Search Photos, Prints, Drawings
Photo, Print, DrawingFour Freedoms. Speech
Save freedom of speech. Buy war bonds 1 negative : safety ; 4 x 5 inches or smaller.- Date: 1943-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingNo more gags--Free KPFA 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 54 x 48 cm (poster format)
- Contributor: Sances, Jos
- Date: 1999-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingWanted--John Murdock
Alternate title: WANTED: JOHN MURDOCK (KPFA) 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 57 x 44 cm (poster format)- Contributor: Sances, Jos
- Date: 2001-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingReturn KPFA to us now--Free speech must live 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 57 x 45 cm (poster format)
- Contributor: Alliance Graphics - Sances, Jos
- Date: 1999-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingNo distractions--Free speech is non-negotiable
Alternate title: No Distractions (KPFA) 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 58 x 44 cm (poster format)- Contributor: Alliance Graphics - Sances, Jos
- Date: 1999-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingFreedom of expression, of religion, from want, from fear everywhere in the world 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color. | Poster promoting President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's four freedoms, showing a globe, two books, and the hand and torch from the Statue of Liberty.
- Contributor: Federal Art Project
- Date: 1936-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingAn appalling attempt to muzzle the watch-dog of science 1 print : chromolithograph. | Illustration shows Herbert Spencer as a statue of a large dog at the entrance to a public building emitting rays of light labeled "Science"; many diminutive men,…
- Contributor: Graetz, F. (Friedrich), Approximately 1840-Approximately 1913 - Graetz, F. (Friedrich)
- Date: 1883-03-14
Photo, Print, DrawingFire Lynn Chadwick
Alternate title: Fire Lynn Chadwick (KPFA) 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 59 x 44 cm (poster format)- Contributor: Alliance Graphics - Sances, Jos
- Date: 1999-01-01
Photo, Print, Drawing1791 - Freedom of speech, press, religi[on], assem[bly]; 1941 - Freedom of expression and religion, freedom … 1 print (poster) : screen print.
- Contributor: United States. Works Progress Administration (N.Y.) - Federal Art Project (New York, N.Y.)
- Date: 1935-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingFree speech, free speech--Support KPFA 94.1 1 print : color silkscreen ; sheet 57 x 45 cm (poster format)
- Contributor: Alliance Graphics - Sances, Jos
- Date: 1999-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingYour right to vote is your opportunity to protect, over here the freedoms for which Americans … 1 print (poster) : offset lithograph, color. | Poster shows the hand and arm of a man reaching to press the lever under "Freedom of Enterprise"; other choices on the voting machine…
- Contributor: Miller, Chester Raymond
- Date: 1943-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingThe four freedoms. No government censor passes on what may appear in these publications. Crowded newstands … 1 negative : safety ; 4 x 5 inches or smaller.
- Contributor: United States. Office of War Information - Palmer, Alfred T.
- Date: 1941-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingThe four freedoms. Freedom of speech is still the way of the land. Here is Columbus … 1 negative : safety ; 4 x 5 inches or smaller.
- Contributor: United States. Office for Emergency Management - Palmer, Alfred T.
- Date: 1941-01-01