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DATE: May 22, 2019
NAME: Adding Subfield $0 to Fields 310, 321, and 521 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
SOURCE: Network Development and MARC Standards Office (NDMSO), Library of Congress
SUMMARY: This paper proposes adding subfield $0 (Authority record control number or standard number) to the following fields in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format that currently do not have subfield $0 defined: Field 310 (Current Publication Frequency), Field 321 (Former Publication Frequency), Field 521 (Target Audience Note).
KEYWORDS: Authority record control number or standard number (BD); Subfield $0, in field 310 (BD); Current Publication Frequency (BD); Subfield $0, in field 321 (BD); Former Publication Frequency (BD); Subfield $0, in field 521 (BD); Target Audience Note (BD)
RELATED: 2010-06; 2016-DP19; 2017-08
05/22/19 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/23/19 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: During the discussion it was explained that LC is currently working with the fixed field elements for Audience and the IRIs that BIBFRAME is generating for these values; when LC needs to reverse the process and convert BIBFRAME data to MARC, it wants to have some place to “park” (i.e., encode) these IRIs as a means of facilitating a loss-less transformation. There was broad agreement from MAC that providing placeholder subfields to encode IRIs where applicable is a good idea. The paper will return as a proposal with consideration being given to using $2 in the outlined fields as a way to indicate controlled text. The paper will also clarify the problematic issue of having proposed a $2 (Source) in field 521 that is identical in name to existing $b (Source) in field 521.
As a part of the BIBFRAME cataloging pilot at the Library of Congress, the development team has tried to introduce data entry efficiencies into the BIBFRAME editor software. Menu options that are tied to a controlled vocabulary have been widely used to capture such information as RDA Content/Media/Carrier Type, MARC relator codes, and headings from the LCNAF, LCSH, LCGFT and LCMPT files. The vocabulary lists have been constructed from term lists defined in the RDA Registry, term lists defined in controlled MARC fields, or a combination of the two. The URIs for these terms are added to the BIBFRAME data during the MARC to BIBFRAME conversion process.
NDMSO is now evaluating the conversion of BIBFRAME data to MARC. This analysis has shown that some MARC tags which contain data from a controlled vocabulary do not have a place for the standard identifier or URI of the term. There are also some variable fields with controlled terms that do not have $0 defined yet.
The goal of this discussion paper is to define subfield $0 in the three MARC fields described below to facilitate the conversion of data from MARC to BIBFRAME and back.
The scope of subfield $0 was broadened to include the recording of standard numbers and identifiers in Proposal 2010-06. Papers 2016-DP19 and 2017-08 also added subfield $0 to several MARC tags.
This discussion paper proposes defining subfield $0 in the following MARC Bibliographic format fields which do not currently support inclusion, but may benefit from having subfield $0 defined for use: field 310 (Current Publication Frequency), field 321 (Former Publication Frequency), and field 521 (Target Audience Note). To remain consistent with other tags, $1 (Real World Object URI) and $2 (Source) are also being proposed for inclusion.
Although intended audience information could be stored in MARC tag 385 (Audience Characteristics), it was felt that the data in a BIBFRAME record more closely matched the data in MARC tag 521 (Target Audience Note).
Some note fields permit the storage of URIs in $u, as in tag 520 (Summary, Etc.) However, this URI provides electronic access to descriptive data in the field. The data in $0 is a link to the related authority record or standard identifier.
In MARC 21 Bibliographic Format, add the following subfields (underlined):
310 – Current Publication Frequency (NR)
Subfield Codes
$a – Current publication frequency (NR)
$b – Date of current publication frequency (NR)
$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (NR)
$1 – Real World Object URI (R)
$2 – Source (NR)
$6 – Linkage
$8 – Field link and sequence number (R)
310 ## $a Monthly $0
310 ## $a Continuously updated $0
310 ## $a Bimonthly, $b 1958- $0
Also expressed in MARC 008/continuing resources, byte 18 Frequency
In BIBFRAME Instance, bf:frequency (property), bf:Frequency (Class)
Term list:
This list is based on RDA with augmentations from MARC
321 – Former Publication Frequency (R)
Subfield Codes
$a – Former publication frequency (NR)
$b – Date of former publication frequency (NR)
$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (NR)
$1 – Real World Object URI (R)
$2 – Source (NR)
$6 – Linkage
$8 – Field link and sequence number (R)
321 ## $a Annual, $b 1983-1995 $0
321 ## $a Biennial, $b 1981/1982 $0
In BIBFRAME Instance, bf:frequency (property), bf:Frequency (Class)
Term list:
This list is based on RDA with augmentations from MARC
521 – Target Audience Note (R)
Subfield Codes
$a – Target audience note (R)
$b – Source (NR)
$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (NR)
$1 – Real World Object URI (R)
$2 – Source (NR)
$3 – Materials specified (NR)
$6 – Linkage
$8 – Field link and sequence number (R)
521 ## $a Preschool. $0
521 ## $a Juvenile. $0
Also expressed in MARC 008/books/computer files/visual materials, byte 22 Target audience
In BIBFRAME Work, bf:intendedAudience (property), bf:IntendedAudience (class)
Term list:
Including subfield $0 in the above fields will enable a smooth conversion of BIBFRAME data to the MARC format that preserves the URIs that come from the BIBFRAME description, since URIs added within a BIBFRAME editor, or by a MARC to BIBFRAME data conversion, will be preserved.
5.1. Do you agree that there is a use for subfield $0 in fields 310, 321, and 521?
5.2. Does the proposed solution meet the needs discussed?
5.3. Are there any potential consequences that this paper does not address?
5.4. Are additional examples needed?
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