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Full name | JPEG File Interchange Format Family |
Description |
JPEG File Interchange Format Family (JFIF) is an image file format standard published as ITU-T recommendation T.871 and ISO/IEC 10918-5. JFIF defines a minimal container specification for image data encoded with the JPEG Image Encoding Family. In other words, JPEG file performs the encoding and JFIF wraps the JPEG encoding. JFIF v1.02, introduced in 1992, is the most commonly used. Both versions 1.00 and 1.01 were available for less than one year before the release of 1.02. For more, see History and JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02. JFIF is entirely compatible with the standard JPEG interchange format with the only additional requirement is the mandatory presence of the APP0 (application) marker right after the SOI (start of image) marker. The JFIF version is declared in the frame header: "you can identify a JFIF file by looking for the following sequence: X'FF', SOI, X'FF', APP0, [2 bytes to be skipped], "JFIF", X'00'".... in which "the most significant byte is used for major revisions, the least significant byte for minor revisions." |
Production phase |
May be applied in initial-state picture creation; often used for middle- and final-state archiving or end-user delivery. |
Relationship to other formats | |
Contains | JPEG, JPEG Image Encoding Family |
Has subtype | JFIF_1_02, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 |
Has subtype | JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.00. Not described separately at this time. |
Has subtype | JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.01. Not described separately at this time. |
May contain | JPEG_DCT_BL, JPEG DCT Compression Encoding, Baseline |
May contain | JPEG_DCT_PRG, JPEG DCT Compression Encoding, Progressive |
May contain | JPEG_EXT, JPEG Compression Encoding, Extensions |
May contain | JTIP, JPEG Tiled Image Pyramid Format, not described at this website at this time |
May contain | JPEG_orig_LL, JPEG Original Lossless Compression (ISO/IEC 10918) |
May contain | JPEG-LS, JPEG Lossless Compression (ISO/IEC 14495) |
LC experience or existing holdings | See JPEG. |
LC preference | See JPEG. The Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement (RFS) includes JPEG/JFIF as a preferred format for photographs in digital form, other graphic images in digital form and 2D and 3D Computer Aided Design raster images. The RFS does not specify a version of JFIF. |
Disclosure |
Version 1.02 is fully disclosed as an open standard. Version 1.01 was open and available as a specification. Version 1.00 was shared among a small group of industry representatives during the development and public release of Version 1.01. |
Documentation | |
Adoption | JFIF 1.02 is widely adopted. Versions 1.01 and 1.00 are less common, but due to the similarities between format versions, all have wide usage and support. See History for more information on version history. |
Licensing and patents | No licensing or patents for the file format. See JPEG Image Encoding Family for information on patent claims on JPEG encoding. |
Transparency | JFIF structure is transparent but JPEG encoding may depend upon algorithms and tools to read; will require sophistication to build tools. See also JPEG. |
Self-documentation |
Limited. JFIF defines itself with image dimensions and unit of measurement. Version 1.02 also defines thumbnail dimensions and unit of measurement. Accessibility Features Accessibility for still image content is often supported by the use of alt text when displayed on the web. The carriage of this data is typically not embedded in the file itself but rather in the HTML code. See W3C's Images Tutorial for the Web Accessibility Initiative. |
External dependencies | None. |
Technical protection considerations | None. |
Still Image | |
Normal rendering | All versions have wide support. All versions are compatible with each other. |
Clarity (high image resolution) |
Color maintenance | Version 1.02 specification states, “the color space to be used is YCbCr as defined by ITU-R BT.601 (256 levels). The RGB components calculated by linear conversion from YCbCr shall not be gamma corrected (gamma = 1.0). If only one component is used, that component shall be Y.APP0 marker used to identify JPEG JFIF”. The specification further states that this applies to all versions of JFIF. |
Support for vector graphics, including graphic effects and typography | No support for vector graphics. |
Support for multispectral bands | No support for multispectral bands. |
Functionality beyond normal rendering | JFIF 1.02 can support thumbnails. See JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02. Earlier versions did not support thumbnails. |
Tag | Value | Note |
Filename extension | jpg jpeg jpe jif jfif jfi |
See File Extension Source. jpeg and jpg are the most common file extensions used. |
Filename extension | jls |
For JPEG-LS files, according to ISO/IEC 14495-1 and PRONOM (see PUID: fmt/150). |
Internet Media Type | image/jpeg |
From the IANA Media Types registry. See also RFC 2046. |
Internet Media Type | image/jpg |
From the IANA Media Types registry. See also RFC 2046. |
Magic numbers | Hex: FF D8 FF E0 xx xx 4A 46 49 46 00 ASCII: ÿØÿè..JFIF. |
JFIF magic numbers follow the JPEG “Start of Image” (SOI) values “0xFFD8” with a JFIF application marker “APPO” (“0xFFEO” in hex) followed by the Length field and the JFIF byte identifier “0x4A46494600”. There is no formal header, these two sets of JGED and JFIF markers in combination act as a signature file header. For more information, see “JPEG File Interchange Format File Format Summary” taken from the Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats, 2nd Edition. |
Other | NF00641 |
See NARA File Format Preservation Plan ID. |
Pronom PUID | fmt/42 |
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.00. See |
Pronom PUID | fmt/43 |
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.01. See |
Pronom PUID | See related format. | See also JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02. |
Wikidata Title ID | Q26329975 |
See, JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF). Group entry for all versions. |
Wikidata Title ID | Q26329648 |
See, JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) version 1.00. |
Wikidata Title ID | Q26329502 |
See, JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) version 1.01. |
Wikidata Title ID | See related format. | See also JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02. |
General |
The JPEG bitstream stores 16-bit word values in big-endian format. JPEG data in general is stored as a stream of blocks, and each block is identified by a marker value. The first two bytes of every JPEG stream are the Start Of Image (SOI) marker values FFh D8h. In a JFIF-compliant file there is a JFIF APP0 (Application) marker, immediately following the SOI, which consists of the marker code values FFh E0h and the characters JFIF in the marker data, as described in the next section. In addition to the JFIF marker segment, there may be one or more optional JFIF extension marker segments, followed by the actual image data. For more, see JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 and JPEG Image Encoding Family. |
History |
JFIF was developed by C-Cube Microsystems and Independent JPEG group. The creation is credited to Eric Hamilton at C-Cube Microsystems. After its creation, JFIF was placed in the public domain under the maintenance of Independent JPEG Group. JFIF Version 1.00 was first released in 1991 among a small group of industry representatives. The first public release was Version 1.01 in 1992. This format was initially released in 1991. Version 1.00 was shared among a small group of industry representatives during the development and public release of Version 1.01 in 1992. Version 1.02 was released shortly after and is “considered the de-facto standard”. All versions are backwards compatible. According to Ecma TR-98, the differences between versions is relatively minor: Shortly after publication of v1.00, "the group came to the conclusion that the spatial sampling relationship of components specified in JFIF 1.0 was not ideal since it followed digital video conventions rather than those used in common computer formats such as Postscript and QuickTime. They chose to publish another version, JFIF 1.01, which changed that part of the specification to follow the computer format convention. This was deemed to be a minor change since JFIF 1.0 had been circulated for only a short while and decoders which ignored the version number would still render similar images. The Independent JPEG Group (IJG) adopted JFIF version 1.01 for use in its public domain software, which eventually led to millions of images being published in this format. Later in 1992, user feedback led to the final version of JFIF, version 1.02, which supported additional thumbnail formats – most importantly including thumbnails stored in compressed format. |