Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 5XX >> 544

544 - Location of Other Archival Materials Note (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
February 1999

First Indicator
# - No information provided
0 - Associated materials
1 - Related materials

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Custodian (R)
$b - Address (R)
$c - Country (R)
$d - Title (R)
$e - Provenance (R)
$n - Note (R)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Name and address of custodians of archival materials related to the described materials by provenance, specifically by having been, at a previous time, a part of the same collection or record group.



First Indicator - Relationship
Identifies the relationship of the other archival materials to the materials covered by the bibliographic record.
# - No information provided
No information is provided as to the relationship of the other materials to the archival materials covered by the record.
544 ##$dSeries 462 (Register of criminal actions, 1929-1942);$eNot included in the initial transfer, accessioned as a separate series.
0 - Associated materials
Other materials identified in the note have the same provenance but reside in a different repository.
544 0#$dBurt Barnes papers;$eAlso located at;$aArchives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
1 - Related materials
Other materials identified in the note share the sphere of activity, reside in the same repository, but have different provenance.
544 1#$dDept. of Health fonds, Health Care Services Division files.
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Custodian
Name of the custodian of the material. Although the subfield is repeatable, it is recommended that a separate 544 field be created for each occurrence of subfield $a.
544 0#$dBurt Barnes papers;$eAlso located at;$aArchives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
544 0#$dBurt Barnes papers;$eAlso located at;$aState Historical Society of Wisconsin.
$b - Address
Address for the location of the associated materials.
544 ##$dWilliam Fords Provenance;$aFreen College;$b727 Prologue Blvd., History City, MA$cUSA.
$c - Country
Country of the repository.
544 ##$dBaptismal records;$aSt. Casimir's Parish;$aMilwaukee, Wisc.$cUSA.
$d - Title
Title of the other material. This subfield is generally given as the first subfield in field 544.
544 ##$dSeries 462 (Register of criminal actions, 1929-1942);$eNot included in the initial transfer, accessioned as a separate series.
$e - Provenance
History of custody of the described materials since their creation, including any changes successive custodians made to them.
544 ##$dRecords of the Rhode Island Loan Office of the Bureau of Public Debt, 1776-1817;$aNewport Historical Society;$b82 Touro Street, Newport, RI 02840;$cUSA;$eNot transferred to the Second Bank of the United States at the time of its establishment, March 3, 1817.
$n - Note
Entire text of the note that describes the other materials. Subfield $n may be used instead of the specific subfields for title of materials, custodian, and provenance.
544 1#$nOther records relating to the delivery of health care services can be found in the Health Care Services Division files of the Dept. of Health fonds.
$3 - Materials specified
Specific materials, if any, to which the field applies.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 544 ends in a period unless another mark of punctuation is present.

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