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Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2

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Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full name EBU Broadcast Wave Format, Version 2

File format intended for the exchange of audio material between different broadcast environments and equipment based on different computer platforms. Based on the Microsoft WAVE audio file format, Broadcast Wave adds a required "Broadcast Audio Extension" (bext) chunk to hold the minimum information considered necessary for broadcast applications. Additional metadata chunks have also been developed; see Notes. More information is provided in the format description for WAVE_BWF_1 (version 1).

The most significant new element in version 2 is the inclusion of metadata pertaining to the measurement of loudness in the file. Additional information about this, and links to related standards and other informative documents, will be found on page 12 of Embedding Metadata in Digital Audio Files: Introductory Discussion for the Federal Agencies Guideline.

Production phase Used for content in initial, middle, and final states.
Relationship to other formats
    Modification of WAVE, WAVE Audio File Format
    May contain LPCM, Linear Pulse Code Modulated Audio (LPCM)
    May contain MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer I Audio Encoding, not described at this Web site
    May contain MPEG_layer_2_audio, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer II Audio Encoding
    Has subtype WAVE_BWF_LPCM_2, Broadcast WAVE File Format, Version 2, with LPCM Audio
    Has earlier version EBU Broadcast Wave File Format (1997, sometimes called "Version 0"), not described at this Web site.
    Has earlier version WAVE_BWF_1, Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1
    Has extension MBWF / RF64: An extended File Format for Audio, not described at this Web site at this time.
    Used by MXF_RDD48, MXF Archive and Preservation Format Registered Disclosure Document (SMPTE RDD 48)

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdings When reformatting analog sound recordings, the Broadcast WAVE format (either version), wrapping LPCM, is used as the archival master format for mono and stereo audio at the Packard Campus for Audio-Visual Conservation and by the American Folklife Center.
LC preference

The Broadcast WAVE format (either version), wrapping LPCM,