Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 5XX >> 542

542 - Information Relating to Copyright Status (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
# - No information provided
0 - Private
1 - Not private

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Personal creator (NR)
$b - Personal creator death date (NR)
$c - Corporate creator (NR)
$d - Copyright holder (R)
$e - Copyright holder contact information (R)
$f - Copyright statement (R)
$g - Copyright date (NR)
$h - Copyright renewal date (R)
$i - Publication date (NR)
$j - Creation date (NR)
$k - Publisher (R)
$l - Copyright status (NR)
$m - Publication status (NR)
$n - Note (R)
$o - Research date (NR)
$p - Country of publication or creation (R)
$q - Supplying agency (NR)
$r - Jurisdiction of copyright assessment (NR)
$s - Source of information (NR)
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Information known about the item that may be used to determine copyright status.

The entire field may be repeated if a non-repeatable subfield needs to be repeated (e.g., Personal creator, Research date) or if additional information is added at a later date.

Although field 540 (Terms governing use and reproduction note) may include some data about copyright information, this field has more detailed information and specific subfield coding that allow for manipulation of the data.



First Indicator - Privacy
Whether the contents of the field are private or not. The state of being private includes information that institutions do not want to display to the public because it is sensitive or restricted.
# - No information provided
No information is provided as to the privacy of the field contents.
0 - Private
Field contains private information.
1 - Not private
No private information in the field.
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Personal creator
Name of the person responsible for creation of the resource. The data may or may not be in an authoritative form. "Undetermined" may be used if research was done but no personal creator was found.
542 1#$aMartin, Henri Jean$dUniversity of Chicago Press$fCopyright 1994 by the University of Chicago$g1994$o20071103 $rUS
$b - Personal creator death date
If applicable, death date of the person responsible for the creation of the resource named in subfield ‡a (Personal creator).
$c - Corporate creator
Name of an organization responsible for creation of the resource. The data may or may not in an authoritative form.
542 ##$cLiterary Classics of the United States$fChronology, Note on the Text, and Notes copyright 1983 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.$g1983$o20070526 $pUS$rUS$3Chronology, Note on the Text, Notes
$d - Copyright holder
If known, the name of the copyright holder of the resource from an authoritative source of information. The data may or may not be in an authoritative form. "Undetermined" may be used if research was done but no copyright holder was found.
542 ##$aBurgess, Thornton W. (Illustrated by Harrison Cady)$dLouis W. Doherty & Third National Bank of Hampden County (E of Thornton W. Burgess)$g1945$h1972 $sCopyright Renewal Database
$e - Copyright holder contact information
May be useful for further information. This may include address, e-mail, phone numbers, etc.
$f - Copyright statement
Copyright statement as it is presented on the resource.
542 0#$fCopyright 1895$g1895$kLondon, Macmillan$lPublic domain$o20061201175546$pGB $qInternet Archive, California$rUS$sEvidence reported by scanner-scott-cairns for item lettersofmaththew01arnouoft; visible notice of copyright; stated date is 1895
$g - Copyright date
For items under copyright, the initial year of copyright.
542 ##$fCopyright 1948 SEPS$g1948$o20070202 $rUS
$h - Copyright renewal date
542 ##$aCalifornia District Courts of Appeal (J.O. Tucker, editor)$dBancroft-Whitney Co. (PWH)$g1944$h1972 $sCopyright Renewal Database
$i - Publication date
Year of publication if it is a formally published resource.
542 ##$aGoldie, James$dGoldie, James$dGoldie, Ruth$fCopyright 1927 by James and Ruth Goldie$g1927$i1927 $nCopyright not renewed$o20071204$qDLC $rUS$sUS Copyright Office records
$j - Creation date
Year of creation for an unpublished resource.
$k - Publisher
Name and optionally place of the publisher. "Undetermined" may be used if research was done but no publisher is found.
542 ##$cDecca$dDecca $g2000$kundetermined$lundetermined $o20061213$rUS$3Performance
$l - Copyright status
Determined status of the item. This is only recorded if it is known with certainty. "Undetermined" may be used if research was done but no status is found.
542 1#$aundetermined $dundetermined$g1905?$lundetermined $mundetermined$o20071210
[supplying agency]$rUS
$m - Publication status
Whether the item is published or unpublished, using the definition of published in copyright law of the jurisdiction, or that expressed in the Berne Convention's specifications if other definitions are not available. "Undetermined" may be used if research was done but no status is found.
542 1#$aundetermined $dundetermined$g1905?$lundetermined $mundetermined$o20071210
[supplying agency]$rUS
$n - Note
Any additional information about copyright.
542 ##$aGoldie, James$b1945$dGoldie, James$dGoldie, Ruth$fCopyright 1927 by James and Ruth Goldie$g1927$i1927 $nCopyright not renewed$rUS
$o - Research date
Date that the copyright data was determined based on research. A structured form of date is recommended.
542 1#$cWarner Bros. Pictures, Inc.$dundetermined$fCopyright: Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.; 23Dec37; LP7892$g1937$lundetermined $o20071129$rUS
$p - Country of publication or creation (R)
Country in which the resource was published or, in the case of unpublished materials, the country in which the resource was created.
542 1#$fCopyright 1895 $g1895$kLondon, Macmillan $lPublic domain$o20061201175546$pGB $qInternet Archive, California $sEvidence reported by scanner-scott-cairns for item lettersofmaththew01arnouoft; visible notice of copyright; stated date is 1895
$q - Supplying agency
Code or name of agency supplying the information.
542 0#$fCopyright 1895$g1895$kLondon, Macmillan$lPublic domain$o20061201175546$pGB $qInternet Archive, California$rUS$sEvidence reported by scanner-scott-cairns for item lettersofmaththew01arnouoft; visible notice of copyright; stated date is 1895
$r - Jurisdiction of copyright assessment
Jurisdiction within which the copyright status assessment is being made. The law of the country within which the resource is used is the relevant one for copyright purposes. It is within the context of this information that a copyright status may be determined. The subfield is only used if a copyright status is recorded in subfield $l.
542 1#$aMartin, Henri Jean$dUniversity of Chicago Press$fCopyright 1994 by the University of Chicago$g1994$o20071103 $rUS
$s - Source of information
Source of the copyright information, whether from the piece or from other sources.
542 ##$aCalifornia District Courts of Appeal (J.O. Tucker, editor)$dBancroft-Whitney Co. (PWH)$g1944$h1972 $sCopyright Renewal Database
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. The data may be a more detailed statement about information relating to copyright status.
$3 - Materials specified
Part of the described material to which the field applies.
542 ##$cDecca$dDecca $g2000$kundetermined$lundetermined $o20061213$rUS$3Performance
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

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