Large Print Materials

This reference guide presents selected sources of large-print materials for purchase or loan. Large-print materials have a type size that is easier to read for individuals with low vision. Most adult books are set in 10- to 12-point type, newspapers are often 8-point type, and some editions of the Bible are in 6-point type.

Type size is measured in points from the bottom of the lowest letter (for example, the tail of the letter “y”) to the tallest capital.

Type that is one inch high measures 72 points.

Large-print materials are most commonly available in 16- to 18-point type. The minimum size for large-print materials as defined by the US Postal Service Free Matter for the Blind mailing standard is 14-point type, which is the size used for the printed version of this reference guide. Sources listed below are United States book publishers and distributors, organizations for persons with visual impairments, and retailers of adaptive and accessible materials, and specialized libraries. When known, point size is indicated for each entry. Additionally, large-print collections can be found in most public libraries, which may also provide access through interlibrary loan.

These sources may also provide general information about low vision. Please contact the organizations and vendors of the products of interest directly to verify current prices and product specifications.


General Resources from NLS

The sources below give specific information pertaining to special-format magazines, religious material, and calendars. These publications are available free upon request:

Large-print magazines

Magazines in Special Media
Lists magazines in large print, as well as other special formats.

Large-print religious materials

Bibles and Other Sacred Writings in Special Media
Lists Bibles and sacred texts in large print, as well as other special formats.

Large-print calendars

Braille and Large-Print Calendars

Selected Sources of Large-Print Materials

ACT (American College Testing)

Services for Students with Disabilities
Attn: National Standard Time with Accommodations
PO Box 168
Iowa City, IA 52243-0168
(319) 337-1270
(319) 337-1332 testing with accommodations
[email protected] External

Provides a large-print test booklet (18-point). Has established policies for requesting accommodations.

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services

PO Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
(212) 870-3400
(212) 870-3137 fax
[email protected] External

Provides large-print publications such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions in English and Spanish. Some titles are available only in English. Website is available in English, French, and Spanish.

American Printing House for the Blind (APH)

1839 Frankfort Ave.
PO Box 6085
Louisville, KY 40206
(502) 895-2405
800-223-1839 toll-free
(502) 899-2284 fax
[email protected] External

Provides large-print textbooks and some leisure reading material, as well as resources for parents and professionals. Large-print children’s magazines are also available: Scholastic News, Junior Scholastic, and Science World. APH’s Louis Database of Accessible Materials lists the location information for more than 180,000 titles in special formats, including large print. Sells the EZ Track Calendar, a large-print appointment book.

Baker & Taylor

2550 W. Tyvola Rd., Ste. 300
Charlotte, NC 28217
(704) 998-3100
800-775-1800 toll-free
(704) 998-3316 fax
[email protected] External

Offers retailers and libraries fiction and nonfiction titles from major large-print publishers.

BetterWorld Books

215 S Main St.
Goshen, IN 46526
(574) 534-1984 External

Offers a variety of fiction and nonfiction titles in large print.

Center Point Large Print

PO Box 1
Thorndike, ME 04986-0001
800-929-9108 toll-free
(207) 568-3727 fax
[email protected] External

Publishes adventure, fiction, mystery, romance, nonfiction, and western titles in large print. Bulk orders for libraries and retailers are available.

College Board

Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Program
P.O. Box 7504
London, KY 40742-7504
(212) 713-8333
(609) 882-4118 TTY
866-360-0114 fax
[email protected] External

Provides large-print materials for students with disabilities who take College Board tests, including the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the SAT Subject Tests, Advanced Placement (AP) tests, and the Preliminary SAT. Has established policies regarding documentation of a disability and the process for requesting accommodations.

Doubleday Large Print Book Club External

Offers bestsellers, Christian fiction, classics, contemporary female fiction, fiction, historical fiction, mystery, reference, romance, and thrillers. Allows members to pay a yearly subscription and order books at lower-than-average prices.

Dover Publications

Customer Care Department
31 E. 2nd St.
Mineola, NY 11501-3852
(516) 294-7000
(516) 742-6953 fax External

Provides classics, including poetry and short stories, in large print.

Educational Testing Service (ETS) Disability Services

PO Box 6054
Princeton, NJ 08541-6054
(609) 771-7780
866-387-8602 toll-free

(609) 771-7165 fax
[email protected] External

Provides large-print materials for students with disabilities who take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test and Subject Tests. Has established policies regarding documentation of a disability and the process for requesting accommodations.

General Educational Development (GED) Testing Service

877-392-6433 (877-EXAM-GED)
[email protected] External

Provides accommodations in testing, such as large-print tests and extended time, for adults with documented physical and learning disabilities.

High Noon Books

20 Leveroni Ct.
Novato, CA 94949
800-422-7249 toll-free
(415) 883-3314
888-287-9975 fax
[email protected] External

Provides fiction and nonfiction books for upper elementary and junior high school students who read substantially below grade level. Also publishes graphic novels and high-interest/low-level novels and offers mobile apps, e-books, and audiobooks. Type size and line spacing are adjusted to reading level. “Sound Out” chapter books are written for low first-grade reading level and are in 20-point type.

Horizons for the Blind

125 Erick St., A103
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 444-8800 TDD
800-318-2000 toll-free
(815) 444-8830 fax
[email protected] External

Offers many books in large print as well as the monthly periodical Seeing It Our Way, which has articles, craft instructions, recipes, helpful hints, sports information, and games.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

HMH Trade & Reference

9205 Southpark Center Loop
Orlando, FL 32819
800-225-3362 toll-free
800-634-7568 fax
[email protected] External

Sells the Large Print American Heritage Dictionary, the Large Print Roget’s II Thesaurus, and the Webster’s New World Large Print Dictionary.

Independent Living Aids

137 Rano Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14207
800-537-2118 toll-free
(855) 937-3906 toll-free fax External

Offers large-print materials including the Merriam-Webster’s Concise Dictionary Large-Print Edition, the Webster’s Large Print Dictionary, the King James Version Large-Print Bible (16-point type), crossword puzzle books, measuring spoons and cups, calculators, calendar/planners, address books, bingo cards, check and deposit registers, diabetes registers, and playing cards.


6150 Little Willow Road
Payette, ID 83661
800-544-4551 toll-free
(800) 544-4551toll-free fax External

Offers children’s textbooks and reading books at various grade levels in literature, mathematics, and social studies. Most books can be customized at any point size upon request.

Lighthouse International

Lighthouse Guild
The Sol and Lillian Goldman Building
111 E. 59th St.
New York, NY 10022-1202
800-284-4422 toll-free External

Offers large-print materials including address books, playing cards, Sudoku puzzles, check registers, and crossword puzzles.

LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)

145 River Rock Dr.
Buffalo, NY 14207
(716) 348-3500
800-468-4789 toll-free
866-317-8533 TTY
(877) 498-1482 fax External

Offers large-print materials including the Random House Webster’s Large-Print Dictionary, the King James Version Giant-Print Bible, crossword puzzle books, calendars, address books, check registers, bingo cards, and playing cards.


42 Executive Blvd.
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(631) 752-0521
800-522-6294 toll-free
800-281-3555 toll-free TTY
631-752-1145 video phone
631-752-0689 fax External

Offers large-print materials including English-language dictionaries, the King James Version Giant-Print Reference Bible, cookbooks, crossword puzzle books, address books, calendars, check registers, Scrabble, bingo cards, and playing cards.

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Music Section, Library of Congress

1291 Taylor St. NW
Washington, DC 20542-4962
(202) 707-0514
800-424-8567, ext. 2 toll-free
(202) 707-0712 fax
[email protected]

Offers large-print music with a minimum of 14-point type and a staff size of one inch for voice, piano, and other instruments. Also has books about music, librettos, biographies of popular and classical musicians, music magazines, general music histories, and some music reference works. Materials are available to registered patrons who are unable to read or use regular printed materials.

Oxford University Press

Customer Service Department
2001 Evans Rd.
Cary, NC 27513
800-445-9714 toll-free
(919) 677-1303 fax
[email protected] External

Offers large-print materials including the Oxford Dictionary, the Oxford Thesaurus, the Scofield Study Bible, and the New American Bible.

Random House Large Print

1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 782-9000
800-726-0600 toll-free External

Offers primarily general fiction with some mystery, biography, and nonfiction.

Resources for Rehabilitation

22 Bonad Rd.
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 368-9080
(781) 368-9096 fax
[email protected] External

Offers Living with Low Vision resource guide and Resources for Elders with Disabilities in large print.

Thorndike Press

10 Water St., Ste. 310
Waterville, ME 04901
800-223-1244 toll-free
(207) 861-7501 fax
800-558-4676 toll-free fax
[email protected] External

Publishes more than 100 large-print titles per month, many of which are bestsellers from the major publishing houses. Offers genres including adventure, biography, Christian fiction, fiction, cookbooks, mystery, fantasy, inspiration, nonfiction, romance, science fiction, Spanish-language materials, and westerns. Some titles are available in paperback.

Ulverscroft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.

950A Union Rd., Ste. 427
PO Box 1230
West Seneca, NY 14224-1230
(716) 674-4270
800-955-9659 toll-free
(716) 674-4195 fax
[email protected] External

Offers fiction and nonfiction titles, including children’s literature, classics, mystery, romance, and westerns.



American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Big Type Company
Independent Living Aids
LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)


American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Baker & Taylor
BetterWorld Books
Doubleday Large Print Book Club
High Noon Books
Large Print Press – Gale
Library Reproduction Services (LRS)
Thorndike Press
Ulverscroft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.


ACT (American College Testing)
American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
College Board
Educational Testing Service (ETS) Disability Services
General Education Development (GED) Testing Service
High Noon Books
Library Reproduction Service (LRS)


American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Baker & Taylor
Baker Book House
BetterWorld Books
Center Point Large Print
Doubleday Large Print Book Club
Dover Publications
High Noon Books
Horizons for the Blind
Large Print Book Company
The Large Print Bookshop
Large Print Press – Gale
Library Reproduction Service (LRS)
Random House Large Print
Thorndike Press
Transaction Publishers
Ulversoft Large-Print Books (USA) Inc.


American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Independent Living Aids
Resources for Rehabilitation

Large-Print Accessories

American Printing House for the Blind
Big Type Company
Independent Living Aids
Lighthouse International
LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)

Library Retailers

Baker & Taylor
Center Point Large Print
Thorndike Press


American Printing House for the Blind
Horizons for the Blind
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section
Xavier Society for the Blind


American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Baker & Taylor
BetterWorld Books
Center Point Large Print
Doubleday Large Print Book Club
Dover Publications
High Noon Books
Horizons for the Blind
Library Reproduction Service (LRS)
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section
Random House Large Print
Thorndike Press
Ulversoft Large-Print Books (USA), Inc.

Puzzles and Games

American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Independent Living Aids
The Large Print Bookshop
Lighthouse International
LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)
Merriam-Webster, Inc.
The New York Times Store


American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Doubleday Large Print Book Club
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Independent Living Aids
Library Reproduction Service (LRS)
LS&S (Learning, Sight, and Sound)
Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Oxford University Press


Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
American College Testing
BetterWorld Books
College Board
High Noon Books
Library Reproduction Service (LRS)
Thorndike Press


Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Harvard Ranch Publishing
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Music Section
Resources for Rehabilitation

Additional Resources

In addition to the resources listed above, the Information Services Section of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled publishes a number of reference guides informing users of resources, which may be relevant to their needs. Below is a selection of those publications. For more, please visit

Accessible Mobile Reading Apps

Assistive Technology Products for Information Access

Blindness and Visual Impairments: Information and Assistance Organizations

Magnifying Devices

Resources for Senior Citizens and Their Families

Updated March 2023

Have a question? Need assistance? NLS librarians are here to help you. Email [email protected] or visit the Ask a Librarian! page.

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