Explore now the NLS Catalog and BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download online service) to locate items in NLS's vast collection. Recently added titles use publisher-provided descriptions to make it easier for readers to identify titles of interest.
Talking Book Topics, Braille Book Review, and International Language Quarterly also list selections of titles recently added to the NLS collection. Your network library can help you find more books or select books for you that match your interests. Contact your network library to learn more.
NLS Catalog
The main NLS Catalog search has many features that make it easy to enjoy our vast collection of audio and braille titles.
- Optimizes search functionality and speed
- Directly links to BARD from catalog listings
- Allows patrons to submit a request to NLS for a title not found in the catalog
- Makes it easy to create and print book lists
- Allows patrons to sort search results by date (newest to oldest or oldest to newest)
- Includes:
- an ask-a-librarian feature, which goes to the NLS Information Services section
- an email button so patrons can send themselves information about a title
- optimized searching and cross-searching via links by author, subject, and format
- the ability to create saved searches
- automatic search history tabs
- optimized short and long-form formatting for printing
- easy-to-find links to the Find Your Library page and other NLS resources
Text-Only Search (Quick)
- Offers Quick, Single-Term, and Multiple-Term search interfaces for the catalog
- Includes a Kids Zone Catalog for preschoolers through young adults
- Allows searches for a specific author, title, subject, or keywords – learn more in the Overview of Text-Only Interface
- Works well with screen readers
The Braille and Audio Reading Download online service has several features that make it easy to search and immediately enjoy our vast collection of audio and braille titles.
- Optimizes search functionality with subjects, language, and account settings
- Direct links for download titles immediately or to save to a wish list for future downloading
- Links to previous downloads and subscriptions to magazines
- Works with BARD Mobile, BARD Express, and My Talking Book skill on smart speaker
You can ask your library to help you sign up for BARD, so you can download titles through your computer or directly to your mobile device using the BARD Mobile app. And the latest version of BARD Express allows you to play audio books and magazines on your PC computer. To order titles from the catalog without using BARD, contact your network library and ask them about options for ordering titles by phone, email, or mail.