Search Photos, Prints, Drawings
Photo, Print, DrawingFishing on Coal River
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingFishing on Coal River
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingFishing on Coal River
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingCamping and fishing on Coal River
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry
- Date: 1997-07-04
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell wearing hip waders and fishing in Coal River. Unidentified man fishing from bridge above.
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cut This - Cottrell, Ray
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRandy Sprouse fishing in Coal River at the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRandy Sprouse fishing in Coal River at the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingJames Dickens and Rev. Larry Brown baptizing in Coal River.
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott - Dickens, James - Brown, Larry
- Date: 1996-04-14
Photo, Print, DrawingRock shelter on Coal River near the Girl Scout Camp Hole
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1996-04-13
Photo, Print, DrawingJames Dickens and Rev. Larry Brown prepare to baptize Vicky Jarrell in Coal River.
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott - Dickens, James - Jarrell, Vicky - Brown, Larry
- Date: 1996-04-14
Photo, Print, DrawingArnett Chapel congregation, newly baptized members and friends mingle on the bank of the Coal River
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1996-04-14
Photo, Print, DrawingDave Bailey with pole and bucket for fishing
- Contributor: Bailey, Dave - Hufford, Mary
- Date: 1997-08-30
Photo, Print, DrawingFishing Holes on Marsh Fork, drawn by Woody Boggs
- Contributor: Hufford, Mary
- Date: 2000-04-15
Photo, Print, DrawingUsing a window screen, Dave Bailey strains water in search of hellgrammites. Upstream, Katherine lifts rocks that shelter the wary dobson fly larva, favored by smallmouth bass and other game fish living …
- Contributor: Bailey, Dave - Hufford, Mary - Katherine
- Date: 1997-08-30
Photo, Print, DrawingMichael Honaker and Tony McMillan fishing for trout at the Crane Hole Bottom
- Contributor: McMillan, Tony - Eiler, Lyntha Scott - Honaker, Michael
- Date: 1996-04-14
Photo, Print, DrawingHeadstone decorated with an American flag wreath, fishing teddy bear, and a rabbit
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1996-05-25
Photo, Print, DrawingArnett Chapel congregation singing "Shall We Gather at the River"
- Contributor: Eiler, Lyntha Scott
- Date: 1996-04-14
Photo, Print, DrawingHellgrammites and crawfish in the bottom of a bucket
- Contributor: Hufford, Mary
- Date: 1997-08-30
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Hufford, Mary - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05
Photo, Print, DrawingRay Cottrell and Randy Sprouse (in hat) seine for hellgrammites in the Trap Stewart Hole near the mouth of Hazy Creek
- Contributor: Eiler, Terry - Cottrell, Ray - Sprouse, Randy
- Date: 1997-07-05