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DATE: May 29, 2020

NAME: Changes to Supplementary Content Information to Accommodate URIs and Notes in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format

SOURCE: Network Development and MARC Standards Office (NDMSO), Library of Congress

SUMMARY: This paper presents two options for augmenting supplementary content information to accommodate URIs and free-text notes. The first option proposes the addition of subfield $0 (Authority record control number or standard number) to field 504 in the MARC Bibliographic format and changing the field definitions for fields 504 and 525. The second option proposes the creation of a new MARC field 353 to store coded supplementary content information.

KEYWORDS: Field 504 (BD); Bibliography, etc. Note (BD); Field 525 (BD); Supplement Note (BD); Authority record control number or standard number (BD); Supplementary Content Information (BD); URIs (BD)

RELATED: 2020-DP02, 2017-08, 2019-DP05

05/29/20 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.

07/02/20 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Though the advantages of both options were discussed – Option 1: augmenting the 504 and 525 fields would reduce redundancy of fields across the format; Option 2: defining a new field 353 would keep free-text and controlled vocabulary data in distinct places and would work best for backwards compatibility – a vast majority favored the second option. The paper will return as a proposal.

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP15: Changes to Supplementary Content Information to Accommodate URIs and Notes


In Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP02, an option to add $0 to fields 504 and 525 was presented. At the January 2020 MAC meeting, there was a broad consensus that a need for the proposed changes had been demonstrated, but there was also general agreement that the provision for eye-readable notes must also be retained should the paper move forward to the proposal stage. Some MAC members preferred the option of seeing identifiers and controlled language for indexes, bibliographies and other supplementary information encoded within the 3XX block.

Field 504 is currently defined in the Bibliographic format as follows:

Field 525 is currently defined in the Bibliographic format as follows::

As part of the BIBFRAME cataloging pilot at the Library of Congress, the development team has tried to introduce data entry efficiencies and improve consistency of data. In the BIBFRAME editor, menu options that are tied to a controlled vocabulary have been widely used to capture such information as RDA Content/Media/Carrier Type, MARC relator codes, and headings from the LCNAF, LCSH, LCGFT and LCMPT files. The vocabulary lists have been constructed from term lists defined in the RDA Registry, term lists defined in controlled MARC fields, or a combination of the two. The URIs for these terms are added to the BIBFRAME data during the MARC to BIBFRAME conversion process.

NDMSO is now evaluating the conversion of BIBFRAME data to MARC. This analysis has shown that some MARC fields which contain data from a controlled vocabulary do not have a place for the standard identifier or URI of the term.  There are also some variable fields with controlled terms that do not have $0 defined yet.


Based on feedback from the prior discussion paper, this paper will present two options for recording encoded supplementary content information. First, the addition of subfield $0 to MARC Bibliographic format field 504, and a redefinition of fields 504 and 525 to accommodate supplementary content characteristics as an encoded field and a free-text note. Second, the creation of a new 353 field in the MARC Bibliographic format for Supplementary Content Characteristics.


3.1. OPTION 1 - FIELDS 504 AND 525

3.1.1. Field 504 Changes

Make the following changes to field 504 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format:

1) Change the field name from:

504 – Bibliography, etc. Note (R)
504 – Supplementary Content Characteristics (R)

2) Update the field definition and scope to incorporate the underlined information below:

Field Definition and Scope
Encoded information on the presence of one or more bibliographies, discographies, filmographies, and/or other bibliographic references in a described item or in accompanying material.

Multiple supplementary content characteristics may be recorded in the separate occurrences of the field. It is expected that usage of this field will include a URI associated with the term.

For multipart items, including serials, the note may pertain to all parts or to a single part or issue.

Notes referring to tables of cases, statutes, and regulations are not recorded in this field. They are recorded in field 500 (General Note). When the presence of an index is also mentioned in a bibliography note, field 504 is used. If a note mentions contents in addition to the bibliography, and the bibliography is not deemed sufficiently extensive to warrant a separate note, the note is recorded in field 500 (General Note). In cases of doubt as to whether the note is bibliographical or not, field 504 is used rather than in field 500 (General Note).

3) Update name and definition of $a from::

$a - Bibliography, etc. note
Entire text of the note.


$a - Supplementary content term
Label for supplementary content associated with identifier in $0.

4) Add the following new subfields:

$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (NR)
$1 – Real World Object URI (R)
$2 – Source (NR)


504 ## $a bibliography $0

504 ## $a instructional materials $0

3.1.2. Field 525 Changes

Make the following changes to field 525 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format:

1) Change the name of the field from:

525 – Supplement Note (R)
525 – Supplementary Content Note (R)

2) Update the field definition and scope to incorporate the underlined information below:

Field Definition and Scope
Information on the existence of supplements or special issues that are neither cataloged in separate records nor recorded in a linking entry field 770 (Supplement/Special Issue Entry).
Generally, this note field is used only for unnamed supplements and/or special issues.
This note field is used for unnamed supplements, special issues or other supplementary content material.


525 ## $a Supplements accompany some issues

525 ## $a Includes bibliographic references (pages 259-280) and index.

3.2. OPTION 2 - NEW FIELD 353

In the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format, define new field 353 as follows:

353 – Supplementary Content Characteristics (R)

Field Definition and Scope
Encoded information on the presence of one or more bibliographies, discographies, filmographies, and/or other bibliographic references in a described item or in accompanying material.

First indicator
# - Undefined
Second indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield codes

$a –Supplementary content term
Supplementary content information of the resource being described.

353 ## $abibliography
353 ## $aindex
353 ## $adiscography

$b – Supplementary content code
Code representing the supplementary content information of the resource being described.

353 ## $abibliography$bbibliography
353 ## $aindex$bindex
353 ## $adiscography$bdiscography

$0 - Authority record control number or standard number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

353 ## $abibliography$bbibliography$0
353 ## $aindex$bindex$0
353 ## $adiscography$bdiscography$0

$1 - Real World Object URI
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$2 - Source
MARC code that identifies the source of the term or code used to record the supplementary content characteristics information.

$3 - Materials specified
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.

$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


BIBFRAME Work or Instance: bf:supplementaryContent (property), bf:SupplementaryContent (class), accommodating either a designation of the supplementary content as a URI from a list or as a literal.

The current MARC-to-BIBFRAME data conversion generates supplementary content fields from data in MARC fields 504 and 525. Supplementary content is also created from MARC 008/24-27 for codes “b”, “i”, “k”, “q” and 31 (books), 008/24-27 (continuing resources), 008/31 (maps) and 008/24-29 (music). Supplementary content from these bytes in field 008 is assigned an identifier from a term list.

Including subfield $0 in the above fields will enable a smooth conversion of BIBFRAME data to the MARC format that preserves the URIs that come from the BIBFRAME description, since URIs added within a BIBFRAME editor, or by a MARC to BIBFRAME data conversion, will be preserved.


5.1. Which proposed option is preferred?

5.2. Are there any alternative format solutions to what is being proposed?

5.3. Are there any potential consequences that this paper does not address?

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