All users have a default bookshelf, which is automatically created for each user and is called “default bookshelf” or “my bookshelf.”
n create one or more customized bookshelves that are maintained and accessed only via My Talking Books. Bookshelves are designed to be a convenient way for you to keep a list of books you are interested in and organize them as you please.
You can create customized bookshelves and call them whatever you wish. Once created, you could fill them with books of your choice, list or order what is inside the bookshelf, remove or delete books or all books you no longer want, and delete the entire bookshelf if you have no further use for it. Here are some examples of how this could be done.
Say “Lady A, create bookshelf science” or “Lady A, create bookshelf novels”
Adding books to your bookshelves
While browsing a list of books, you can select books to add to one of your bookshelves.
Say “Lady A, list books about science.” Once your smart speaker begins listing book titles, say, for example, “Add number 4 to Bookshelf Science”
If you do not mention the name of a bookshelf when adding a book, as in “add to bookshelf” or “add to my bookshelf,” the system will automatically add the book selected to your default bookshelf.
Listing your personal bookshelves and their contents
You can ask your smart speaker to tell you which bookshelves you have created.
Say “Lady A, list my bookshelves”, or “Lady A, list all bookshelves”. Your smart speaker will list all bookshelves that are available to you. If you select one by its number or its name, you will be provided with a list of its contents.
If you remember the name of a bookshelf (for instance, science), you can hear its contents by asking for it by name. Say “Lady A, list bookshelf science.”
To list the contents of your default bookshelf, simply say “list books in my bookshelf.”
Sorting your bookshelves and their contents
The contents of any list or bookshelf can be sorted. The default order of any list starts with the most recently added book.
To sort the books on your bookshelf, say “Lady A, sort by author” or “Lady A, order by author.”
An alternative to sorting by author, you can ask by title, so, for instance, “Order by title.” Books are sorted alphabetically. If you want to have the order reversed, say “Down by author” or “Reverse by title.”
If you don’t want to have the list sorted, say “No sort” or “Do not sort,” and books will be listed from the most recently added one. The system remembers your last sorting order for each bookshelf. When in doubt, simply say “Which order” or “Current order,” and it will tell you what order is applied at the time.
Deleting books from your bookshelves:
To delete books from one of your bookshelves, say “Lady A, my bookshelf.” Once the list of titles is spoken, say “Delete number 3.” My Talking Books will ask to confirm that you want to delete the third book. Say “Yes” to delete or “No” to retain the book in your bookshelf. You can confirm the book was deleted by accessing your bookshelf again and seeing if the book has been successfully removed.
You can also ask to remove all books from a certain point on, by saying “Delete all from number 3.” You will be asked for confirmation.
Deleting a bookshelf
To delete an entire bookshelf, say, “Lady A, list my bookshelves.” Once the bookshelf titles are spoken, say “Delete number 3.” My Talking Books will ask to confirm that you want to delete the third bookshelf. Say “Yes” to delete or “No” to retain the bookshelf. An alternative is to say the name of the bookshelf you want to delete. Say “Lady A, list my bookshelves.” Once the bookshelf titles are spoken, say “Delete” and then the name of the bookshelf. My Talking Books will ask to confirm that you want to delete that bookshelf. Say “Yes” to delete or “No” to retain the bookshelf. You can confirm the bookshelf was deleted by listing your bookshelves again and checking if the deletion was successful.