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Vorbis Audio Codec, Version I

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Format Description Properties Explanation of format description terms

Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full name Vorbis Audio Codec, Version I
Description Bitstream encoding format designed for efficient distribution of waveform sound over moderate bandwidth connections; may be used at higher data rates for better fidelity. From an open source project. The Vorbis specification states: " . . . a general purpose perceptual audio CODEC intended to allow maximum encoder flexibility, thus allowing it to scale competitively over an exceptionally wide range of bitrates."
Production phase Generally used for final-state, end-user delivery.
Relationship to other formats
    Used by Ogg_Vorbis, Ogg Vorbis Audio Format

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdings None.
LC preference See the Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement for format preferences for Audio Works.

Sustainability factors Explanation of format description terms

Disclosure Fully documented. Developed by the Xiph.Org Foundation, a non-profit organization.
    Documentation Vorbis I specification. This version is dated February 3, 2010.
Adoption Applications include streaming broadcasts ("oggcasts") and computer games. See also Ogg and Ogg_Vorbis
    Licensing and patents None.
Transparency For "file" metadata, see Ogg. Technical metadata is included in the Vorbis stream, as described in RFC 5215, RTP Payload Format for Vorbis Encoded Audio (2008)."
Self-documentation For "file" metadata, see Ogg. Technical metadata is included in the Vorbis stream. This is described in the RTP Payload Format for Vorbis Encoded Audio. As of June, 2010, the August 2008 draft can be found at Since this Web page may not be updated promptly, the link this IETF document is has not been embedded here.
External dependencies Surround sound requires appropriate amplifier and loudspeakers or headphone.
Technical protection considerations None known to the compilers of this document.

Quality and functionality factors Explanation of format description terms

Normal rendering Good support.
Fidelity (high audio resolution) From the specification: "At the high quality/bitrate end of the scale (CD or DAT rate stereo, 16/24 bits) it is in the same league as MPEG-2 and MPC. Similarly, the 1.0 encoder can encode high-quality CD and DAT rate stereo at below 48kbps without resampling to a lower rate. Vorbis is also intended for lower and higher sample rates (from 8kHz telephony to 192kHz digital masters). . . ."
Multiple channels From the specification: Supports "a range of channel representations (monaural, polyphonic, stereo, quadraphonic, 5.1, ambisonic, or up to 255 discrete channels)."
Support for user-defined sounds, samples, and patches Not supported.
Functionality beyond normal rendering Not fully investigated for this page; may be streamed as raw data under RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol).

File type signifiers and format identifiers Explanation of format description terms

Tag Value Note
Filename extension ogg
See Wikidata.
Internet Media Type audio/ogg
See PRONOM, Wikidata, and RFC 5215: RTP Payload Format for Vorbis Encoded Audio.
Magic numbers 4F6767530002{23}766F7262697300000000{19}4F676753
Pronom PUID fmt/203
Wikidata Title ID Q11885120

Notes Explanation of format description terms


Format specifications Explanation of format description terms

Useful references


Last Updated: 03/21/2024