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Program The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress


Kigeli V

Invited Participant, 2005, King of Rwanda
Kluge Center Project: "Examples of Reconciliation: Africa's Contributions to the Global Community"
Press Release: "Examples of Reconciliation: Africa's Contributions to the Global Community"

Ananya Vajpeyi

Kluge Fellow, 2012, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi
Kluge Center Project: "B. R. Ambedkar: A Life."
Lecture: "B.R. Ambedkar: The Life of the Mind & a Life in Politics"

Luis Valdivieso

Invited Participant, 2009, Peruvian Ambassador
Kluge Center Project: "400th Anniversary of The Royal Commentaries of the Inca"
Webcast: Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of The Royal Commentaries of the Inca
Press Release: Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of The Royal Commentaries of the Inca

Arafaat Valiani

Kluge Fellow, 2009, Williams College
Kluge Center Project: "Physical training, guerilla-style protest, and civic violence in Gujarat India."
Article: "Physical Training, Ethical Discipline, and Creative Violence: Zones of Self-Mastery in the Hindu Nationalist Movement" Cultural Anthropology 25.1 (2010): 73-99 External

Joke van der Leeuw-Roord

Invited Participant, 2004, European Association of History Educators
Kluge Center Project: "Stories of our Nations, Footprints of our Souls: History Textbooks in Middle Schools and High Schools"
Webcast: Stories of our Nations, Footprints of our Souls: History Textbooks in Middle Schools and High Schools

Herman Van der Wee

Kluge Chair in Countries and Cultures of the North, 2007, Professor Emeritus of Economic History at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Kluge Center Project: "Belgian economic history: the Ancien Regime, c. 1100-c. 1820."
Webcast: Economic Globalization in the Mirror of History
Lecture: Economic Globalization in the Mirror of History.
Book: A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, Its Enemies, Its Friends, 1939-1945) (Leuven: Leuven UP, 2009)

Chet Adam Van Duzer

Kislak Fellow in American Studies, 2011, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "The Legends on Martin Waldseemuller's Carta marina of 1516."
Lecture: "Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps" (Sept. 5, 2013)
Web site: Scholar Profile: Chet Van Duzer
Book: "Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps"
Book: "Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin WaldseemĂĽller's 1507 & 1516 World Maps"
Book: "Johann Schöner's Globe of 1515: Transcription and Study"
Book: "Floating Islands: A Global Bibliography"

Invited Paricipant, 2015, University of Virginia
Kluge Center Project: "ScholarFest - Right/Wrong: Perspectives on Notions & Morality"
Webcast: ScholarFest - Right/Wrong: Perspectives on Notions & Morality

Mellon Fellow, 2016, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Annotation for Education in the Princeton / Brussels Copy of the 1525 Edition of Ptolemy's Geography."

Phillips Fellow, 2022, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Behold the Mapmaker: Cartographic Self-Portraits"

Jillian Vaum

Swann Fellowship, 2018, University of Pennsylvania
Kluge Center Project: "Free African Americans in the Civic, Economic, and Social Life of Northern Antebellum Cities"

Manuel Veiga

Invited Participant, 2004, Member of Parliament, Cape Verde; Author
Kluge Center Project: "Contemporary Lusophone African Literatures and Cultures: A Colloquium on Cape Verde and Mozambique"
Webcast: "Contemporary Lusophone African Literatures and Cultures: A Colloquium on Cape Verde and Mozambique"
Press Release: "Contemporary Lusophone African Literatures and Cultures: A Colloquium on Cape Verde and Mozambique"

Theresa Marie Ventura

ACLS Mellon Fellow, 2010, Columbia University
Kluge Center Project: "Empire for Reform: Agrarianism, environment, and empire in the American occupied Philippines, 1898-1936."
Webcast: Market Empire: The U.S., the Philippines & Natural Resource Management

Monique Verbreyt

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2007, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Belgian Money, Finance and Occupation, 1939-1945"
Book: A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, Its Enemies, Its Friends, 1939-1945) (Leuven: Leuven UP, 2009)

Arthur Vered

Invited Participant, 2014, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Jascha Heifetz the Iconic Violinist"

Jordan Vibert

British Research Council Fellow, 2006, University of York
Kluge Center Project: "Female friendship and British-Atlantic commercial relations, 1770-1790."

Jennifer Victor

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2019, George Mason University
Kluge Center Project: "The Sources of Congressional Cooperation."
Webcast: The Future of Political Parties

Elvira Vilches

International Studies Fellow, 2003, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Kluge Center Project: "The economy of the marvelous: transatlantic values and fictions of the Spanish Empire, 1492-1665."

Joseph Viteritti

Invited Participant, 2004, Princeton University
Kluge Center Project: "Stories of our Nations, Footprints of our Souls: History Textbooks in Middle Schools and High Schools"
Webcast: Stories of our Nations, Footprints of our Souls: History Textbooks in Middle Schools and High Schools

William Vittery

British Research Council Fellow, 2013, University of York
Kluge Center Project: "Making Sense of Financial Crisis: Discourse Validity in Anglo-American Politics, 2007-2012."

Mirjam Voerkelius

Kluge Fellow, 2022, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kluge Center Project: "Evolution in Times of Revolution: Darwinism, Nature, and Society in the Soviet Union"

Anna von der Goltz

Kluge Fellow, 2015, Georgetown University
Kluge Center Project: "The Other side of 1968: Activism of the Center-right in West Germany's Age of Campus Protest."

Pathik D. Wadhwa

Invited Participant, 2012, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
Kluge Center Project: "The Profound Impact of Stress"
Webcast: The Profound Impact of Stress: Human Biology and Social Implications for the Individual and Society,
Press Release: The Profound Impact of Stress: Human Biology and Social Implications for the Individual and Society,

Amy Waite

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University of Oxford
Kluge Center Project: "Geographies of intimacy: The spatial imaginations of Elizabeth Bishop and Mina Loy."

Arthur Waldron

Invited Participant, 2003, University of Pennsylvania
Kluge Center Project: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"
Webcast: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"
Press Release: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"

Bruce Walker

Invited Participant, 2007, Harvard Medical School
Kluge Center Project: "Combating HIV and Hepatitis B"
Webcast: Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B
Press Release: Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B

Lucianne Walkowicz

NASA/LC Chair in Astrobiology, 2017, The Adler Planetarium
Kluge Center Project: "Fear of a Green Planet: Inclusive Systems of Thought for Human Exploration of Mars."

Sophia Jordan Wallace

Other, 2020, University of Washington
Kluge Center Project: "Immigration Reform: Examining the Causes of Breakdown and Agreement in Congress."

James Wallner

Kluge Fellow, 2019, American University
Kluge Center Project: "American Socrates: James Madison and the Virtue of Conflict"

Jessica Ward

British Research Council Fellow, 2023, University of Oxford
Kluge Center Project: "Cartography and Culture: An Exploration of How Maps Have Shaped Nature in the U.S. Since 1492"

John Ward

Invited Participant, 2007, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Kluge Center Project: "Combating HIV and Hepatitis B"
Webcast: Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B
Press Release: Eradicating HIV and Hepatitis B

Ruth Wasem

Kluge Staff Fellow, 2014, Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service
Kluge Center Project: "Whom We Shall Welcome: The Legislative Drive to End the National Origins Quota"
Lecture: "The Struggle for Fairness: National Origin Quotas and the Immigration Act of 1965" (Oct. 8, 2015)
Other: Honoring the Service of Dr. Ruth Ellen Wasem (Congressional Record, 114th Congress, 2nd Session)

Abbott Washburn

Invited Participant, 2003, Former Adviser to President Eisenhower; Former Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency
Kluge Center Project: "The Death of Stalin (March 5, 1953): A Missed Opportunity to Overcome the Cold War?"
Article: "The Death of Stalin (March 5, 1953): A Missed Opportunity to Overcome the Cold War?"
Press Release: "The Death of Stalin (March 5, 1953): A Missed Opportunity to Overcome the Cold War?"

Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom

Invited Participant, 2004, Indiana University
Kluge Center Project: "Documentary Films and Digital Presentations of the Long Bow Group"
Press Release: "Documentary Films and Digital Presentations of the Long Bow Group"

Brandon Webb

Swann Fellowship, 2019, Concordia University
Kluge Center Project: "Laughter in the Crucible: Policing American Political War Cartoons, 1945-1965"

Kluge Fellow, 2023, Concordia University
Kluge Center Project: "Black Ink, Pink Slips, and Red Lines: The Cultural and Labor Politics of American Editorial Cartooning, 1945-1995"

Claire Webb

SHOT/NASA Fellow, 2019, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kluge Center Project: "Technologies of Perception: The Search for Life and Intelligence Beyond Earth"

Matthew Weber

Invited Participant, 2016, Rutgers School of Communication and Information
Kluge Center Project: "Saving the Web: The Ethics and Challenges of Preserving What's on the Internet"
Blogpost: How Do We Save the Web? Its Creators and Pioneers Offer Their Ideas

Tu Wei-Ming

Invited Participant, 2004, Harvard University
Kluge Center Project: "Why China Needs Democracy: Chinese Reform in Theory and Practice"
Webcast: "Why China Needs Democracy: Chinese Reform in Theory and Practice"
Press Release: "Why China Needs Democracy: Chinese Reform in Theory and Practice"

Hanna Weibye

British Research Council Fellow, 2010, University of Cambridge
Kluge Center Project: "Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and German nationalism, 1800-1819."

Scott Weightman

British Research Council Fellow, 2016, University of Leicester
Kluge Center Project: "The Outward Face of Segregation: Segregationists' Media Strategies on the National and Local Stages in the 1950s and 1960s."

David Weinberger

Invited Participant, 2004, Harvard University, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Kluge Center Project: "Managing Knowledge and Creativity in a Digital Context"
Webcast: How and Where Blogs Work
Press Release: How and Where Blogs Work

Andrew Weiss

Carnegie Chair in U.S.-Russia Relations, 2020, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Kluge Center Project: "Are We Right-Sizing the Russian Threat?"

Gillian Weiss

Kluge Fellow, 2004, Case Western Reserve University
Kluge Center Project: "Back from Barbary: French slavery in the early modern Mediterranean."

Lev Weitz

Kluge Fellow, 2018, Catholic University of America
Kluge Center Project: "Christians and Muslims in Medieval Egypt: 'Minorities,' Rights, and the State in the Premodern World"

Katrin Weller

Digital Studies Fellow, 2014, GESIS Institute
Kluge Center Project: "Studying Historical Events Based on Big Data and Online (Social) Media."
Lecture: "The Digital Traces of User-generated Content: How Social Media Data May Become the Historical Sources of the Future" (May 14, 2015)
Book: "Twitter and Society" (ed.)
Book: "Science and the Internet" (ed.)
Book: "Knowledge Representation in the Social Semantic Web"
Blogpost: Preserving Social Media for Future Historians

Invited Paricipant, 2016, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Kluge Center Project: "Saving the Web: The Ethics and Challenges of Preserving What's on the Internet"
Blogpost: How Do We Save the Web? Its Creators and Pioneers Offer Their Ideas

Sheri Wells-Jensen

NASA/LC Chair in Astrobiology, 2023, Bowling Green State University
Kluge Center Project: "Disability in Space"

Andrea Wenzel

Invited Participant, 2012, Producer/Editor of the Global Affairs series Latitudes, WAMU 88.5 FM
Kluge Center Project: "Black Broadway and Little Ethiopia"
Webcast: "Other Cultures Within: Beyond the Naming of Things"
Press Release: "Other Cultures Within: Beyond the Naming of Things"

Michael Wesch

Invited Participant, 2008, Kansas State University
Kluge Center Project: "The Anthropology of YouTube"
Webcast: "The Anthropology of YouTube" External
Press Release: "The Anthropology of YouTube"

Emma West

British Research Council Fellow, 2012, Cardiff University
Kluge Center Project: "The Highs and Lows of Modernism: A Cultural Deconstruction."

James West

British Research Council Fellow, 2019, Northumbria University
Kluge Center Project: "The Black Press and the Built Environment in Chicago."

W. Richard West

Invited Participant, 2012, Founding Director, Director Emeritus, National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution
Kluge Center Project: "The National Museum of the American Indian as Forum: Representing 'Other' Cultures Within"
Webcast: "Other Cultures Within: Beyond the Naming of Things"
Press Release: "Other Cultures Within: Beyond the Naming of Things"

Peter West-Oram

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University of Birmingham
Kluge Center Project: "The Process of Policy Development for Public Health and the Impact of Global Health Care Justice."

Thomas Western

British Research Council Fellow, 2012, University of Edinburgh
Kluge Center Project: "Alan Lomax in the UK: An Investigation into the Practice of Field Recording in 1950s' Britain."

Roger White

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2010, Senior Advisor to the Director of Congresional Research Service
Kluge Center Project: "The analytical framework for policy research."

Jeffrey Whyte

Kluge Fellow, 2020, University of British Columbia
Kluge Center Project: "Defending Democracy: A Political History of Propaganda from Abroad."

Carrie Wickham

Kluge Chair in Countries and Cultures of the South, 2020, Emory University
Kluge Center Project: "(Re-)Imagining Islam: Salafi and Sufi Approaches to the Making of a World Religion."

Jacob Wiebel

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University of Oxford
Kluge Center Project: "The Red Terror in Ethiopia: Violence and Social Change."

Wayne A. Wiegand

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2017, Florida State University
Kluge Center Project: "The American Public School Library: A History."
Lecture: How Long, O Lord, Do We Roam in the Wilderness? A History of School Librarianship External

Peter Wien

Kluge Fellow, 2011, University of Maryland
Kluge Center Project: "Arab nationalism: Culture, history, and politics."
Lecture: "From the Glory of Conquest to Paradise Lost: Al-Andalus as an Arab Realm of Memory"
Other: Alhurra television feature on Peter Wien and the Library's African and Middle Eastern collections External
Blogpost: Studying the Middle East at the Library of Congress

Juliet Wiersema

Kislak Fellow in American Studies, 2006, University of Maryland
Kluge Center Project: "Four house models and one village scene: A Visual and historical investigation of Nayarit works in the Kislak collection."

Hazel Wilkinson

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University College London
Kluge Center Project: "Editing Edmund Spenser in the eighteenth century."

Elizabeth Williams

Kluge Fellow, 2020, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Kluge Center Project: "States of Cultivation: Imperial Transition and Scientific Agriculture in Late Ottoman and French Mandate Syria, 1880-1950."

Rachel Williams

British Research Council Fellow, 2022, University of Hull
Kluge Center Project: "The Meaning of Civil War Uniforms"

Rebecca Williams

British Research Council Fellow, 2010, University of Warwick
Kluge Center Project: "Family planning in India c. 1947-1994."

Terrance Williams

Invited Participant, 2004, Catholic University of America
Kluge Center Project: "Tehran Conference"
Press Release: Tehran Conference

Bethan Willis

British Research Council Fellow, 2008, University of Exeter
Kluge Center Project: "Theology and Conflict: The Theology of Miroslav Volf in context."

Beth Wilson

British Research Council Fellow, 2016, University of Liverpool
Kluge Center Project: "The Emotional and psychological impact of slavery in the Deep South, 1830-1880."

Daniel C. S. Wilson

British Research Council Fellow, 2008, Birkbeck College, University of London
Kluge Center Project: "Living with the machine: Emerging technology in Britain and the USA, 1876-1914."

Paul Wilson

Invited Participant, 2007, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "To the Castle and Back"

William Julius Wilson

Kluge Chair in American Law and Governance, 2012, Harvard University
Kluge Center Project: "A Cultural Analysis of Life in Poverty."
Lecture: "Reflections on Issues of Race and Class in 21st Century America: Revisiting Arguments Advanced in The Declining Significance of Race (1978)" (May 21, 2015)
Book: "The Declining Significance of Race"
Book: "When Work Disappears"
Book: "The Bridge Over the Racial Divide"
Book: "More Than Just Race"
Appointment: Wilson Named Kluge Chair in American Law and Governance
Blogpost: William Julius Wilson Arrives at the Kluge Center

Invited Paricipant, 2015, Harvard University
Kluge Center Project: "ScholarFest - Freedom of Expression & Why it Matters"
Webcast: ScholarFest - Freedom of Expression & Why it Matters

Michael Witcombe

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University of Southampton
Kluge Center Project: "A Study of the genesis of Philip Roth's fiction: the Kepesh novels."

Nicholas D. Witham

British Research Council Fellow, 2009, University of Notthingham
Kluge Center Project: "After the new left: Cultures of anti-imperialism in late cold war America."

British Research Council Fellow, 2014, Cantebury Christ Church University
Kluge Center Project: "Between Cold War and Civil Rights: Popular American Historical Writing, 1947-1980."

John Witte

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2010, Emory University School of Law
Kluge Center Project: "Church and state relations."
Appointment: John Witte Jr. Named Distinguished Visiting Scholar at John W. Kluge Center

Cary and Ann Maguire Chair in Ethics and American History, 2012, Emory University School of Law
Kluge Center Project: "Why Two in One Flesh? The Western Case for Monogamy over Polygamy."
Webcast: Case for Monogamy Over Polygamy
Webcast: Sharia in the West?
Lecture: The Western Case for Monogamy Over Polygamy, April 30, 2013
Lecture: John Witte, Jr., Will Discuss Sharia in the West? Nov. 1, 2013

Invited Paricipant, 2015, Emory University
Kluge Center Project: "ScholarFest - Right/Wrong: Perspectives on Notions & Morality"
Webcast: ScholarFest - Right/Wrong: Perspectives on Notions & Morality

Kluge Chair in Countries and Cultures of the North, 2015, Emory University
Kluge Center Project: "Law and Protestantism"
Lecture: "From Gospel to Law: The Lutheran Reformation & its Impact on Law, Politics & Society" (Nov. 5, 2015)
Press Release: Witte Named Chair of Cultures of the North

Christopher Witter

British Research Council Fellow, 2010, Lancaster University
Kluge Center Project: "American short fiction of the 1960s and 1970s."

Wendy Wong Schirmer

J. Franklin Jameson Fellow in American History, 2015, Temple University
Kluge Center Project: "Diplomatic Subtleties and Frank Overtures: Print Publicity, Neutrality, and the Politics of Slavery in the Early Republic, 1793-1801."

Naomi Wood

British Research Council Fellow, 2010, University of East Anglia
Kluge Center Project: "Ernest, meet Margaux: A critical life of Margaux Hemingway."
Book: Mrs. Hemingway (New York: Penguin Books, 2014)

Stephanie Wood

Jay I. Kislak Chair for the Study of the History and Cultures of the Early Americas, 2022, University of Oregon
Kluge Center Project: "Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs"

Caleb Woodall

British Research Council Fellow, 2023, University of Cambridge
Kluge Center Project: "Exploring the Masculinities of World War II Legionaires and Conscientious Objectors"

Jenny Woodley

British Research Council Fellow, 2006, University of Nottingham
Kluge Center Project: "The NAACPs campaigns to challenge negative portrayals of African Americans in popular culture."

Robinson Woodward-Burns

Kluge Fellow, 2021, Howard University
Kluge Center Project: "Constitutional Hardball: Congressional Partisanship and Negotiation in Historical Context."

Christopher Wright

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, Newcastle University
Kluge Center Project: "Thomas Pynchon and Transatlantic Studies."

Gwendolyn Wright

Kluge Chair in Modern Culture, 2018, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Kluge Center Project: "Affordable Housing: Histories, Variations and Futures."

Matthew Wright

British Research Council Fellow, 2013, Durham University
Kluge Center Project: "The Emergence of a Transatlantic Development Bureaucracy."

Rebecca Wright

British Research Council Fellow, 2013, Birkbeck College
Kluge Center Project: "Jacques Loeb's Promotion of Energy as Tropic Agent: Tracing the Micro-Organism's Slavery to Light."

Jin Wu

Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2006, former Education Minister for Taiwan
Kluge Center Project: "Zheng He, the Chinese mariner."
Appointment: Press Release

Book: Lure of the Supreme Joy: Pedagogy and Environment in the Neo-Confucian Academies of Zhu Xi

Xin Conan-Wu

Kluge Fellow, 2016, The College of William & Mary
Kluge Center Project: "Gardens & Landscape as neo-Confucian Metaphors: Vision, Memory and Place-making in Song Academies."
Lecture: Mapping the Landscape: Vision, Memory & Place-Making External
Press Release: Kluge Center Lectures to Explore Early Mapping in China, Persia

Yaqi Xi

British Research Council Fellow, 2023, University of Warwick
Kluge Center Project: "An Audio-Narratological Investigation of Recorded Literary Readings in English (1924-)"

Lanxin Xiang

Henry Alfred Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations, 2003, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva
Kluge Center Project: "The idea of democracy and Sino-U.S. Relations."
Webcast: The Ideological context of U.S.-China Relations.
Lecture: The Ideological context of U.S.-China Relations.
Appointment: Press Release
Invited Participant, 2015, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva
Kluge Center Project: "ScholarFest - Freedom of Expression & Why it Matters"

Junchang Yang

Kluge Fellow, 2008, Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology
Kluge Center Project: "Gold, silver, and mercury in ancient China: Archaeological, art historical and metallurgical studies."
Webcast: Pre-Qin Gold and Its Application in Ancient China

Olena Yatsunska

Kluge Fellow, 2005, Mykolayiv Branch of Odessa National University
Kluge Center Project: "New electoral system: revolution or evolution of the local government in Ukraine?"

Eric Yellin

Kluge Fellow, 2010, University of Richmond
Kluge Center Project: "In the nation's service: Racism and federal employment in Woodrow Wilson's Washington."
Webcast: Federal Discrimination & the Decline of National Black Politics in the Early 20th Century
Book: Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013)

Galina Yermolenko

International Studies Fellow, 2004, DeSales University
Kluge Center Project: "Roxolana: from slave to legend."
Book: Jascha Heifetz: Early Years in Russia (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2014)

Man Shun Yeung

Kluge Fellow, 2003, University of Hong Kong
Kluge Center Project: "Western image of Canton (Guangzhou) and its inhabitants, 1760-1860."

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Invited Participant, 2004, Independent Poet
Kluge Center Project: "There Are No Years"
Webcast: "There Are No Years"
Press Release: "There Are No Years"

Egemen Yilgur

Fulbright Fellow, 2023, Yeditepe University
Kluge Center Project: "The Late Ottoman Informal Settlements as a Form of Grassroots Modernization."

Duncan Yoon

Kluge Fellow, 2017, New York University
Kluge Center Project: "Africa Writes China: Literature and Globalization."

Julia Young

Kluge Fellow, 2014, Catholic University
Kluge Center Project: "Cristero Diaspora: Emigrants, Exiles, and Refugees during Mexico's Religious War."
Webcast: Julia Young at the 2015 National Book Festival
Panel Discussion: "Migration, Asylum and the Role of the State: Defining Boundaries, Redefining Borders" (Nov. 12, 2015)
Blogpost: "The History of Mexican Immigration to the U.S. in the Early 20th Century"

Sandra Young

Visiting Fellow, 2023, University of Cape Town
Kluge Center Project: "Slavery in the Public Imagination: The Tempest and the Politics of Adaptation"

Pauline Yu

Invited Participant, 2015, American Council of Learned Societies
Kluge Center Project: "ScholarFest - Life/Past: How We Write About Those Who Came Before Us"
Webcast: ScholarFest - Life/Past: How We Write About Those Who Came Before Us

Ying-shih Yu

(3rd Kluge Prize, 2006) Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2005, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
Kluge Center Project: "Comparative history of China."
Webcast: Despotism, Market and Confucianism in the Age of Wang Yang-Ming (1472-1529).
Webcast: China Rediscovers its Own History.
Webcast: China's Return to Tradition: How to Interpret the New Forces Emerging in China.
Lecture: Despotism, Market and Confucianism in the Age of Wang Yang-Ming (1472-1529).
Lecture: China Rediscovers Its Own History.
Kluge Prize 2006: Press Release
Kluge Prize 2006: Ceremony Remarks
Kluge Prize 2006: Announcement

George Zaidan

Invited Participant, 2012, Founder of The Zaidan Foundation
Kluge Center Project: "Jurji Zaidan: His Contributions to Modern Arab Thought and Literature"
Webcast: Jurji Zaidan: His Contributions to Modern Arab Thought & Literature

Fareed Zakaria

Invited Participant, 2003, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad"
Webcast: "The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad"
Press Release: "The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad"

Michael Zantovsky

Invited Participant, 2014, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Kingdom
Kluge Center Project: "Vaclav Havel's Legacy Today"
Webcast: Václav Havel's Legacy Today

Thomas Zeller

Kluge Fellow, 2005, University of Maryland
Kluge Center Project: "The view from the road in the U.S. and Germany."
Webcast: Consuming Landscapes: Parkways in Germany and the United States, 1920-1970.

Ting Zhang

Kluge Fellow, 2021, University of Maryland
Kluge Center Project: "News on the Street: Public Notices and Information Networks in Qing China."

Jingyi Zhao

British Research Council Fellow, 2012, University of Cambridge
Kluge Center Project: "Aristotle and Xunzi on Shame and Related Concepts: A Comparative Study."

Quansheng Zhao

Invited Participant, 2003, American University; Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University
Kluge Center Project: "China in Transition: Will Economic Reform Lead to Democracy in China?"
Webcast: "China in Transition: Will Economic Reform Lead to Democracy in China?"
Press Release: "China in Transition: Will Economic Reform Lead to Democracy in China?"

Sergei Zhuk

Mellon Fellow, 2004, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Peasants, millennialism and radical sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830-1917."

Peter Zilahy

Black Mountain Institute-Kluge Fellow, 2014, Independent Scholar
Kluge Center Project: "Mapping the Hero's Quest."
Book: "The Last Window-Giraffe: A Picture Dictionary for the Over Fives"

Ding Zinghao

Invited Participant, 2003, Director of the Shanghai Institute of American Studies; Vice President of the Chinese Association of American Studies
Kluge Center Project: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"
Webcast: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"
Press Release: "Global Geopolitical Trends: Is the Iraq War a Major Turning Point?"

Andrei Znamenski

Kluge Fellow, 2002, Alabama State University
Kluge Center Project: "Athabaskan Indians and Russian Orthodoxy (1840s-1917)"

Farrokh Zonouzi

Invited Participant, 2004, Architect
Kluge Center Project: "Tehran Conference"
Press Release: Tehran Conference

Gene Zubovich

Kluge Fellow, 2020, Mississippi State University
Kluge Center Project: " Culture Warriors Abroad: A Global History of the American Culture Wars."

Sherifa Zuhur

Invited Participant, 2004, Cleveland State University
Kluge Center Project: "Singing a New Song: Women and Entertainment in the Arab World"
Press Release: "Singing a New Song: Women and Entertainment in the Arab World"

Nieves Zuniga Garcia-Falces

British Research Council Fellow, 2011, University of Essex
Kluge Center Project: "Role of the Indigenous in Resignifying Bolivian National identity."

Chitralekha Zutshi

Kluge Fellow, 2007, College of William and Mary
Kluge Center Project: "A Sociocultural history of the Kashmiri shawl."
Webcast: Translating History: Rajatarangini and the Making of India's Past
Lecture: Designed for Eternity: Kashmiri Shawls in the Popular Imagination
Article: "Debating the Past: Academic and Popular Histories in India" Perspectives on History 47.9 (2009) External
Article: "'Designed for Eternity': Kashmiri Shawls, Empire, and Cultures of Production and Consumption in Mid-Victorian Britain" Journal of British Studies 48.2 (2009): 220-240 External