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(h0a  ? @ A B  C  D  E     O P Q R S T U V W    m                                                    nh,v@h,v@MSysIMEXColumns5@@@@@@@@@@> o+v@+v@MSysIMEXSpecs5<<<<<<<<<<:  zGv@85Ew@marc2user-tasks5@ |@ XLL@@@@@@@> @ 1xv@Elw@frbr2marc5O@s|@ L@@44444442 @ R v@#OUw@marc2frbr5@r|@ L@@44444442 @ +tv@.OUw@AccessLayout54MR2KeepLocal T@ zz:::::::8 @^rv@DNUw@appendix-e5 BBB66666664 @-rv@-rv@DataAccessPages5@@@@@@@@@@> -rv@-rv@SysRel5.........., -rv@-rv@Modules50000000000. -rv@-rv@Scripts50000000000. -rv@-rv@Reports50000000000. -rv@-rv@Forms5,,,,,,,,,,*  ,rv@,rv@UserDMR2RecordLocksODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDOLGUIDColumnWidthColumnHidden0  <     U7WEqMϻq T0DNUw@~appendix-e*ANDlN7WEqMϻq T0Attribute Indicator '8Fo7WEqMϻq T0FRBR Entity3C8 CrV7WEqMϻq T0Attribute/Relationshipo41^BK'1q7WEqMϻq T0MARC Tag)'BAщe7WEqMϻq T0Positionae'jG$s)7WEqMϻq T0Subfield ZN])k8TEeJD[appendix-e].[Attribute Indicator]  5   Y N  Y Y Y Y  Y   Y  ZY Y  Y ZY Y  Y   Y ZDateDelim"DateFourDigitYear DateLeadingZerosDateOrderDecimalPointFieldSeparatorFileType SpecIDSpecNameSpecTypeStartRowTextDelimTimeDelimZZZZYPrimaryKeyv1 ` Y N* C Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y   Y   Y   Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y &Attribute IndicatorID FormatMARC TagField NameSubfieldPositionData Element,Additional InformationFRBR Entity,Attribute/RelationshipResource Search"Resource IdentifyResource SelectResource ObtainUse RestrictUse ManageUse OperateUse InterpretUse IdentifyData ProcessSortDisplayFRBR NotesLC NotesYPrimaryKeyPrimaryKey- C A ~}o_{7߼s_?uЎwO ?  ȟ?++00ŀyb4cfU0{`S O` G ,~}o_{7߼s_?uЎwO ?  ȟ?++00ŀyb4cfU0{`S O` G ,ON+NnMLLkKgKJIISHGGtFE"EwDCC>  `HDLeadern/a9Character coding schemeRecordCharacter coding schemeadded 6/24/02XLL `HDLeadern/a07-08Undefined character positionsn/an/aadded 6/24/02llllllllllllllf``& `HDLeadern/a6Type of recordRecordType of recordadded 6/24/02|bbbbbbbbbbbbbbF:: `HDLeadern/a5Record statusRecordRecord statusadded 6/24/02x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D88 `HDLeadern/a00-04Record lengthRecordLength of recordadded 6/24/02llllllllllllllL@@& `BDLeadern/a06Type of recordRecordType of record%fffffddddddddddH<<  BBDLeadern/a08Type of controlRecordType of control%jjjjjhhhhhhhhhhJ>>  BBDLeadern/a11Subfield code countRecordSubfield code count%zzzzzxxxxxxxxxxRFF  BBDLeadern/a05Record statusRecordRecord status%bbbbb``````````F::  BBDLeadern/a00-04Logical record lengthRecordLength of record%~~~~~||||||||||\PP& BBDLeadern/a19Linked record requirementRecordLinked record requirement%^RR  BBDLeadern/a21Length of starting-character& RecordLength of starting-character& %fZZ  BBDLeadern/a20Length of length-of-field& RecordLength of length-of-field& %`TT  BBDLeadern/a10Indicator countRecordIndicator count%jjjjjhhhhhhhhhhJ>>  BBDLeadern/a17Encoding levelRecordEncoding level%fffffddddddddddH<<  BBDLeadern/a18Descriptive cataloging formRecordDescriptive cataloging form%bVV  BBDLeadern/a09Character coding schemeRecordCharacter coding scheme%ZNN  BBDLeadern/a07Bibliographic levelRecordBibliographic level%zzzzzxxxxxxxxxxRFF  BBDLeadern/a12-16Base address of dataRecordBase address of data%ZNN& BBDLeadern/a23Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822  @1ONMM3LBKeJIAIHG2GFEE8D@:@BD006Bookn/a01-04IllustrationsWorkForm of work%ddddddddddddbbbJBB( @BD006Bookn/a00Form of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (1)%%1. The value "a" (language material) in MARC 006 character position 00 corresponds to "alpha numeric notation" as a form of expression as defined in FRBR. The value "t" (manuscript language material) concatenates form of expression as defined in FRBR wi446666666666422B" PBD/HD005n/a08-15Time of latest transactionRecordDate/time of latest transaction%fZZ&BBD/HD005n/a00-07Date of latest transactionRecordDate/time of latest transaction%fZZ&BHD004n/an/aControl no.%RecordRecord identifier%ddddddbbbbbbbbb@22 ABD/HD003n/an/aControl no. identifierRecordRecord identifier%~~~~~~|||||||||ZNN"ABD/HD001n/an/aControl no.RecordRecord identifier%hhhhhhfffffffffD88"ABD/HDDirectoryn/a07-11Starting character positionRecord????added 6/24/02||||||||||||||vhh2("`BD/HDDirectoryn/a03-06Field lengthRecord????added 6/24/02x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XJJ2("`BD/HDDirectoryn/a00-02TagRecord????added 6/24/02fLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF882("`HDLeadern/a23Undefinedn/an/aadded 6/24/02X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822  `HDLeadern/a22Length of implementation& RecordLength of implementation& added 6/24/02^RR  `HDLeadern/a21Length of starting-character& RecordLength of starting-character...added 6/24/02fZZ  `HDLeadern/a20Length of length-of-field& RecordLength of the length-of-field& added 6/24/02`TT  `HDLeadern/a19Undefined character positionn/an/aadded 6/24/02~dddddddddddddd^XX  `HDLeadern/a18Item information in recordRecord???added 6/24/02ffffffffffffff`TT  `HDLeadern/a17Encoding levelRecordEncoding leveladded 6/24/02~ddddddddddddddH<<  `HDLeadern/a12-16Base address of dataRecordBase address of dataadded 6/24/02ZNN& `aOKYKJIHKHGEGF;EDC&CBD006Comp/ERn/a06-08Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@.$ `BD006Comp/ERn/a05Target audienceWorkIntended audience%Revised name 7/8/03rrrrrrrrrrrpppNFF($ `BD006Comp/ERn/a01-04Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@.$ `BD006Comp/ERn/a00Form of material? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Form of expression%%%Revised name 7/8/03L&&&&&&&$"""   H($ d`BD006Bookn/a17BiographyWorkForm of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXVTT<44" @BD006Bookn/a16Literary formWorkForm of work%%````````````^\\D<<" @BD006Bookn/a15Undefinedn/an/a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44" @BD006Bookn/a14IndexWorkForm of work%NNNNNNNNNNNNLLL4,," @BD006Bookn/a13Festschrift? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Purpose of work*8" @BD006Bookn/a12Conference publicationWorkSource of work*%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @BD006Bookn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @BD006Bookn/a07-10Nature of contentsWorkForm of work%%ppppppppppppnllTLL( @BD006Bookn/a06Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (2)%%%%%2. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Books) character position 06 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manifestation) a22444444200.,**:" nPBD006Bookn/a05Target audienceWorkIntended audience%lllllllllllljjjH@@" @ aLKJDJF2FE(EAXA@ BD006Mapn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%xxxxxxxxxxxvtrrTLL  @ BD006Mapn/a09-10Undefinedn/an/aDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88& @ BD006Mapn/a08Type of cart. materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Form of work (5)%%5. The values  a (single map),  d (globe) and  e (atlas) in MARC 006 (Maps) character position 08 correspond to form of work as defined in FRBR. The value  b (map series) concatenates form of work with a manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (w&&((((((((((&$$L  P BD006Mapn/a07Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822  @ BD006Mapn/a05-06ProjectionExpressionProjection%%ffffffffffffdbbN::& @BD006Mapn/a01-04ReliefExpressionRepresentation of relief%%zzzzzzzzzzzzxvvF22& @BD006Mapn/a00Form of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (4)%%4. The value  e (cartographic material) in MARC 006 (Maps) character position 00 corresponds to  cartographic image and  cartographic object as forms of expression as defined in FRBR. The value  f (manuscript cartographic material) concatenates form224444444444200@  PBD006Comp/ERn/a12-17Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@.$ `BD006Comp/ERn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%Revised name 7/8/03~|zz\TT($ `BD006Comp/ERn/a10Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03lFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@::($ `BD006Comp/ERn/a09Type of computer fileH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (3)%%%3. The values  a (numeric data),  c (representational),  d (document), and  h (sound) in MARC 006 (Computer files) character position 09 correspond to form of expression as defined in FRBR. The values  b (computer program),  e (bibliographic data)Revised name 7/8/03lFHHHHHHFFFFDBBR($ Fp L,LK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822  @BD006Mapn/a14IndexWorkForm of work%LLLLLLLLLLLLJJJ2**  @BD006Mapn/a13Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822  @BD006Mapn/a12Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (6)%%%%%6. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Maps) character position 12 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manifestation) as002222220..,*((8  nP LKYKJJ(IKHtGFB     QBD006Continuing n/a05Form of original itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Form of carrier (10)%10. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Serials) character position 05 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manifestationRevised name 7/8/03tNPPPPPPPPPPNNN&Z0,& p1BD006Continuing n/a04Type of continuing resourceWorkForm of work%%Revised name 7/8/03nff0,& `BD006Continuing n/a03ISSN CentreRecordAuthentication source%Revised name 7/8/03~~~~||||||||||RFF0,& b/BD006Continuing n/a02RegularityExpressionExpected regularity%%%Revised name 7/8/03~~XDD0,& &`.BD006Continuing n/a01FrequencyExpressionExpected frequency%%%Revised name 7/8/03~~~|zzVBB0,& &`-BD006Continuing n/a00Form of materialWorkIntended termination%%Revised name 7/8/03XPP0,& `*BD006Musicn/a15-17Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*  @)BD006Musicn/a13-14Literary textWorkForm of work%%hhhhhhhhhhhhfddLDD*  @(BD006Musicn/a07-12Accompanying matterWorkForm of work%rrrrrrrrrrrrpppXPP*  @PBD006Musicn/a06Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (9)%%%%%9. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Music) character position 06 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manifestation) a446666664220.,,<$  nPeLKKJIIH9GCCBA~A@BD006Visualn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN"BD006Visualn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zxxZRR&" @?BD006Visualn/a06-10Undefinedn/an/aJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJD>>," @>BD006Visualn/a05Target audienceWorkIntended audience%ppppppppppppnnnLDD&" @=BD006Visualn/a04Undefinedn/an/aDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88&" @<BD006Visualn/a01-03Running timeExpressionExtent of expression%%XDD," @ BD006Visualn/a00Form of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (12)%%12. The value  b (two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic) in MARC 006 (Visual Materials) character position 00 concatenates form of expression (graphic image) with form of carrier (an attribute of the manifestation). The value  g (projected medium) cor::<<<<<<<<<<:88 F&" P:BD006Continuing n/a17Entry conventionRecordType of entryRevised name 7/8/03vvvvvvvvvvvvvv\PP0,& `9BD006Continuing n/a16Original alphabet or script & ManifestationOriginal alphabet of title*Revised name 7/8/03jj0,& `8BD006Continuing n/a13-15Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03zTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH6,& `7BD006Continuing n/a12Conference publicationWorkSource of work*%%%Revised name 7/8/03d\\0,& `6BD006Continuing n/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%Revised name 7/8/03d\\0,& `54BD006Continuing n/a07Nature of entire workWorkForm of work%%Revised name 7/8/03~~~~~~~~~~~|zzbZZ0,& `RBD006Continuing n/a06Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (11)%%%%%11. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Serials) character position 06 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manifestationRevised name 7/8/03hBDDDDDDB@@><::H0,& npPLLH HFRFBnBEBD006Mixedn/a07-17Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*  @`BD006Mixedn/a06Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (15)%%%%%15. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Mixed Materials) character position 06 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of manif6688888864420..<$  nPCBD006Mixedn/a01-05Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*  @BBD006Mixedn/a00Form of material? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Form of expression%%            D$  @BD006Visualn/a17TechniqueExpressionTechnique%%bbbbbbbbbbbb`^^L88&" @BD006Visualn/a16Type of visual materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Form of work (14)%%14. The values  d (diorama),  g (game),  i (picture),  l (technical drawing),  n (chart),  r (realia), and  w (toy) in MARC 006 (Visual Materials) character position 16 correspond to type of work as defined in FRBR. The values  k (graphic) and  q0022222222220.. T&" PBD006Visualn/a13-15Undefinedn/an/aJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJD>>," @SBD006Visualn/a12Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (13)%%%%%13. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Visual Materials) character position 12 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. The value  d (large print) corresponds to type size (another attribute of mani88::::::8664200>&" nPLTJIRIHG#GjF}EDD\CyBA@XBD/HD007Electronicn/a06-08Image bit depthManifestationFile characteristics%Renamed 7/8/03rXX:0*`WBD/HD007Electronicn/a05SoundManifestationSound characteristic*%%Renamed 7/8/03X>>40*`VBD/HD007Electronicn/a04DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%Renamed 7/8/03bHH40*N`UBD/HD007Electronicn/a03ColorManifestationColour%Renamed 7/8/03fffffffffffdddX>>40*`TBD/HD007Electronicn/a02Undefinedn/an/aRenamed 7/8/03nRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLFF40*`SBD/HD007Electronicn/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%Renamed 7/8/03|||||||zxxvtrrT::40*n`RBD/HD007Electronicn/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%Renamed 7/8/03v\\40*n`OBD/HD007Mapn/a07Positive/negative aspectManifestationPolarity%%%pVV&"@7BD/HD007Mapn/a06Production/repro details%ManifestationReproduction%%%rVV&"@BD/HD007Mapn/a05Type of reproduction%ManifestationReproduction%jNN&"@LBD/HD007Mapn/a04Physical mediumManifestationPhysical medium%%%~||^DD&"@KBD/HD007Mapn/a03ColorManifestationColour%XXXXXXXXXXXXVVVJ00&"@JBD/HD007Mapn/a02Undefinedn/an/aDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88&"@BD/HD007Mapn/a01SMDH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (17)%%%17. The values in MARC 007 (Map) character position 01 concatenate form of carrier as defined in FRBR with form of expression.  $$$$$$$$$" ,&"PHBD/HD007Mapn/a00Category of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (16)%%16. The value  a (map) in MARC 007 (Map) character position 00 corresponds to two forms of expression (cartographic image and cartographic object) as defined in FRBR, but it specifically excludes one sub-type of cartographic object (globe).&&DDDDDDDDDDB@@N&"P#O:N_MhLuKDHG$GFEEhD=CB@mBD/HD007Tactn/a03-04Class of Braille writing? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%((((((((((((&&&^.$@lBD/HD007Tactn/a02Undefined? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%:($@kBD/HD007Tactn/a01SMD? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%.($@jBD/HD007Tactn/a00Category of materialManifestationCapture mode%jPP($@@BD/HD007Globen/a05Type of reproduction%ManifestationReproduction%nRR*& @ BD/HD007Globen/a04Physical mediumManifestationPhysical medium%%%%bHH*& .@cBD/HD007Globen/a03ColorManifestationColour%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZZN44*& @bBD/HD007Globen/a02Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*& @aBD/HD007Globen/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%rrrrrrrrpnnljhhJ00*& n@`BD/HD007Globen/a00Category of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (18)%%18. The value  d (globe) in MARC 007 (Globe) character position 00 corresponds to cartographic object as a form of expression defined in FRBR, but it is specifically limited to only one sub-type of cartographic object.HHHHHHHHHHFDDR*& P]BD/HD007Electronicn/a13Reformatting qualityManifestationReformatting quality*%%Renamed 7/8/03v\\40*$`\BD/HD007Electronicn/a12Level of compressionManifestationFile characteristics%%%%%Renamed 7/8/03v\\40*n`8BD/HD007Electronicn/a11Antecedent/source%ManifestationReproduction%Renamed 7/8/03rVV40*`ZBD/HD007Electronicn/a10QA targetsManifestationQuality assurance targets*%%Renamed 7/8/03bHH40*$`YBD/HD007Electronicn/a09File formatsManifestationFile characteristicsRenamed 7/8/03fLL40*`N`MLJKJ.JIH HNGFEDXDC CcBA@L@BD/HD007Micron/a09ColorManifestationColour%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZZN44*& @BD/HD007Micron/a06-08Reduction ratioManifestationReduction ratio%%%%hNN0& N@BD/HD007Micron/a05Reduction ratio rangeManifestationReduction ratio%%%%nTT*& N@BD/HD007Micron/a04DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%X>>*& N@BD/HD007Micron/a03Positive/negative aspectManifestationPolarity%%%tZZ*& @BD/HD007Micron/a02Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*& @BD/HD007Micron/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%rrrrrrrrpnnljhhJ00*& n@~BD/HD007Micron/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%lRR*& n@{BD/HD007Projn/a08Secondary support materialManifestationPhysical medium%%%%v\\($.@zBD/HD007Projn/a07DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%V<<($N@yBD/HD007Projn/a06Medium for soundManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%bHH($n@xBD/HD007Projn/a05Sound on medium or separateManifestationSound characteristic*%%%x^^($d@wBD/HD007Projn/a04Base of emulsionManifestationPhysical medium%%%%bHH($.@vBD/HD007Projn/a03ColorManifestationColour%ZZZZZZZZZZZZXXXL22($@uBD/HD007Projn/a02Undefinedn/an/aFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@::($@tBD/HD007Projn/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%ppppppppnlljhffH..($n@sBD/HD007Projn/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%jPP($n@pBD/HD007Tactn/a09Special physical char.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%T($@oBD/HD007Tactn/a06-08Braille music format? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%             V.$@nBD/HD007Tactn/a05Level of contraction? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Symbology*%P($@CONMtJI^IH H=G|FEhEDCCNBAA@BD/HD007MPn/a09Production elementsManifestation????hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbFF  BD/HD007MPn/a08CohBD/HD007MPn/a09Production elementsManifestation????lllllllllllllllfJJ$ @BD/HD007MPn/a07DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%~||R88$ N@BD/HD007MPn/a06Medium for soundManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%~||^DD$ n@BD/HD007MPn/a05Sound on medium or separateManifestationSound characteristic*%%%tZZ$ d@BD/HD007MPn/a04Motion picture presentation formatManifestationMotion picture presentation format%%%%hh$ N@BD/HD007MPn/a03ColorManifestationColour%VVVVVVVVVVVVTTTH..$ @BD/HD007MPn/a02Undefinedn/an/aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB<66$ @BD/HD007MPn/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%lllllllljhhfdbbD**$ n@BD/HD007MPn/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%fLL$ n@BD/HD007NPGn/a05Secondary support materialManifestationPhysical medium%%%%tZZ&".@BD/HD007NPGn/a04Primary support materialManifestationPhysical medium%%%%pVV&".@BD/HD007NPGn/a03ColorManifestationColour%XXXXXXXXXXXXVVVJ00&"@BD/HD007NPGn/a02Undefinedn/an/aDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88&"@BD/HD007NPGn/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%llllllllljjhfddF,,&".@BD/HD007NPGn/a00Category of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (19)%%19. The value  k (nonprojected graphic) in MARC 007 (Nonprojected Graphic) character position 00 corresponds to graphic as a form of expression as defined in FRBR but the category is restricted to images embodied in specific forms of carrier (i.e., nonprBBDDDDDDDDDDB@@N&"PfBD/HD007Micron/a12Base of filmManifestationPhysical medium%%%%~|zz\BB*& .@BD/HD007Micron/a11GenerationManifestationGeneration%%%rrrrrrrrrrrpnllX>>*& @BD/HD007Micron/a10Emulsion on filmManifestationPhysical medium%%%%dJJ*& .@+IONMFMwLK7K~JIIHHG[GF%FfEDC!CpBAAi@BD/HD007SRn/a01SMDManBD/HD007SRn/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%lllllllljhhfdbbD**$ n@BD/HD007SRn/a00Category of materialExpressionForm of expression%%`LL$ @BD/HD007RSIn/a09-10Data typeExpressionRecording technique%zzzzzzzxxxxxxxxR>>,"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a08Sensor typeExpressionSpecial characteristic%~~~~~~~||||||||P<<&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a07Platform use categoryExpressionSpecial characteristic%dPP&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a06Platform construction typeExpressionSpecial characteristic%nZZ&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a05Cloud coverExpressionSpecial characteristic%~~~~~~~||||||||P<<&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a04Attitude of sensorExpressionSpecial characteristic%^JJ&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a03Altitude of sensorExpressionSpecial characteristic%^JJ&"߀@BD/HD007RSIn/a02Undefinedn/an/aDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88&"@BD/HD007RSIn/a01SMD??????8888888888888882,,&"@BD/HD007RSIn/a00Category of materialExpression[Sub-category: RSI]%%%bNN&"@BD/HD007Musicn/a01SMD??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600*& @BD/HD007Musicn/a00Category of materialExpressionForm of expression%%%fRR*& @BD/HD007Kitn/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%hNN&"@BD/HD007MPn/a17-22Film inspection dateActionTime/date of action%^RR*  @BD/HD007MPn/a16CompletenessItemCompleteness of item*%%rrrrrrrrrpppnnnD<<$ $@BD/HD007MPn/a15Deterioration stageItemCondition%%hhhhhhhhhfffdddRJJ$ $@BD/HD007MPn/a14Kind of color stock or printManifestationPhysical medium%%%%v\\$ .@BD/HD007MPn/a13Refined categories of colorManifestationColour%tZZ$ @BD/HD007MPn/a12Base of filmManifestationPhysical medium%%%%|||||||||zzxvttV<<$ .@BD/HD007MPn/a11GenerationManifestationGeneration%%%llllllllllljhffR88$ @BD/HD007MPn/a10Positive/negative aspectManifestationPolarity%%%~~nTT$ @ON#NnMLL?KdJIIHHHGC6CBBA@BD/HD007Videon/a04Videorecording formatManifestationPresentationBD/HD007Videon/a04Videorecording formatManifestationPresentation format%%%%nTT*& N@BD/HD007Videon/a03ColorManifestationColour%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZZN44*& @BD/HD007Videon/a02Undefinedn/an/aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<<*& @BD/HD007Videon/a01SMDManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%rrrrrrrrpnnljhhJ00*& n@BD/HD007Videon/a00Category of materialManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%lRR*& n@BD/HD007Textn/a01SMDH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Type size (20)%%%20. The values  a (regular print) and  b (large print) in MARC 007 (Text) character position 01 correspond to type size (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. There are no attributes defined in FRBR corresponding to the values  c (Braille.($PBD/HD007Textn/a00Category of materialExpressionForm of expression%%dPP($@gBD/HD007SRn/a13Capture and storage techniqueManifestationCapture mode%%%x^^$ d@BD/HD007SRn/a12Special playback char.ManifestationSpecial reproduction char.%%%%jPP$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a10Kind of materialManifestationPhysical medium%%%%~||^DD$ .@BD/HD007SRn/a09Kind of disc, cylinder or tapeManifestationKind of disc, etc.*%%%%z``$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a08Tape configurationManifestationTape configuration%%%%bHH$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a07Tape widthManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%~||R88$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a06DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%~||R88$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a05Groove width/pitchManifestationGroove width%%%%~|zzbHH$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a04Config. of playback channelsManifestationKind of sound%%%%v\\$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a03SpeedManifestationPlaying speed%%%%jjjjjjjjhhhfdbbH..$ N@BD/HD007SRn/a02Undefinedn/an/aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB<66$ @D #OdNMLGLK#K`JFfCBD008Alln/a11-14Date 2H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution (22)%%%22. The date recorded in MARC 008 (All) character positions 11-14 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 2 may correspond to date of manufacture (another JJLLLLLLLLLJHFF2& PBD008Alln/a07-10Date 1H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution (21)%%%21. The date recorded in MARC 008 (All) character positions 07-10 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 1 may correspond to date of manufacture (another JJLLLLLLLLLJHFF2& PBD008Alln/a06Type of date/pub statusData elementType of data element%fNN  BBD008Alln/a00-05Date entered on fileRecordDate entered on file%ZNN& BBD/HD007Unspn/a01SMD??????:::::::::::::::4..($@BD/HD007Unspn/a00Category of material??????\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VPP($@BD/HD007Videon/a08Config. of playback channelsManifestationKind of sound%%%%|bb*& N@BD/HD007Videon/a07DimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%X>>*& N@BD/HD007Videon/a06Medium for soundManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%dJJ*& n@BD/HD007Videon/a05Sound on medium or separateManifestationSound characteristic*%%%z``*& d@PeLK!KJJI IHHG|GFFQEjDCBcBA-A@HD008Hldgsn/a16CompletenessItemCompleteHD008Hldgsn/a16CompletenessItemCompleteness of item*%%rrrrrrrrrpppnnnD<<$  $@HD008Hldgsn/a15Unit typeActionAction interval%bbbbbbbbb``````B66$   @HD008Hldgsn/a14Number of unitsActionAction interval%nnnnnnnnnllllllNBB$   @HD008Hldgsn/a13Policy typeActionAction interval%fffffffffddddddF::$   @HD008Hldgsn/a13-15Specific retention policyActionAction interval%h\\*   @HD008Hldgsn/a12General retention policyActionAction interval%~~~~~~`TT$   @HD008Hldgsn/a08-11Expected acquisition end dateActionTime/date of action%Renamed 7/8/03pdd*   `HD008Hldgsn/a07Method of acquisitionItemMethod of acquisition*%VNN$   @HD008Hldgsn/a06Receipt or acquisition statusActionAction status%j^^$   @HD008Hldgsn/a00-05Date entered on fileRecordDate entered on file%^RR*  BBD008Mixedn/a18-34See 006 Mixed 01-17PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*  @BD008Visualn/a18-34See 006 Visual 01-17TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT," @BD008Musicn/a18-34See 006 Music 01-17PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*  @BD008Mapn/a18-34See 006 Map 01-17HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH& @BD008Compn/a18-34See 006 Comp 01-17LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL( @BD008Bookn/a18-34See 006 Book 01-17LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL( @BD008Alln/a39Cataloguing sourceRecordData source%hhhhhffffffffffPDD  BBD008Alln/a38Modified recordRecordRecord status%fffffddddddddddJ>>  BBD008Alln/a35-37Lang.ExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%xxxxxxxvvvvtrppD00& ߎ@BD008Alln/a15-17Place of publicationH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Place of publication/distribution (23)%%%23. The place code recorded in MARC 008 (All) character positions 15-17 may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the place code may correspond to place of manufacture (another attrihhjjjjjjjjjhfddN& PZeONNVMLLK.K*KJIHH%HFEDDDCC?BA!A@HD014an/aLinkage no.??????added 6/24/02P666HD014an/aLinkage no.??????added 6/24/02T::::::::::::::4.. `HD014n/a02Undefinedn/an/aadded 6/24/02R888888888888882,, `HD014n/a01Type of linkage no.??????added 6/24/02fLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@ `BD0138n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/typeadded 6/24/02\NN `|BD0136n/aLinkage%FieldParalleladded 6/24/02\BBBBBBBBBBBBBB2&& `BD013fn/aParty to document??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: @BD013en/aStatus??????000000000000000*$$ @BD013dn/aDate??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD013cn/aType of no.Data elementType of data element%%rrrrrpnnnnnnnnnF.. CBD013bn/aCountry? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Place of publication/distribution%%&&&&&&&&&&&$$""&  @BD013an/aNumber? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Manifestation identifier%%%$  @BD013n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD013n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD/HD0108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTCBD/HD010zn/aCancelled/invalid LC control no.RecordRecord identifier%%j^^C BD/HD010bn/aNUCMC control no.RecordRecord identifier%%rrrrrpnnnnnnnnnL@@C  BD/HD010n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @ BD/HD010n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @HD008Hldgsn/a26-31Date of reportActionTime/date of action%zzzzzxxxxxxxxxxRFF*  BHD008Hldgsn/a25Separate or composite copy& ??????fffffffffffffff`ZZ$  @HD008Hldgsn/a22-24Lang.Data elementLanguage of data element%~~~~~||||||||||L44*  BHD008Hldgsn/a21Reproduction policyItemReproduction restrictions*%RJJ$   @HD008Hldgsn/a20Lending policyItemAccess restrictions%pppppppppnnnnnnH@@$   @HD008Hldgsn/a17-19Number of copies reported??????hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb\\*  @ouON;NMeMLKJKJICIHGGGF>FED!DCB|BBBA@BD0186n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03ZBBBB@>>>>BD0186n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03^FFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& cDBD018an/aCopyright article-fee codeManifestationManifestation identifier%%%fLL *@CBD018n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BBD018n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @!BD0178n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0176n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C>BD0172n/aSourceData elementSource of data element%%added 6/24/02lllljhhhhhhhhh<$$ c=BD017bn/aAssigning agencyData elementSource of data element%%~|||||||||P88 CBD017an/aCopyright registration no.ActionAction identifier%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~|zXLL @BD017n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @:BD017n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @7BD/HD0168n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC65BD/HD016zn/aCancelled/invalid control no.RecordRecord identifier%%dXXC4BD/HD016an/aRecord control no.RecordRecord identifier%%tttttrpppppppppNBBC3BD/HD016n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @2BD/HD016n/a01National bibliographic agencyData elementSource of data element%%rZZ C/BD0158n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0156n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C-BD0152n/aSourceData elementSource of data element%%field, entity and attribute added to tablelllljhhhhhhhhh<$$ c,BD015an/aNational bibliography no.RecordRecord identifier%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxVJJ C+BD015n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @*BD015n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @HD0146n/aLinkage%FieldParalleladded 6/24/02\BBBBBBBBBBBBBB2&& `HD014zn/aCancelled/invalid linkage no.??????added 6/24/02x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XRR `HD014bn/aSource of no.??????added 6/24/02X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 `K%ONCNML LKJJIH>HGG;FjEDCCBAA@BD/HD0246n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C#BD/HD0242n/aSource of no. or codeData elementSource of data element%%`HHC"BD/HD024zn/aCancelled/invalid standard& ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%nTT @_BD/HD024dn/aAdditional codes& ??????LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@@^BD/HD024cn/aTerms of availabilityManifestationTerms of availability%%bHH @]BD/HD024an/aStandard no. or codeManifestationManifestation identifier%%%`FF @\BD/HD024n/a02Difference indicatorData elementType of data element%%`HH J[BD/HD024n/a01Type of standard no. or codeData elementType of data element%%%pXX KXBD/HD0228n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTCBD/HD0226n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CVBD/HD022zn/aCancelled ISSNManifestationManifestation identifier%%%T:: @UBD/HD022yn/aIncorrect ISSNManifestationManifestation identifier%%T::@TBD/HD022an/aISSNManifestationManifestation identifier%%%vvvvvvvvvvvttrp@&& @SBD/HD022n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @RBD/HD022n/a01Level of int'l interestWorkLevel of interest*%%~~~~~|||||||zzzVNN BOBD/HD0208n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTCBD/HD0206n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CMBD/HD020zn/aCancelled/invalid ISBNManifestationManifestation identifier%%%dJJ @LBD/HD020cn/aTerms of availabilityManifestationTerms of availability%%bHH @KBD/HD020an/aISBNManifestationManifestation identifier%%%vvvvvvvvvvvttrp@&& @JBD/HD020n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @IBD/HD020n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @FBD0188n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%added 6/24/02\NN cz9ONcNMLpLK.K*KJ,JIHHGF:FED#DCB BoA@BD028an/aPublisher no.ManifestationManifestation identifierBD028an/aPublisher no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%~|L22  @~BD028n/a02Note/added entry controllerFieldFunction of field%~~~||||||||||||ZPP H}BD028n/a01Type of publisher no.Data elementType of data element%%%\DD KzBD/HD0278n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC(BD/HD0276n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CxBD/HD027zn/aCancelled/invalid no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%bHH @wBD/HD027an/aStandard technical report no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rXX @vBD/HD027n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @uBD/HD027n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @tBD0268n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%added 7/8/03\NN cBD0266n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03^FFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& crBD0265n/aInstitution to which field appliesCorp. bodyApplicability%%added 7/8/03p\\ jqBD0262n/aSourceData elementSource of data elementadded 7/8/03hhhhhhhhhhhhhh<$$ `pBD026en/aUnparsed fingerprintadded 7/8/03X@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ `oBD026dn/aNumber of volume or partadded 7/8/03`HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH `nBD026cn/aDateadded 7/8/038  `mlBD026an/aFirst and second groupsItemMarks/Inscriptions%added 7/8/03ttttttttttttrrNFF `jBD026n/a02Undefinedn/an/aadded 7/8/03P888888888888882,, `kBD026n/a01Undefinedn/an/aadded 7/8/03P888888888888882,, `fBD0258n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CeBD025an/aOverseas acquisition no.ActionAction identifier%%%|||||||||zzzzxvTHH #@dBD025n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @cBD025n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @bBD/HD0248n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC)aON'NMEMLKRKJ JII;HGG>FE EeDCB~BAAi@BD034n/a02Type of ringData elementType of data element%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrJ22 CBD034n/a01Type of scaleData elementType of data element%%xxxxxvtttttttttL44 CBD0338n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C,BD0336n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0333n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD033cn/aGeog. class. subarea codeEventLocation of event*%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxxTJJ @BD033bn/aGeog. class. area codeEventLocation of event*%tttttttttttttrrNDD @BD033an/aFormatted date/timeEventTime/date of event*%pppppppppppppnnH>> @BD033n/a02Type of eventEventType of event*%\\\\\ZZZZZZZZZZ>44 BBD033n/a01Type of date in subfield aData elementType of data element%fNN BBD0328n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C+BD0326n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD032bn/aSource (agency assigning no.)Data elementSource of data element%%jRR CBD032an/aPostal registration no.ActionAction identifier%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxxvtRFF  @BD032n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD032n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD/HD0308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC*BD/HD0306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CBD/HD030zn/aCancelled/inv. CODENManifestationManifestation identifier%%%`FF @BD/HD030an/aCODENManifestationManifestation identifier%%%xxxxxxxxxxxvvtrB(( @BD/HD030n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD/HD030n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @'BD0288n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C)BD0286n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C%BD028bn/aSourceData elementSource of data element%%llllljhhhhhhhhh<$$ CXOON5NMLL6LKKYJIHHUG$FEDyDDaCB5BnAA@BD036n/a02Undefinedn/an/a444444444444444.(BD036n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD036n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD/HD0358n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTCPBD/HD0356n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CBD/HD035zn/aCancelled/invalid no.RecordRecord identifier%%zzzzzxvvvvvvvvvTHHCBD/HD035an/aSystem control no.RecordRecord identifier%%tttttrpppppppppNBBCBD/HD035n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD/HD035n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD0348n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C-BD0346n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD034tn/aG-ring longitude? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Coordinates%%%%8 @BD034sn/aG-ring latitude? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Coordinates%%%%6 @BD034pn/aEquinoxWorkEquinox%%%%DDDDDDDBBBBB@><.&& ߇@BD034nn/aRight ascension - western limitWorkCoordinates%%%%|||||||zzzzzxvt^VV ߇@BD034mn/aRight ascension - eastern limitWorkCoordinates%%%%|||||||zzzzzxvt^VV ߇@BD034kn/aDeclination - southern limitWorkCoordinates%%%%xxxxxxxvvvvvtrpZRR ߇@BD034jn/aDeclination - northern limitWorkCoordinates%%%%vvvvvvvtttttrpnXPP ߇@BD034hn/aAngular scaleExpressionScale%%%VVVVVVVTTTTTRPPF22 ߆@BD034gn/aCoord.-southernmost latitudeWorkCoordinates%%%%vvvvvvvtttttrpnXPP ߇@BD034en/aCoord.-easternmost longitudeWorkCoordinates%%%%vvvvvvvtttttrpnXPP ߇@BD034dn/aCoord.-westernmost longitudeWorkCoordinates%%%%vvvvvvvtttttrpnXPP ߇@BD034cn/aVertical scaleExpressionScale%%%XXXXXXXVVVVVTRRH44 ߆@BD034bn/aHorizontal scaleExpressionScale%%%\\\\\\\ZZZZZXVVL88 ߆@BD034an/aCategory of scaleData elementType of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzR:: CJNM[ML/LKKTJIHG"GG]FEcEDDFCB$BYA@BD/HD040bn/aLang. of catalogingRecorBD/HD040bn/aLang. of catalogingRecordLanguage of cataloguing%HD added 6/24/02~~~~~~~~~~PDDbBD/HD040an/aOriginal cataloging agencyRecordData source%%HD added 6/24/02xxxxvttttttttt^RRcBD/HD040n/a02Undefinedn/an/aHD added 6/24/02^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 `BD/HD040n/a01Undefinedn/an/aHD added 6/24/02^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 `BD0388Field link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%added 7/8/03VHH cBD0386Linkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03X@@@@><<<<<<<<<,  cBD038aRecord content licensorRecordOwnership of record%added 7/8/03ttttttttrrrrrrL@@  `BD038n/a02Undefinedn/aadded 7/8/03J222222222222222,, _`BD038n/a01Undefinedn/aadded 7/8/03J222222222222222,, _`BD0378n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CsBD037nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @rBD037gn/aAdditional format char.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Edition/issue designation%%%%%<<<<<<<<:886422F n@BD037fn/aForm of issueManifestationForm of carrier%%%%%ttttttttrppnljjL22 n@BD037cn/aTerms of availabilityManifestationTerms of availability%%\BB  @BD037bn/aSource of stock no./acq.Data elementSource of data element%%`HH CBD037an/aStock no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxxvtD**  @BD037n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD037n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0368n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CqBD0366n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD036bn/aSource (agency assigning no.)Data elementSource of data element%%jRR CpBD036an/aOriginal study no.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Manifestation identifier%%%,,,,,,,,,,,**(&<  @gO=ObNML5LKJI!I`HGFFdED*DCTCB>BA6A@BD043bn/aLocal GAC codePlaceTerm for place%%ZZZZZZZBD043bn/aLocal GAC codePlaceTerm for place%%^^^^^^^^^^^^\\Z>44 @BD043an/aGeographic area codePlaceTerm for place%%jjjjjjjjjjjjhhfJ@@ @BD043n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD043n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD042an/aAuthentication codeRecordAuthentication source%%xxxxxvtttttttttJ>> CBD042n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD042n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0418n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0416n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0412n/aSource of codeData elementSource of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxL44 CBD041hn/aLang. code of original& %ExpressionLanguage of expression%\FF @BD041gn/aLang. code of accomp. mat.ExpressionLanguage of expression%%`LL ߄@BD041fn/aLang. code of table of contentsExpressionLanguage of expression%%jVV ߄@BD041en/aLang. code of librettosExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%ZFF ߎ@BD041dn/aLang. code of sung or spoken textExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%nZZ ߎ@BD041bn/aLang. code of summary& ExpressionLanguage of expression%%XDD ߄@BD041an/aLang. code of text/sound track& .ExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%lXX ߎ@BD041n/a02Source of codeData elementSource of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzN66 CBD041n/a01Translation indication%ExpressionTranslation%ttttttttttttrrr\FF @BD/HD0408n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%HD added 6/24/02bTTcBD/HD0406n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%HD added 6/24/02lLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,cBD/HD040en/aDescription conventionsRecordDescriptive cataloging& %HD added 6/24/02XLLbBD/HD040dn/aModifying agencyRecordModifying agency%HD added 6/24/02lllljjjjjjjjjjJ>>b8aON-NlMMLJMHED@DCB;BA Ah@BD045cn/aFormatted pre-9999BD045cn/aFormatted pre-9999 B.C& EventTerm for event%%ppppppppppppnnlPFF @BD045bn/aFormatted 9999 B.C& EventTerm for event%%hhhhhhhhhhhhffdH>> @BD045an/aTime period codeEventTerm for event%%bbbbbbbbbbbb``^B88 @ BD045n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ BD045n/a01Type of time period in period b or cData elementType of data element%%zbb C BD0448n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0446n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0442n/aSource of local subentity codeData elementSource of data element%%lTT ClBD044cn/aISO codeManifestationPlace of publication/distribution (26)%%%26. The place code recorded in MARC 044 subfield ! c may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the place code may correspond to place of manufacture (another attribute of manifestatioB(( PBD044bn/aLocal subentity codeManifestationPlace of publication/distribution (25)%%%25. The place code recorded in MARC 044 subfield ! b may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of Z@@ PNBD044an/aCountry of pub./prod& ManifestationPlace of publication/distribution (24)%%%24. The place code recorded in MARC 044 subfield ! a may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the place code may correspond to place of manufacture (another attribute of manifestatio\BB PBD044n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0438n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0436n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0432n/aSource of local codeData elementSource of data element%%X@@ CBD043cn/aISO codePlaceTerm for place%%added 6/24/02lRRRRRRRRRRRPPN2(( `ON[NM?MIQFBBD046dn/aDate 2 (B.C. date)H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%29. The date recorded in MARC 046 subfield ! d may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 2 may correspond to date of manufacture (another attribute of manifesDDFFFFFFFFFDB@>< PBD046cn/aDate 1 (C.E. date)H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%28. The date recorded in MARC 046 subfield ! c may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 1 may correspond to date of manufacture (another attribute of manifesDDFFFFFFFFFDB@>< PBD046bn/aDate 1 (B.C. date)H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%27. The date recorded in MARC 046 subfield ! b may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 1 may correspond to date of manufacture (another attribute of manifesDDFFFFFFFFFDB@>< PBD046an/aType of date codeData elementType of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzR:: CBD046n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD046n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0458n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0456n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CLKKJIHbHG(GFRFEDDD@BD048an/aPerformer or ensembleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attri*BD048an/aPerformer or ensembleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Medium of performance (31)%%31. In special cases the medium of performance recorded in MARC 048 subfield ! a may correspond to the medium of performance for an arrangement rather than the medium of performance for which the work was originally composed.22222222220..B PBD048n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @(BD048n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @%BD0478n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C$BD047an/aForm of musical comp. CodeWorkForm of work%%ppppppppppppnllTLL @#BD047n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @"BD047n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0468n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0466n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0462n/aSource of dateadded 7/8/03L44444444444444444 `BD046n n/aEnd of date validManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%%added 7/8/03X<< `BD046mn/aBeginning of date validManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%%added 7/8/03bFF `BD046ln/aEnding date createdManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%added 7/8/03Z>> `BD046jn/aDate resource modifiedManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%added 7/8/03`DD `BD046en/aDate 2 (C.E. date)H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Date of publication/distrib.%%%%30. The date recorded in MARC 046 subfield ! e may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 2 may correspond to date of manufacture (another attribute of manifesDDFFFFFFFFFDB@>< PL LqKJJIH\HG0GF*FE,EkDCUCB BpA@N@BD0526n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CCBD0522n/aCode sourceData elementSource of data element%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrF.. CBBD052dn/aPopulated place namePlaceTerm for place%%jjjjjjjjjjjjhhfJ@@ @ABD052bn/aGeog. class. subarea codePlaceTerm for place%%ttttttttttttrrpTJJ @@BD052an/aGeog. class. area codePlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnlljNDD @BD052n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD052n/a01Code sourceData elementSource of data element%%xxxxxvtttttttttH00 C=BD0518n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C<BD051cn/aCopy information??????DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88 @;BD051bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @:BD051an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @9BD051n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @8BD051n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @5BD0508n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0506n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C3BD0503n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @2BD050bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @1BD050an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @0BD050n/a02Source of call no.Data elementSource of data element%%V>> C/BD050n/a01Existence in LC collectionItemLocation of item*%%|||||||||||zxxxVNN  @,BD0488n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/typeadded 6/24/02\NN `+BD048bn/aSoloistH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Medium of performance (32)%%32. In special cases the medium of performance recorded in MARC 048 subfield ! b may correspond to the medium of performance for an arrangement rather than the medium of performance for which the work was originally composed.& PU?ONMLMLLKJJbIH@HGGFFEEODCC-CxBAA@BD070n/a02Undefinedn/an/a444444444444444.(nBD070n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @mBD070n/a01Existence in NAL collectionItemLocation of item*%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zzzXPP  @jBD/HD066cn/aAlternate G0 or G1 char. setRecordCharacter coding scheme%bVVBiBD/HD066bn/aPrimary G1 char. setRecordCharacter coding scheme%RFFBhBD/HD066an/aPrimary G0 char.RecordCharacter coding scheme%zzzzzxxxxxxxxxxJ>>BgfBD/HD066n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @_BD0618n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C^BD061cn/aCopy information??????DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88 @]BD061bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @\BD061an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @[BD061n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ZBD061n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @WBD0608n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CVBD060bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @UBD060an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @TBD060n/a02Source of call no.Data elementSource of data element%%V>> CSBD060n/a01Existence in NLM collectionItemLocation of item*%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zzzXPP  @RBD0558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0556n/aLinkage%FieldParallelBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2&& @NBD0552n/aSource of call/class no.Data elementSource of data element%%`HH CMBD055bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @LBD055an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @KBD055n/a02Type of no.Data elementType of data element%%tttttrpppppppppH00 CJBD055n/a01Existence in NLC collectionItemLocation of item*%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zzzXPP  @EBD0528n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBeONNMGML%LKJJI0IHG]GF1F-FzEDCwC CkBA=A@BD0802n/aEdition identifierDataBD0802n/aEdition identifierData elementSource of data element%%T<< CBD080xn/aCommon auxiliary subdivisionAnyTerm for ...%%%tttttttttttrrpnVPP  @BD080bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @BD080an/aUniversal Decimal Class. no.AnyTerm for& %%%nnnnnnnnnnnlljhVPP  @BD080n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD080n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0748n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD074zn/aCancelled/invalid GPO item no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%nTT  @BD074an/aGPO item no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%~~|zJ00  @BD074n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0728n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0726n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C{BD0722n/aCode sourceData elementSource of data element%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrF.. CBD072xn/aSubject category code sub.C/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%~~~~~~~~~~~~||zZLL @~BD072an/aSubject category codeC/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%ttttttttttttrrpPBB @BD072n/a02Code sourceData elementSource of data element%%xxxxxvtttttttttH00 C|BD072n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @yBD0718n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CxBD071cn/aCopy information??????DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88 @wBD071bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @vBD071an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @uBD071n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @tBD071n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @qBD0708n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CpBD070bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @oBD070an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @ONNFML4LKKQJI{IHYHG3GrFEXEDC CBAdA@J@BD088an/aReport no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%|||||||||||zzxvF,,  @BD088n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD088n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0868n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0866n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0862n/aNumber sourceData elementSource of data element%%zzzzzxvvvvvvvvvJ22 CBD086zn/aCancelled/invalid classification no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%z``  @BD086an/aClassification no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%V<<  @BD086n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD086n/a01Number sourceData elementSource of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxL44 CBD0848n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0846n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0842n/aNumber sourceData elementSource of data element%%zzzzzxvvvvvvvvvJ22 CBD084bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @BD084an/aClassification no.ItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhhhffdbD<<  @BD084n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD084n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD0828n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0826n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD0822n/aEdition no.Data elementSource of data element%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrF.. CBD082bn/aItem no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTTTRRPN0((  @BD082an/aClassification no.AnyTerm for%%%XXXXXXXXXXXVVTRB<<  @BD082n/a02Source of classification no.Data elementSource of data element%%jRR CBD082n/a01Type of editionData elementSource of data element%%~|||||||||P88 CBD0808n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0806n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CR-ONM6ML:LK IYHUHGAGFFfEDDqCBSBAOA@BD1008n/aField link and sequence no.SegBD1008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C9BD1006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C8BD1004n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD100un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @BD100tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD100qn/aFuller form of namePersonName of person%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfJ>> @BD100pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD100nn/aNo. of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvtZRR @BD100ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD100kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD100jn/aAttribution qualifierPersonName of person%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNBB @BD100gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD100fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @BD100dn/aDates associated with a namePersonDates of person%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~|z\PP @BD100cn/aTitles and other words& .H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipPersonH"Title of person (33)%%33. In some cases the data recorded in MARC 100 subfield ! c may correspond to the attribute defined in FRBR as  other designation associated with the person .ll00000000000.,H PBD100bn/aNumerationPersonOther designation%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z8,, @BD100an/aPersonal namePersonName of person%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z>22 @BD100n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD100n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GBD0888n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD0886n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD088zn/aCancelled/invalid report no.ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%jPP  @4CONsKJJvGF`FEJEDCICB+BA'Af@BD1108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CpBD1106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CQBD1104n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @;BD110un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @BD110tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD110pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD110nn/aNo. of part/section/meetingWorkTitle of work%%tttttttttttttrpVNN @BD110ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD110kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD110gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD110fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @:BD110en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD110dn/aDate of meeting& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Date associated with (35)%%35. The data recorded in MARC 110 subfield ! d may include the date of signing of a treaty, which is defined in FRBR as date of work (an attribute of work).hh222222222220.8 PBD110cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with%%~|R>> @BD110bn/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @BD110an/aCorporate name& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (34)%%34. The data recorded in MARC 110 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corpor2244444444444206 PBD110n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD110n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GCONwKJJlIHXHGGqFEDlDCRCBB[A@BD130n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD130n/a01Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FBD1118n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CsBD1116n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CrBD1114n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @qBD111un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @BD111tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD111qn/aName of meeting following... Corp. BodyName of corporate body%%fRR @BD111pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD111nn/aNumber of part/section/meetingWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD111ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD111kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD111gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD111fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @BD111en/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @BD111dn/aDate of meetingCorp. BodyDate associated with%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrJ66 @BD111cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with%%~|R>> @BD111an/aMeeting name& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (36)%%36. The data recorded in MARC 111 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corpor..00000000000.,2 PBD111n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD111n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GfMLYLK=KJJVIHGGFEhED.DCB;BAA@BD2106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD2102n/aSourceData elementSource of data element%%llllljhhhhhhhhh<$$ CBD210bn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @BD210an/aAbbreviated titleManifestationTitle of manifestation%%%T::  @BD210n/a02TypeData elementType of data element%%%hhhhfdbbbbbbbbb:"" G BD210n/a01Title added entryFieldFunction of field%%llljjhhhhhhhhhhF<< JBD1308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD1306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD130tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD130sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv.&& @BD130rn/aKey for musicWorkKey%%DDDDDDDDDDDDDB@:22 @BD130pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD130on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%dPP @BD130nn/aNo. of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvtZRR @BD130mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvLDD @BD130ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD130kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD130hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @ BD130gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD130fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @BD130dn/aDate of treaty signingWorkDate of work%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdLDD @BD130an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (37)%%37. The data recorded in MARC 130 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 Pk?ONNnMLrLKKCJG'GFFEDBDCBBXATA@BD240sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characterist&BD240sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%%||||||||||||zxv.&& @%$BD240pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @#BD240on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%dPP @"BD240nn/aNo. of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvtZRR @!BD240mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%%||||||||||||zxvLDD @ BD240ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%%||||||||||||zxvJ66 @BD240kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZXV>66 @BD240hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%````````````^\\>$$ @BD240gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD240fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @BD240dn/aDate of treaty signingWorkDate of work%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdLDD @BD240an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (38)%%38. The data recorded in MARC 240 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 PBD240n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FFBD240n/a01Uniform title, printed or& FieldFunction of field%%~~~||zzzzzzzzzzXNN JBD2228n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD2226n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD222bn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @BD222an/aKey titleManifestationTitle of manifestation%%%vvvvvvvvvvvttrpD**  @BD222n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FEBD222n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C/O;ONMbMLLH(HyGF/FnEDDA@a@BD243fn/aDate of a wor8BD243fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @7BD243dn/aDate of treaty signingWorkDate of work%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdLDD @6BD243an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (40)%%40. The data recorded in MARC 243 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P5BD243n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FHBD243n/a01Uniform title printed& FieldFunction of field%%vvvttrrrrrrrrrrPFF J3BD2428n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD2426n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C1BD242yn/aLang. code of translated titleData elementLanguage of data element%lTT B0BD242pn/aName of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%|||||||||||||zxnTT @/BD242nn/aNo. of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvlRR @BD242hn/aMediumH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (39)%%39. The data recorded in MARC 242 subfield ! h may correspond to a form of expression as defined in FRBR (e.g.  music,  text ), or it may concatenate a form of work with a manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (e.g.,  art reproduction ).$ P-BD242cn/aStatement of responsibility, etc.ManifestationStatement of responsibility%tZZ @,BD242bn/aRemainder of title??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @+BD242an/aTitleManifestationTitle%%JJJJJJJJJJJJJHF<"" @*BD242n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FGBD242n/a01Title added entryFieldFunction of field%%llljjhhhhhhhhhhF<< J(BD2408n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CwONSNMLDL_KJ7JIINHGFsFEEDD@S@\BD245kn/aFormWorkForm of work%%%FFFFFFFFFFFDDB@(   @BD245hn/aMediumH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (41)%%%41. The data recorded in MARC 245 subfield ! h may correspond to a form of expression as defined in FRBR (e.g.  music,  text ), or it may concatenate a form of work with a manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (e.g.,  art reproduction ).$ PZBD245gn/aBulk datesWorkDate of work%%%RRRRRRRRRRRPPNL4,,  @YBD245fn/aInclusive datesWorkDate of work%%%\\\\\\\\\\\ZZXV>66  @XBD245cn/aStatement of responsibility, etc.ManifestationStatement of responsibility%%%tZZ  @WBD245bn/aRemainder of title??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @VBD245an/aTitleManifestationTitle%%%LLLLLLLLLLLJJHF<""  @UBD245n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FTBD245n/a01Title added entryFieldFunction of field%%llljjhhhhhhhhhhF<< JDBD2438n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD2436n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBBD243sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%%|||||||||||zzxv.&&  @ABD243rn/aKey for musicWorkKey%%%FFFFFFFFFFFDDB@:22  @@BD243pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%%|||||||||||zzxv\TT  @?BD243on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%%dPP  @>BD243nn/aNo. of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxxvtZRR  @=BD243mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zxvLDD @<BD243ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%~~~~~~~~~~~|zxvJ66 @;BD243kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%%\\\\\\\\\\\ZZXV>66  @:BD243hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%%bbbbbbbbbbb`^\\>$$ @9BD243gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @QONMlMLKKKJ+JIIEkED DHCBB BoA@BD247an/aTitleManifestationTitle%%%Name revised 7/8/03nHHHHHHHHHHFFDB8sBD247an/aTitleManifestationTitle%%%Name revised 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLJJHF<""  `rBD247n/a02Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JqnBD2468n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD2466n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD2465n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JkBD246pn/aName of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%~~~~~~~~~~~||zxnTT  @jBD246nn/aNo. of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%|||||||||||zzxvlRR  @iBD246in/aDisplay text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @BD246hn/aMediumH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (42)%%%42. The data recorded in MARC 246 subfield ! h may correspond to a form of expression as defined in FRBR (e.g.  music,  text ), or it may concatenate a form of work with a manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (e.g.,  art reproduction ).$ PgBD246gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @fBD246fn/aDate or sequential designation??????```````````````ZTT @eBD246bn/aRemainder of title??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @dBD246an/aTitle proper/short titleManifestationTitle%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnlbHH  @cBD246n/a02Type of titleData elementType of data element%%%zzzzxvtttttttttL44 GbBD246n/a01Note/added entry controllerFieldFunction of field%%~~||||||||||ZPP JJBD2458n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD2456n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C_BD245sn/aVersionExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%%:&&  @^BD245pn/aName of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%~~~~~~~~~~~||zxnTT  @]BD245nn/aNo. of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%|||||||||||zzxvlRR  @HONiN4KJI1IHGG!GbFEEODKDC'CBAAA@BD255an/aStatement of scaleExpressiBD255an/aStatement of scaleExpressionScale%%%```````^^^^^\ZZP<< ߆@BD255n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD255n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2548n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C? BD2546n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD254an/aMusical presentation statementExpressionType of score%%hTT @BD254n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @OBD2508n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C# BD2506n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CMBD250bn/aRemainder of edition statementManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%nTT @LBD250an/aEdition statementManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%T:: @KBD250n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD250n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @|BD2478n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C" BD2476n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CzBD247xn/aISSNManifestationManifestation identifier%%%pppppppppppnnlj:   @yBD247pn/aName of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%~~~~~~~~~~~||zxnTT  @xBD247nn/aNo. of part/section of a workManifestationTitle%%%|||||||||||zzxvlRR  @! BD247hn/aMediumH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (43)%%%43. The data recorded in MARC 247 subfield ! h may correspond to a form of expression as defined in FRBR (e.g.  music,  text ), or it may concatenate a form of work with a manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (e.g.,  art reproduction ).$ PvBD247gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @uBD247fn/aDate or sequential designation??????```````````````ZTT @tBD247bn/aRemainder of title??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @'YONMLK8KwJ JIH]HG1GFEEDDCBA Ac@BD260en/aPlace of manufactureManifestationPlace of manufacture*%%%Z@@ @BD260cn/aDate of pub., distribution,etc.ManifestationDate of publication%%%pVV @BD260bn/aName of pub., distributor, etc.ManifestationPublisher/distributor%%pVV  @BD260an/aPlace of pub., distribution, etc.ManifestationPlace of publication%%%tZZ @BD260n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD260n/a01Sequence of publishing& ManifestationPublisher/distributor%%bHH  @BD2578n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Ca BD2576n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD257an/aCountry of producing entityManifestationPlace of production*%%%hNN @BD257n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD257n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2568n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C` BD2566n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD256an/aComputer file characteristicsExpressionExtent of expression%%%%%fRR n@BD256n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD256n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C\ BD2556n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD255gn/aExclusion G-ring coord. pairs? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Coordinates%%%R @BD255en/aStatement of equinoxWorkEquinox%%%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZXVH@@ @BD255dn/aStatement of zone? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Coordinates%%%: @BD255cn/aStatement of coordinatesWorkCoordinates%%%lllllllllllljhfPHH @BD255bn/aStatement of projectionExpressionProjection%%%tttttttrrrrrpnnZFF ߆@yQONMbML6LKKJI?IHGTGFFEEXDCC)BjA@BD270ln/aFax no.ManifestationContact information for source*BD270ln/aFax no.ManifestationContact information for source*%~~~~@&& @BD270kn/aTelephone no.ManifestationContact information for source*%L22 @BD270jn/aSpecialized telephone no.ManifestationContact information for source*%dJJ @BD270in/aType of addressFieldType of field%\\\ZZZZZZZZZZZZ@66 HBD270hn/aAttention positionManifestationContact information for source*%V<< @BD270gn/aAttention nameManifestationContact information for source*%N44 @BD270fn/aTerms preceding attention& ManifestationContact information for source*%fLL @BD270en/aPostal codeManifestationSource for acquisition%vvvvvvvvvvvttttH.. @BD270cn/aState or provinceManifestationSource for acquisition%T:: @BD270bn/aCityManifestationSource for acquisition%hhhhhhhhhhhffff:  @BD270an/aAddressManifestationSource for acquisition%%pppnnnnnnnnllll@&& HBD270n/a02Type of addressData elementType of data element%zzzzzzxxxxxxxxxP88 ABD270n/a01LevelData elementType of data elementddddddddddddddd<$$ @BD2638n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cc BD2636n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD263an/aProjected publication dateManifestationProjected date*%%fLL  @BD263n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD263n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2608n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cb BD2606n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD2603n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*X>> @BD260gn/aDate of manufactureManifestationDate of publication%%%~~X>> @BD260fn/aManufacturerManifestationFabricator/Manufacturer%%|||||||||||zzxxJ00  @L?O~NML;LK#KJI~IIF!CvBBD300cn/aDimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%xxxxxxxxvvvtrppF,, N@ BD300bn/aOther physical detailsH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"[Various] (45)%%%%%45. The data recorded in MARC 300 subfield ! b may include elements corresponding to physical medium, capture mode, playing speed, groove width, kind of cutting, tape configuration, kind of sound, special reproduction characteristics, colour, polarity, pre22444444200.,**D nP BD300an/aExtentH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Extent of carrier (44)%%44. The data recorded in MARC 300 subfield ! a may also include elements corresponding to extent of expression (an attribute of expression) as defined in FRBR.ZZ$ PBD300n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD300n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD2708n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD2706n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD2704n/aRelator code??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @BD270zn/aPublic noteManifestationSource for acquisition%vvvvvvvvvvvttttH.. @BD270rn/aHoursManifestationContact information for source*%|||||||||||zzzz<"" @BD270qn/aTitle of contact personManifestationContact information for source*%`FF @BD270pn/aContact personManifestationContact information for source*%N44 @BD270nn/aTDD or TTY no.ManifestationContact information for source*%N44 @BD270mn/aElectronic mail addressManifestationSource for acquisition%`FF @0LLiKJ/JnIIHG|GFFEDsDC9CBcBA@j@ BD3106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD310bn/aDate of current pub. frequencyData elementApplicability of data%lTT  @BD310an/aCurrent pub. frequencyExpressionExpected frequency%%%~||XDD &@BD310n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD310n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD3078n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3076n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD307bn/aAdditional information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @BD307an/aHoursManifestationHours of availability*%%llllllllllljhhh<""  @BD307n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD307n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD3068n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3066n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD306an/aPlaying timeExpressionExtent of expression%%ppppppppppppnllD00 @BD306n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD306n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD3008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD3003n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD300gn/aSize of unitManifestationDimensions of component *%%~~~~~~J00 `@BD300fn/aType of unitManifestationType of component unit*%%||||||||zxxxxxxJ00 `@BD300en/aAccompanying materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"+A1064Form of work (46)%46. The data recorded in MARC 300 subfield ! e may include elements corresponding to form of work (e.g.,  atlas ) for a component as defined in FRBR. It may also include elements corresponding to form of carrier (e.g.,  computer disc).**********(((B PS?ONiNMLtLKHKJJiIHGLG{FE EJDCCCBA@ BD342an/aName? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%  @BD342n/a02Geospatial reference method??????\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VPP @ BD342n/a01Geospatial reference dimensionData elementType of data element%%nVV CBD3408n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3406n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD3403n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD340In/aTechnical specifications& ManifestationSystem requirements**%%dJJ D@ BD340hn/aLocation within medium%ManifestationWhole/part%%xxxxxxxxxvvvvtt`DD "@BD340fn/aProduction rate/ratioManifestationPlaying speed/reduction ratio%%%%\BB N@BD340en/aSupportManifestationPhysical medium%%%%fffffffffddb`^^@&& .@BD340dn/aInformation recording techniqueManifestationCapture mode%%%pVV d@BD340cn/aMaterials applied to surfaceManifestationPhysical medium%%%%jPP .@BD340bn/aDimensionsManifestationDimensions of carrier%%%%xxxxxxxxvvvtrppF,, N@BD340an/aMaterial base and configurationManifestationPhysical medium%%%%pVV .@BD340n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD340n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD3218n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3216n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD321bn/aDates of former pub. frequencyData elementApplicability of data%lTT  @BD321an/aFormer pub. frequencyExpressionExpected frequency%%~~~~~~~~~~~~|zzVBB @BD321n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD321n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD3108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cv NhM#LJI*HFEaD,CA@BD342mn/aAzimuthal angle? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%6 @BD342ln/aHeight of perspective point& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%"""""""        P @BD342kn/aScale factor? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%0 @BD342jn/aFalse northing? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%4 @BD342In/aFalse easting? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%2 @BD342hn/aLatitude of projection origin& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$T @BD342gn/aLongitude of central meridian& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$T @BD342fn/aOblique line longitude? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%D @BD342en/aStandard parallel or oblique& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%$$$$$$$""""""""R @BD342dn/aLongitude resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%@ @ BD342cn/aLatitude resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%> @ BD342bn/aCoordinate or distance units? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%"""""""        P @=NMLKKJHG`F ECyBB?A@i@+BD343n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @*BD343n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @"BD3428n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3426n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD3422n/aReference method used? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%B @BD342wn/aLocal planar or local& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%D @BD342vn/aLocal planar, local or other& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%$$$$$$$""""""""R @BD342un/aVertical encoding method? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%H @BD342tn/aVertical resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%> @BD342sn/aDenominator of flattening ratio? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%(((((((&&&&&&&& V @BD342rn/aSemi-major axis? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%6 @BD342qn/aEllipsoid name? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%4 @BD342pn/aZone identifier? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%6 @BD342on/aLandsat no. and path no.ExpressionSpecial characteristic%\HH ߀@BD342nn/aAzimuth measure point& ? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%D @fNbMLJIXH!GE}DDCCBmBA5A@ BD351cn/aHierarchical level%ManifestationWhole/part%nnnnnnnllllllllX<< ߀@<BD351bn/aArrangementManifestationOrganization *%hhhhhhhffffffffH.. ߀@;BD351an/aOrganizationManifestationOrganization *%jjjjjjjhhhhhhhhJ00 ߀@:BD351n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @9BD351n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @6BD3438n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3436n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C4BD343In/aBearing reference meridian? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%L @3BD343hn/aBearing reference direction? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%       N @2BD343gn/aBearing units? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%2 @1BD343fn/aBearing resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%        < @0BD343en/aDistance resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%> @/BD343dn/aOrdinate resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%> @.BD343cn/aAbscissa resolution? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%> @-BD343bn/aPlanar distance units? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%B @,BD343an/aPlanar coord. encoding method? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Geodetic, grid%$$$$$$$""""""""R @??ONNM/MKJRIHFE> @MBD3528n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3526n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CKBD352In/aIndirect reference description? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%444444420000000T @JBD352gn/aVPF topology level? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%< @IBD352fn/aVertical count? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%4 @HBD352en/aColumn count? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%       0 @GBD352dn/aRow count? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%       * @FBD352cn/aObject count? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%       0 @EBD352bn/aObject type? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%        . @DBD352an/aDirect reference method? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?File characteristics%%&&&&&&&$"""""""F @CBD352n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BBD352n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @#BD3518n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3516n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C>BD3513n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @>NJMKzJ!IGwFEC\CB0BAh@%BD357an/aOriginator control term? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%**********(((((F @$BD357n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @_BD357n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @\BD3558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD3556n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CZBD355jn/aAuthorization? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%2 @YBD355hn/aDeclassification date? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%&&&&&&&&&&$$$$$B @XBD355gn/aDowngrading date? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%8 @WBD355fn/aCountry of origin code? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%((((((((((&&&&&D @VBD355en/aClassification system? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%&&&&&&&&&&$$$$$B @UBD355dn/aDowngrading or declass. event? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%666666666644444R @TBD355cn/aExternal dissemination info.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%444444444422222 P @SBD355bn/aHandling instructions? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%&&&&&&&&&&$$$$$B @RBD355an/aSecurity classification? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%**********(((((F @NN"" @sBD440n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FrBD440n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @oBD3628n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C( BD3626n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CmBD362zn/aSource of informationData elementSource of data element%%ZBB ClBD362an/aDates of pub. and/or seq. desig.ManifestationNumbering%%%rXX *@kBD362n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @jBD362n/a01Format of dateData elementFormat of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzN66 CbBD3578n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C& BD3576n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C`BD357gn/aOther restrictions? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%          < @'BD357cn/aAuthorized recipients of material? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%>>>>>>>>>><<<<<Z @&BD357bn/aOriginating agency? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%          < @?ON'NxMLLKJwJ JIHHGFtF FFBEDDC2CBB]ABD5028n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%XJJ BD5026n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%BBBBB@>>>>>>>>BD5028n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5026n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD502an/aDissertation noteWorkPurpose of work*%%%hhhhhhhhhhhfdbbB:: @BD502n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD502n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5018n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5016n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD5015n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J BD501n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD501n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cs BD5006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C? BD5005n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD5003n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD500an/aGeneral note??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @BD500n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD500n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @eBD4908n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C> BD4906n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CcBD490xn/aISSNManifestationSeries statement%%%%bbbbbbbbbbb`^\Z:  @BD490vn/aVolume/sequential designationManifestationSeries statement%%%%lRR @~BD490ln/aLibrary of Congress call no.ItemItem identifier%%%|||||||||||zzxvXPP  @}BD490an/aSeries statementManifestationSeries statement%%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvtrR88 @|BD490n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @fBD490n/a01Specifies whether series is tracedFieldFunction of field%%h^^ JTO*ONMMLLCA@BD506dn/aAuthorized users? clarification BD506dn/aAuthorized users? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%8 @BD506cn/aPhysical access provisions? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%0000000000.....L @BD506bn/aJurisdiction? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%0 @BD506an/aTerms governing access? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%((((((((((&&&&&D @BD506n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5058n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5056n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD505un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%jNN @BD505tn/aTitleExpressionSummarization of content%hhhhhhhhhhhhfff6"" @BD505rn/aStatement of responsibilityExpressionSummarization of content%bNN @BD505gn/aMiscellaneous informationExpressionSummarization of content%^JJ @BD505an/aFormatted contents noteExpressionSummarization of content%ZFF @gBD505n/a02Level of content designationFieldLevel of content designation%%\RR JBD505n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5048n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5046n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD504bn/aNo. of references??????added 6/24/02`FFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: `BD504an/aBibliography, etc. noteWorkForm of work%hhhhhhhhhhhhfffNFF @BD504n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD504n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @(NMMLLKKJ> @ BD506un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%added 7/8/03jNN `BD506en/aAuthorization? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%2 @[ON!N`ML:LaKJ'JIQIH/HGFFFdEDCC3CrBA@BD514hn/aHorizontal position & explanationExpressionQuality of data set*%BD514hn/aHorizontal position & explanationExpressionQuality of data set*%nZZ ߀@BD514gn/aHorizontal position & valueExpressionQuality of data set*%bNN ߀@BD514fn/aHorizontal position & reportExpressionQuality of data set*%dPP ߀@BD514en/aCompleteness reportExpressionQuality of data set*%|||||||zzzzzzzzR>> ߀@BD514cn/aAttribute accuracy explanationExpressionQuality of data set*%hTT ߀@BD514bn/aAttribute accuracy valueExpressionQuality of data set*%\HH ߀@BD514an/aAttribute accuracy reportExpressionQuality of data set*%^JJ ߀@BD514n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD514n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5138n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C0 BD5136n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD513bn/aPeriod coveredEventTerm for event%%^^^^^^^^^^^^\ZZ>44 @BD513an/aType of reportWorkNature of work*%%^^^^^^^^^^^^\ZZ<44 @BD513n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD513n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5118n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C/ BD5116n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD511an/aParticipant or performer noteManifestationStatement of responsibility%%lRR @BD511n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD511n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C. BD5106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5103n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @- BD510xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnl<   @Q;OxNMM7LKOKJ#JIHHG GF6EDCC&C@BD518an/aDate/time and place of an event noteH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipEventH"Term for event (47)%%47. The data recorded in MARC 518 subfield ! a may also include elements corresponding to term for place (an attribute of place) as defined in FRBR.jjDDDDDDDDDDB@@` PBD518n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD518n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5168n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C5 BD5166n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD516an/aType of computer file or data note? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Form of expression%666666666666444\ @BD516n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD516n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5158n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C4 BD5156n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD515an/aNumbering E793+E755peculiaritiesManifestationNumbering%rXX  @BD515n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD515n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5148n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C3 BD5146n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD514zn/aDisplay note??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @2 BD514un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%jNN @BD514mn/aCloud coverExpressionSpecial characteristic%pppppppnnnnnnnnB.. ߀@BD514kn/aVertical positional ... explanationExpressionQuality of data set*%r^^ ߀@BD514jn/aVertical positional ... ValueExpressionQuality of data set*%fRR ߀@BD514in/aVertical positional ... reportExpressionQuality of data set*%hTT ߀@?ONNJML*LKJJIHHGGuFE;EzDCTCB8BwA@Q@#BD524n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @"BD524n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5228n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CK BD5226n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD522an/aGeographic coverage notePlaceTerm for place%ppppppppppppnnnRHH @BD522n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @!BD522n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5218n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CJ BD5216n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5213n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD521bn/aSourceData elementSource of data element%jjjjjjhhhhhhhhh<$$ ABD521an/aTarget audience noteWorkIntended audience%lllllllllllljjjH@@ @BD521n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD521n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5208n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CI BD5206n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD5203n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @H BD520un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%jNN @ BD520bn/aExpansion of summary note??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD520an/aSummary, etc. noteExpressionSummarization of content%P<< @ BD520n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD520n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5188n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C= BD5186n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5183n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @\9O|NMBMLLK"KJI-IH9HGGFFE;ExDtDCHCBBaA@BD530cn/aAvailability conditions%Manifestati BD530cn/aAvailability conditions%ManifestationTerms of availability%bFF @ BD530bn/aAvailability source%ManifestationSource for acquisition%Z>> @ BD530an/aAddt'l physical form available note%ManifestationAlternate%z^^ @>BD530n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @EBD530n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @<BD5268n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5265n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J9BD526zn/aPublic note??????:::::::::::::::4.. @8BD526xn/aNonpublic note??????@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44 @7BD526in/aDisplay text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @6BD526dn/aTitle point valueWorkPoint value*%\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZZB:: @5BD526cn/aReading levelWorkReading level*%XXXXXXXXXXXXVVV:22 @4BD526bn/aInterest levelWorkLevel of interest*%bbbbbbbbbbbb```<44 @ BD526an/aProgram name%Study programUse%%VVVVVVVVVVVVTRRL00 @2BD526n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @1BD526n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP H-BD5258n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Co BD5256n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& Cn BD525an/aSupplement note%WorkSupplement%VVVVVVVVVVVVVTT@66 @*BD525n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @.BD525n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @(BD5248n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C^ BD5246n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C&BD5243n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @%BD5242n/aSource of schema usedData elementSource of data element%%ZBB C$BD524an/aPreferred citation of... ManifestationTitle of manifestation%%dJJ  @SONMHMLLKKaJIHBHGFMFEEXD@ BD5337/1-4Date 1H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution (48)%%%48. The date recorded in MARC 533 subfield ! 7, character positions 01-04 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 1 may correspond to date of manufacture (a@@BBBBBBBBB@><<& PVBD5337/0Type of date/Pub. StatusData elementType of data element%^FF B BD5336n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CTBD5333n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @SBD533nn/aNote about repro.??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: @ BD533mn/aDates and/or sequential desig& %ManifestationNumbering%%%pTT *@ BD533fn/aSeries statement of repro.%ManifestationSeries statement%%%hLL @ BD533en/aPhysical description of repro.%Manifestation[Various]%%%pTT @ BD533dn/aDate of repro.%ManifestationDate of production*%%%|||||||||||zxvvP44 @ BD533cn/aAgency responsible for repro.%Corp. BodyProduction%%%~||hRR @ BD533bn/aPlace of repro.%ManifestationPlace of production*%%%~|zzR66 @ BD533an/aType of repro.%ManifestationReproduction%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhhP44 @KBD533n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @JBD533n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @DBD5308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBBD5303n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD530un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%jNN  @ BD530dn/aOrder no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%zzzzzzzzzzzxxvvF**  @$ LHOHGDCwC CeBAAJ@ BD534bn/aEdition statement of orig.%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%hLL @ BD534tn/aTitle statement of orig.%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%dHH  @GBD534an/aMain entry of orig.??????JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJD>> @ BD534pn/aIntroductory phrase%ManifestationReproduction%tttttttttttttrrZ>> @_BD534n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @mBD534n/a01 Undefinedn/an/a:::::::::::::::4.. @]BD5338n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5337/14Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Form of carrier (51)%51. The value  r (regular print reproduction) in MARC 533 subfield ! 7, character position 14 concatenates form of carrier as defined in FRBR with a type of manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (reproduction).&&&&&&&&&&&$$0 P BD5337/13Regularity%ExpressionExpected regularity%%%nnnnnnnnnllljhhB,, &@ BD5337/12Frequency%ExpressionExpected frequency%%%jjjjjjjjjhhhfdd@** &@ BD5337/9-11Place of pub., production& .H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Place of publication/distribution (50)%%%50. The place code recorded in MARC 533 subfield ! 7, character positions 09-11 may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the place code may correspond to place of manufacture (anothennpppppppppnljjR P BD5337/5-8Date 2H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution (49)%%%49. The date recorded in MARC 533 subfield ! 7, character positions 05-08 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 2 may correspond to date of manufacture (a@@BBBBBBBBB@><<& P wONMMwLL_KJJIH:HG&GFFYEDCvCBJBApA@L@nBD536cn/aGrant no.GrantGrant identifier%VVVVVVVVVVVVVTT4** @BD536bn/aContract no.ContractContract identifier%hhhhhhhhhhhhhff@00 @~BD536an/aText of note??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @}BD536n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD536n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @{BD5358n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD5356n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CyBD5353n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @xBD535gn/aRepository location codeCorporate BodyAddress*%vvvvvvvvvvvttttdHH @wBD535dn/aTelecommunications addressCorporate BodyAddress*%zzzzzzzzzzzxxxxhLL @vBD535cn/aCountryCorporate BodyAddress*%%VVVVVVVVVVVTTRRB&&  @uBD535bn/aPostal addressCorporate BodyAddress*%%dddddddddddbb``P44  @tBD535an/aCustodianCorporate BodyName of corporate body%%vvvvvvvvvvvttrrF**  @sBD535n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @rBD535n/a01Addt'l info. about custodian??????^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XRR @lBD5348n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD5346n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD534kn/aKey title of orig.%ManifestationTitle of manifestation%X<< @BD534xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%nnnnnnnnnnnnnll<  @BD534zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%nnnnnnnnnnnnnll<  @gBD534nn/aNote about orig.??????DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88 @BD534ln/aLocation of orig.%ItemLocation of item*%hhhhhhhhhhhffffD:: @ BD534fn/aSeries statement of orig.%ManifestationSeries statement%%%fJJ @ BD534en/aPhysical description, etc. of orig.%Manifestation[Various]%%%z^^ @ BD534cn/aPublication, distr., etc. of orig.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%x\\ @bBD534mn/aMaterial specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @xONGNM#MLK~KKHGF_FEDBCA@BD540dn/aAuthorized users? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%8 @BD540cn/aAuthorization? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%2 @BD540bn/aJurisdiction? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%0 @BD540an/aTerms governing use and repro.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifest./Item?Access restrictions%888888888866666T @BD540n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD540n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5388n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD5386n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD538an/aSystem details noteH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"System requirements** (52)%%52. The information recorded in MARC 538 subfield ! a may also include elements corresponding to file characteristics and special reproduction characteristic (attributes of manifestation) as defined in FRBR.@@@@@@>>>><<<> DPBD538n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD538n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5368n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CBD5366n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD536hn/aWork unit no.Work UnitWork unit identifier%nnnnnnnnnnnnnllD22 @BD536gn/aTask no.TaskTask identifier%PPPPPPPPPPPPPNN0(( @BD536fn/aProject no.ProjectProject identifier%bbbbbbbbbbbbb``<.. @BD536en/aProgram element no.ProgramProgram identifier%rrrrrrrrrrrrrppL>> @oBD536dn/aUndifferentiated no.??????LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@ @QOXNMM[LKyKJCJIHTHG0G,GFE EDCTCBBBA4A@BD544dn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of man BD544dn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation%%nnnnnnnnnnnlljj>""  @BD544cn/aCountryCorporate BodyAddress*%TTTTTTTTTTTRRRRB&& @BD544bn/aAddressCorporate BodyAddress*%TTTTTTTTTTTRRRRB&& @BD544an/aCustodianCorporate BodyName of corporate body%tttttttttttrrrrF** @BD544n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD544n/a01Relationship??????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD/HD5418n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC BD/HD5416n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C BD/HD5415n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%xbbJBD/HD5413n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%^DD@BD/HD541on/aType of unitItemExtent of item*%^^^^^^^^^\\\\\\>66 @BD/HD541hn/aPurchase priceItemAcquisition price*%hhhhhhhhhffffffB:: @BD/HD541fn/aOwnerItemProvenance of item%VVVVVVVVVTTTTTT0(( @BD/HD541en/aAccession no.ItemItem identifier%%bbbbbbbbb````^^@88"@BD/HD541dn/aDate of acquisitionItemDate of acquisition*%vvvvvvvvvttttttLDD @BD/HD541cn/aMethod of acquisitionItemMethod of acquisition*%~~~~~~~~~||||||PHH @BD/HD541bn/aAddressCorporate BodyAddress*%ZZZZZZZZZXXXXXXH,, @BD/HD541an/aSource of acquisitionItemProvenance of item%vvvvvvvvvttttttPHH @BD/HD541n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @NBD/HD541n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD5408n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5406n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD5405n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD5403n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD540un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%added 7/8/03jNN `qOOQNMMlLL:KJIWIH+HGGVDCC[BAA@A@ BD5476n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD547an/aFormer title complexity noteManifestationTitle of manifestation%jPP @BD547n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD547n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5468n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5466n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5463n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD546bn/aInformation code or alphabetH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"File characteristics (53)%%%%53. One element of the information recorded in MARC 546 subfield ! b may correspond to file characteristics (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR.TTTTTRRRRPNLLP PBD546an/aLang. noteExpressionLanguage of expression%%%%tttttttrrrrpnll@,, ߎ@BD546n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD546n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5458n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5456n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD545un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%jNN @BD545bn/aExpansionPerson/Corp.Biography/history*%hhhhhhhhhhhhhffB** @BD545an/aBiographical or historical dataPerson/Corp.Biography/history*%nVV @BD545n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD545n/a01Type of dataData elementType of data element%%%xxxxvtrrrrrrrrrJ22 GBD5448n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5446n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5443n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD544nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @ BD544en/aProvenance%ItemProvenance of item%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZ6,, @&?ONiNM1MpLlLLNK{JIH>HsGFE2EcDCBA+Ab@BD552on/aEntityanBD552on/aEntityand attribute overviewExpressionEntities and attributes*%dPP ߀@BD552nn/aAttribute measurement frequencyExpressionEntities and attributes*%jVV ߀@BD552mn/aAttribute value accuracy explanationExpressionEntities and attributes*%t`` ߀@BD552ln/aAttribute value accuracyExpressionEntities and attributes*%\HH ߀@BD552kn/aBeginning date and ending date& ExpressionEntities and attributes*%jVV ߀@BD552jn/aAttribute units of measurement& ExpressionEntities and attributes*%jVV ߀@BD552in/aUnrepresentable domainExpressionEntities and attributes*%XDD ߀@BD552hn/aCodeset name and sourceExpressionEntities and attributes*%ZFF ߀@BD552gn/aRange domain min. and max.ExpressionEntities and attributes*%`LL ߀@BD552fn/aEnumerated domain value def& .ExpressionEntities and attributes*%fRR ߀@BD552en/aEnumerated domain valueExpressionEntities and attributes*%ZFF ߀@BD552dn/aAttribute definition and sourceExpressionEntities and attributes*%jVV ߀@BD552cn/aAttribute labelExpressionEntities and attributes*%|||||||zzzzzzzzJ66 ߀@BD552bn/aEntity type definition and sourceExpressionEntities and attributes*%nZZ ߀@BD552an/aEntity type labelExpressionEntities and attributes*%~~~~~~~~N:: ߀@BD552n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5508n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5506n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD550an/aIssuing body noteManifestationStatement of responsibility%T:: @BD550n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD550n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5478n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CX'OVNMnMLKKIWHG3GbFEED!DCmBAQA@BD5568n/aField link and sequence no.SegmenBD5568n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5566n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD556zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD556an/aInfo. about documentation note? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data element%Work?Supplement%%T  @BD556n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD556n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5553n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD555un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%jNN  @ BD555dn/aBibliographic reference%WorkSupplement%fffffffffffffddPFF @ BD555cn/aDegree of control%WorkSupplementXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXD:: @ BD555bn/aAvailability source%ManifestationSource for acquisition%Z>> @ BD555an/aCumulative index/finding aids noteH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Supplement (54)%54. The information recorded in MARC 555 subfield ! a may also correspond to a whole/part work-to-work relationship as defined in FRBR.BB6666666666644 \ PBD555n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD555n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5528n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5526n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD552zn/aDisplay note??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @ BD552un/aUniform Resource Identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%jNN  @BD552pn/aEntity and attribute detail citationExpressionEntities and attributes*%t`` ߀@OON7NnML(LKFKJJEIH-HfGFFWEDEDCBA@P@BD/HD5 BD/HD5636n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03dLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,c BD/HD5635n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%added 7/8/03xbbjBD/HD5633n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%added 7/8/03^DD`BD/HD563un/aUniform Resource IdentifierManifestationManifestation identifier%%%added 7/8/03nTT `BD/HD563an/aBinding noteItemMarks/Inscriptions%added 7/8/03|ddddddddddddbb>66`BD/HD563n/a02Undefinedn/an/aadded 7/8/03V>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 `'BD/HD563n/a01Undefinedn/an/aadded 7/8/03V>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 `BD/HD5628n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC BD/HD5626n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C BD/HD5625n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%xbbJBD/HD5623n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%^DD@BD/HD562en/aNo. of copies??????DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>88@BD/HD562dn/aPresentation formatWorkNature of work*%%nnnnnnnnnnnnljjLDD@BD/HD562cn/aVersion identificationExpressionOther distinguishing%^JJ@ BD/HD562bn/aCopy identificationItemItem identifier%llllllllllllljjLDD@ BD/HD562an/aIdentifying markingsItemMarks/inscriptions%tttttttttttttrrNFF@ BD/HD562n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @ BD/HD562n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD/HD5618n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC BD/HD5616n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C BD/HD5615n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%xbbJBD/HD5613n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%^DD@BD/HD561an/aHistoryItemProvenance of item%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXX4,,@BD/HD561n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @a!OfNM:MLKK\JI"IaHG;GF FLEDvDClCBAA@BD581an/aPubs. about described materials note? BD581an/aPubs. about described materials note? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elem%Work?Subject of%` @BD581n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD5808n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5806n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD580an/aLinking entry complexity note??????^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XRR @BD580n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD580n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5678n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5676n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD567an/aMethodology noteExpressionCase file characteristics*%L88 ߀@BD567n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD567n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP H&BD5658n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5656n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C$BD5653n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @#BD565en/aFiling scheme or codeExpressionCase file characteristics*%VBB ߀@"BD565dn/aUniverse of dataExpressionCase file characteristics*%L88 ߀@!BD565cn/aUnit of analysisExpressionCase file characteristics*%L88 ߀@ BD565bn/aName of variableExpressionCase file characteristics*%L88 ߀@BD565an/aNo. of cases/variablesExpressionCase file characteristics*%XDD ߀@BD565n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD565n/a01Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD/HD5638n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%added 7/8/03bTTc]ON#NbMLLKNKJJQIHHtGF@F%ED DD>C{BA@BD/HD5833n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%Z@@ BD/HD5833n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%^DD@BD/HD5832n/aSource of termData elementSource of data element%%~~~~~~~~~R::CBD/HD583zn/aPublic noteItemTreatment history/sched%can't find on listlllllllljjjjjj<44 `}BD/HD583xn/aNonpublic noteItemTreatment history/sched%can't find on listrrrrrrrrppppppB:: `|rBD/HD583on/aType of unitManifestationType of component unit%~~~~~~~~~||||||P66 @qBD/HD583nn/aExtent??????6666666666666660**@iBD/HD583ln/aStatusH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attributeItemH"Condition of item%%*$@ BD/HD583kn/aAction agent%Person/Corp.Performed by%jjjjjjjjjhhhhhhP66 @_BD/HD583jn/aSite of actionActionSite of action%dddddddddbbbbbbF:: @^BD/HD583in/aMethod of actionActionMethod of action%llllllllljjjjjjJ>> @ BD/HD583hn/aJurisdiction%Person/Corp.Responsibility of%tttttttttrrrrrrP66 @ BD/HD583fn/aAuthorization%AuthorityGoverned by%dddddddddbbbbbbL88 @GBD/HD583en/aContingency for actionActionContingency for action%VJJ @FBD/HD583dn/aAction intervalActionAction interval%hhhhhhhhhffffffH<< @ABD/HD583cn/aTime/date of actionActionTime/date of action%xxxxxxxxxvvvvvvPDD @@BD/HD583bn/aAction identificationActionAction identifier%xxxxxxxxxvvvvvvTHH @,BD/HD583an/aActionActionName of action%TTTTTTTTTRRRRRR6** @+BD/HD583n/a02Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @BD/HD583n/a01Undefinedn/an/a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>822 @ BD5818n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5816n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5813n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD581zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @7ONMMMLK,KiJI/IHYHGGFFE0EDCBRBA@BD600n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%BD600n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GBD5868n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5866n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD5863n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD586an/aAwards note? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Critical response%. @BD586n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD586n/a01Display constant controller??????\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VPP @BD5858n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5856n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD5855n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD585an/aExhibitions noteItemExhibition history%fffffffffdddddd@88  @BD585n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD585n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD5848n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD5846n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD5845n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD5843n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD584bn/aFrequency of useItemFrequency of use*%dddddddddbbbbbb@88  @BD584an/aAccumulationItemRate of accumulation*%dddddddddbbbbbb800  @BD584n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD584n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD/HD5838n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC BD/HD5836n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C BD/HD5835n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%xbbJLYON7NKKKxJI\IH.HGF)FFEDCCBIBA+A@BD600xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTeBD600xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD600vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @ BD600un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @BD600tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @ BD600sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv.&& @BD600rn/aKey for musicWorkKey%%DDDDDDDDDDDDDB@:22 @BD600qn/aFuller form of namePersonName of person%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfJ>> @BD600pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD600on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%dPP @BD600nn/aNo. of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvtZRR @BD600mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvLDD @BD600ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD600kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD600jn/aAttribution qualifierPersonName of person%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNBB @BD600hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @BD600gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @BD600fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @ BD600en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD600cn/aTitles and other words& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipPersonH"+E37Title of person (55)%%55. In some cases the data recorded in MARC 600 subfield ! c may correspond to the attribute defined in FRBR as  other designation associated with the person .rr6666666666642 F PBD600bn/aNumerationPersonOther designation%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z8,, @BD600an/aPersonal namePersonName of person%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z>22 @BD600n/a02ThesaurusData elementSource of data element%%tttttrpppppppppD,, CbYONM2ML.LmKJ JJVIHE9ED%DCBD610hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX:  BD610gn/aMiscellaneous information??????RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLFF BD610fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%TTTTTTTTTTTTTRP800 BD610en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%TTTTTTTTTTTTTRR6,, BD610dn/aDate of meeting& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"+E80Date associated with corporate bgBD610hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @aBD610gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @`BD610fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @ BD610en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @YBD610dn/aDate of meeting& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"+E80Date associated with corporate body (57)%%57. The data recorded in MARC 610 subfield ! d may include the date of signing of a treaty, which is defined in FRBR as date of work (an attribute of work).XXXXXXXXXXXVT8 PQBD610cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @PBD610bn/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @HGBD610n/a02ThesaurusData elementSource of data element%%tttttrpppppppppD,, CBD610n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD G@BD6008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD6004n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @1BD6003n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @0BD6002n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ C)BD600zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @(BD600yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @sONNrMLKkKJ/JIInHG&GaFEEDCCOBBD611n/a02Sub. heading system/thesaurusData elementSource of data element%%lTT CBD611n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GBD6108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD6104n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD6103n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6102n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CBD610zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD610yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @BD610xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD610vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @ BD610un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @BD610tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD610sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv.&& @BD610rn/aKey for musicWorkKey%%DDDDDDDDDDDDDB@:22 @BD610pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @BD610on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%dPP @|BD610nn/aNo. of part/section/meetingWorkTitle of work%%tttttttttttttrpVNN @{BD610mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvLDD @iBD610ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @hBD610kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @LKJ8JI$IHHWGFF@EDDuCBCBA@6@IBD6112n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CHBD611zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @?BD611yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @>BD611xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @7BD611vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @ BD611un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @.BD611tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @-BD611sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv.&& @'BD611qn/aName of meeting following& Corp. BodyName of corporate body%%`LL @&BD611pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @!BD611nn/aNo. of part/section/meetingWorkTitle of work%%tttttttttttttrpVNN @ BD611ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @BD611kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @BD611hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @ BD611gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD611fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @BD611en/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @BD611dn/aDate of meetingCorp. BodyDate associated with corporate body%%J66 @BD611cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @BD611an/aMeeting name or jurisdiction& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (58)%%58. The data recorded in MARC 611 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corporNNPPPPPPPPPPPNLR P?ON;NzMLLIHoHGSGFFlEDC/CB B|A@J@BD630xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD630vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD630tn/aTitle of a workWorkTitle of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX>66 @BD630sn/aVersionWorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv.&& @BD630rn/aKey for musicWorkKey%%DDDDDDDDDDDDDB@:22 @BD630pn/aName of part/section of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @{BD630on/aArranged statement for musicExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%dPP @zBD630nn/aNo. of part/section/ of a workWorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\TT @sBD630mn/aMedium of performance& WorkMedium of performance%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvLDD @rBD630ln/aLang. of a workExpressionLanguage of expression%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvJ66 @lBD630kn/aForm subheadingWorkForm of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>66 @kBD630hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @eBD630gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @dBD630fn/aDate of a workWorkDate of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVT<44 @cBD630dn/aDate of treaty signingWorkDate of work%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdLDD @bBD630an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (59)%%59. The data recorded in MARC 630 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 PaBD630n/a02ThesaurusData elementSource of data element%%tttttrpppppppppD,, CBD630n/a01Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FYBD6118n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6116n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD6114n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @PBD6113n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ YONM2MLKuKJJ^IHG+GNFuED DCBBiA@E@~BD650dn/aActive datesEventTerm for event%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV:00 @}BD650cn/aLocation of eventPlaceTerm for place%%dddddddddddddb`D:: @pBD650bn/aTopical term following& C/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvtTFF @oBD650an/aTopical term or geographic& .C/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%~^PP @aBD650n/a02Sub. heading system/thesaurusData elementSource of data element%%lTT C BD650n/a01Level of subject???@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:: _@4BD6488n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%added 7/8/03\NN c BD6486n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%added 7/8/03^FFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& cBD6483n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%added 7/8/03X>> `BD6482n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%added 7/8/03bJJ c BD648zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%added 7/8/03nnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD ` BD648yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%added 7/8/03ttttttttttttrpTJJ ` BD648xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%added 7/8/03ppppppppppppnlL>> `BD648vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%added 7/8/03t\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 `BD648an/aChronological termEventTerm for event%%added 7/8/03~ffffffffffffdbF<< `BD648n/a02ThesaurusData elementSource of data element%%added 7/8/03ttttrpppppppppD,, cBD648n/a01Undefinedn/an/aadded 7/8/03P888888888888882,, `BD6308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD6303n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6302n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CBD630zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD630yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @uOO_NMMRLKKWJIIHGXGTGFE-EDCtC CjBA0A@BD654n/a01Level of subject??????BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB<66 BD654n/a01Level of subject??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: @^BD6538n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6536n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& COBD653an/aUncontrolled termC/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%llllllllllllljhH:: @NBD653n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ABD653n/a01Level of index term??????LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@ @BD6518n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6516n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD6513n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6512n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CBD651zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD651xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD651vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD651an/aGeographic namePlaceTerm for place%%`````````````^\@66 @BD651n/a02Sub. heading system/thesaurusData elementSource of data element%%lTT CBD651n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD6508n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6506n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD6503n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6502n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CBD650zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD650yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @BD650xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD650vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD650en/aRelator term??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @BOOkNMMpLK KIJII`HGGiFEErDC*C{BA@@ BD6556n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD6555n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%r\\ BBD6553n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6552n/aSource of termData elementSource of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxL44 CBD655zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD655yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @BD655xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD655vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD655cn/aFacet/hierarchy designationData elementType of data element%%fNN CBD655bn/aNon-focus termC/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%fffffffffffffdbB44 @BD655an/aGenre/form data or focus termConceptTerm for concept%%`RR @BD655n/a02ThesaurusData elementSource of data element%%tttttrpppppppppD,, CBD655n/a01Type of headingData elementType of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxP88 CBD6548n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6546n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD6543n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @BD6542n/aSource of heading or termData elementSource of data element%%bJJ CBD654zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD654yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @BD654vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @{BD654cn/aFacet/hierarchy designationData elementType of data element%%fNN CqBD654bn/aNon-focus termC/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%fffffffffffffdbB44 @pBD654an/aFocus termC/O/E/PTerm for C/O/E/P%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z:,, @iBD654n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @?ON#NMMLKBKJI1IHGGFNFEEuDC%CdBA*A@T@BD658n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @5BD658n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD6578n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6576n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD6573n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @qBD6572n/aSource of termData elementSource of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxL44 CBD657zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @BD657yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @BD657xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @BD657vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD657an/aFunctionConceptTerm for concept%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV6(( @BD657n/a02Source of termData elementSource of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzN66 CBD657n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @^BD6568n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6566n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CHBD6563n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @=BD6562n/aSource of termData elementSource of data element%%|||||zxxxxxxxxxL44 C0BD656zn/aGeographic subdivisionPlaceTerm for place%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNDD @/BD656yn/aChronological subdivisionEventTerm for event%%tttttttttttttrpTJJ @)BD656xn/aGeneral subdivisionConceptTerm for concept%%pppppppppppppnlL>> @ BD656vn/aForm subdivisionWorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@88 @BD656kn/aFormWorkForm of work%%DDDDDDDDDDDDDB@(  @BD656an/aOccupationConceptTerm for concept%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z:,, @BD656n/a02Source of termData elementSource of data element%%~~~~~|zzzzzzzzzN66 CpBD656n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD6558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CCOxNMTMLL[KJIVIHHFE"ED DwCBGBA@<@$ BD700nn/aNo. of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\RR @# BD700mn/aMedium of performance& %WorkMedium of performance%%|||||||||||||zxNDD @" BD700ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @! BD700kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @6BD700jn/aAttribution qualifierPersonName of person%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNBB @ BD700hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @>BD700gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD700fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @ BD700en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @;BD700dn/aDates associated& PersonDates of person%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdF:: @:BD700cn/aTitles and other words& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attributePersonH"Title of person (60)%%60. In some cases the data recorded in MARC 700 subfield ! c may correspond to the attribute defined in FRBR as  other designation associated with the person .JJ  F P9BD700bn/aNumerationPersonOther designation%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z8,, @8BD700an/aPersonal namePersonName of person%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z>22 @/BD700n/a02Type of added entryData elementType of data element%%X@@ C.BD700n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD G4BD6588n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD6586n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C2BD6582n/aSource of term or codeData elementSource of data element%%\DD C1BD658dn/aCorrelation factor??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @0BD658cn/aCurriculum codeCurriculumCurriculum objective%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrJ66 @BD658bn/aSubordinate curriculum objectiveCurriculumCurriculum objective%%lXX @ BD658an/aMain curriculum objectiveCurriculumCurriculum objective%%^JJ @OlNMVMLLKJ!JIHZHGF%FBA ATBD710cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @SBD710bn/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @RBD710an/aCorporate name or jurisdiction& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (61)%%61. The data recorded in MARC 710 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corporRRTTTTTTTTTTTRPV PQBD710n/a02Type of added entryData elementType of data element%%X@@ CjBD710n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD GOBD7008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C. BD7006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C- BD7005n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J, BD7004n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @KBD7003n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @+ BD700xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnl<   @* BD700un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @) BD700tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @( BD700sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @' BD700rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @EBD700qn/aFuller form of namePersonName of person%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfJ>> @& BD700pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @% BD700on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @S%ML LKJ`JIHUHpGFHFEEyDCCBALA@iBD7108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C? BD7106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C> BD7105n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J= BD7104n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @eBD7103n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @< BD710xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnl<   @; BD710un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @: BD710tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @9 BD710sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @8 BD710rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @7 BD710pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @6 BD710on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @5 BD710nn/aNo. of part/section/meeting%WorkTitle of work%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrXNN @4 BD710mn/aMedium of performance...%WorkMedium of performance%%~|RHH @3 BD710ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @2 BD710kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @1 BD710hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @XBD710gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @0 BD710fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @/ BD710en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @UBD710dn/aDate of meeting or treaty signingH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Date associated with corporate body (62)%%62. The data recorded in MARC 710 subfield ! d may include the date of signing of a treaty, which is defined in FRBR as date of work (an attribute of work).rrrrrrrrrrrpnZ PCON K:J6JIHqHGMGFEFE{DC;CBBFA@BD7114n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%TTTTTTTTTTTTTRR6,, J BD7114n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD7113n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @I BD711xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnl<   @H BD711un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @G BD711tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @F BD711sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @lBD711qn/aName of meeting following& Corporate BodyName of corporate body%%hLL @E BD711pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @D BD711nn/aNo. of part/section/meeting%WorkTitle of work%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrXNN @C BD711ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @B BD711kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @A BD711hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @{BD711gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @@ BD711fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @yBD711en/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @xwBD711cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @vBD711an/aMeeting name or jurisdiction& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (63)%%63. The data recorded in MARC 711 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corporNNPPPPPPPPPPPNLR PuBD711n/a02Type of added entryData elementType of data element%%X@@ CtBD711n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD G]=ONNZML&IHHH]GFEfCB44 @Q BD730dn/aDate of treaty signing%WorkDate of work%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfNDD @P BD730an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (65)%%65. The data recorded in MARC 730 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. PP2 PBD730n/a02Type of added entryData elementType of data element%%X@@ CBD730n/a01Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FBD7208n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CO BD7206n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CN M BD720en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @BD720an/aNameH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipPersonH"Name of person (64)%%64. The name recorded in MARC 720 subfield ! a corresponds to the attributes defined in FRBR as  name of person if the value of the first indicator is  1 ; otherwise the name may correspond to  name of corporate body (an attribute of corporate body).his can apply to both a person or a corporate body, so entity, etc. incorrect  pBD720n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD720n/a01Type of nameData elementType of data element%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrJ22 CBD7118n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CL BD7116n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CK BD7115n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J{ONN:MLLcKJ-JlIH0HoGFEBABD740hn/aMediumManifestationForm of carrier%%`````````````^\>$$ @BD740an/aUncontrolled related/analytical titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (66)%%66. The title recorded in MARC 740 subfield ! a corresponds to the attribute defined in FRBR as  title of work (pertaining to a component work contained in the manifestation described) if the value of the second indicator is  2 ; otherwise the title may c@@BBBBBBBBBBB@>b PBD740n/a02Type of added entryData elementType of data element%%X@@ CBD740n/a01Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB FBD7308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C_ BD7306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C^ BD7305n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD7303n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @] BD730xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnl<   @\ BD730tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @[ BD730sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @Z BD730rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @Y BD730pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @X BD730on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @W BD730nn/aNo. of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\RR @V BD730mn/aMedium of performance& %WorkMedium of performance%%|||||||||||||zxNDD @U BD730ln/aLang. of a work%Expression2%%RRRRRRRRRRRRRPNL66 @[L8IuHG;GFeFE9EDDCBjBABA@BD753bn/aProgramming languageManifestationSystem requirements%%Z@@ @BD753an/aMake and model of modelManifestationSystem requirements%%`FF @BD753n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD753n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD7528n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cb BD7526n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD752dn/aCityPlaceTerm for place%%JJJJJJJJJJJJJHF*  @nBD752cn/aCounty, region, islands areaPlaceTerm for place%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxvZPP @[BD752bn/aState, province, territoryPlaceTerm for place%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrVLL @LBD752an/aCountryPlaceTerm for place%%PPPPPPPPPPPPPNL0&& @BD752n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD752n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD7408n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Ca BD7406n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C` BD7405n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ JBD740pn/aName of part/section of a workH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (68)%%68. The title recorded in MARC 740 subfield ! p corresponds to the attribute defined in FRBR as  title of work (pertaining to a part or section for a component work contained in the manifestation described) if the value of the second indicator is  2 ; oth224444444444420 T PBD740nn/aNo. of part/section of a workH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipWorkH"Title of work (67)%%67. The title recorded in MARC 740 subfield ! n corresponds to the attribute defined in FRBR as  title of work (pertaining to a number for a component work contained in the manifestation described) if the value of the second indicator is  2 ; otherwise th00222222222220. R PQONNMAMLK"KJ JMIHHxGFBFEE;DC CxBAA@i BD760on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD760nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD760mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @h BD760in/aDisplay text%ManifestationWhole/part%bbbbbbbbbbbbb``L00 @g BD760hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD760gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @f BD760dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @BD760cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @e BD760bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD760an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD760n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD760n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7548n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cd BD7546n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD7542n/aSource of taxonomic idData elementSource of data element%%\DD CBD754zn/aPublic note??????added 6/24/02T::::::::::::::4.. `BD754xn/aNon-public note??????added 6/24/02\BBBBBBBBBBBBBB<66 `BD754dn/aCommon or alternative nameConceptTerm for concept%%added 6/24/02~~~~~~~~~~~~|zZLL `BD754cn/aTaxonomic categoryConceptTerm for concept%%added 6/24/02nnnnnnnnnnnnljJ<< `BD754an/aTaxonomic nameConceptTerm for concept%%fffffffffffffdbB44 @BD754n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD754n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @BD7538n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cc BD7536n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD753cn/aOperating systemManifestationSystem requirements%%|||||||||||||zxR88 @DML9LKJ`JIHeHGFdFE.EDC)CBAfA@~@ BD762nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD762mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @u BD762in/aDisplay text%ManifestationWhole/part%bbbbbbbbbbbbb``L00 @t BD762hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD762gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @s BD762dn/aPlace, pub. and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%lPP @BD762cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @r BD762bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD762an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD762n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD762n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7608n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cq BD760703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< Bp BD760702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD760701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GBD760700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ Go BD7606n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& Cn BD760yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @m BD760xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @l BD760wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< Ak BD760tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @j BD760sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (69)%69. The data recorded in MARC 760 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P;OL5LKJ4JIIIHGG~FEHEDDACBBA@BD765kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries stateme BD765kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD765in/aDisplay text%ExpressionTranslation%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\F00 @ BD765hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD765gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD765dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @BD765cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD765bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD765an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD765n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP H1BD765n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7628n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C~ BD762703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B} BD762702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD762701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G| BD7626n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C{ BD762yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @z BD762xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @y BD762wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< Ax BD762tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @w BD762sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute%WorkH"Title of work (70)%70. The data recorded in MARC 762 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. ..2 Pv BD762on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @wOOSNM#K~JIIeHGGFE"EDC+CBBBdA@BD767cn/aQualifying information??????LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@ BD767bn/aEdition%Ma2BD767cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD767bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @>BD767an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @=<BD767n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J0BD7658n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD765703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD765702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B-BD765701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G,BD765700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7656n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD765zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD765yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD765xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD765wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD765un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD765tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD765sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (71)%71. The data recorded in MARC 765 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD765rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD765on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @!BD765nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @ BD765mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @Y)ONMjMLLKJIJG#GNFE EMDC1CnBA6A@ BD767703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD767702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BMBD767701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GLBD767700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7676n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD767zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD767yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD767xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD767wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD767un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD767tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD767sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (72)%72. The data recorded in MARC 767 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD767rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD767on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @ABD767nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @@BD767mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD767kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD767in/aDisplay text%ExpressionTranslation%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\F00 @ BD767hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @4BD767gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD767dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @;?ONMnMLLK_KJ5JpIHHGGDCCxBAAu@BD770zn/aISBN%ManifestationMa BD770zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD770yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD770xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD770wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD770un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD770tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD770sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (73)%73. The data recorded in MARC 770 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD770rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD770on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @\BD770nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @[BD770mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD770kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD770in/aDisplay text%WorkSupplement%PPPPPPPPPPPPPNN:00 @ BD770hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @WBD770gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD770dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @U BD770bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @SBD770an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @RBD770n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HlBD770n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JPBD7678n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CONNML&LKJUJI%INHG GFEOED+D|C@V@ BD772tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD772sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (74)%74. The data recorded in MARC 772 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD772rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD772on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD772nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @~BD772mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD772kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD772in/aDisplay text%WorkSupplement%PPPPPPPPPPPPPNN:00 @ BD772hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @zBD772gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD772dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @xBD772cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD772bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @vBD772an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @uBD772n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HtBD772n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JkBD7708n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD770703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD770702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BhBD770701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GgBD770700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7706n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C.+ONM*MLLKKJJnIHHWGF/FXED*DCBGBA#Al@ BD773pn/aAbbreviated title%ManifestationTitle of manifestation%V:: @ BD773on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD773nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD773mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD773kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD773in/aDisplay text%ManifestationWhole/part%bbbbbbbbbbbbb``L00 @ BD773hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD773gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD773dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @ BD773bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD773an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD773n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD773n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7728n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD772703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD772702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD772701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GBD772700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7726n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD772zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD772yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD772xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD772wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD772un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @QOL+LVKJJUIHGxGFF}EDD|CBFBAA?@ BD774dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @BD772cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD774bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD774an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD774n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD774n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7738n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD773703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD773702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD773701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GBD773700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7736n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD7733n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD773zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD773yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD773xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD773wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD773un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD773tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD773sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (75)%75. The data recorded in MARC 773 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD773rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @%yON=NxMLLKKKsJIHZHGF9FEDVDC C_BBD7748n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%XJJ BD774703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%nnnnnllllllllllF88 BD774702Type of record%RecordType of record%ZZZZZXXXXXXXXXX<.. BD774701Form of nameData eleBD7748n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD774703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD774702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD774701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GBD774700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7746n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CBD7743n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ BD774zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD774yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD774xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD774wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD774un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD774tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD774rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD774on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD774nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD774mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD774kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD774in/aDisplay text%ManifestationWhole/part%bbbbbbbbbbbbb``L00 @ BD774hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD774gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @?eON/NML(LKKJIoGF!FEDNDAHAs@ BD775un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD775tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD775sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute%WorkH"Title of work (78)%78. The data recorded in MARC 775 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. ..2 P BD775rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD775on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD775nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD775mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD775kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD775in/aDisplay textH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute%ExpressionH"Translation/Revision (77)%77. The relationship reflected in MARC 775 subfield ! i may also correspond to the reproduction relationship (manifestation-to-manifestation) as defined in FRBR.JJ           0 P BD775hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD775gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @BD775fn/aCountry code??????added 6/24/02V<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 `BD775en/aLang. code??????added 6/24/02R888888888888882,, ` BD775dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @BD775cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD775bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD775an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD775n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD775n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J_ONM\ML LyKJCJIH,HGGFE#E|DC"CB:BuA@ BD776rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD776on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @BD776nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @BD776mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD776kn/aSeries data for related items%ManifestationSeries statement%%%nRR @ BD776in/aDisplay text%ManifestationAlternate%`````````````^^L00 @ BD776hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @BD776gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD776dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @BD776cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD776bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @BD776an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @BD776n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP HBD776n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JBD7758n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD775703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD775702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 BBD775701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GBD775700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7756n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD775zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD775yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD775xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD775wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< AMLLdKJJaIH%H~GFHFDFEDsDCCClBA>A@BD777in/aDisplay text??????8888888888888882,, BD777hn/aPhysical de BD777in/aDisplay text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @ BD777hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @ BD777gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD777dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @ BD777cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD777bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @ BD777an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @ BD777n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP H BD777n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J  BD776703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD776702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B BD776701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G BD776700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7766n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD776zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD776yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD776xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD776wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD776un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD776tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD776sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (79)%79. The data recorded in MARC 776 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 PD]ONuNMOKJ JfIH0HmGF5FED4DC C_BAA~@* BD780gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD780dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @( BD780cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD780bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @& BD780an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @% BD780n/a02Type of relationshipFieldField display constant%zzzxxxxxxxxxxxxLBB H$ BD780n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J BD7778n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD777703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B BD777702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B BD777701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G BD777700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G BD7776n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD777yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD777xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD777wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD777tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD777sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute%WorkH"Title of work (80)%80. The data recorded in MARC 777 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. ..2 P BD777on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @ BD777nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @ BD777mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD777kn/aSeries data%ManifestationSeries statement%%%pppppppppppnljjJ.. @YONNMMLLIHHtGFFqED5DCBXBA@O@BD785n/a0 BD785n/a02Type of relationshipFieldField display constant%zzzxxxxxxxxxxxxLBB HY BD785n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J> BD7808n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C% BD780703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B$ BD780702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B; BD780701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G: BD780700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G# BD7806n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C" BD780zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @! BD780yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @ BD780xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @ BD780wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A BD780un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD780tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD780sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (81)%81. The data recorded in MARC 780 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P BD780rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD780on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @/ . BD780mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD780kn/aSeries data for related items%ManifestationSeries statement%%%nRR @ BD780in/aDisplay text%WorkSuccessor%NNNNNNNNNNNNNLL:00 @ BD780hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @iONUN~MLPLK KJ$J_IH/FEDDqCBB BJA@BD785701Form of nameData elementType of data elementU BD785701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. GT BD785700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ G4 3 BD785zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @2 BD785yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @1 BD785xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @0 BD785wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< A/ BD785un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @. BD785tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @- BD785sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (82)%82. The data recorded in MARC 785 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P, BD785rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @+ BD785on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @I BD785nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @H BD785mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @* BD785kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @) BD785in/aDisplay text%WorkSuccessorLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL:00 @( BD785hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @D BD785gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @' BD785dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @B BD785cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @& BD785bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @@ BD785an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @oON NnML8LKK1JIIHG8GFPFEEDWBA@BD786un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%A BD786un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @@ BD786tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @? BD786sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (83)%83. The data recorded in MARC 786 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. NN2 P> BD786rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @= < BD786on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @p BD786nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @o BD786mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @; BD786kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @: BD786jn/aPeriod of content%EventTerm for event%ddddddddddddbbbF:: @l BD786in/aDisplay text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @9 BD786hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @j BD786gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @8 BD786dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @h BD786cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @7 BD786bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @f BD786an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @e BD786n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP Hd BD786n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 JX BD7858n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C6 BD785703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< B5 BD785702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B/ON?NMLfLKJkJIIjHG4GFF-EDCCBBBAAo@ BD787rn/aReport no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%|||||||||||zzxxH,,  @ BD787on/aOther item identifier%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%^BB  @ BD787nn/aNote??????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&  @ BD787mn/aMaterial-specific details??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD787kn/aSeries data for related item%ManifestationSeries statement%%%lPP @ BD787in/aDisplay text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 @ BD787hn/aPhysical description%Manifestation[Various]%%%tttttttttttrpnn\@@ @ BD787gn/aRelationship information??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ BD787dn/aPlace, pub., and date of pub.%ManifestationPlace of publication +%%%nRR @ BD787cn/aQualifying information??????PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD @ BD787bn/aEdition%ManifestationEdition/issue designation%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttB&& @^ BD787an/aMain entry heading??????HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB<< @] BD787n/a02Display constant controllerFieldField display constant%ZPP H BD787n/a01Note controllerFieldFunction of field%%hhhffddddddddddB88 J[ BD7868n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CH BD786703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< BG BD786702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B~ BD786701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G} BD786700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ GF BD7866n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CE BD786zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @D BD786yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @C BD786xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @B BD786wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< Aw BD786vn/aSource contribution??????JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJD>> @TML%LKJ$JIIEHG GhFEDDUDC#A@BD800dn/aDates associated& PersonDates of BD800dn/aDates associated& PersonDates of person%%hhhhhhhhhhhhhfdF:: @ BD800cn/aTitles and other words& ..H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipPersonH"Title of person (85)%%85. In some cases the data recorded in MARC 800 subfield ! c may correspond to the attribute defined in FRBR as  other designation associated with the person .nn222222222220.J P BD800bn/aNumerationPersonOther designation%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z8,, @ BD800an/aPersonal namePersonName of person%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z>22 @ BD800n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD G BD7878n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN CP BD787703Bibliographic level%RecordBibliographic level%rrrrrppppppppppJ<< BO BD787702Type of record%RecordType of record%^^^^^\\\\\\\\\\@22 B BD787701Form of nameData elementType of data element%%%ttttrpnnnnnnnnnF.. G BD787700Type of main entry headingData elementType of data element%%%bJJ GN BD7876n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CM BD787zn/aISBN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @L BD787yn/aCODEN designation%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%V::  @K BD787xn/aISSN%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%pppppppppppnnll<   @J BD787wn/aRecord control no.%RecordRecord identifier%nnnnnnlllllllllJ<< AI BD787un/aStandard technical report no.%ManifestationManifestation identifier%%nRR  @ BD787tn/aTitle%ManifestationTitle of manifestation +%%rrrrrrrrrrrppnn>""  @ BD787sn/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute%WorkH"Title of work (84)%84. The data recorded in MARC 787 subfield ! s may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. ..2 P@uON_NM)MLK> G BD8008n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C` BD8006n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C_ BD8004n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @^ BD800vn/aVolume/sequential designation%ManifestationNumbering%nRR @] BD800un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @\ BD800tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @[ BD800sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @Z BD800rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @ BD800qn/aFuller form of namePersonName of person%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfJ>> @Y BD800pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @X BD800on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @W BD800nn/aNo. of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\RR @V BD800mn/aMedium of performance& %WorkMedium of performance%%|||||||||||||zxNDD @U BD800ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @T BD800kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @ BD800jn/aAttribution qualifierPersonName of person%%nnnnnnnnnnnnnljNBB @S BD800hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @ BD800gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @R BD800fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @Q BD800en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @{LKJBHG*GF F}EDDvCBAiAeA@BD810tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV<22 BD810sn/aVl BD810tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @k j BD810rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @i BD810pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @h BD810on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @g BD810nn/aNo. of part/section/meeting%WorkTitle of work%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrXNN @f BD810mn/aMedium of performance& %WorkMedium of performance%%|||||||||||||zxNDD @e BD810ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @d BD810kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @c BD810hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @ BD810gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @b BD810fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @a BD810en/aRelator term%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @ BD810dn/aDate of meeting& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Date associated with corporate body (87)%%87. The data recorded in MARC 810 subfield ! d may include the date of signing of a treaty, which is defined in FRBR as date of work (an attribute of work).PPPPPPPPPPPNL8 P BD810cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @ BD810bn/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @ BD810an/aCorporate name or jurisdiction& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (86)%%86. The data recorded in MARC 810 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corporRRTTTTTTTTTTTRPV PqON1NML:LKNH}GFFzED\DCCuBA@@BD811sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxvt,""  BD811qn/aName of meeting following jurisdiction& Corporate BodyName of corporate body%%ff @ BD811pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @ BD811nn/aNo. of part/section/meeting%WorkTitle of work%%vvvvvvvvvvvvvtrXNN @ BD811ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @ BD811kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @ BD811hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @ BD811gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @ BD811fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @ BD811en/aSubordinate unitCorp. BodyName of corporate body%%|||||||||||||zxL88 @ BD811dn/aDate of meetingCorp. BodyDate associated with corporate body%%J66 @ BD811cn/aLocation of meetingCorp. BodyPlace associated with corporate body%%R>> @ BD811an/aMeeting name or jurisdiction& H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipCorp. BodyH"Name of corporate body (88)%%88. The data recorded in MARC 811 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  place associated with the corporate body,  date associated with the corporate body, or  other designation associated with the corporNNPPPPPPPPPPPNLR P BD811n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ BD811n/a01Type of entry elementData elementType of data element%%%\DD G BD8108n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cp BD8106n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& Co BD8104n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @n BD810vn/aVolume/sequential designation%ManifestationNumbering%nRR @m BD810un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @NoON+NM'MfLK>KHHGGsFE5EDCBABAA@ BD830tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @ BD830sn/aVersion%WorkOther distinguishing characteristics%%|||||||||||||zx0&& @ BD830rn/aKey for music%WorkKey%%FFFFFFFFFFFFFDB<22 @ BD830pn/aName of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%|||||||||||||zx^TT @~ BD830on/aArranged statement for music%ExpressionOther distinguishing characteristics%%fPP @} BD830nn/aNo. of part/section of a work%WorkTitle of work%%zzzzzzzzzzzzzxv\RR @| BD830mn/aMedium of performance...%WorkMedium of performance%%~|RHH @{ BD830ln/aLang. of a work%ExpressionLanguage of expression%%|||||||||||||zxL66 @z BD830kn/aForm subheading%WorkForm of work%%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZX@66 @y BD830hn/aMedium%ManifestationForm of carrier%%bbbbbbbbbbbbb`^@$$ @ BD830gn/aMiscellaneous information??????VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPJJ @x BD830fn/aDate of a work%WorkDate of work%%ZZZZZZZZZZZZZXV>44 @w BD830dn/aDate of treaty signing%WorkDate of work%%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhfNDD @v BD830an/aUniform titleH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%WorkH"Title of work (89)%%89. The data recorded in MARC 830 subfield ! a may include elements that correspond to the attributes defined in FRBR as  other distinguishing characteristic. PP2 P BD830n/a02Nonfiling charactersData elementFiling of data element%%ZBB F BD830n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ BD8118n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN Cu BD8116n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& Ct BD8114n/aRelator code%Work[Relationship]%XXXXXXXXXXXXXVV:00 @s BD811vn/aVolume/sequential designation%ManifestationNumbering%nRR @r BD811un/aAffiliation%Corp. BodyAffiliation%\\\\\\\\\\\\\ZZD.. @q BD811tn/aTitle of a work%WorkTitle of work%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^\Z@66 @KONNM;MLKVJIH?HG!GFE|EEtDC C]BYBA@HD843mn/aDates and/or sequential& %ManifestationNumbering%%%xxxxxxxxxvvttrr`DD * HD843mn/aDates and/or sequential& %ManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdHH *@ HD843fn/aSeries statement of repro.%ManifestationSeries statement%%%hLL @ HD843dn/aDate of repro.%ManifestationDate of production*%%%|||||||||||zxvvP44 @ HD843cn/aAgency responsible for repro.%Corp. BodyProduction%%%~||hRR @ HD843bn/aPlace of repro.%ManifestationPlace of production*%%%~|zzR66 @ HD843an/aType of repro.%ManifestationReproduction%jjjjjjjjjjjjjhhP44 @ HD843n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @! HD843n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD8428n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8426n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD842an/aTextual physical formManifestationForm of carrier%%%~|zz\BB @ HD842n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD842n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD841e/0Encoding level? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elem%Record?Encoding level%2 B HD841b/0-31Holdings 008 values??????NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHBB @ HD841a/3Character coding scheme? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elem%Record?Character coding scheme%D B HD841a/1-2Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD841a/0Type of record? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elem%Record?Type of record%2 B HD841n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD841n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ BD8308n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C BD8306n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C BD830vn/aVolume/sequential designation%ManifestationNumbering%nRR @ ONMNMJFCtBA HD8437/13Regularity%ExpressionExpected regularity%%%nnnnnnnnnllljhhB,, &@ HD8437/12Frequency%ExpressionExpected frequency%%%jjjjjjjjjhhhfdd@** &@ HD8437/9-11Place of pub., prod. & H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Place of publication/distribution (92)%%%92. The place code recorded in MARC 843 subfield ! 7, character positions 09-11 may correspond to place of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the place code may correspond to place of manufacture (anotheddfffffffffdb``H P HD8437/5-8Date 2H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution (91)%%%91. The date recorded in MARC 843 subfield ! 7, character positions 05-08 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 2 may correspond to date of manufacture (a@@BBBBBBBBB@><<& P HD8437/1-4Date 1H" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Date of publication/distribution. (90)%%%90. The date recorded in MARC 843 subfield ! 7, character positions 01-04 may correspond to date of publication/distribution (an attribute of manifestation) as defined in FRBR. However, the date recorded as Date 1 may correspond to date of manufacture (aBBDDDDDDDDDB@>>& P HD8437/01Type of date/Pub. StatusData elementType of data element%`HH B HD8436n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD8433n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ HD843nn/aNote about repro.??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: @L6LK`KJ8JwI IH>GEDwCBAzA@N@" HD850n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @: HD8458n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8456n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD8455n/aInstitution to which field applies%Corp. BodyApplicability%%r\\ J7 HD8453n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @6 HD845dn/aAuthorized users? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data eleManifest./Item?Access restrictions%8 @5 HD845cn/aAuthorization? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data eleManifest./Item?Access restrictions%     2 @4 HD845bn/aJurisdiction? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data eleManifest./Item?Access restrictions%               0 @3 HD845an/aTerms governing use and repro.? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data eleManifest./Item?Access restrictions%0000000000.....T @2 HD845n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @; HD845n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @0 HD8448n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8446n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C. HD844an/aName of unitManifestationTitle of manifestation%%%|||||||||||zzxvJ00  @- HD844n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @, HD844n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD8438n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8437/14Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationship%ManifestationH"Form of carrier (93)%93. The value  r (regular print reproduction) in MARC 843 subfield ! 7, character position 14 concatenates form of carrier as defined in FRBR with a type of manifestation-to-manifestation relationship (reproduction).&&&&&&&&&&&$$0 P1ON7NM~ML:LK KIHwGFCFE?DC ClBA@k@BD/HD852tn/aCopy no.IteP BD/HD852tn/aCopy no.ItemItem identifier%%%ZZZZZZZZZXXVVTT6..*@O BD/HD852sn/aCopyright article-fee codeManifestationManifestation identifier%%%lRR*@N BD/HD852qn/aPiece physical conditionItemCondition%%llllllllljjjhhhVNN$@M BD/HD852pn/aPiece designationItemItem identifier%%%llllllllljjhhffH@@*@L BD/HD852nn/aCountry codeItemLocation of item*%%%fffffffffddbb``>66*@K BD/HD852mn/aCall no. suffixItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbD<<*@ BD/HD852ln/aShelving form of title? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Title of manifestation%%%666666666442200J*@I BD/HD852kn/aCall no. prefixItemItem identifier%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbD<<*@H BD/HD852jn/aShelving control no.ItemItem identifier%%%rrrrrrrrrppnnllNFF*@G BD/HD852in/aItem partItemItem identifier%%%\\\\\\\\\ZZXXVV800*@F BD/HD852hn/aClassification partItemItem identifier%%%pppppppppnnlljjLDD*@ BD/HD852gn/aNon-coded location qualifier? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Manifestation designation*%%%JJJJJJJJJHHFFDDV*@ BD/HD852fn/aCoded location qualifier? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?Manifestation designation*%%%BBBBBBBBB@@>><<N*@C BD/HD852en/aAddressItemLocation of item*%%%\\\\\\\\\ZZXXVV4,,*@B BD/HD852cn/aShelving locationItemItem identifier%%%llllllllljjhhffH@@*@A BD/HD852bn/aSublocation or collectionItemLocation of item*%%%~~||zzXPP*@@ BD/HD852an/aLocationItemLocation of item*%%%^^^^^^^^^\\ZZXX6..*@' W BD/HD852n/a01Shelving schemeData elementType of data element%%~~~~~~~~~V>> C% HD8508n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C$ HD850an/aHolding institutionItemLocation of item*%jjjjjjjjjjjhhhhF>> @# HD850n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @OOWNMMhLKJAJIIfHG.GyFEE`DCCMBA@F@i HD853tn/aCopyItemItem identifier%%%LLLLLLLLLJJHHFF(  *@h HD853pn/aNumber of pieces per issueItemRate of accumulation*%%Added 7/8/03~~~~~~TLL  bg HD853n n/aPattern noteExpressionExpected regularity%%Added 7/8/03ppppppppnnnlllF22 $`f HD853mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@e HD853ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@d HD853kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@c HD853jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@b HD853in/aFirst level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@a HD853hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level& ManifestationNumbering%%%nTT *@` HD853gn/aAlt. no.scheme, first level& ManifestationNumbering%%%~~||jPP *@_ HD853fn/aSixth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@^ HD853en/aFifth level of & ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@] HD853dn/aFourth level of & ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@\ HD853cn/aThird level of & ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@[ HD853bn/aSecond level of & ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@Z HD853an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@Y HD853n/a02Caption evaluationData elementEvaluation of data%|||||zzzzzzzzzzV>> BX HD853n/a01Compressibility and expandabilityData elementCompressibility%t\\ BV BD/HD8528n/aSequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%vvvvvtrrrrrrrrrD66C BD/HD8526n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,CT BD/HD8523n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%^DD@S BD/HD8522n/aSource of & schemeData elementSource of data element%%ZBBCR BD/HD852zn/aPublic note??????@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44@Q BD/HD852xn/aNonpublic note??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@::@xyON)NMLzKJ@JIH HXGF FEED-DtCBBeA@HD854ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering% HD854ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD854kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@~ HD854jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@} HD854in/aFirst level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@| HD854hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level& ManifestationNumbering%%%nTT *@{ HD854gn/aAlt. no. scheme, first level& ManifestationNumbering%%%~~lRR *@z HD854fn/aSixth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@y x HD854dn/aFourth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@w HD854cn/aThird level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@v HD854bn/aSecond level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@u HD854an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@t HD854n/a02Caption evaluationData elementEvaluation of data%|||||zzzzzzzzzzV>> B HD854n/a01Compressibility and expandibilityData elementCompressibility%t\\ Br HD8538n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8536n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& Cp HD8533n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @o HD853zn/aNumbering scheme? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementData element?+E1062Type of data element%%(((((&$$$$$$$$$8 Cn HD853yn/aRegularity patternExpressionExpected regularity%xxxxxxxxxvvvvvvP<<  @m HD853xn/aCalendar changeManifestationCalendar change *%vvvvvvvvvttttttP66  @l HD853wn/aFrequencyExpressionExpected frequency%dddddddddbbbbbb>**  @k HD853vn/aNumbering continuityManifestationNumbering continuity*%Z@@  @j HD853un/aBibliographic units per& ??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @9MONMLoLkLKKrJIxHG>G}FFEDYDCCBA0Aw@HD855hn/aAlt. no. scheme, s HD855hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level& ManifestationNumbering%%%nTT *@ HD855gn/aAlt. no. scheme, first level& ManifestationNumbering%%%~~lRR *@ HD855fn/aSixth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@ HD855en/aFifth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@ HD855dn/aFourth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@ HD855cn/aThird level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD855bn/aSecond level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@ HD855an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD855n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD855n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @ HD8548n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8546n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD8543n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ HD854zn/aNumbering scheme? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementData element?Type of data element%%8 C HD854yn/aRegularity patternExpressionExpected regularity%xxxxxxxxxvvvvvvP<<  @ HD854xn/aCalendar changeManifestationCalendar change *%vvvvvvvvvttttttP66  @ HD854wn/aFrequencyExpressionExpected frequency%dddddddddbbbbbb>**  @ HD854vn/aNumbering continuityManifestationNumbering continuity*%Z@@  @ HD854tn/aCopyItemItem identifier%%%LLLLLLLLLJJHHFF(  *@ HD854pn/aNumber of pieces per issueItemRate of accumulation*%%Added 7/8/03~~~~~~TLL  b HD854on/aType of supp. material/IndexManifestationManifestation designation*%%%jPP *@ HD854n n/aPattern noteExpressionExpected regularity%%Added 7/8/03ppppppppnnnlllF22 $` HD854mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@ZQONM@MLKJ,JI&ImHG-GF3ErDC8CBAAA@ BD/HD856bn/aAccess no.ManifestationSource for acquisition%zzzzzzzzzzzxxxxL22@ BD/HD856an/aHost nameManifestationSource for acquisition%xxxxxxxxxxxvvvvJ00@ BD/HD856n/a02Relationship%Manifestation[Relationship]%%ttttttttttttrppT88 @ BD/HD856n/a01Access methodManifestationMode of access%rrrrrrrrrrrppppT:: @ HD8558n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8556n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD8553n/aMaterials specifiedManifestationManifestation designation*%X>> @ HD855zn/aNumbering scheme? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementData element?Type of data element%%8 C HD855yn/aRegularity patternExpressionExpected regularity%xxxxxxxxxvvvvvvP<<  @ HD855xn/aCalendar changeManifestationCalendar change *%vvvvvvvvvttttttP66  @ HD855wn/aFrequencyExpressionExpected frequency%dddddddddbbbbbb>**  @ HD855vn/aNumbering continuityManifestationNumbering continuity*%Z@@  @ HD855un/aBibliographic units per& ??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ HD855tn/aCopyItemItem identifier%%%LLLLLLLLLJJHHFF(  *@ HD855pn/aNumber of pieces per issueItemRate of accumulation*%%Added 7/8/03~~~~~~TLL  b HD855on/aType of supp. material/IndexManifestationManifestation designation*%%%jPP *@ HD855 n n/aPattern noteExpressionExpected regularity%%Added 7/8/03rrrrrrrrpppnnnH44 $` HD855mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@ HD855ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD855kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD855jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD855in/aFirst level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@]=ONMwMLLtKJJ=IHG*GFF]EDC4CBLBA8A@BD/HD8563n/aMaterials specified??????added 6/ BD/HD8563n/aMaterials specified??????added 6/24/02jPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJDD` BD/HD8562n/aAccess methodManifestationMode of accessnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnR88@ BD/HD856zn/aPublic note??????@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44@ BD/HD856yn/aLink text??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600@ BD/HD856xn/aNonpublic note??????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@::@ BD/HD856wn/aRecord control no.??????NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHBB@ BD/HD856vn/aHours access method availableManifestationHours of availability*%rXX@ BD/HD856un/aUniform Resource IdentifierManifestationManifestation identifier%%nTT @ BD/HD856tn/aTerminal emulationManifestationAccess instructions*%\BB@ BD/HD856sn/aFile size??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600@ BD/HD856rn/aSettingsManifestationAccess instructions*%rrrrrrrrrrrppppH..@ BD/HD856qn/aElectronic format typeManifestationFile characteristics%dJJ@ BD/HD856pn/aPortManifestationAccess instructions*%jjjjjjjjjjjhhhh@&&@ BD/HD856on/aOperating systemManifestationAccess instructions*%X>>@ BD/HD856nn/aName of location of hostManifestationSource for acquisition%hNN@ BD/HD856mn/aContact for access assistanceManifestationAccess instructions*%rXX@ BD/HD856ln/aLogonManifestationAccess instructions*%llllllllllljjjjB((@ BD/HD856kn/aPasswordManifestationAccess instructions*%rrrrrrrrrrrppppH..@ BD/HD856jn/aBits per secondManifestationAccess instructions*%~~~~V<<@ BD/HD856in/aInstructionManifestationAccess instructions*%xxxxxxxxxxxvvvvN44@ BD/HD856hn/aProcessor of request??????RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLFF@ BD/HD856dn/aPath? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementManifestation?+E1216Access address%           &@ BD/HD856cn/aCompression informationManifestationFile characteristics%fLL@ONN~ML0LKJ]JI IRHGFCF?FEDDCB;BA;A@HD863xn/aNonpublic note??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<600 HD863wn/aB HD863xn/aNonpublic note??????@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44 @ HD863wn/aBreak identifier??????%FFFFFFFFFDDDDDD>88  @ HD863tn/aCopy no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTRRPPNN0(( *@ HD863sn/aCopyright article-fee code??????added 6/21/02rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRLL ` HD863qn/aPiece physical condition??????added 6/21/02nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH ` HD863pn/aPiece designation??????added 6/21/02`FFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: ` HD863on/aTitle of supp. material/IndexManifestationManifestation designation%%%lRR *@ HD863nn/aConverted Gregorian year??????added 6/21/02nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH ` HD863mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@ HD863kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD863jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD863in/aFirst level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD863hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level& ManifestationNumbering%%%nTT *@ HD863gn/aAlt. no. scheme, first level& ManifestationNumbering%%%~~lRR *@ HD863fn/aSixth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@ HD863en/aFifth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@ HD863dn/aFourth level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@ HD863cn/aThird level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%hhhhhhhhhffddbbP66 *@ HD863bn/aSecond level of& ManifestationNumbering%%%jjjjjjjjjhhffddR88 *@ HD863an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD863n/a02Form of holdingsFieldForm of field%`````^^^^^^^^^^D:: B HD863n/a01Field encoding levelFieldField encoding level%vvvvvttttttttttLBB B BD/HD8568n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%bTTC BD/HD8566n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%LLLLLJHHHHHHHHH8,,C"yOO?NMMRLKKqJI3IvHGGWFEDDDCBeBA@`@ HD864tn/aCopy no.ItemItem identifier%%%TTTTTTTTTRRPPNN0(( *@ HD864sn/aCopyright article-fee codeManifestationNumbering continuity*added 6/21/01fLL ` HD864qn/aPiece physical condition??????added 6/21/01nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH ` HD864pn/aPiece designation??????added 6/21/01`FFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: ` HD864on/aTitle of supp. material/Index??????added 6/21/01x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XRR ` HD864nn/aConverted Gregorian year??????added 6/21/01nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH ` HD864mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@ HD864ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD864kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD864jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD864in/aFirst level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD864hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level...ManifestationNumbering%%%tZZ *@ HD864gn/aAlt. no. scheme, first level...ManifestationNumbering%%%rXX *@ HD864fn/aSixth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD864en/aFifth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD864dn/aFourth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%nnnnnnnnnlljjhhV<< *@ HD864cn/aThird level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD864bn/aSecond level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%nnnnnnnnnlljjhhV<< *@ HD864an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD864n/a02Form of holdingsFieldForm of field%`````^^^^^^^^^^D:: B, HD864n/a01Field encoding levelFieldField encoding level%vvvvvttttttttttLBB B HD8638n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8636n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD863zn/aPublic note??????added 6/21/02T::::::::::::::4.. `qON]NM#MzLK6KJIUIHHbGFFEEEDCZCB BkA@HD865sn/aCopyright-article fee code??????added 6/21/01nTTTTTTTTTT HD865sn/aCopyright-article fee code??????added 6/21/01rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRLL ` HD865qn/aPiece physical condition??????added 6/21/01nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH ` HD865pn/aPiece designation??????added 6/21/01`FFFFFFFFFFFFFF@:: ` HD865on/aTitle of indexManifestationManifestation designation*%%%N44 *@ HD865nn/aConverted Gregorian year??????TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTNHH @ HD865mn/aAlt. no. scheme, chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~||zzhNN *@ HD865ln/aFourth level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD865kn/aThird level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%|||||||||zzxxvvdJJ *@ HD865jn/aSecond level of chronologyManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@  HD865hn/aAlt. no. scheme, second level& ManifestationNumbering%%%nTT *@ HD865gn/aAlt. no scheme, first level& ManifestationNumbering%%%~~||jPP *@ HD865fn/aSixth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD865en/aFifth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD865dn/aFourth level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%nnnnnnnnnlljjhhV<< *@ HD865cn/aThird level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%llllllllljjhhffT:: *@ HD865bn/aSecond level of...ManifestationNumbering%%%nnnnnnnnnlljjhhV<< *@ HD865an/aFirst level of enumerationManifestationNumbering%%%~~~~~~~~~||zzxxfLL *@ HD865n/a02Form of holdingsFieldForm of field%`````^^^^^^^^^^D:: B1 HD865n/a01Field encoding levelFieldField encoding level%vvvvvttttttttttLBB B HD8648n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8646n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& C HD864zn/aPublic note??????added 6/21/01T::::::::::::::4.. ` HD864xn/aNonpublic note??????added 6/21/01Z@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44 ` HD864wn/aBreak indicator??????added 6/21/01\BBBBBBBBBBBBBB<66 `zyON]NM]MLKBKJXJIrInIHHG*GFDFED)DC?CBYBA-A@HD876n/a02Undefinedn/an/a444444444444444.(( HD876n/aM HD876n/a02Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @L HD876n/a01Undefinedn/an/a8888888888888882,, @C HD8688n/aField link and sequence no.SegmentSegment identifier/type%%\NN C HD8686n/aLinkage%FieldParallel%%FFFFFDBBBBBBBBB2&& CA HD868zn/aPublic note??????:::::::::::::::4.. @@ HD868xn/aNonpublic 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The place code recorded in MARC 008 (All) character positions 15-17 may correspond to place of publication/BD008Continuingn/a18-34See 006 Continuing 01-17n/an/a008 Fixed-Length Data Elements - General Information - Continuing resourcesrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlff4*$ @{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!              &BD/HD005n/a00-07Date of latest transactionRecordDate/time of latest transaction%005 Date and Time of Latest TransactionfZZ&B{PBD581n/a02Undefinedn/an/a581=88888888888888882,, @׎{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!             BD008Visualn/a18-34See 006 Visual 01-17n/an/a008 Fixed-Length Data Elements - General Information - Visual materials````````````````ZTT," @i d _ Z 7 T  _ _ ] ]]]]]]]]]]]]] +tv@֎v@AccessLayout54MR2KeepLocal T@zz:::::::8 @^rv@5Av@appendix-e5byBBB66666664 @-rv@-rv@DataAccessPages5@@@@@@@@@@> -rv@-rv@SysRel5.........., -rv@-rv@Modules50000000000. -rv@-rv@Scripts50000000000. -rv@-rv@Reports50000000000. -rv@-rv@Forms5,,,,,,,,,,*  ,rv@,rv@UserDefined5A@DDD88888886 @ ,rv@,rv@SummaryInfo5@DDD88888886 @8+rv@G,rv@MSysAccessObjects5DDDDDDDDDDB *rv@*rv@MSysRelationships4DDDDDDDDDDB *rv@*rv@MSysQueries488888888886 *rv@*rv@MSysACEs422222222220 *rv@*rv@MSysObjects488888888886 *rv@*rv@MSysDb5\@:::......., @*rv'BD/HD005n/a08-15Time of latest transactionRecordDate/time of latest transaction%005fZZ&B6 F{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' '(BD006n/a00Form of materialH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipExpressionH"Form of expression (1)%%1. The value "a" (language material) in MARC 006 character position 00 corresponds to "alpha numeric notation" as a form of expression as defined in FRBR. The value "t" (manuscript language material) concatenates form of expression as defined in FRBR wi006 Fixed-Length Data Elements - Additional Material Characteristics - Booksz,,,..........,**: PK[{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   )BD006Bookn/a01-04IllustrationsWorkForm of work%006BookmdddddddddddddbbbJBB( @CS{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   *BD006Bookn/a05Target audienceWorkIntended audience%006BookullllllllllllljjjH@@" @A{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!              BD008Mixedn/a18-34See 006 Mixed 01-17n/an/a008 Fixed-Length Data Elements - General Information - Mixed materials\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VPP*  @i?O{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   ,BD006Bookn/a07-10Nature of contentsWorkForm of work%%006BookypppppppppppppnllTLL( @5E{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   -BD006Bookn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%006BookzzzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @5E{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   .BD006Bookn/a12Conference publicationWorkSource of work*%%%006BookzzzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @ {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!         /BD006Bookn/a13Festschrift? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Purpose of work*006Book 8" @aq{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)" 6666665555555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444433333333333 3 3 3 3 333333333322222222222 2 2 2 2 222222222211111111111 1 1 1 1 1111111111000000000 0 0 0 0 0000000000//////////// / / / / //////////........... . . . . ..........------- - - - - ---------- ,,,,,,,,,,+++++ + + + + ++++++++++********** * * * * **********))))) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))(((((( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%% $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$ ########## """""""""" ! !!!!!!!!!!                   0BD006Bookn/a14IndexWorkForm of work%006BookWNNNNNNNNNNNNNLLL4,," @o1BD006Bookn/a15Undefinedn/an/a006BookI@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44" @MO_v12BD006Bookn/a16Literary formWorkForm of work%%006Booki`````````````^\\D<<" @WgKYKJIHKHGE;&{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !    y r k d ] V O H A : 3 , %     } v o h a Z S L E > 7 0 ) "    z s l e ^ W P I B ; 4 - &     ~ w p i b [ T M F ? 8 1 * #     {tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! yrkd]VOHA:37BD006Comp/ERn/a06-08Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@.$ `6BD006Comp/ERn/a05Target audienceWorkIntended audience%Revised name 7/8/03rrrrrrrrrrrpppNFF($ `5BD006Comp/ERn/a01-04Undefinedn/an/aRevised name 7/8/03rLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF@@.$ `4BD006Comp/ERn/a00Form of material? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementExpression?Form of expression%%%Revised name 7/8/03L&&&&&&&$"""   H($ d`3BD006Bookn/a17BiographyWorkForm of work%%XXXXXXXXXXXXVTT<44" @2BD006Bookn/a16Literary formWorkForm of work%%````````````^\\D<<" @BD006Bookn/a15Undefinedn/an/a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44" @BD006Bookn/a14IndexWorkForm of work%NNNNNNNNNNNNLLL4,," @BD006Bookn/a13Festschrift? clarification required on nature or scope of application of MARC data elementWork?Purpose of work*8" @BD006Bookn/a12Conference publicationWorkSource of work*%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @BD006Bookn/a11Government publicationWorkSource of work*%%%zzzzzzzzzzzxvttVNN" @BD006Bookn/a07-10Nature of contentsWorkForm of work%%ppppppppppppnllTLL( @BD006Bookn/a06Form of itemH" inexact correspondence between MARC data element and entity attribute or relationshipManifestationH"Form of carrier (2)%%%%%2. The values  a (microfilm),  b (microfiche), and  c (microopaque) in MARC 006 (Books) character position 06 correspond to form of carrier as defined in FRBR. 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