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- Abandoned buildings--1840-1870.
- Abbeys--1800-1850.
- Abbeys--England--1840-1880.
- Abbott,--Colonel--Military service.
- Abercrombie, John Joseph--Military service.
- Abo, Stanley--Public appearances.
- Accidents--England--1820-1850. (3)
- Accordions--1890-1900.
- Accounting--1820-1850.
- Acolytes--China--1860-1900.
- Acrobatics--China--1860-1900. (2)
- Acrobats--China--1860-1900.
- Actors--1860-1900.
- Actors--China--1860-1900. (2)
- Actors--French--1510-1520.
- Actors--French--1570-1630. (2)
- Actors--French--1590-1600.
- Actors--French--1600-1610. (2)
- Actors--French--1600.
- Actors--French--1620-1630.
- Actors--French--1620.
- Actors--French--1630.
- Actors--French--1640.
- Actors--French--1650.
- Actors--French--1660.
- Actors--French--1680-1690.
- Actors--French--1690-1700.
- Actors--French--1700-1710. (2)
- Actors--French--1700-1800.
- Actors--French--1720-1730. (2)
- Actors--French--1730-1750.
- Actors--French--1740-1750. (2)
- Actors--French--1750-1760. (5)
- Actors--French--1750-1800.
- Actors--French--1760-1770. (3)
- Actors--French--1760.
- Actors--French--1770-1780. (6)
- Actors--French--1780-1800. (2)
- Actors--French--1790.
- Actresses--French--1680-1690.
- Actresses--French--1750-1760.
- Actresses--French--1770-1780. (6)
- Actresses--French--1780-1800. (4)
- Actresses--French--1840-1850.
- Adams, Samuel,--1722-1803. (2)
- Adams,--Lieutenant--Military service.
- Adelaide (Steamship)--1860-1870.
- Adriatic (Steamboat)--1860-1870.
- Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan ;
- Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan.
- Advertising--1840-1870.
- African Americans--1850-1860.
- African Americans--1860-1870. (28)
- African Americans--Children--1860-1870. (2)
- African Americans--Dance--1860-1870.
- African Americans--Domestic life--1860-1870.
- African Americans--Domestic life--1860-1900.
- African Americans--Employment--1860-1870.
- African Americans--Employment--Washington (D.C.)--1940-1950.
- African Americans--Military service--1860-1870. (11)
- African Americans--Social life--1860-1900.
- African Americans--Spiritual life--1860-1870.
- African Americans--Spiritual life--1920-1930.
- African Americans--Structures--1860-1870. (4)
- African Americans--Structures--Washington (D.C.)--1880-1890. (2)
- African Americans--Women--1840-1870.
- African Americans--Women--Mississippi--Corinth--1860-1870.
- African Americans.--1860-1870.
- Agricultural facilities--England--1820-1850.
- Agricultural facilities--New York (State)--New York--1800-1830.
- Agricultural laborers--China--1860-1900.
- Agricultural laborers--Jamaica--1800-1820.
- Agricultural laborers--Norway--1850-1860.
- Agriculture--1800-1850.
- Agriculture--1890-1900. (3)
- Airplanes--1940-1950.
- Alabama (Steamship)--1860-1870. (3)
- Albatross (Ship)--1860-1870. (2)
- Albatross (Steamship)--1860-1870.
- Albert,--Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain,--1819-1861--Associated objects.
- Alcoholic beverages--1770-1780.
- Alcoholic beverages--China--1860-1900.
- Alexander,--Captain--Military service.
- Algonquin (Steamship)--1860-1870.
- Allegories--1800-1850.
- Allegories--1840-1860.
- Allegories--1850-1860.
- Alliance (Ship)--1860-1870.
- Alligators--Jamaica--1800-1820.
- Allston, Halsted.
- Altars--China--1860-1900. (7)
- Ambulances--1860-1870.
- Ames, Adelbert,--1835-1933--Military service.
- Anarchism--1890-1900. (7)
- Anchors--1800-1850.
- Andrews, Christopher Columbus--Military service.
- Angels--1750-1850.
- Anger--1960-1970.
- Animal auctions--England--1820-1850. (2)
- Animal auctions--England--London--1820-1850.
- Animal feeding--1820-1850.
- Animal welfare--1850-1860.
- Animals--1860-1870.
- Announcements--1800-1820.
- Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862. (17)
- Antonia (Blockade runner)--1860-1870.
- Apollo--(Deity)
- Apple trees--1860-1870.
- Appomattox Campaign, 1865. (11)
- Apses--1830-1840.
- Aqueducts--1840-1880.
- Arabia (Steamship)--1860-1870.
- Arch bridges--1830-1840.
- Archaeological sites--England--1840-1880. (2)
- Archer, James Jay--Military service.
- Archery--China--1860-1900.
- Arches--1800-1850. (2)
- Arches--China--1860-1900. (5)
- Arches--England--London--1820-1850.
- Architectural decorations & ornaments--China--1860-1900. (7)
- Architectural decorations & ornaments--Washington (D.C.)--1820-1830.
- Architectural decorations & ornaments--Washington (D.C.)--1890-1900.
- Architectural elements--1840-1870.
- Architectural elements--1860-1870. (6)
- Architectural elements--China--1860-1900. (2)
- Architecture--1890-1900. (3)
- Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945.
- Ariel (Steamship)--1860-1870.
- Armistices--1860-1870. (5)
- Armistices--Kentucky--1860-1870.
- Armored vessels--1860-1870. (5)
- Armories--1860-1870. (2)
- Armories--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--1850-1860.
- Armories--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--1860-1870.
- Arms & armament--1800-1850. (2)
- Arms & armament--American--1770-1780.
- Arms (Anatomy)--1800-1850. (2)
- Arms (Anatomy)--1890-1900. (3)
- Arnold, William A.--Military service. (3)
- Arrivals & departures--1820-1850.
- Arrivals & departures--1860-1870.
- Arrivals & departures--1870-1910.
- Arrivals & departures--England--1820-1850.
- Arrivals & departures--Indiana--Indianapolis--1860-1870.
- Art education--1890-1910.
- Art patrons--1830-1850.
- Art--1850-1860.
- Art--1890-1900.
- Artillery (Troops)--1860-1870. (2)
- Artillery (Troops)--German--1860-1870. (2)
- Artillery (Troops)--German--1900-1910.
- Artillery (Troops)--Union--1860-1870.
- Artillery (Weaponry)--1860-1870. (171)
- Artillery (Weaponry)--1940-1950. (4)
- Artillery (Weaponry)--American--Solomon Islands--Guadalcanal--1940-1950. (4)
- Artillery (Weaponry)--Confederate--1860-1870.
- Artillery (Weaponry)--Japanese--1940-1950.
- Artillery (Weaponry)--Japanese--Solomon Islands--Guadalcanal--1940-1950.
- Artillery (Weaponry)--Union--1860-1870.
- Artists' studios--1860-1870.
- Artists--1830-1850.
- Artists--1840-1860.
- Artists--1850-1860.
- Artists--1860-1870.
- Artists--1880-1920.
- Artists--Pennsylvania--Wissahickon--1820-1830. (2)
- Arts & crafts--1800-1850.
- Arts & crafts--1830-1840.
- Ash,--Captain--Military service.
- Ashby, George E.--Military service.
- Ashby,--Captain--Military service.
- Asians--1860-1900.
- Asparagus--1890.
- Astor, John Jacob--Military service.
- Astronomical observatories--England--Slough--1780-1790.
- Astronomy--1890-1900. (3)
- Asylums--England--1820-1850.
- Atlanta (Iron-clad Ram)--1860-1870.
- Atlanta (Ship)--1860-1870.
- Atlanta Campaign, 1864. (2)
- Atlantic (Steamship)--1860-1870. (2)
- Attics--1860-1870.
- Audiences--China--1860-1900.
- Augur, Christopher Colon--Military service.
- Augusta (Steamship)--1860-1870. (2)
- Austria--Lower Austria--Rabenstein an der Pielach
- Avalokiteśvara--(Buddhist deity)
- Averasboro, Battle of, Averasboro, N.C., 1865.
- Avery, Robert--Military service.
- Awards--1850-1860.
- Awards--1860-1870.
- Awe, Loch (Argyll and Bute, Scotland) (2)
- Ayres, Romeyn Beck--Military service.