Resources for Aging Adults and Their Families

The resources listed in this reference guide are designed to assist adults over the age of 55 with disabilities, as well as their caregivers, in handling new physical, psychological, and financial challenges.

Many older adults have to adapt to a disability such as sight loss from macular degeneration, glaucoma, or cataracts. Decreased mobility, poor nutrition, and injury from falling are related impairments associated with low vision in senior citizens. Many seniors feel depressed and isolated because of changes in their lives that stem from their disabilities. Depression has been shown to correlate with the abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs in seniors. New disabilities lead to unanticipated out-of-pocket expenses, including assisted living care, home modifications, and increased medication costs at a time when income is often fixed. In addition, isolation and reduced cognitive ability leave older adults open to abuse and fraud. Such challenges can be overwhelming for seniors and those who care for them.

This guide surveys a spectrum of organizations, online tools, and articles from government, academic, and nonprofit sources. All nonprofit sources are checked against the IRS Exempt Organization and Revoked Organizations, Charity Watch, GuideStar, and ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer. While the primary focus of this guide is at-risk seniors, it also covers topics such as employment and federal and state benefits. New sections include nutrition for older adults, transportation and driving, and safety and emergency preparedness. Part Two contains a selective bibliography of current articles from academic journals and media sources highlighting recent research. The guide concludes with a directory of contact information for all sources in Part One.

Except where noted, the information and organizations found in this guide are not part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled or the Library of Congress, and their inclusion does not imply endorsement.


Part One: Resources for Aging Adults

Part Two: Selective Bibliography

Part Three: Contact Information

Part One: Resources for Aging Adults

Resources for Seniors Affected by COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Administration for Community Living External
Provides a list of resources on COVID-19 for older adults. Updated regularly.

COVID-19 Fraud
Senior Medicare Patrol External
Gives information on how to protect seniors against COVID-19 fraud and where seniors can report fraud if they have been a victim.

COVID-19 Resources for Older Adults & Caregivers
National Council on Aging External
Provides information on Medicare, Medicaid, housing and utilities, affordable food, and emotional distress for seniors affected by COVID-19.

Government COVID-19 Resources for Older Adults
National Institute on Aging External
Offers resources for housing, veterans, healthcare, emotional distress, and employment for seniors affected by COVID-19.

Resources for Older Adults and Their Families
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External
Provides resources for seniors and their caregivers on managing finances during the pandemic.

Financial Resources

Federal, State, and County Benefits

National Council on Aging External
Online form provides seniors information on their eligibility for programs that may help pay for medications, food, utilities, health care, housing, in-home services, transportation, and employment training.

Benefits Finder External
Interactive questionnaire helps seniors find benefits they are eligible to receive.

Benefits Planner: Retirement
Social Security Administration External
Retirement calculators include variables such as retirement age, stop work age, and survivor’s benefits.

Contact Information for State Departments of Agriculture and Public Health
United States Department of Health and Human Services External
Provides public health contact information for all states.

Find a Health Center
United States Department of Health and Human Services External
Allows users to locate HRSA Health Centers, which provide medical care to individuals who have no health insurance. Includes checkups, treatment for illnesses, dental care, and help with prescription drug costs.

Justice in Aging External
Partners with state and federal agencies to ensure essential government programs are accessible to qualified seniors. Offers webinars, publications, and consultations related to the legal needs of older adults.

Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Summarizes the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program, which launched in 2014 with the goal of improving health care to Medicaid beneficiaries through state-run programs.

Medicare Benefits
Social Security Administration External
Allows users to apply for Medicare online. Provides information on applying for help with prescription costs; examining the benefits of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D; and replacing a lost, stolen, or damaged Medicare card.

Medicare Coverage and Appeals
Center for Medicare Advocacy External
A nonprofit, non-partisan, public-interest law firm that advocates for Medicare and quality health care on behalf of older and disabled people. Provides forms and instructions for appeals. Of special interest to caretakers.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Directs older adults and their families to information on key Medicare-related topics, including where to sign up for Medicare, how to change plans, the benefits of Medicare drug coverage, and where to find Medicare forms for claims and appeals. Provides a searchable database of medical providers who take Medicare.

Medicare Interactive External
Medicare Interactive provides Medicare-related information on topics such as eligibility and enrollment, coverage, rights and protections, health plan options, prescription drugs, and programs for people with lower income.

Medicare Rights Center External
Nonprofit organization working to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities. Provides a free online reference tool designed to help older adults and people with disabilities navigate the complex world of health insurance. Offers a general introduction to Medicare using video-based e-learning.

Medicare Savings Programs
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Describes the four Medicare savings programs: Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB), Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB), Qualifying Individual (QI), and Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI).

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare External
Provides general information and recent news related to Social Security and Medicare.

Retirement External
Basics on retirement planning and pension benefits such as how Social Security works, retiring from the civil service, and managing a private pension.

Retirement Benefits
Social Security Administration External
Allows users to apply for retirement benefits like Social Security and Medicare, return to a saved application, and check the application status. Provides a Social Security calculator that identifies spousal and retirement benefits.

Seniors & Medicare and Medicaid Enrollees External
Presents charts detailing what Medicaid covers for Medicare enrollees.

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP)
SHIP National Technical Assistance Center External
Administered by Medicare and run by the states, SHIP helps seniors cover their out-of-pocket Medicare costs. Allows users to search by state for information on Medicare Savings Programs and Part D Low Income Subsidies.

Medication Costs

United Way External
Offers information on prescription-assistance services and medical transportation options for seniors, either via a searchable online database or a 24-hour hotline that connects callers with service professionals in their area.

The Extra Help/Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program Medicare Rights Center External
Provides forms and eligibility requirements for a program that pays the cost of Medicare prescription drug coverage for lower income seniors. Seniors on Medicaid automatically qualify.

Patient Assistance Program
CenteRXAssist External
Information on patient assistance programs run by pharmaceutical companies to provide free medications to people who cannot afford to buy their medicine. Offers a comprehensive database of these patient assistance programs, as well as tools, news, and articles.

Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Provides an alphabetical list of prescription drugs linked to information about assistance programs sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
National PACE Association External
Program seeks to help low-income seniors living in PACE service areas stay independent by providing prescription drug and nursing home level care. Provides Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage as well as all other necessary medication without copayments or gaps in coverage.

State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
National Conference of State Legislatures External
Provides a state-by-state summary of programs that use state funds to pay a portion of medication costs for individuals. Includes links to PDF copies of relevant forms.


AARP Tax-Aide Program External
Identifies documents to bring to a session with a tax-aid volunteer, shares tax tips for older adults and their caregivers, and lists tax-aid volunteers by ZIP code or county.

About Publication 907, Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions on preparing taxes for persons with disabilities, recent developments, and links to additional items people with disabilities, their friends, and caretakers find useful.

Frequently Asked Questions for Seniors
Internal Revenue Service External
Answers tax questions frequently asked by seniors.

IRS Tax Volunteers
Internal Revenue Service External
Instructions on signing up to volunteer to prepare taxes for senior citizens.

Seniors and Retirees
Internal Revenue Service External
Provides free tax-filing tool and an Interactive Tax Assistant that answers questions and calculates standard deductions. Includes information on finding a local tax-aid volunteer, special rules for seniors when deducting medical expenses, and tax scams/consumer alerts. Allows users to download replacement forms for the SSA-1099 and SSA-1042S.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly
Internal Revenue Service External
Helps locate local establishments providing free tax preparation assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs. VITA serves individuals whose income is $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, and limited English speakers. TCE offers free tax help to individuals who are 60 or older. TCE specializes in questions regarding pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors.


Catholic Charities USA External
Provides searchable list of local Catholic Charities that may provide low-cost food, housing programs, and help with rent and utilities.

State Data Center
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program External
Lists local Low Income Home Energy Assistance Programs by state. Describes state eligibility requirements and provides links to applications.

United States Environmental Protection Agency External
Provides information on water-saving fixtures and offers rebates on toilets, faucets, and showerheads with the WaterSense label.

Weatherization Assistance Program
United States Department of Energy (DOE) External
Lists weatherization program grants by state and describes how weatherization can reduce heating bills. Also includes United States Housing and Urban Development Multifamily Property listings eligible for the problem.

Work and Volunteer Opportunities

AARP Work and Jobs
AARP External
Articles focus on all aspects of career and work after the age of 55, including changing jobs, opening your own business, and staying competitive. Can be searched by job location and interests.

Office of Disability Employment Policy External
Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations explained.

Current Openings
National Older Worker Career Center External
Shares job openings available to experienced workers over the age of 55 through the Senior Environmental Employment program and the Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services program. Allows users to find field offices by state and submit applications online.

AmeriCorps Seniors External
Connects volunteers ages 55 and over with people and organizations in their community.

Experience Works External
Delivers job training to low-income people who are older. Provides a free career-match tool, a list of field offices searchable by state, and a community message board.

Federal Work Programs
Center for Workplace Inclusion External
Operates employment programs for America’s seniors in collaboration with federal programs such as Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), the Senior Environmental Employment Program (SEE), and the Agricultural Conservation Experienced Services Program (ACES) at the state level.

Older Workers
United States Department of Labor
Office of Disability Employment Policy External
Information on disability employment and older workers.

Senior Community Service Employment Program
Department of Labor External
Work-based job training program for Americans 55 or older who have a family income of no more than 125 percent of the federal poverty level and are unemployed. Focuses on community service activities at nonprofit and public facilities in an employee’s local area. Enrollment priority is given to veterans.

Resources for Caregivers

Administration for Community Living External
Educates older people and their caregiver about benefits and services that can help them.

Caregiver Action Network External
Provides education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers free of charge.

Caregiving and Retirement Security
Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement  External
Gives information on caregivers’ retirement security.

Caregiving Resource Center
AARP External
Provides articles and expert advice for caregivers. Gives caregivers a platform to share their stories and a way to locate support groups.

CareHive: AgeLab's Caregiver Panel
MIT AgeLab External
CareHive, part of MIT’s AgeLab, is a caregiving research initiative building an online caregiver panel to learn about the experiences and thoughts of caregivers. Caregivers who wish to participate in the research initiative can sign up online.

Caring for Loved Ones
United States Securities and Exchange Commission External
Shares advice on saving and investing for one’s own retirement while caring for loved ones who are senior citizens.

Daughterhood Circles External
Hosts monthly meet-ups in most states for daughters who are caregivers. Website includes podcasts, a blog, and recommended reading.

Eldercare Locator External
Connects older adults and their families with local resources. Provides online chat and articles on federal and state benefits and long-term and advanced care.

Family Caregiver Alliance External
Provides free videos, classes, events, training, state-by-state resources, online caregiver support group, and information on in-home caregiving, caregiving and illness, long-distance caregiving, and death.

Finding Aging Resources in Your Area
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging External
Search by city, state, and ZIP code for services for older adults and caregivers.

For Caregivers
Internal Revenue Service External
Answers common tax questions for caregivers of aging parents.

Managing Someone Else’s Money
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External
Provides guidelines for caregivers who manage money or property for a loved one.

National Family Caregiver Support Program
Administration for Community Living External
Provides grants to states and territories to fund various supports that help family and informal caregivers care for older adults in their homes for as long as possible. Is a resource for support networks and service providers.

Working with Older Adults and People with Disabilities: Tips for Treatment and Discharge Planning
Public Health Emergency External
For public health care workers and caregivers on how to support older adults and people with disabilities during emergencies.


Aging in Place
Administration for Community Living: Finding Help for Yourself or a Loved One
Department of Health and Human Services External
Links to community living resources for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and families. Lists funded resource centers by state.

Age in Place
National Aging in Place Council External
Provides practical advice and service providers on a number of issues related to aging. Local chapters and events. Can search by ZIP code and topic.

Information for Senior Citizens
United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) External
Broken into three main categories, provides resources on staying in the home, finding an apartment, and protecting yourself from housing discrimination and reverse mortgage frauds. Check for financial assistance resources and talk to a HUD-approved housing counselor if you have questions about your situation.

Meals on Wheels America External
Supports 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs. Delivers nutritious meals, safety checks, and friendly visits that enable seniors to live independently.

Program of All-Inclusive Care for Elderly (PACE)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Assists seniors in meeting their health-care needs at home. Provides information on PACE service areas, PACE under Medicaid, and applying for PACE.

Village to Village Network External
Volunteer-run program that coordinates access to affordable transportation, health and wellness, home repairs, and social activities for seniors.

Nursing Homes, Memory Care, and Palliative Care
US Department of Health and Human Services External
Provides information on treatment options, home health care and residential memory care, and using insurance and Medicare to pay for treatment.

Dementia: Medline Plus
US National Library of Medicine External
Offers articles on the symptoms, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, and types of memory disorders. Links to nonprofit and government resources.

Find a Nursing Home:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Searchable database allows consumers to compare information on nursing homes.

Hospice Care
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization External
Explains end-of-life care in the home, hospice center, nursing home, and other long-term care facilities. Includes resources on the Medicare hospice benefit, choosing a quality hospice, finding a care provider, palliative care, dying, and bereavement.

Hospice Care: Medline Plus
US National Library of Medicine External
Gives curated links on hospice and end-of-life care. Includes specific information on terminal illness and dementia, as well as recent articles, statistics, research, and links to find palliative care by state.

How Hospice Works
US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services External
Explains Medicare Part A coverage of hospice and palliative services in plain language. Lists national and state hospice organizations and provides contact information for Medicare representatives by state. Provides searchable database of tests, items, and services covered by Medicare.

Planning for Dementia
US Department of Health and Human Services External
Summarizes key steps in planning for long-term care for Alzheimer’s and dementia. Provides legal information on medical power of attorney, guardianship, and advanced care directives. Links to assisted-living facilities specializing in memory care and information on Medicaid and state based programs.

Resources for Consumers
National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) External
Lists articles on paying for assisted living, consumer protections, types of assisted living, and finding assisted living by state.

Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) External
Provides seniors with financial help to pay rent. Lists HUD Multifamily Offices by state and includes information for applicants and tenants on eligibility requirements and how to apply.

Senior Care
866-333-8857 External
Shares general information on elder abuse, person-centered care, and senior lifestyles, searchable by types of care (assisted living, independent living, memory care, nursing homes, adult day care, hospice care, home care, and elder care) or senior-related illnesses such as cataracts, type-2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.


Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Power of Attorney

City University of New York School of Law—Elder Law Clinic External
Instructional packet created to assist individuals, who cannot afford an attorney, with guardianship proceedings. Includes links to resources and forms

Ensuring Trust: Strengthening State Efforts to Overhaul the Guardianship Process and Protect Older Americans, 2018
Senate Special Committee on Aging External
Surveys current issues around guardianship abuses and makes recommendations for more oversight.

Financial Exploitation in the Context of Guardianships and Other Legal Arrangements
Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative External
Presents concise information on power of attorney, guardianship, and alternatives to help seniors with their finances.

Managing Someone Else’s Money
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External#power-of-attorney
Guides introduce the concepts of power of attorney, court-appointed guardianship, trustees, and government fiduciaries. State-specific guides are also available. Download as a PDF or order print copies online for free.

National Guardianship Association, Inc. External
Features information on rights that may be affected by guardianship, alternatives to guardianship, education, and resources on how to find a guardian.

Wills and Advanced Directives

Download Your State’s Advance Directives
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization  External
Provides links to advance directives in PDF format by state. Also includes glossary of terms and information on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).

Getting Your Affairs in Order
National Institute on Aging External
Offers guide to getting your papers and affairs in order.

Law for Seniors
Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education External
Focuses on federal and nationwide nonprofit programs for seniors. Topics include health care, consumer fraud, losing a spouse or parent, finding senior care, elder abuse, and assistance with utilities, water bills, food, and other resources. Provides a message board where seniors nationwide can ask questions of legal experts.

MedlinePlus: Advance Directives
US National Library of Medicine External
Summarizes advanced care directives for people with disabilities and seniors. Provides links to state-by-state downloadable forms to complete an advance care directive and a glossary of legal and medical terms.

Physical Health

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s Association External
Lists local resources by state. Describes diseases and injury that may cause dementia such as traumatic brain injury, Korsakoff Syndrome, and Frontotemporal Dementia. Allows users to ask questions of peers on the association’s message board and map out steps for caregiving with the Alzheimer’s Navigator tool. Screen can be modified to increase font size.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
National Institute on Aging External
Offers information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia including diagnosis, treatment, caregiving, and research and clinical trials.

Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center
National Institute on Aging External
Describes federal initiatives and research on Alzheimer’s, memory diseases, and aging. Lists clinical trials and provides caregiving tips and resources. Includes a phone number for referral services.

Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet
National Institute on Aging External
Summarizes how Alzheimer’s disease progresses and discusses diagnosis, treatment, clinical trials, and help for caregivers. Formats include HTML, PDF, Spanish language, and video with transcripts.

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) External
Offers the opportunity to chat or Skype with a social worker. Provides information on Alzheimer’s disease, AFA conferences and member organizations, and caregiving resources.
US Department of Health and Human Services External
Identifies treatment options, describes ways to pay for in-home or memory care, and offers advice on caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. Videos with transcripts available.

Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
National Institute on Aging External
Offers basic information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia written in plain English. Spanish and audio versions are available.

Cognitive Health and Older Adults
National Institute on Aging External
Provides information for maintaining cognitive health through the aging process.


Falls Prevention
National Council on Aging (NCOA) External
Provides videos on practical lifestyle adjustments to prevent falls, tips for older adults and their caregivers on reducing the risk of falling, National Falls Prevention Awareness Day (September 22) community events calendar, and fall prevention programs.

Falls Prevention Center of Excellence External
Provides a series of large-print booklets on how to prevent falls for people who are older. Offers web pages for service providers, individuals, families, researchers, and educators.

Falls Prevention: Simple Tips to Prevent Falls
Mayo Clinic External
Shares in-depth tips on how to prevent falling for adults who are older.

Prevent Falls and Fractures
National Library of Medicine External
Provides general information about falling for seniors, including making personal changes, devices that help to prevent falls, and what to do if you fall. Shares videos on falling and older adults and discusses related issues such as balance problems and osteoporosis.

Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention External
Provides brochures on preventing falls and suggests simple exercises seniors can do to improve leg strength and reduce risk.

General Health Resources

Active Older Adults
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion External
Gives physical activity guidelines specifically for older adults.

Adults Age 65 and Older
United States Department of Health and Human Services External
Offers information on vaccines for adults aged 65 and older.

Climate Change and the Health of Older Adults
United States Environmental Protection Agency External [PDF, 4.7 MB / 2 p.]
Explores how climate change affects older adults.

Health Literacy and Older Adults: Reshaping the Landscape
The National Academies of Sciences and Engineering Medicine External
Provides the proceedings of a conference on this topic, including videos, presentations, PowerPoint presentations, and attachments.

Health Topics A-Z
National Institute on Aging External
Lists topics related to aging and health.

Healthy Aging
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention External
Offers interactive tools, including the Healthy Aging Data Portfolio. Users can search for statistics on aging by state and indicators such as overall health, physical health, nutrition and obesity, emotional health, dementia, and smoking and alcohol use.

How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention External
Offers articles, videos, and workout routines for older adults.

Improving Health Literacy for Older adults
United States Department of Health and Human Services External [PDF, 2.4 MB / 56 p.]
Expert panel reported on older adults and health literacy in 2009.

Older Adults
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion External
Provides government data from programs, surveys, and censuses on the health of older adults.

Older Adults: Health and Age-Related Changes
American Psychological Association External
Gives a snapshot of older adults and facts to help dispel myths about aging.

Older Adults’ Health and Age-Related Changes: Reality versus Myth
American Psychological Association External [PDF, 3.5 MB / 4 p.]
Shatters myths about older adults’ cognitive and mental health

Participating in Activities You Enjoy
National Institute on Aging External
Suggests ways to stay active as an older adult.

Patient Education: Older Adults
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network External
Information about donation and transplantation for older adults. In the last decade, the majority of transplant recipients were age 50 and older.

Potentially Inappropriate Medications Used in Older Adults
New York State Department of Health [PDF, 914 KB / 2 p.] External
Offers infographic on medications that can potentially cause negative reactions in older adults.

Programs for Seniors
United States Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) External
Gives links to programs within HHS that provide services for seniors.

Medline Plus External
Lists topics applicable to seniors.

Travelers’ Health: Senior Citizens
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention External
Provides information on vaccines, illness and injury prevention, and medications while traveling.


Age-Related Hearing Loss
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders External
Identifies treatments and devices that can help with hearing loss. Provides a diagnostic quiz and news on age-related hearing loss.

Hearing Loss of Older People (Presbyacusis) External
Provides comprehensive information on hearing loss in older people.


10 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget
National Institute on Aging External
Offers information on buying healthy food on a fixed income.

5 Top Foods for Eye Health
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics External
Suggests top foods for eye health.

Choose My Plate: Older Adults
US Department of Agriculture External
Gives Information on the special nutrition concerns of older adults.

Community Supported Agriculture Group
National Agricultural Library External
Provides information about community supported agriculture groups where seniors can find low cost, farm-to-table, healthy foods from local growers.

Find a Local Community Supported Agriculture
Local Harvest: Community Supported Agriculture External
Discusses the benefits of Community Supported Agriculture allows consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Program helps seniors purchase fresh food at lower prices.

Food Safety for Older Adults External
Provides infographic on food safety for older adults.

Food Safety for Older Adults External
Offers a guide on food safety for adults 65 years and older.

For Seniors
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics External
Site posts a new article daily on topics of interest to seniors.

Healthy Eating
National Institute on Aging External
Links to articles and resources on healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, and shopping for healthy foods as a senior.

Hunger Among Older Adults
Food Research and Action Center External
Presents research on SNAP benefits, food insecurity, and older adults.

Know Your Food Groups
National Institute on Aging External
Discusses food groups and recommended portion sizes all food groups.

Local Food Directories: National Farmers Market Directory
United States Department of Agriculture External
Provides a directory of farmers markets in the United States, searchable by ZIP code. See Community Support Agriculture Group for information on how seniors can purchase local, fresh food at farmers markets.

Nutrition Education Materials
SNAP-Ed Connection External
Information on meal planning, shopping, budgeting, healthy eating on a fixed income, food safety, gardening, and farmer’s markets.

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Food and Nutrition Service, United States Department of Agriculture External
The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program awards grants to States, US Territories, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments to provide low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods (fruits, vegetables, honey, and fresh-cut herbs) at farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and community-supported agriculture programs.

Senior Food Insecurity Studies
Feeding America External
Links reports and statistics from 2014 to 2019 on food insecurity and senior hunger.

Senior Hunger
Feeding America External
Presents research on older adults and food insecurity.

SNAP and Senior Hunger Facts
National Council on Aging External
Provides key facts on senior food insecurity and SNAP. Article provides hyperlinks that allows readers to explore different parts of the article.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach External
Offers recipes, videos, blog, and free resources on how to eat healthy on a budget.



American Optometric Association  External
Discusses what cataracts are, who they are diagnosed, as well as treatment options and the importance of nutrition to eye health.

Vision Aware External
Introduces the topic of cataracts and cataract surgery. Includes a Frequently Asked Questions section, the “cataracts forum” message board, personal stories, and blog posts from cataract experts. Provides a state-by-state guide to finding eye and cataract services.

Cataracts FAQ
Wilmer Eye Institute,cataract%20surgery%20by%20age%2080. External
Discusses the symptoms, prevention, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of cataracts.

The Lion’s Club Sight First Program: Cataracts
Lions Club International Foundation External
Highlights how The Lion’s Club Sight First Program supports cataract-related projects.

Mission Cataract USA External
Provides free cataract surgery to people of all ages who do not have the means to pay for cataract surgery. Includes a state-by-state search to find participating hospitals, clinics, and doctors.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes Care
American Diabetes Association External
Provides papers on standards of medical care in diabetes and older adults.

Diabetes in Older People
National Institute on Aging External
Offers articles on diabetes in older people. Includes articles on prediabetes, tests for diabetes, managing diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, and help for diabetes covered by Medicare.

Diabetic Eye Disease
National Eye Institute External
Offers an overview of diabetic eye disease. Includes the latest news on research, treatment options, and video animation. Available in HTML and digital audio formats.


Care and Treatment
Glaucoma Research Foundation External
Assembles commonly asked questions on laser peripheral iridotomy, gonioscopy, laser vision correction, and other treatments for glaucoma. Illustrates what happens the day of your surgery. Lists sources of financial assistance, low vision resources, and glaucoma support groups.

Glaucoma: Silent Cause of Vision Loss
Veterans Health Administration External
Highlights research conducted by the Center of Excellence for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Loss to prevent and treat glaucoma and the VA’s programs to prevent and treat glaucoma for veterans.

Glaucoma Tests
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services External
Lists tests for glaucoma covered by Medicare Part B.

Medline Plus: Glaucoma
National Library of Medicine External
Discusses recent genetic research, medications in development, and new treatments and therapies. Provides videos and tutorials that demonstrate how to live with glaucoma, find an expert in glaucoma, and become part of a clinical trial.

Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration
American Optometric Association  External
Provides information on the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, including laser and photodynamic therapy.

Dry Macular Degeneration
Mayo Clinic External\
Provides an overview of dry macular degeneration. Includes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, self-management, and links to further research.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: What You Should Know
National Eye Institute External
Offers detailed articles on age-related macular degeneration, risk factors, and treatment for each stage of the disease. Includes information on vision rehabilitation, which teaches daily living skills so that a person with vision loss can continue to live independently.

Macular Degeneration Foundation External
Provides an eye test and information on disability benefits, treatment, and clinical trials.

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?
American Academy of Ophthalmology External
Discusses the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of age-related macular degeneration. Provides videos on macular degeneration, an online message board where individuals can ask an eye doctor questions, and a list of eye doctors searchable by ZIP code.

What is Macular Degeneration?
American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF) External
Summarizes macular degeneration and illustrates what a person sees when he or she had macular degeneration. Allows users to adjust text size of website.

Resources for Eye Health

BrightFocus Foundation External
Provides information on glaucoma, macular degeneration, and Alzheimer’s as well as resources for people who are newly blind or learning to live with a vision impairment. Includes databases on experts and clinical trials by state, as well as a community message board.
Department of Health and Human Services External
Provides a database of publically and privately supported clinical studies around the world. The database is searchable by disease and location.

Clinical Trials in Vision Research
National Eye Institute External
Describes clinical trials on a number of eye-related diseases.

Cornea Research Foundation of America External
Tracks statistics for preoperative, surgical, and postoperative transplants.

Psychological Health

Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide

Depression and Suicide in Older Adults Resource Guide
American Psychological Association External
Provides an introduction and bibliography on depression and suicide in older adults. Includes citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, and federal reports and links to additional resources such as consumer guides and brochures.

National Institute of Mental Health External
Describes signs and types of depression and provides tips on how to speak to a depressed or suicidal family member. Includes information on treatments for depression, including therapy and medication, and makes information available in PDF format.

Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors)
Care for Elders External
Offers depression screening for seniors, educates older adults and their caregivers about depression, links older adults to service providers, and empowers older adults to manage depression through involvement in meaningful activities.

Issue Brief 4: Preventing Suicide in Older Adults
Older Americans Behavioral Health Brief 4 Preventing Suicide.pdf [PDF, 382 KB / 4 p.] External
Offers information on suicide in older adults.

Mental Health Information: Publications about Older Adults
National Institute of Mental Health External
Includes information on depression, anxiety, and participating in clinical trials aimed at improving the mental health of older adults.

Older Adults
Suicide Prevention Resource Center External
Various articles on suicide prevention for older adults.

PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults
United States Department of Veterans Affairs External
Discusses how age-related factors can interact with posttraumatic stress symptoms and the associated problems and implications for research and clinical care.

Treatment of Depression in Older Adults Evidence-Based Practices Kit
United States Department of Health and Human Services [PDF, 94.4 KB / 69 p.] External
Provides a toolkit for healthcare professionals to treating depression in older adults.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Behavioral Health: Find Health
Administration for Community Living External
Shares resources for mental and emotional wellbeing, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Links to the Treatment and Referral Line and the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Misuse of Prescription Drugs
National Institute of Drug Abuse External
Provides general addiction information and discusses prescription drug abuse.

Substance Use in Older Adults Drug Facts
National Institute of Drug Abuse External
Information on drug abuse and older adults. Includes a bibliography and links to further information.

Substance Use Treatment for Older Adults
SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions External
Information on older adults, mental health, and substance abuse.

Quality of Life

Abuse and Fraud

BBB Scam Tracker
Better Business Bureau External
Tracks fraud. Searchable by fraud type and location.

Better Business Bureau BBB Scam Tips
Council of Better Business Bureaus External
Provides information on existing fraud and allows users to search for and report fraud.

Consumer Complaint Center
Federal Communications Commission External
Allows users to file a complaint, learn about consumer issues, and share your experience.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External
Describes the laws and regulations around fraud associated with banks, lenders, and other financial companies. Allows users to report a fraud or seek assistance. Contact [email protected] if there are accessibility problems with this website.

Elder Fraud
Federal Bureau of Investigation External
Lists common fraud schemes targeting older adults along with tips on how seniors can avoid them.
Identity Protection: Prevention, Detection, and Victim Assistance

Elder Justice Initiative (EJI)
United States Department of Justice External
Provides information on elder abuse and how to get help if you or a loved one is a victim of elder abuse.

Federal Trade Commission External
Allows users to file a consumer complaint, report identity theft, set up “scam alerts,” and register a phone number on the national “do not call list.” Provides printable bookmarks that summarize information in an easy-to-access format for seniors as well as articles on current issues, a list of other useful websites, and fact sheets on the Elder Justice Act of 2003.

File a Mail Fraud Complaint
United States Postal Inspection Service External
How to file a mail fraud, mail theft, identity theft, or unsolicited sexually oriented advertising in the mail to the United States Postal Inspection Service.

For Seniors
United States Security and Exchange Commission External
Provides information on investing wisely for seniors including information on avoiding investment fraud.

Internal Revenue Service External
Provides forms and directions for reporting tax-related identity theft. Offers articles on preventing tax-related identity theft. Seniors
United States Securities and Exchange Commission External
Gives information on “senior specialists,” investor alerts and bulletins, variable annuities, and how to protect yourself from investment fraud.

Medical Identity Theft
Office of the Inspector General, United States Department of Health and Human Services External
Watch public service videos about medical identity theft and seniors, read articles on medical identity theft, and report medical identity theft.

Money Smart for Older Adults
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation External.
Provides the materials for an instructor-led training developed jointly by the FDIC and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau covering topics such as identity and medical theft, common types of elder financial exploitation, scams targeting veterans, and how to be financially prepared for disasters.

Money Smart for Older Adults: Prevent Financial Exploitation External [PDF, 584 KB / 55 p.]
Offers information and tips to prevent common frauds and other types of financial exploitation. Sections for cognitive impairment and for caregivers and family of the elderly.

National Adult Protective Services Association External
Provides information on a nonprofit organization committed to improving the quality of services for victims of elder abuse and vulnerable adult mistreatment. Includes definitions of abuse and the history of adult protective services.

National Center on Elder Abuse
Administration on Aging, USC Keck School of Medicine, and UND Center for Rural Health External
Includes state-by-state elder abuse report phone numbers and local resources, compiled by a research-oriented organization directed by the United States Administration on Aging.

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center External
Includes a state-by-state Ombudsman locator; a library of free material regarding the legal rights of nursing home residents, their families, and caregivers; and an “issues” link that allows you to browse the site using an alphabetical glossary.

Online Complaint System
Better Business Bureau External
Information on how to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau.

Telemarketing Fraud
Federal Bureau of Investigation External
Provides information on how to avoid and report telemarketing fraud.

Tools for Financial Security in Later Life
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External
Offers tools for financial security in later life.

United States Senate Special Committee on Aging External
Includes information on current scams, financial fraud, deceptive marketing, and identity theft of adults who are older.

What is Elder Abuse?
Administration on Community Living External
Summarizes the different kinds of elder abuse, describes warning signs, and suggests ways to get help.

Working with Older Adults
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau External
Offers articles for professionals and family members managing the finances of older adults. Includes the Money Smart for Older Adults Resource Guide, the Toolkit for Later-Life Financial Security, and reports and advisories by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on elder financial exploitation planning for financial incapacity, and Social Security.

Assistive Technology, Accessibility, and Adult Literacy

Accessible Mobile Reading Apps (2019)
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Contains information on mobile apps that allow reading e-braille and/or digital talking books on a smartphone or tablet.

American Foundation for the Blind External
Monthly online magazine for the blind and visually impaired that includes review of electronic assistive technology.

Assistive Technology Products for Information Access (2018)
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Describes assistive software and hardware for the visually impaired and print disabled, such as screen readers, voice-recognition software, optical character-recognition scanning software, magnifiers, and scanners.

Digital Audiobook Players and Braille Readers (2020)
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Lists digital talking-book players and braille readers available from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled and commercial vendors.

Keys to Engaging Older Adults @ Your Library
American Library Association External External [PDF, 713 KB / 8 p.]
Offers a toolkit for librarians with advice on providing programming, accessibility concerns, finding funding, and engaging older adults.

Literacy of Older Adults in America
National Center for Education Statistics [PDF, 1.0 MB / 204 p.] External
Report from the United States Department of Education on adult literacy.

Magnifying Devices (2020)
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Describes the types of magnifying devices and where to get them.

National Federation of the Blind External
Offers more than 500 newspapers and magazines read over the telephone. Serves people with visual and print impairments for free.

Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Disaster Resources for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Disaster External
Offers resources for communities creating emergency preparedness programs for older people with disabilities.

Guidelines and fire safety tips. External
Gives emergency preparedness tips for seniors.

Older adults
National Fire Protection Association External
Offers a program built around 16 key safety messages for older adults– eight for fire prevention and eight for fall prevention.

Transportation and Driving

Accessibility Strategic Plan
Department of Transportation External
For the first time, the US Department of Transportation will have an accessibility strategic plan focusing on making transportation more accessible to people with disabilities.

Adapting Motor Vehicles for Older Drivers
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [PDF, 629 KB / 16 p.] External
Share information on modifying a personal vehicle for physical disabilities topics covered include accessing needs, selecting the right vehicle, choosing a qualified mobility dealer, and obtaining training on the use of new equipment.

United States Department of Transportation, Aviation Consumer Protection External
A compilation of rules, guidance, enforcement orders and publications on disability issues in aviation.

Driving Safely While Aging Gracefully
United States Department of Transportation External
Offers tips to assessing your ability to continue driving as you age.

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities – Section 5310
Federal Transit Administration External
Provides funding to states for the purpose of assisting private nonprofit groups to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities in their community.

Older Drivers
United States Department of Transportation External
Provides guide to road safety for older drivers.

Screening for Passengers 75 and Older
Transportation Security Administration External
Gives procedures for getting an expedited security screening for individuals 75 years and older. Offers information on traveling with medical devices or implants and for passengers 75 years and older who cannot stand for security screening.

Office of Disability Employment Policy, United States Department of Labor External
Links to resources on transportation and mobility for aging workers with a disability.

Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities
Bureau of Transportation Statistics External
Presents key statistics on travel and disability.

Vision Rehabilitation

Low Vision Aids and Low Vision Rehabilitation
American Academy of Ophthalmology External
Advises on making the most out of your low vision. Includes reviews of vision aids and a summary of life-management skills learned in vision rehabilitation.

No Limits Aging
American Foundation for the Blind External
Summarizes services available to older adults in need of vision rehabilitation. Investigates legal aspects.
Vision Rehabilitation for Seniors

Vision Rehabilitation Services
VisionAware External
Provides information on communication skills, personal management skills, independent movement and travel, low-vision devices, and vocational rehabilitation for seniors with visual impairment. Lists vision rehabilitation services by state and highlights personal stories on a blog and message board.

Part Two: Selective Bibliography

AARP and National Alliance for Caregiving. “Caregiving in the United States 2020.” Washington, DC: AARP, May 2020. External.

AARP. “AARP Fraud Fighter Call Center Dials in on Scams.” News release, May 26, 2010. Money. Accessed October 29, 2018. External.

American Diabetes Association. “Older Adults: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2018.” Diabetes Care 2018 41, Suppl. 1 (2018): S119–S125. External

Arbore, Patrick. “Suicide Prevention Among Rural Older Adults.” Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging 43, no. 2 (Summer 2019): 62-65. External

Brandon, Emily. “15 In-Demand Jobs for Seniors.” US News and World Report, April 29, 2019. Accessed March 16, 2021. External.

Case, Anne, and Angus Deaton. Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2020.

Caspi, Avner, Merav Daniel, and Gitit Kavé. “Technology Makes Older Adults Feel Older.” Aging & Mental Health 23, no. 8 (2019): 1025-1030. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1479834.

Cho, Dongwook and Sae-Hyung. “Health Capability and Psychological Effects of Regular Exercise on Adults: Middle-Aged and Older." The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, (2019): 1-18. External.

Coughlin, Joseph F. The Longevity Economy: Unlocking the World's Fastest-Growing, Most Misunderstood Market. New York: PublicAffairs, 2017.

Devi, Gayatri. The Spectrum of Hope: An Optimistic and New Approach to Thinking about Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. Waterville, ME: Thorndike Press, 2017.

Dzierzewski, Joseph M. and Natalie D. Dautovich. “Who Cares about Sleep in Older Adults?”
Clinical Gerontologist 41, no. 2 (January 11, 2018): 109–12. External.

Food Research and Action Center. “Helping Older Adults Struggling Against Hunger Access Food in the Age of COVID-19.” May 2020. External

Hoogendijk, Emiel O., Annelot P. Smit, Carmen van Dam, Noah A. Schuster, Sascha de Breij, Tjalling J. Holwerda, Martijn Huisman, Elsa Dent, and Melissa K. Andrew. “Frailty Combined with Loneliness or Social Isolation: An Elevated Risk for Mortality in Later Life.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 68, no. 11 (November 2020): 2587-2593.

Hughes, Jamie M., Yeonsu Song, Constance F. Fung, Joseph M. Dzierzewski, Michael N. Mitchell, Stella Jouldjian, Karen R. Josephson, Cathy A. Alessi, and Jennifer L. Martin. “Measuring Sleep in Vulnerable Older Adults: A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Sleep Measures.” Clinical Gerontologist 41, no. 2 (2018): 145–57. External.

Leading Age, “White House Report Names 6 Ways Tech Can Help Older Americans.” External.

Loberg, Erica. “When Conservatorship Goes Terribly Wrong.” September 22, 2020. External.

Mace, Nancy L., and Peter V. Rabins. The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017.

Magruder, Karen J., Noelle L. Fields and Ling Xu. “Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation in ASssisted Living: An Examination of Long-term Care Ombudsman Complaint Data.” Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 31, no. 3 (March 2019): 209-224. DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2019.1590275.

Mulry, Claire M., Christina Papetti, Julian De Martinis, and Mark Ravinsky. “Facilitating Wellness in Urban-Dwelling, Low-Income Older Adults through Community Mobility: A Mixed-Methods Study.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (May 2017): 1-7. External.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2020. Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2020.

National Science and Technology Council. Emerging Technologies to Support an Aging Population. Executive Office of the President of the United States. March 2019. External

Nasser, Haya El. “The Graying of America: More Older Adults than Kids by 2035.” The United States Census Bureau, October 8, 2019. External.

Osborn, Robin, Michelle M. Doty, Donald Moulds, Dana O. Sarnak, and Arnav Shah. “Older Americans Were Sicker and Faced More Financial Barriers to Health Care Than Counterparts in Other Countries.” Health Affairs, November 15, 2017. Accessed November 6, 2018. External

Quan, Nicolas G., Matthew C. Lohman , Nicholas V. Resciniti and Daniela B. Friedman. “A Systematic Review of Interventions for Loneliness among Older Adults Living in Long-term Care Facilities.” Aging & Mental Health 24, no. 12 (September 21, 2019): 1945-1955. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1673311.

Scutchfield, F. Douglas and C. William Keck. “Deaths of Despair: Why? What to Do?” AJPH Rural Health 107, no. 10 (October 2017): 1564–1565.

Toder, Francine. “Cool Technology Trends for Older Adults.” October 1, 2018. Accessed November 1, 2018. External

Ungar, Laura and Trudy Lieberman. “Why America Is Failing to Feed Its Aging.” Time Magazine, August 28, 2019.

United States Senate Special Committee on Aging. “Ensuring Trust: Strengthening State Efforts to Overhaul the Guardianship Process and Protect Older Americans.” November 2018. External.

United States Senate Special Committee on Aging. “Fighting Fraud: Senate Aging Committee Identifies Top 10 Scams Targeting Our Nation’s Seniors.” 2020. External.

Weiss, Gary. “One Family’s Journey through Guardianship Hell.” July 18, 2019. External.

Part Three: Contact Information

601 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20049
888-687-2277 toll-free
877-434-7598 TTY
[email protected] External

Administration for Community Living
330 C St. SW
Washington, DC 20201
800-677-1116 toll-free (Eldercare Locator)
[email protected] External

Alzheimer’s Association
225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17
Chicago, IL 60601-7633
800-272-3900 toll-free national help line
866-403-3073 TDD national help line External

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
322 Eighth Ave., 16th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
866-232-8484 toll-free help line
[email protected] External

American Academy of Audiology
11480 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. 220
Reston, VA 20191
703-790-8466 External

American Academy of Ophthalmology
PO Box 7424
San Francisco, CA 94120-7424
415-561-8500 External External

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
AFB Headquarters
1401 S. Clark St., Ste. 730
Arlington, VA 22202
[email protected] External

American Macular Degeneration Foundation
PO Box 515
Northampton, MA 01061-0515
888-622-8527 toll-free
413-268-7660 External

American Optometric Association
1505 Prince St., Ste. 300
Alexandria, VA 22314-2874
800-365-2219 toll-free
703-739-9200 External

American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206-0085
800-223-1839 toll-free
502-895-2405 External

American Psychological Association
750 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
800-374-2721 toll-free
202-336-6123 TTY External

Bright Focus Foundation
22512 Gateway Center Dr.
Clarksburg, MD 20871
800-437-2423 toll-free
[email protected] External

Caregiver Action Network
1130 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 501
Washington, DC 20036
[email protected]

Catholic Charities USA
2050 Ballenger Ave. Ste. 400
Alexandria, VA 22314
703-549-1390 External

Center for Medicare Advocacy, Washington, DC Office
1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 709
Washington, DC 20036
202-293-5760 External

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
800-232-4636 toll free External

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244
800-633-4227 toll-free External

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Mail a complaint:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
P.O. Box 2900
Clinton, IA 52733-2900
Mail all other correspondence:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
1700 G St. NW
Washington, DC 20552
855-411-2372 toll-free
855-729-2372 TTY/TDD
[email protected] External

Consumer Reports
101 Truman Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10703
800-333-0663 toll-free External

Cornea Research Foundation of America
9002 N. Meridian St., Ste. 212
Indianapolis, IN 46260
317-814-2993 External

Council of Better Business Bureaus
Better Business Bureau
1411 K Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 393-8000
(202) 393-1198 fax
[email protected] External

Department of Energy
James V. Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585
202-586-5000 External

Department of Health & Human Services
200 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20201
877-696-6775 toll-free External

Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh St. SW
Washington, DC 20410
202-708-1455 TTY External

Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
Senior Community Service Employment Program
866-487-2365 toll-free External

Eldercare Locator
800-677-1116 toll-free External

Experience Works
PO Box 5004
Severna Park, MD 21146-9919
866-397-9757 toll-free External

Family Caregiver Alliance
101 Montgomery St., Ste. 2150
San Francisco, CA 94104
800-445-8106 External

Federal Bureau of Investigation External

Federal Housing Finance Agency
Office of Inspector General
400 Seventh St. SW
Washington, DC 20219
202-730-0880 External

Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20580
202-326-2222 External (Report Fraud) External (Report Identity Theft) External (Report Unwanted Calls) External

Feeding America
161 North Clark St., Ste. 700
Chicago, IL 60601
800-771-2303 toll-free External

Food Research and Action Center
1200 Eighteenth St. NW, Ste. 400
Washington, DC 20036
202-986.2525 External

The Gerontological Society of America
1220 L St. NW, Ste. 901
Washington, DC 20005
202-842-1275 External

Glaucoma Research Foundation
251 Post St., Ste. 600
San Francisco, CA 94108
800-826-6693 toll-free
[email protected] External

Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
700 Elm St.
Winnetka, IL 60093
800-323-4238 toll-free
[email protected] External

Health Resources and Services Administration
US Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Ln.
Rockville, MD 20857
877-464-4772 toll-free
877-897-9910 TTY External

Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20224
800-829-1040 toll-free
800-829-4049 TTD External

Justice in Aging
1444 Eye St. NW, Ste. 1100
Washington, DC 20005
202-289-6976 External

Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
3715 McClintock Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90089
[email protected] External

Lighthouse Guild
250 W. Sixty-fourth St.
New York, NY 10023
800-284-4422 toll-free
800-284-4422 — TTY 711 External

Lions Club International Foundation
300 W. Twenty-second St.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
630-571-5466 External

Local Harvest
PO Box 1292
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
831-515-5602 External

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
US Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, D.C. 20201
202-401-9351 External

Macular Degeneration Foundation
PO Box 531313
Henderson, NV 89053
888-633-3937 toll-free External

Meals on Wheels America
1550 Crystal Dr., Ste. 1004
Arlington, VA 22202
888-998-6325 toll-free
703-548-5274 fax External

Medicare Rights Center
266 W. Thirty-seventh St., 3rd Fl.
New York, NY 10018
212-869-3532 fax
1444 I St. NW, Ste. 1105
Washington, DC 20005
202-637-0962 fax
National Helpline:
800-333-4114 toll-free
[email protected] External

MIT AgeLab
1 Amherst Street, 2nd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142
[email protected] External

National Adult Protective Services Association
1612 K St. NW #200
Washington, DC 20006
202-370-6292 External

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE, Ste. 350
Washington, DC 20003
202-872-0057 fax
[email protected] External

National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
1612 K St., NW, Ste. 200
Washington, DC 20006
202-223-2099 fax
[email protected] External

National Center for Assisted Living
1201 L St. NW
Washington, DC 20005
202-842-3860 fax External

National Center on Elder Abuse
c/o University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics
1000 South Fremont Ave., Unit 22, Bldg. A-6
Alhambra, CA 91803
855-500-3537 toll-free
[email protected] External

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
111 K St. NE Ste. 700
Washington DC 20002
202-216-0446 fax
800-998-0180 toll-free senior hotline/legislative updates
800-966-1935 toll-free member services External

National Conference of State Legislatures
7700 East First Pl.
Denver, CO 80230
303-364-7800 fax

444 North Capitol St. NW, Ste. 515
Washington, DC 20001
202-737-1069 fax
800-659-2656 toll-free for accessibility support External

National Consumers League
1701 K St. NW, Ste. 1200
Washington, DC 20006
[email protected] External

National Council on Aging
251 Eighteenth St. S, Ste. 500
Arlington, VA 22202
571-527-3900 External

National Eye Institute
Information Office
31 Center Dr., MSC 2510
Bethesda, MD 20892-2510
[email protected] External

National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells St.
Baltimore, MD 21230
866-504-7300 toll-free for NFB Newsline
410-685-5653 fax External

National Hispanic Council on Aging
2201 Twelfth St. NW, Ste. 101
Washington, DC 20009
202-347-9735 fax External

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
1731 King St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
703-837-1233 fax External

National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Blvd., Rm. 6200, MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663
866-615-6464 toll-free
866-415-8051 toll-free TTY
[email protected] External

National Institute on Aging
Building 31, Rm. 5C27
31 Center Dr., MSC 2292
Bethesda, MD 20892
800-222-2225 toll-free
800-222-4225 TTY
[email protected] External

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
NIDCD Office of Health Communication and Public Liaison
31 Center Dr., MSC 2320
Bethesda, MD 20892-2320
800-241-1044 toll-free
800-241-1055 TTY
[email protected] External

National Institute on Drug Abuse
3WFN MSC 6024
301 North Stonestreet Ave
Bethesda, MD 20892
301-443-1124 External

National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
888-346-3656 toll-free
800-735-2258 TDD
[email protected] External

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
Library of Congress
1291 Taylor St. NW
Washington, DC 20542-4962
202-707-0721 fax
800-424-8567 toll-free
[email protected]

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 632
Washington, DC 20036
202-332-2949 fax
[email protected] External

National Older Worker Career Center
NOWCC National Headquarters
3811 N. Fairfax Dr., Ste. 900
Arlington, VA 22203
[email protected] External

National Organization for Rare Disorders
National Headquarters, CT Office
55 Kenosia Ave.
Danbury, CT 06810
203-263-9938 fax

Washington, DC Office
1779 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 500
Washington, DC 20036
202-588-5701 fax

Massachusetts Office
1900 Crown Colony Dr., Ste. 310
Quincy, MA 02169
617-249-7301 fax
Patient Call Center
800-999-6673 toll-free External

Perkins Scout
Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon St.
Watertown, MA 02472 External

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
1100 West High Rise
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235
800-772-1213 toll-free
800-325-0778 TTY External

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs
SHIP National Technical Assistance Center
Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging
3840 W. Ninth St
Waterloo, IA 50702
877-839-2675 toll-free
[email protected] External

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
5600 Fishers Ln.
Rockville, MD 20857
800-622-4357 (800-622-HELP) toll-free national helpline
800-487-4889 toll-free TTY External
800-784-2433 (800-SUICIDE) toll-free emergency line
800-273-8255 (800-273-TALK) toll-free emergency line

United States Senate Special Committee on Aging

Republican Office
G31 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-8660 fax

Democrat Office
628 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-9920 fax

855-303-9470 toll-free fraud hotline External

United Way
2-1-1 toll-free External

Veterans Health Administration
810 Vermont Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20420
800-827-1000 toll-free benefits
877-222-8387 toll-free Health Care External

Village to Village Network
4818 Washington Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
866-457-2582 toll-free
[email protected] External

Updated 2023

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