First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Shelving scheme # - No information provided 0 - Library of Congress classification 1 - Dewey Decimal classification 2 - National Library of Medicine classification 3 - Superintendent of Documents classification 4 - Shelving control number 5 - Title 6 - Shelved separately 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 8 - Other scheme |
Shelving order # - No information provided 0 - Not enumeration 1 - Primary enumeration 2 - Alternative enumeration |
Subfield Codes | |
Shelving designation
Numbers and codes
Control subfields
Organization holding the item or from which it is available. May also contain detailed information about how to locate the item in a collection.
Several subfields duplicate those in the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology fields. They are used in field 852 when there is no 863-868 field in the holdings information, for example, for holdings for single-part items or for multipart and serial items reported at Holdings level 1 or 2 (Leader/17, Encoding level, code 1 or 2).
Field is repeated when holdings are reported for multiple copies of an item and the location data elements vary. When other holdings information fields are associated with multiple 852 fields, the configuration of the holdings report must be considered to assure that these fields are implicitly linked. A description of the treatment required for 852 holdings information clusters is given under the heading Separate and Embedded Holdings Information in the Introduction to this publication. Subfield $8 is used in this field to sequence multiple related holdings records.
First Indicator - Shelving scheme
Scheme used to shelve a bibliographic item in the collections of the reporting organization.
Item is shelved by a Library of Congress classification number. This number, which is contained in subfield $h (Classification part), is assigned from the Library of Congress Classification or the LC Classification-Additions and Changes; two publications that are maintained by the Library of Congress. A full description of a Library of Congress classification number is given under field 050 (Library of Congress Call Number) in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
Item is shelved by a Dewey Decimal classification number. This number, which is contained in subfield $h (Classification part), is assigned from the Dewey Decimal Classification, accessed through electronic or printed versions. A full description of a Dewey Decimal classification number is given under field 082 (Dewey Decimal Call Number) in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
Item is shelved by a U.S. National Library of Medicine classification number. This number, which is contained in subfield $h (Classification part), has been assigned from the National Library of Medicine Classification schedules QS-QZ and W or from the Library of Congress Classification schedules used by the National Library of Medicine. The National Library of Medicine maintains the National Library of Medicine schedules. A full description of a U.S. National Library of Medicine classification number is given under field 060 (National Library of Medicine Call Number) in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
Item is shelved by a U.S. Superintendent of Documents classification number. This number, which is contained in subfield $h (Classification part), is assigned from the Superintendent of Documents Classification System. Superintendent of Documents classification numbers are assigned only by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). A fuller description of the GPO classification number is given under field 086 (Government Document Classification Number) in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
Item is shelved by a shelving control number, which is contained in subfield $j (Shelving control number).
Item is shelved by a title. If necessary, this title is contained in subfield $l (Shelving form of title).
Parts of the item are shelved separately because they are classed separately.
Item is shelved by a classification number in a scheme other than that specified by one of the other defined values and for which an identifying code is given in subfield $2.
Particular shelving scheme is known but is not specified.
Second Indicator - Shelving order
Whether a serial or multipart item is shelved under a primary or an alternative numbering scheme.
The distinction is necessary when an item carries two numbering schemes. The numbering scheme may be an alphabetical, numerical, or chronological designation.
Also used when the item has only one numbering scheme.
852 | 01$aCtY$bMain$hLB201$i.M63 | ||||||||
853 | 10$81$ano.$i(year) | ||||||||
863 | 40$81.1$a1-343$i1970-1971 [The items in a series are shelved by the series numbering, 1-343.] |
Item carries two numbering schemes and is shelved by the secondary scheme.
852 | 02$aCtY$bMain$hLB201$i.M63 | ||||||||
853 | 10$81$a(year)$gno. | ||||||||
863 | 40$81.1$a1970$g97 | ||||||||
863 | 40$81.2$a1971$g125 [An annual report carries both its year designation (the primary numbering scheme) and the numbering of the series of which it is a part (the alternative numbering scheme). It is shelved by the series numbering.] |
$a - Location
Institution or person holding the item or from which access is given. Contains a MARC code of the holding institution or the name of the institution or person. See MARC Code List for Organizations.
Sublocations within an organization are contained in subfield $b (Sublocation or collection). To assist in differentiating between a subfield $a institutional location and a subfield $b sublocation, subfield $a contains the name to be addressed in external communication and subfield $b contains the name within the institution.
If the bibliographic item is owned by an individual or organization other than the one identified in subfield $a, the actual owner may be identified in subfield $x (Nonpublic note) or $z (Public note) or in field 561 (Provenance Note). If the item is physically located somewhere other than the location from which it is available, the physical location may also be identified in subfield $x or $z of field 852.
852 | ##$aCLU | ||||||||
852 | ##$aNational Archives and Records Service$bGenealogical Research Recording$ePennsylvania Ave. at 8th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. USA$ndcu |
$b - Sublocation or collection
Specific department, library, etc., within the holding organization in which the item is located or from which it is available.
Name is given in full or in a locally standardized abbreviated or coded form.
May be repeated to indicate the organizational hierarchy of the sublocation. Separate 852 fields are used for each sublocation when multiple copies of an item having the same call number are housed in various sublocations or when parts of a copy are split among several locations.
852 | ##$aCSf$bSci$t1 | ||||||||
852 | ##$aNational Geographic Society$bPersonnel Dept.$e17th & M St., N.W., Washington, DC USA |
$c - Shelving location
Description of the shelving location of the item within the collection of the holding organization. It may be used to indicate the physical location within a sublocation; for example, reference alcove, oversize shelving. The description of the shelving location is given in full or in a standardized abbreviated or coded form.
852 | 81$a[location identifier]$bMain$cmezzanine stacks |
$d - Former shelving location
Call numbers/shelf numbers where a resource was previously located, in cases of a relocation or a reordering/reorganization of a collection as a whole.
852 | 8#$a[location identifier]$ 2234$ XII/911$d13.492 |
$e - Address
Street address, city, state, zip code, and country information for the current physical location of the item.
May be repeated to separate the parts of an address.
852 | 81$aFrPALP$bAnnex$ccenter shelves$e10, rue du Général Camou$e75007 Paris |
852 | ##$aDLC$bManuscript Division$eJames Madison Memorial Building, 1st & Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, DC USA$j4016 |
$f - Coded location qualifier
Three-character code that identifies the specific issues of the item that are located apart from the main holdings of the same item. Subfield $f immediately follows the subfield $a, $b, or $c being qualified.
Code is composed of Qualifier type, Number of units, and Unit type codes. If the location qualifier cannot be expressed in coded form, it may be described in subfield $g (Non-coded location qualifier).
One-character alphabetic code indicates if it is the latest or previous time or part unit that is housed in a different location.
Latest, including the current, time or part unit is housed in a different location.
Previous, not including the current, time or part unit is housed in a different location.
One-character number (1-9) specifies the number of time or part units that are housed in a different location. When a number is not required to identify the specific units, this character position contains a blank (#). If the number of time or parts units exceeds 9, they may be contained in subfield $g (Non-coded location qualifier) and this character position contains a blank (#).
When Qualifier type is Latest (code l), the number includes the current time or part unit. When Qualifier type is Previous (code p), the number does not include the current time or part unit.
One-character alphabetic code describes either the time period or the part that is housed in a different location.
852 | 01$aDLC$bMRR Ref$fl2y [The Library of Congress houses the item in its Serial Division except for the latest two years which are in the Main Reading Room Reference collection.] |
852 | 00$a [location identifier] $bRef.$fl1e [Only the latest edition is held in Reference.] |
$g - Non-coded location qualifier
Textual description that identifies the specific units of an item that are housed in a location different from that of the main holdings of the same item when the location qualifier cannot be expressed in coded form in subfield $f (Coded location qualifier). Immediately follows the subfield $a, $b, or $c being qualified.
852 | 81$a[location identifier]$bRef$gholographic issue [Only this special issue is housed in Reference.] |
$h - Classification part
Classification portion of the call number used as the shelving scheme for an item. A Cutter, date, or term that is added to the classification to distinguish one item from any other item assigned the same classification is contained in subfield $i (Item part). A call number prefix is contained in subfield $k (Call number prefix).
852 | 00$a[location identifier]$hQE653$i.H59 | ||||||||
852 | 80$a[location identifier]$hFic$iAdams |
$i - Item part
Cutter, date, or term that is added to the classification contained in subfield $h (Classification part) to distinguish one item from any other item assigned the same classification. A call number suffix is contained in subfield $m (Call number suffix).
852 | 01$aNvLN$hZ67$i.L7 | ||||||||
852 | 81$aFrPALP$hPer$iREF [Reference periodicals all shelved together, unclassified.] |
852 | 80$a[location identifier]$hM$iSi55 [Local classification used by library, where mysteries are shelved together and cuttered for author.] |
$j - Shelving control number
Shelving control number that is used as the shelving scheme for an item. The first indicator position contains value 4 (Shelving control number).
852 | 4#$aDLC$bMicRR$jMicrofilm 82/528 MicRR |
$k - Call number prefix
Term that precedes a call number. Subfield $k is input before subfield $h (Classification part) or $i (Item part).
852 | 01$aViBlbV$bMain Lib$bMRR$kRef$hHF5531.A1$iN4273 |
$l - Shelving form of title
Shelving title of an unclassified item that is shelved by title. The first indicator position contains value 5 (Title).
852 | 51$a[location identifier]$b0108$lNYT MAG |
$m - Call number suffix
Term that follows a call number. Subfield $m is input after subfield $h (Classification part) or $i (Item part).
852 | ##$aDLC$bc-G&M$hG3820 1687$i.H62$mVault |
$n - Country code
Two- or three-character MARC country code for the principal location identified in subfield $a (Location). Code from: MARC Code List for Countries.
852 | 81$aFrPALP$bAnnex$ccenter shelves$e10, rue du Général Camou$e75007 Paris$nfr |
$p - Piece designation
Identification of a single piece when the holdings information does not contain a field 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) that contains a subfield $p (Piece designation). The designation may be an identification number such as a bar code number or an accession number.
May be preceded by an uppercase B or U to specify whether the piece is bound or unbound. When no piece designation exists, a double slash (//) may be recorded in subfield $p to signify that the field relates to a piece.
852 | 81$a[location identifier]$b0131$p1100064014 |
$q - Piece physical condition
Description of any unusual characteristic of the physical condition of the piece when the information does not contain a field 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) that contains a subfield $q (Piece physical condition).
Not used for physical condition information resulting from a formal review for making preservation decisions. Preservation decisions are contained in field 583 (Action Note).
852 | ##$a[location identifier]$bMain$coversize shelving$qchild's graffiti on end papers |
$s - Copyright article-fee code
Description of the copyright article-fee code is given in field 018 (Copyright Article-Fee Code) of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data .
$t - Copy number
Copy number or a range of numbers for copies that have the same location and call number when the holdings information does not contain an 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field that contains subfield $t (Copy number).
If a break in the copy numbering sequence exists, each cluster of numbers is recorded in a separate field 852. Separate 852 fields also are used for each sublocation when parts of one copy of an item are housed in multiple locations.
Contains a copy number, not the number of copies held. The number of copies held is contained in field 008/17-19 (Number of copies reported).
852 | 0#$a[location identifier]$bMain$t1$hPZ7.D684$iA1 1979 | ||||||||
852 | 4#$a[location identifier]$bMain$t2-3$jMic77-3276 |
852 | ##$3v. 1-6$a[location identifier]$bScience Library$t1 | ||||||||
852 | ##$3v. 7-11$a[location identifier]$bEngineering Library$t1 |
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. The URI links to the repository that holds the item (regardless of whether the item is analog or digital). This information may also be recorded as an organization code or text in subfield $a (Location) and (if applicable) subfield $b (Sublocation).
852 | ##$aLibrary of Congress$bPrints and Photographs Division$eWashington, D.C. 20540 USA$ndcu$u |
$x - Nonpublic note
Note relating to the location of the item identified in the field. The note is not written in a form that is adequate for public display. A note for public display is contained in subfield $z (Public note).
Nonpublic note that applies to a specific part of the holdings is contained in subfield $x (Nonpublic note) of the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field relating to the part.
852 | ##$aMH$cCurrent issues in R.R.$x1-54 on order in Microfiche | ||||||||
852 | 81$a[location identifier]$hM$iS:55$p1100064014$xaccession no.: 90/84370 [Both a bar code and an accession number are recorded.] |
$z - Public note
Note relating to the location of the item identified in the field. The note is written in a form that is adequate for public display. A note not for public display is contained in subfield $x (Nonpublic note).
Public note that applies to a specific part of the holdings is contained in subfield $z (Public note) of the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field relating to the part.
852 | 01$aDLC$bSer Div$hA123$i.B456$zSigned by author |
$2 - Source of classification or shelving scheme
MARC code that identifies the source from which the classification or shelving was assigned. It is used only when the first indicator position contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2). Code from: Classification Scheme Source Codes.
852 | 70$aPBm$hPY F532.17/4$2padocs |
$3 - Materials specified
Part of the bibliographic item to which the field applies. Subfield $3 is the first subfield in the field.
When separate holdings records are made for each part of a bibliographic item, each record may contain a field 852 that contains a subfield $3 to specify the part to which the field applies. When holdings for all of the parts of a bibliographic item are contained in one holdings record (and there is no 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field), subfield $3 may be used whenever a data element in field 852 differs for a specified part of the item.
852 | #0$3Correspondence$a[location identifier]$bManuscript Division | ||||||||
852 | ##$3v. 1-6$a[location identifier]$bScience Library$t1 | ||||||||
852 | ##$3v. 7-11$a[location identifier]$bEngineering Library$t1 |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Sequence number
Data that sequences related holdings records. The sequence number is a variable- length whole number which controls the display and processing sequencing of multiple related holdings records that contain identical 852 $a, $b and $t.
Local systems may add decimal numbers if desired for insertions in an existing sequence. This subfield does not order fields within a record, but locations in separate holdings records.
Holdings record #1:
852 | 0#$81$a[location identifier]$hcall no. | ||||||||
866 | 31$80$a1 v. [Record for basic bibliographic unit at the first location] |
Holdings record #2:
844 | ##$aTeacher's guide | ||||||||
852 | 0#$82$a[location identifier 1]$hcall no. | ||||||||
854 | 00$81$apt. | ||||||||
864 | 30$81.1$aA-B [Record for supplement at the first location; sequence of records for display specified in subfield $8] |
Holdings record #3:
852 | 0#$81$a[location identifier 2]$hcall no. | ||||||||
866 | 31$80$a1 v. [Record for basic bibliographic unit at second location] |
Holdings record #4:
844 | ##$aTeacher's guide | ||||||||
852 | 0#$82$a[location identifier 2]$hcall no. | ||||||||
854 | 00$81$apt. | ||||||||
864 | 30$81.1$aA-B [Record for supplement at second location] Sequence numbers 1 and 2 provide a display sequence for related holdings records that have identical locations recorded in field 852 subfields $a and $h to produce the following display: [location identifier 1] call no. -- 1 v. + "Teacher's guide" pt. A-B [location identifier 2] call no. -- 1 v. + "Teacher's guide" pt. A-B |
Subfield $8 is always the first subfield in the field.
Order of Subfields - When used, subfield $f (Coded location qualifier) or $g (Non-coded location qualifier) immediately follows the subfield $a (Location), $b (Sublocation or collection), or $c (Shelving location) being qualified.
Embedded Holdings Information - When holdings information is embedded in a MARC bibliographic record, multiple 852 fields may be used only when the information does not include other holdings information fields that must be linked to a specific 852 field for intelligibility. When field linking is required, one 852 field and the other fields associated with it may be embedded in the bibliographic record. Separate holdings records must be made for each of the other 852 fields and its associated fields.
Capitalization - Qualifier type and Unit type codes in subfield $f are input in lowercase.
Prior to 1987, $z contained both public and nonpublic notes.