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City Point, Virginia, ca. 1865.
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Selected Bibliography - Alexander Gardner
Gardner, Alexander. Gardner's Photographic Sketch
Book of the Civil War. 1865-1866. Reprint. New York: Dover
Publications, 1959.
Call number: E468.7.G19 1959 [P&P Civil War]
Reprint of Gardner's 1866 Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War. Includes 100 photographs presented chronologically showing the major sites of conflict in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Each photograph is accompanied by a lengthy caption.
Johnson, Brooks. An Enduring Interest: The
Photographs of Alexander Gardner. Norfolk, VA: Chrysler
Museum, 1991.
Call number: E468.7 .J65 1991 [P&P Ref]
This publication accompanied an exhibition at the Chrysler Museum in 1991 to celebrate the museum's acquisition of a copy of Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War. Includes the following essays: "Gardner and his Contemporaries" by Donald McCoo, "America and the Civil War" by William F. Stapp, "Abraham Lincoln and the Conspiracy Against Him" Lloyd Ostendorf, "The Railroad and Western Expansion" by Susan Danly, and "Scenes in Indian Country" by Paula Richardson Fleming.
Katz, Mark D. Witness to an Era: The Life and
Photographs of Alexander Gardner. New York: Viking Studio
Books, 1990.
Call number: TR140 .G35 K38 [P&P Ref]
Comprehensive biography of Alexander Gardner heavily illustrated with work by Gardner and his contemporaries. Includes images of the Civil War, portraits of Abraham Lincoln, the people and places associated with Lincoln's assassination, the Union Pacific Railroad, and Native Americans. The appendixes provide lists of photographs published in Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War, Gardner's 1863 catalog of Civil War photographs, and a list of stereographs from Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
Wilson, Joseph M. A Eulogy on the Life and
Character of Alexander Gardner. Washington, DC: R.
Beresford, 1883.
Call number: HS511.G3 W5 1883 [P&P Case