Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X  >> 008 >> 008 (Continuing Resources)

008 - Continuing Resources (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - full
June 2021

Indicators and Subfield Codes

Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.

Character Positions
18 - Frequency (006/01)
# - No determinable frequency
a - Annual
b - Bimonthly
c - Semiweekly
d - Daily
e - Biweekly
f - Semiannual
g - Biennial
h - Triennial
i - Three times a week
j - Three times a month
k - Continuously updated
m - Monthly
q - Quarterly
s - Semimonthly
t - Three times a year
u - Unknown
w - Weekly
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
19 - Regularity (006/02)
n - Normalized irregular
r - Regular
u - Unknown
x - Completely irregular
| - No attempt to code
20 - Undefined (006/03)
# - Undefined
21 - Type of continuing resource (006/04)
# - None of the following
d - Updating database
g - Magazine
h - Blog
j - Journal
l - Updating loose-leaf
m - Monographic series
n - Newspaper
p - Periodical
r - Repository
s - Newsletter
t - Directory
w - Updating Web site
| - No attempt to code
22 - Form of original item (006/05)
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
e - Newspaper format
f - Braille
o - Online
q - Direct electronic
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
23 - Form of item (006/06)
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
o - Online
q - Direct electronic
r - Regular print reproduction
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
24 - Nature of entire work (006/07)
# - Not specified
a - Abstracts/summaries
b - Bibliographies
c - Catalogs
d - Dictionaries
e - Encyclopedias
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles
h - Biography
i - Indexes
k - Discographies
l - Legislation
m - Theses
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
o - Reviews
p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies
r - Directories
s - Statistics
t - Technical reports
u - Standards/specifications
v - Legal cases and case notes
w - Law reports and digests
y - Yearbooks
z - Treaties
5 - Calendars
6 - Comics/graphic novels
| - No attempt to code
25-27 - Nature of contents (006/08-10)
# - Not specified
a - Abstracts/summaries
b - Bibliographies
c - Catalogs
d - Dictionaries
e - Encyclopedias
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles
h - Biography
i - Indexes
k - Discographies
l - Legislation
m - Theses
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
o - Reviews
p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies
r - Directories
s - Statistics
t - Technical reports
u - Standards/specifications
v - Legal cases and case notes
w - Law reports and digests
y - Yearbooks
z - Treaties
5 - Calendars
6 - Comics/graphic novels
||| - No attempt to code
28 - Government publication (006/11)
# - Not a government publication
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
c - Multilocal
f - Federal/national
i - International intergovernmental
l - Local
m - Multistate
o - Government publication-level undetermined
s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
u - Unknown if item is government publication
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
29 - Conference publication (006/12)
0 - Not a conference publication
1 - Conference publication
| - No attempt to code
30-32 - Undefined (006/13-15)
# - Undefined
33 - Original alphabet or script of title (006/16)
# - No alphabet or script given/No key title
a - Basic Roman
b - Extended Roman
c - Cyrillic
d - Japanese
e - Chinese
f - Arabic
g - Greek
h - Hebrew
i - Thai
j - Devanagari
k - Korean
l - Tamil
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
34 - Entry convention (006/17)
0 - Successive entry
1 - Latest entry
2 - Integrated entry
| - No attempt to code


Continuing resources field 008/18-34 contains coded data for all continuing resources, including serials and integrating resources. It is used when Leader/06 (Type of record) contains code a (Language material) and Leader/07 contains code b (Serial component part), i (Integrating resource), or code s (Serial). Field 008 positions 01-17 and 35-39 are defined the same for all 008 fields and are described in the 008-All materials section.

Field 008/18-34 corresponds to equivalent positionally-defined data elements in field 006/01-17 when field 006/00 (Form of material) contains code s (Serial/Integrating resource). Details about specific codes defined for the equivalent character positions in field 006 and 008 for serials and integrating resources are provided in the Guidelines for Applying Content Designators section of 008-Continuing resources only.



18 - Frequency (006/01)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the frequency of an item; used in conjunction with 008/19 (Regularity).

In the case of integrating resources, updates to an item. This element is based on the information found in field 310 (Current Frequency). The frequency codes sometimes do not accurately reflect the frequency as given in field 310. This is generally the case when the frequency is expressed in numbers per year (e.g., 4 no. a year). In these cases, the closest applicable frequency is used according to the following chart, and 008/19 (regularity) contains code x.

Issued or Updated Frequency code
Two no. a year f (semiannual)
Four no. a year q (quarterly)
Five no. a year q (quarterly)
Six no. a year b (bimonthly)
Seven no. a year b (bimonthly)
Eight no. a year b (bimonthly)
Nine no. a year m (monthly)
Ten no. a year m (monthly)
Eleven no. a year m (monthly)
Twelve no. a year m (monthly)

If an item ceases publication after one issue, give the intended frequency (and regularity) if known. Otherwise, code both frequency and regularity as u (unknown).

008/18 a
008/19 r
300 ##$a1 v. ;$c28 cm.
310 ##$aAnnual
362 0#$a1984.

If an item is issued according to one frequency, but cumulates to another, the frequency (and regularity) are coded without regard for the cumulation.

008/18 b
008/19 r
310 ##$aBimonthly, with the last issue being cumulative for the year

Regular-print reprint or photoreproduction items are coded for the frequency (and regularity) of the reprint or photoreproduction -- not those of the original. In most cases, both frequency and regularity will be coded as u.

# - No determinable frequency

Used when the frequency is known to be intentionally irregular.

008/18 #
008/19 x
310 ##$aIrregular
a - Annual

Issued or updated once a year.

008/18 a
008/19 r
310 ##$aAnnual
b - Bimonthly

Issued or updated every two months.

Includes publications whose frequency is 6, 7, or 8 numbers a year.

008/18 b
008/19 r
310 ##$aBimonthly
c - Semiweekly

Issued or updated twice a week.

008/18 c
008/19 r
310 ##$aSemiweekly
d - Daily

Issued or updated once a day. Note: this may include Saturday and Sunday.

008/18 d
008/19 r
310 ##$aDaily
e - Biweekly

Issued or updated every two weeks.

008/18 e
008/19 r
310 ##$aBiweekly
f - Semiannual

Issued or updated twice a year.

Includes publications whose frequency is 2 numbers a year.

008/18 f
008/19 x
310 ##$aSemiannual
g - Biennial

Issued or updated every two years.

008/18 g
008/19 r
310 ##$aBiennial
h - Triennial

Issued or updated every three years.

008/18 h
008/19 r
310 ##$aTriennial
i - Three times a week
008/18 i
008/19 r
310 ##$aThree no. a week
j - Three times a month
008/18 j
008/19 r
310 ##$aThree no. a month
k - Continuously updated

Updated more frequent than daily.

008/18 k
008/19 r
310 ##$aContinuously updated
m - Monthly

Includes publications whose frequency is 9, 10, 11, or 12 numbers a year.

008/18 m
008/19 r
310 ##$aMonthly
q - Quarterly

Issued or updated every three months.

Includes publications whose frequency is 4 numbers a year.

008/18 q
008/19 r
310 ##$aQuarterly
s - Semimonthly

Issued or updated twice a month.

008/18 s
008/19 x
310 ##$aTwo no. a month
t - Three times a year
008/18 t
008/19 r
310 ##$aThree no. a year
u - Unknown

Current frequency of the item is unknown. When code u is used in this character position, it must also be used in 008/19 (Regularity).

w - Weekly

Issued once a week.

008/18 w
008/19 r
310 ##$aWeekly
z - Other

None of the other defined codes are appropriate.

008/18 z
310 ##$aEvery leap year
| - No attempt to code

19 - Regularity (006/02)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the intended regularity of an item; used in conjunction with 008/18 (Frequency).

Element is based on the information found in field 310 (Current Frequency). Consider the stated intent of the publisher when coding the regularity.

n - Normalized irregular

Predictable irregularity pattern.

Used, for example, when the publishing pattern intentionally deviates from a standard pattern or when field 310 specifies a cumulation regularly issued in addition to the individual issues.

008/19 n
008/18 m
310 ##$aMonthly (except July and Aug.)
008/19 n
008/18 m
310 ##$aMonthly (Nov.-Dec. issue combined)
008/19 n
008/18 b
310 ##$aBimonthly, with an annual cumulation
r - Regular

Intended regular publishing pattern. Used when one of the frequency codes defined in 008/18 accurately defines the frequency of the publication and whenever the publisher intends to issue the item on a regular basis. This may be determined from information on the piece or by examining the publishing pattern. Thus, if an item states that it is to be issued bimonthly, the regularity is coded as r even though the publishing pattern is known to have occasional variations due to publishing difficulties. The inconsistencies may be expressed in field 515 (Numbering Peculiarities Note) if desired.

008/19 r
008/18 m
310 ##$aMonthly
008/19 r
008/18 z
310 ##$aQuinquennial
u - Unknown

Regularity of the item is unknown. When code u is used in this character position, it must also be used in 008/18 (Frequency).

008/19 u
008/18 u
[No 310 field]
x - Completely irregular

Used 1) when the frequency is known to be intentionally irregular (008/18 is coded as #); or 2) when the frequency in field 310 is expressed as numbers per year.

008/19 x
008/18 q
310 ##$aFive no. a year
| - No attempt to code

20 - Undefined (006/03)

Undefined; contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).

21 - Type of continuing resource (006/04)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the type of continuing resource.

# - None of the following

Also used for yearbooks and annual reports.

008/21 #
245 10$aAnnual report of the Malden Public Library.
d - Updating database

Collection of logically interrelated data stored together in one or more computerized files, usually created and managed by a database management system and which may be accessible via a search interface.

008/21 d
245 00$aMEDLINE on SilverPlatter$h[electronic resource].
g - Magazine

Periodical addressing non-scientific, non-professional general interest topics. Magazines can be print or digital. If less granularity is desired, code "p" (Periodical) can be used.

008/21 g
245 00$aNational Geographic
h - Blog

Online periodical appearing on a web page that may contain web links and/or comments on a particular topic or subject (broad or narrow in scope), often in the form of short articles arranged in reverse chronological order, the most recently added piece of information appearing first. If less granularity is desired, code "w" (Updating Web site) can be used.
Note: Blog content may be written or collected by the site owner, or contributed by users.

008/21 h
245 00$aLibrary juice
j - Journal

Periodical addressing readers interested in a specific subject or profession. Often includes original research and current developments. Journals can be print or digital. If less granularity is desired, code "p" (Periodical) can be used.

008/21 j
245 00$aInternational journal of bibliometrics in business and management
l - Updating loose-leaf

Bibliographic resource that consists of a base volume(s) updated by separate pages which are inserted, removed, and/or substituted.

008/21 l
245 10$aProducts liability law in New Jersey : $ba practitioner's guide / $cWilliam A. Dreier and Hannah G. Goldman.
m - Monographic series

Used for any title that is a series, regardless of its treatment. A monographic series is a group of analyzable items (i.e., each piece has a distinctive title) that are related to one another by a collective title. The individual items may or may not be numbered.

008/21 m
245 00$aActa Universitatis Wratislaviensis.$pGermanica Wratislaviensia.
n - Newspaper

Continuing resource that is mainly designed to be a primary source of written information on current events connected with public affairs, either local, national and/or international in scope. It contains a broad range of news on all subjects and activities and is not limited to any specific subject matter. It may include (although not primarily) articles on literary or other subjects as well as advertising, legal notices, vital statistics, and illustrations.

008/21 n
245 00$aWall Street journal.
008/21 n
245 04$aThe Washington post.
p - Periodical

Broad category of publications that includes resources with separate articles, stories, other writings, etc. that are published or distributed generally more frequently than annual including journals, magazines, newsletters and blogs. Periodicals can be print or digital. Use this code if less granularity is desired. Otherwise, prefer codes for the specific types of periodicals.

008/21 p
245 04$aThe U.F.O. investigator.
r - Repository

Online collection, often scholarly in nature, for storing the publications of an institution, a group of institutions. Can also be a collection of materials on a specific subject, or from a specific community. Materials collected include e-prints, technical reports, theses and dissertations, datasets, and teaching and learning materials. If less granularity is desired, code "w" (Updating Web site) can be used.

008/21 r
245 00$aOcean Docs
008/21 r
245 00$aDigital Repository/$cIowa State University
s - Newsletter

Periodical that can be issued by an organization, generally to its members, or to a specific audience to give current information about a topic or sphere of activity. Newsletters can be print or digital. If less granularity is desired, code "p" (Periodical) can be used.

008/21 s
245 00$aCulture et Loisirs
008/21 s
245 10$aNewsletter/$cColorado Association of Libraries
t - Directory

Itemized listing of information for the identification or location of persons, objects, organizations or places, arranged alphabetically, chronologically, or in other systematic order, and updated over time. Directories can be print or digital. If less granularity is desired for a digital directory, code "w" (Updating Web site) can be used.

008/21 t
245 00$aMartindale-Hubbell Law Directory
w - Updating Web site

Web site that is updated, for which none of the other codes, such as updating database, repository, or blog is appropriate.

008/21 w
245 00$$h[electronic resource].
| - No attempt to code

22 - Form of original item (006/05)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the form of material in which an item was originally published.

In cases where the item is published simultaneously in more than one form, or when it is difficult to determine the originally published form, the first item received or entered in the database is considered the original physical form.

# - None of the following

Not specified by one of the other codes.

a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
e - Newspaper format

Item is on newsprint and/or looks like a newspaper. The item need not fit the definition of a newspaper (i.e., the type of continuing resource code in 008/21 need not be code n).

f - Braille
o - Online

The resource is accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.

q - Direct electronic

Storage on a directly accessible tangible recording medium, e.g. disc, tape, playaway device, flashdrive, portable hard drive, etc. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.

s - Electronic

Intended for manipulation by a computer. May reside in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely, in some cases requiring the use of peripheral devices attached to the computer (e.g., a CD-ROM player). Not used for items that do not require the use of a computer (e.g., music compact discs, videodiscs). This code can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource. Codes o and q may be used if there is a need to separately identify online and direct electronic resources.

| - No attempt to code

23 - Form of item (006/06)

One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material for the item being described.

# - None of the following

Not specified by one of the other codes.

a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
o - Online

The resource is accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.

q - Direct electronic

Storage on a directly accessible tangible recording medium, e.g. disc, tape, playaway device, flashdrive, portable hard drive, etc. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.

r - Regular print reproduction

Eye-readable print, such as a photocopy.

s - Electronic

Intended for manipulation by a computer. May reside in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely, in some cases requiring the use of peripheral devices attached to the computer (e.g., a CD-ROM player). Not used for items that do not require the use of a computer (e.g., music compact discs, videodiscs). This code can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource. Codes o and q may be used if there is a need to separately identify online and direct electronic resources.

| - No attempt to code

24 - Nature of entire work (006/07)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the nature of an item if it consists entirely of a certain type of material. If the item can be considered more than one type of material, the types are recorded in 008/25-27 (Nature of contents) and 008/24 position is coded blank (#).

Used to specify what type of publication the item is as opposed to what it contains.

# - Not specified

Nature of the entire item is not specified.

a - Abstracts/summaries

Abstracts or summaries of other publications.

b - Bibliographies
008/24 b
245 00$aBibliographie des Schriftums für den Bereich der Haushaltswissenschaft.
c - Catalogs

List of items in a collection, such as a collection of books, a collection of art objects, etc.

008/24 c
245 00$aLempertz-Katalog.
d - Dictionaries

Also includes glossaries or gazetteers.

Concordances are coded as Indexes (code i). Serial biographical dictionaries are coded as Biography (code h).

e - Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia or an encyclopedic treatment of a specific topic.

008/24 e
245 00$aEncyclopedia of social work.
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles

Substantive articles on legal topics, such as those published in law school reviews.

h - Biography

Biographical material, whether autobiography, individual biography, or collective biography. Genealogy is not coded as biography.

i - Indexes

Index to bibliographical material other than itself (e.g., an indexing journal).

008/24 i
245 00$aDeutsche Bibliographie.$pHalbjahres-Verzeichnis.
k - Discographies

Discography or other bibliography of recorded sound.

008/24 k
245 00$aJournal of jazz discography.
l - Legislation

Full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies or texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.

Also used when a work consists of texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.

008/24 l
245 00$aTax legislation bulletin.
m - Theses

Thesis, dissertation, or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.

008/24 m
245 00$aTheses in progress in Commonwealth studies.
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area

Authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject

Usually has a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography.

o - Reviews

Critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater, etc.).

p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies

Filmography or other bibliography of moving images.

r - Directories

Directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Serial biographical dictionaries are coded as Biography (code h).

s - Statistics

Collection of statistical data on a subject. Not used for works about statistical methodology.

t - Technical reports

Work that is the result of scientific investigation or technical development, testing, or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.

u - Standards/specifications

Either an international, national, or industry standard or a specification which gives a precise statement of a process or service requirement.

v - Legal cases and case notes

Discussions, such as those in the case comments section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by, or that are pending before, courts or administrative agencies.

w - Law reports and digests

Texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies. Also used when a work consists of texts of digests of such decisions.

y - Yearbooks

Reference publication issued on an annual or less frequent basis that contains articles summarizing the accomplishments or events of a particular year within a specific discipline or area of endeavor. Annual reports, which are administrative overviews of an organization, are not coded here.

z - Treaties

Treaties or accords negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.

008/24 z
245 00$aGuide to United States treaties in force.
5 - Calendars

Published systems of organizing days. These may be academic calendars or almanacs, calendars published by bodies, such as labor organizations, library associations, etc.

6 - Comics/graphic novels

Instances of "sequential art" in which a story (whether fact or fiction) is told primarily through a set of images (often in the form of multiple "panels" per page) presented concurrently but meant to be "read" sequentially by the viewer. The accompanying narrative and/or dialog text, when it occurs, works integrally with the images to tell the story.

| - No attempt to code

25-27 - Nature of contents (006/08-10)

Up to three one-character alphabetic codes (recorded in alphabetical order) that indicate that a work contains certain types of materials. If fewer than three codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and each unused position contains a blank (#).

Generally, a specific code is used only if a significant part of the item is the type of material represented by the code. Information for these character positions is usually derived from other areas of the bibliographic record (e.g., field 245 (Title Statement), 5XX (Note) fields, or 6XX (Subject Added Entry) fields). If more than three codes are appropriate to the item, the three most significant are selected and recorded in alphabetical order.

# - Not specified
008/24 #
008/25-27 ###
245 00$aJournal of Ayurveda=$b ...
[No specified nature of contents is appropriate]
a - Abstracts/summaries

Abstracts or summaries of other publications.

Not used when a publication includes an abstract or summary of its own content.

008/24 #
008/25-27 a##
245 00$aReview of applied entomology.$nSeries B,$pMedical and veterinary.
650 #2$aVeterinary entomology$xAbstracts$xPeriodicals.
b - Bibliographies

Significant part of the item is a bibliography or bibliographies. Used only if the bibliography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. Note: Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code n, code b is not used when code n is present.

008/24 #
008/25-27 b##
504 ##$aIncludes bibliographies.
c - Catalogs

List of items in a collection. Also includes lists of collectible objects, such as stamps and coins, or trade catalogs. For catalogs of books, sound recordings, or motion pictures, code b (Bibliographies), code k (Discographies), or code q (Filmographies), is given with code c.

008/24 #
008/25-27 ci#
245 00$aBook auction records.
650 #0$aBook auctions$xCatalogs$vIndexes.
d - Dictionaries

Also used for a glossary or a gazetteer.

Concordances are coded as Indexes (code i). Code h is used for serial biographical dictionaries.

e - Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia or an encyclopedic treatment of a specific topic.

f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles

Substantive articles on legal topics, such as those published in law school reviews.

h - Biography

Significant part of the item contains biographical material, whether autobiography, individual biography, or collective biography. Genealogy is not coded as biography.

i - Indexes

Index to bibliographical material other than itself (e.g., an indexing journal).

Not used when a publication contains an index to its own content.

k - Discographies

Significant part of the item is a discography or discographies, or other bibliography of recorded sound. Used only if the discography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For discographies that are also catalogs, both code k and code c (Catalogs) are given.

l - Legislation

Includes of full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies, published either in statute or in code form, or texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.

m - Theses

Thesis, dissertation, or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.

n - Surveys of literature in a subject area

Includes authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject

Usually has a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography. Note: Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code n, code b (Bibliographies) should not be recorded when code n is appropriate.

o - Reviews

Includes critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater, etc.).

p - Programmed texts
008/24 #
008/25-27 p##
245 00$aClinical exercises in internal medicine.
650 #2$aInternal medicine$xProgrammed texts.
q - Filmographies

Significant part of the item is a filmography or other bibliography of moving images. Used only if the filmography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For filmographies that are also catalogs, both code q and code c (Catalogs) are given.

r - Directories

Includes a directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Serial biographical dictionaries are coded as Biography (code h).

s - Statistics

Significant part of the item is a collection of statistical data on a subject. Not used for works about statistical methodology.

008/24 #
008/25-27 bs#
245 00$aList of statistical series collected by international organizations.
t - Technical reports

Includes technical report material that is the result of scientific investigation or technical development, testing, or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.

u - Standards/specifications

Includes either an international, national, or industry standard or a specification which gives a precise statement of a process or service requirement.

v - Legal cases and case notes

Includes discussions, such as those in the case comments section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by, or that are pending before, courts or administrative agencies.

w - Law reports and digests

Includes texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies. The code is also used when an item includes texts of digests of such decisions.

y - Yearbooks

Reference publication issued on an annual or less frequent basis that contains articles summarizing the accomplishments or events of a particular year within a specific discipline or area of endeavor. Annual reports, which are administrative overviews of an organization, are not coded here.

z - Treaties

Includes treaties or accords negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.

5 - Calendars

Published systems of organizing days. These may be academic calendars or almanacs, calendars published by bodies, such as labor organizations, library associations, etc.

6 - Comics/graphic novels

Instances of "sequential art" in which a story (whether fact or fiction) is told primarily through a set of images (often in the form of multiple "panels" per page) presented concurrently but meant to be "read" sequentially by the viewer. The accompanying narrative and/or dialog text, when it occurs, works integrally with the images to tell the story.

||| - No attempt to code

28 - Government publication (006/11)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates whether an item is published or produced by or for an international, national, provincial, state, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body, and, if so, the jurisdictional level of the agency.

Government bodies and all their subdivisions are treated as government bodies regardless of how they may be entered as headings (i.e., entered under jurisdiction or not). In the bibliographic record, the body does not have to be a main or added entry, but it should be named as publisher, etc. in the publication, distribution, etc. area, or have caused the item to be published (usually inferred when the governmental body is responsible for the content of the work). When in doubt, treat the item as a government publication.

Guidelines for certain types of publications

  • Socialist countries- Since the coding of all items published in socialist countries as government publications would limit the usefulness of this element, coding should be used only for the same type of bodies that would be considered government in a non-socialist country. In coding items in this manner, when in doubt, treat the item as a government publication.
  • Two levels- If an item is published or produced jointly by government agencies at two different levels, record the code for the higher government level.
  • Academic publications- In the U.S., items published by academic institutions are considered government publications if the institutions are created or controlled by a government.
# - Not a government publication

Not published by or for a government body.

008/28 #
110 2#$aRand McNally.
008/28 #
245 02$aA Guidebook of United States coins.
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component

Published or produced by or for a government body of an autonomous or semi-autonomous component of a country.

008/28 a
110 1#$aSabah.
c - Multilocal

Published or produced by or for a multilocal jurisdiction which is defined as a regional combination of jurisdictions below the state level.

008/28 c
110 2#$aRégion parisienne (France)
f - Federal/national

Published or produced by or for a federal or national government body, e.g., a sovereign nation, such as Canada. Used for the governments of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Code f is also used for American Indian tribes.

008/28 f
110 1#$aItaly.$bMinistero degli affari esteri.
i - International intergovernmental

Published or produced by or for an international intergovernmental body.

008/28 i
110 2#$aWorld Health Organization.
l - Local

Published or produced by or for a local government jurisdiction such as a county, city, town, etc.

008/28 l
110 1#$aNew York (N.Y.)
m - Multistate

Published or produced by or for a regional combination of jurisdictions at the state, provincial, territorial, etc. level.

008/28 m
110 2#$aLake Erie Regional Transportation Authority.
o - Government publication-level undetermined

Published or produced by or for a government body but that the jurisdictional level cannot be determined.

s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.

Jurisdictional level of the government body is a state, province, territory, etc.

008/28 s
110 1#$aWisconsin.$bCommissioners of Fisheries.
u - Unknown if item is government publication

Whether or not the item is published or produced by or for a government agency is unknown.

z - Other

None of the other defined codes are appropriate.

| - No attempt to code

29 - Conference publication (006/12)

One-character numeric code that indicates whether an item consists of the proceedings, reports, or summaries of a conference.

The following types of publications are not considered conference publications:

  • Works composed of or based on a single paper
  • Hearings of legislative bodies
  • Courses given in a school (except where the main entry is the name of a meeting)

The following types of publications are considered to be conference publications:

  • Proceedings, including collections or partial collections of papers (or of contributions, essays, etc., that are based upon papers) presented at a conference or meeting.
  • A partial collection, defined as a work containing two or more papers (or contributions, essays, etc. that are based upon papers) presented at a conference or meeting.
  • A collection of preprints of conference papers.
0 - Not a conference publication

Work is not a conference publication.

008/29 0
245 00$aJournal of family therapy ...
1 - Conference publication
008/29 1
245 10$aCompte rendu du congrès /$cAssociation des bibliothécaires du Québec.
| - No attempt to code

30-32 - Undefined (006/13-15)

Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).

33 - Original alphabet or script of title (006/16)

One-character alphabetic code that indicates the original alphabet or script of the language of the title on the source item upon which the key title (field 222) is based.

If there is no key title present, the code value may relate to the title proper (field 245). This data element is mandatory for bibliographic records created or updated by one of the centers participating in the ISSN Network. For other non-ISSN Network records, 008/33 is optional.

# - No alphabet or script given/No key title

May relate to the title proper in field 245 when no key title is present.

For bibliographic records that do not contain field 222 (Key Title), code blank (#) is often used instead of coding for the original alphabet or script of the title proper in field 245 (Title Statement).

a - Basic Roman

Original alphabet of the title is the Roman alphabet. Languages that are usually associated with code a include: Basque, English, Latin, Welsh, and many languages of Central and Southern Africa.

Includes no diacritics or special characters.

008/33 a
222 #0$aNewsweek.
b - Extended Roman

Original alphabet of the title is a Roman alphabet language. Most western European languages, with the major exception of English, fall into this group.

Includes diacritics and special characters.

008/33 b
222 #0$aRevista de biología del Uruguay

Used if the language itself has diacritics even if the title in hand does not contain any characters from the extended alphabet.

008/33 b
222 #0$aNew Brunswick police journal
245 00$aJournal de la police de Nouveau Brunswick.
c - Cyrillic
008/33 c
245 00$aPravda.
d - Japanese

Japanese language does not actually have an alphabet. It uses two syllabaries (Hiragana and Katakana) and Chinese ideographic characters.

008/33 d
245 00$aNihon kagaku zasshi.
e - Chinese

Chinese language does not actually have an alphabet. It uses a system of ideographic characters to represent sounds and entire words.

008/33 e
222 #0$aTianjin yiyào
245 00$aT`ien-chin i yao.
f - Arabic
008/33 f
245 00$aFikr wa-fann.
g - Greek
008/33 g
245 00$aMelissa ton vivlion.
h - Hebrew
008/33 h
245 00$aShenaton Seminar ha-kibutsim.
i - Thai
j - Devanagari
008/33 j
245 00$aAtma visvasa.
k - Korean

Korean language uses a writing system that forms characters that represent entire words from syllabic components (Hangul). Traditional Chinese ideographic characters are also used.

008/33 k
245 00$aTongguk nongnim.
l - Tamil
008/33 l
245 00$aKirutayukam.
u - Unknown

Original alphabet of the title is unknown.

z - Other

None of the other defined codes are appropriate.

Also used when the title incorporates words from more than one alphabet or script.

008/33 z
245 00$aSak`art`velos muzeumis moambe =$bBulletin du Muséum de Géorgie.
[Title in the Georgian and Extended Roman alphabet]
008/33 z
222 #0$aReport - Österreichische Länderbank
| - No attempt to code

34 - Entry convention (006/17)

One-character numeric code that indicates whether the item was cataloged according to successive entry, latest entry, or integrated entry cataloging conventions.

0 - Successive entry

New bibliographic record is created each time 1) a title changes, or 2) a corporate body used as main entry or uniform title qualifier, changes. The earlier or later title or author/title is recorded in a linking field (field 780/785) on each record.

008/34 0
245 00$aHawaii medical journal.
780 00$tHawaii medical journal and inter-island nurses bulletin$x0097-1030
008/34 0
110 2#$aChartered Institute of Transport.
245 00$aJournal.
780 00$aInstitute of Transport (London. England).$tJournal
[Pre-AACR 2 record]
1 - Latest entry

Cataloged under its latest (most recent) title or issuing body (pre-AACR cataloging rules). All former titles and/or issuing bodies are given in notes (fields 247, 547, and 550).

008/34 1
247 10$aBritish Columbia financial times$f1914-June 1951
008/34 1
111 2#$aSymposium on Underwater Physiology.
245 10$aUnderwater physiology;$bproceedings.
550 ##$aVol. for 1955 issued by the symposium under its earlier name: Underwater Physiology Symposium.
2 - Integrated entry

Cataloged under its latest (most recent) title and/or responsible person or corporate body. Used for integrating resources and electronic serials that do not retain their earlier titles.

New record is made only when there is a major change in edition or it is determined that there is a new work, and for title mergers and splits.

| - No attempt to code


Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.

Field length - Field 008 should always consist of forty (40) character positions.


008/18 - Frequency
k - Continuously updated [NEW, 2001]
008/20 - ISSN center

Following codes were made obsolete in USMARC in 1989: 2 (United Kingdom), 3 (Australia), 5 (Moscow Regional Centre), 6 (Federal Republic of Germany), 7 (France), 8 (Argentina), 9 (Japan), u (Unknown). These other codes were made obsolete in CAN/MARC in 1990: a (Finland), b (Yugoslavia), c (Tunisia), d (Italy), e (Nigeria), f (Sweden), g (New Zealand), h (Denmark), i (Austria), j (Netherlands), k (Brazil), l (Columbia), m (Uruguay), n (Ireland), p (Thailand), q( Mexico), r (Norway), s (Israel), t (Morocco). In 2002, code 2 (United Kingdom) was reinstated.

Following codes were made obsolete in 2003: # (No ISSN center code assigned), 0 (International Center), 1 (United States),2 (United Kingdom), 4 (Canada), z (Other)

008/21 - Type of serial [REDEFINED, 2001]

Field was redefined as Type of continuing resource to accommodate integrating resources.

d - Updating database [NEW, 2001]
d - Updating database [REDESCRIBED, 2021]
g - Magazine [NEW, 2021]
h - Blog [NEW, 2021]
j - Journal [NEW, 2021]
l - Updating loose-leaf [NEW, 2001]
p - Periodical [REDESCRIBED, 2021]
r - Repository [NEW, 2021]
s - Newsletter [NEW, 2021]
t - Directory [NEW, 2021]
w - Updating Web site [NEW, 2001]
w - Updating Web site [REDESCRIBED, 2021]
008/22 - Form of original item

Prior to 1977, other physical media were identified by code x; currently code # is used.

g - Punched paper tape [OBSOLETE, 1987]
h - Magnetic tape [OBSOLETE, 1987]
i - Multimedia [OBSOLETE, 1987]
o - Online [NEW, 2010]
q - Direct electronic [NEW, 2010]
x - Other physical medium [OBSOLETE, 1977]
z - Other [OBSOLETE, 1987]
008/23 - Form of item

Codes #, g, h, i, and z were made obsolete when the coding of 008/23 (Form of reproduction code) was redefined as information about the medium of the item in hand rather than about bibliographic reproductions. Code # (Not a reproduction) was redefined in 1987 when the focus of 008/23 was changed.

# - None of the following [OBSOLETE, 1987]
g - Punched paper tape [OBSOLETE, 1987]
h - Magnetic tape [OBSOLETE, 1987]
i - Multimedia [OBSOLETE, 1987]
o - Online [NEW, 2010]
q - Direct electronic [NEW, 2010]
z - Other [OBSOLETE, 1987]
008/24 - Nature of entire work

Prior to 1979, legal cases and case notes were identified by code n; currently code v is used.

n - Legal cases and case notes [OBSOLETE, 1979]
y - Yearbooks [OBSOLETE, 1988] [REDEFINED, 2008]
t - University calendars [REDEFINED, 1997]
u - Standards/specifications [NEW, 2002]
3 - Discographies [OBSOLETE, 1997]
4 - Filmographies [OBSOLETE, 1997]
5 - Calendars [NEW, 2008]
6 - Comics/graphic novels [NEW, 2008]
008/25-27 - Nature of contents

Prior to 1979, legal cases and case notes were identified by code n; currently code v is used.

n - Legal cases and case notes [OBSOLETE, 1979]
y - Yearbooks [OBSOLETE, 1988] [REDEFINED, 2008]
t - University calendars [REDEFINED, 1997]
u - Standards/specifications [NEW, 2002]
3 - Discographies [OBSOLETE, 1997]
4 - Filmographies [OBSOLETE, 1997]
5 - Calendars [NEW, 2008]
6 - Comics/graphic novels [NEW, 2008]
008/28 - Government publication

Prior to 2015, university press publications were included as examples of government publications.

n - Government publication-level undetermined [OBSOLETE, 1979]

Prior to 1979, an undetermined level was identified by code n; currently code o is used.

008/30 - Title page availability [OBSOLETE, 1990]

Defined codes were: # (No separate title page issued), a (In last issue of the volume, loose), b (In last issue of the volume, attached), c (In first issue of next volume, loose), d (In first issue of next volume, attached), e (Published separately, free upon request), f (Published separately, free, automatically sent), g (Published separately, purchase, request), u (Unknown), z (Other title page availability).

008/31 - Index availability [OBSOLETE, 1990]

Defined codes were: # (No index published), a (Each issue contains an index to its own contents (no volume index), loose), b (In last issue of volume, loose, separately paged), c (In last issue of volume, loose, unpaged), d (In last issue of volume, attached), e (In first issue of next volume, loose, separately paged), f (In first issue of next volume, loose, unpaged), g (In first issue of next volume, attached), h (Published separately, free, automatically sent), i (Published separately, free, upon request), j (Published separately, bound from publisher, free, automatically sent), k (Published separately, bound from publisher, free, upon request), l (Received separately, bound from publisher), m (Supplement or subseries, indexed in parent journal index), u (Unknown), z (Other index availability).

008/32 - Cumulative index availability [OBSOLETE, 1990]

Defined codes were: 0 (No cumulative index available), 1 (Cumulative index available), u (Unknown).

008/34 - Title as it appears on the piece indicator [REDEFINED, 1975]
008/34 - Successive/latest entry [RENAMED, 2001]

Prior to the definition of variable data field 222 (Key title) in 1975, 008/34 was defined as Title as it appears on the piece designator. The defined codes were: d (Different), t (Same as field 245), and m (Same as 1XX plus 245 fields). 008/34 was renamed Entry convention in 2001 to accommodate the integrating entry convention.

2 - Integrated entry [NEW, 2001]

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