2009]
w - Parchment [NEW, 2009]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 - Nonprojected Graphic
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